Priyank Sharma gives it back to Twitterati for questioning his friendship with Hina Khan

Here's what happened...

Sanchita Jhunjhunwala Thumbnail

Sanchita Jhunjhunwala

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Bigg Boss Season 11 has been one of the most loved and one of the most talked about seasons. While the contestants of the last season were after all extremely loved, it also did after all create a lot of friendships. And, one such was the bond of Priyank Sharma, Luv Tyagi and Hina Khan.

And, yesterday night, it so happened that someone found out a video of from the last season where Priyank is crying and Vikas Gupta is seen consoling him. Twitterati dug up the video and questioned why none of his other 'so called' friends are there.

While Priyank has been mum about any such issues most of the times, he did make it a point to clear the air here and did so very aptly.

Here's what he said:

Well, he sure did the right thing, didn't he?

Your reaction

Hina Khan Thumbnail

Hina Khan

Vikas Gupta Thumbnail

Vikas Gupta

Priyank Sharma Thumbnail

Priyank Sharma

Bigg Boss Season 11 poster

Bigg Boss Season 11

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Comments (19)

Hey Barun sobti I also love you ,, i'm from faraway country and another relegion but the beauty and the spirit and love,, are a things don't have a relegion,, you are my idol

9 years ago

Barun sobti always very proud to be your fan and I will always be loyal fan to you barun and love you so much like crazy

9 years ago

proud to be your fan Barun Sobti..all the best :)))

9 years ago

I love you and will always do Barun Sobti

9 years ago

Proud to be your Fan Barun Sobti

9 years ago

I love you and will always do Barun Sobti

9 years ago

awww but he is happily married </3
all the best for MAMR Barun Sobti

9 years ago

cute story, am surprised it's only been ONE fan so far! :) love u Barun, all the best for MAMR, waiting to see it :)))

9 years ago

All the best Barun Sobti I love you so damn much...

9 years ago

Barun Sobti my hero...always lead a happy married life...love you...

9 years ago

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