Now, Maharashtra seeks Aamir's support for girl child

After well-known actress Madhuri Dixit reportedly turned down Maharashtra's offer as brand ambassador for tourism, the state has sought megastar Aamir Khan's support for its various public welfare schemes that aim to protect girl c

After well-known actress Madhuri Dixit reportedly turned down Maharashtra's offer as brand ambassador for tourism, the state has sought megastar Aamir Khan's support for its various public welfare schemes that aim to protect girl child, a top official said.

Health Minister Suresh Shetty said following the immense popularity of Aamir Khan's new tele-show "Satyamev Jayate",he has already written to the film star for support to the government's campaign against female foeticide, which is rampant in some pockets.

The state move came barely a day after Aamir Khan held a high-profile meeting with Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on the issue of female foeticide and sought his government's initiatives to tackle the menace.

Besides, top stars like Ajay Devgn and his wife Kajol will make a documentary on "Save the Girl Child" free of cost for the state government, an official said.

"They have penned the script which has been approved and will now be taken forward," the official added.

Well-known Marathi actors Sachin Pilgaonkar, his wife Supriya and their teenaged daughter Shriya are the brand ambassadors for the state-run campaign against female foeticide. "They are endorsing this noble cause without charging any honorarium," the official said.

In his letter to Aamir Khan, Shetty said Maharashtra has so far registered cases against 317 sonography centres in the state found conducting unauthorized sex determination tests on foetuses.

Besides, 27 doctors and four families of persons who sought the sex tests have been convicted with fines and jail terms in 25 cases lodged under the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act in the state.

Shetty pointed out that the four doctors have been deregistered by the State Medical Council and names of another 40 doctors have been submitted for deregistration after they were booked under the PCPNDT Act.

"So far, 34 sting operations have been conducted involving decoy clients. Seven doctors have been convicted with fine and imprisonment for revealing sex of the foetus to the decoy clients. Other cases are awaiting trial in the courts," Shetty added.

Highlighting various other measures initiated in this regard, Shetty appealed to Aamir Khan to support and associate with Maharashtra's cause of elevating the status of the girl child and campaign against sex determination.

ALSO READ: Anupamaa: Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna aka Anuj stun in traditional Maharashtrian attire for Ganpati

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Aamir Khan

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Ajay Devgn

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Madhuri Dixit

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Sachin Pilgaonkar

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Satyamev Jayate

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12 years ago

Shame on actors like Madhuri who only work for money. You go Aamir...hats off to you!

12 years ago

brilliant now everyone joining aamir in the war against aborting the female babies

well done

12 years ago

My thousand salutes goes to Aamir Khan - he is a gem against the world of Indian commercial entertainment business. All his last projects has a social message & a protest against the injustice. Now this programme is the jewel in the crown. He not only was brave enough to bring this important brutal issue on the forefront, he managed to convince & compel the appropriate authorities to wake up & promise some actions. I hope Aamir Khan will see the fulfillment of the Chief Minster's promise. As we know the politicians are always ready to give false promises. It is encouraging to know that some positive outcomes are emerging. Hope for the success of this campaign. The sensible population are with Aamir 100%. God bless Aamir Khan & his efforts for the betterment of the society & his efforts to eliviate injustice. Thank you Aamir Khan on the behalf of all the girls of the world.

12 years ago

Great. Aamir's influence and power is atleast making the government to promise to do something for common people and the society. Now, I only wish these promises are kept and Aamir too follows up on the issues.

12 years ago

hope this is the governments true concern and again they don't make politics out of this show...The show was out of so much hard work and they must be bold enough to get back us with actual statistics...I would be genuinely happy if this show can make a change even its going to be for 0.01% ...because our people have attained their threshold and are waiting for just a simulator and proper it the case of ANNA HAZARE( leave behind all the political views) just see how the entire country stood up and raised their hand against corruption..that was indeed a remarkable thing...a country like INDIA where everything is divided in the name of religion/caste/language/state and now even the political groups., its very difficult to create a revolutions and make us all stand one...we just need a stimulus and i am sure we will finish many tasks left undone by our forefathers...our generations have to a make a road for a change and sure our kids will follow that road...i whole heartily congratulate the government...hope its their true concern and act with some rationality...thank you MR.AMIR KHAN AND ALL THE ONE'E WHO WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS SHOW!!!!!...

12 years ago

Good that the show is creating some waves..we have been fighting against this issue for years and yet not able to bring about significant positive changes in the society.. but if this show can reach to each individual and reflects in their soch and actions, it would surely serve its purpose!

12 years ago

everyone are coming front now... jab jaago tab savera!
Hattsoff to u AAMIR!

12 years ago

at least Maharashtra government is doing something... they did carry out the sting operations and put the cases on the sonography centers, doctors etc. the stars are being enlisted for awareness purposes... let's be honest. people notice more when celebrities back a cause.

12 years ago

Now, Maharashtra government jumping on the band-wagon to garner popularity for themselves!

If Maharashtra government wanted to do something against female foeticide they could have done it ages ago..., They do not need support of 'Stars'!

12 years ago

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