Pandya Store: Natasha learns about Amrish's plan to build a mall and confronts Dhawal

In the Pandya Store precap, Natasha accuses Dhawal and Amrish of breaking her trust by arranging her marriage and involving it in their mall plan, vowing to thwart their scheme.

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Pandya Store

Pandya Store, a beloved destination for fans of Hindi soap operas, continues to captivate viewers with its storylines and intriguing characters. Following a generational leap, the narrative now centres around Suman (Krutika Desai), who, along with her grandchildren Shesh, Mittu, and Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav), take the storyline forward. In the previous chapters, we witnessed Natasha's marriage to Dhawal, an event orchestrated mainly at the behest of Dhawal's brother, Amrish.

In the upcoming Pandya Store episode, Natasha confides in Suman about everything, leading to a sense of relief. Dhawal suggests they buy new clothes, and they share an intimate moment while getting ready. Meanwhile, Amrish hints at important papers he wants to be signed. Amba pretends to fall, causing chaos. Dhawal and Natasha receive a call about Amba's supposed accident, leading them to return home. Amba continues her act, pretending to have memory loss and wanting to see all her children. Amidst this, Natasha starts feeling nauseated, and Hetal suspects she might be pregnant, causing concern for Amba.

ALSO READ: Pandya Store: Hetal assumes Natasha to be pregnant but is she?

In the gripping pre-cap scene of Pandya Store, Dhawal confronts Natasha, attempting to reason with her by gently placing his hand on her cheek. He implores her to reconsider her perspective, insisting that Amrish's actions were motivated by a desire to secure their future. Natasha, however, vehemently rejects Dhawal's plea, angrily swaying his hand away. In a fit of frustration, she accuses Dhawal and Amrish of conspiring to orchestrate her marriage as part of a larger plan, casting doubt on their intentions. Natasha angrily pushes away Dhawal's hand and tells him to be quiet. She's upset because she thinks Dhawal and Amrish betrayed her trust. and accuses them of planning the marriage as part of a bigger scheme involving the mall project. Natasha boldly challenges them, saying she'll make sure their mall plan fails. This confrontation sets the stage for a tense showdown, as Natasha is determined to protect her interests and stand up for herself.

ALSO READ: Pandya Store: Dhawal's action moves Suman, leading her to draw a comparison with Gautam

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