Mohit Malik reveals his fondness and openness to all three mediums

In an exclusive conversation with India Forums, Mohit Malik discusses his preference among the three mediums, his excitement for Chamak, and his ideal role.

Mohit Malik reveals his fondness and openness to all three mediums

Mohit Malik has established himself as a talented actor through roles in serials like Doli Armaano Ki and Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala. Not limited to this, he is now poised to advance his career with a role in filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor's upcoming film. Additionally, the release of Chamak season, featuring Malik, is imminent. 

In an exclusive conversation with India Forums, Mohit discusses his preference among the three mediums, his excitement for Chamak, and his ideal role. The Doli Armaano Ki actor expresses fondness about taking on more projects across television, digital platforms, and films.

While I view all three mediums—television, web, and film—as equal, the quality of content is paramount to me. If the content is exceptional, I'll gladly be a part of it, regardless of the platform

- Mohit Malik

You've explored different mediums - TV, OTT, and films. How has working in these different mediums been for you, and which one will be your comfort medium or your personal favourite?

TV is a comfortable zone for me because I have dedicated sixteen years to it. Whatever I am today is because of television, so yes, television is definitely comforting. To be honest, I don't particularly like staying within my comfort zone; I tend to shy away from it.

I'm someone who craves good work, whether it's in TV, film, or on the web. My main point is that with movies, you often have the luxury of time to prepare. Truly artistic work as an actor thrives when you have sufficient time. A kind of work I want to do is where you have time to work to prepare for your character, to truly become them. I aim to portray characters from the unconscious, rather than relying solely on the conscious mind.

Honestly, I didn't receive much appreciation for Season 1, but now I really want people to watch Season 2 because that's where all the conflicts lie, and my character grows and transforms

- Mohit Malik

So, television is a very comfortable place for me, but I'm still at a crossroads where I'm not really accepting everything from television. If something really good comes up, I will probably take it. Also, I see shows that are limited and have limited content, so I can play many characters because I want to grow as an actor. I feel one grows as an actor when one gets to play many characters. You can't grow as an actor playing one character for two or three years. Playing the same character for two or three years doesn't foster growth. While I view all three mediums—television, web, and film—as equal, the quality of content is paramount to me. If the content is exceptional, I'll gladly be a part of it, regardless of the platform.

Talking about Chamak, season 2 is coming out soon. So How excited are you, especially after all the appreciation and praise for Season 1?    

Honestly, I didn't receive much appreciation for Season 1, but now I really want people to watch Season 2 because that's where all the conflicts lie, and my character grows and transforms. The first season worked well as people liked the show. I'm really looking forward to the next season because that's where my character, Guru, undergoes significant changes. You'll see a full character arc and a complete journey as he shifts from being soft and submissive. The transformation of Guru is very beautiful. They have said that they are going to release it soon, and I'm excited and eagerly waiting for it.                                                                                                                      

Finally, is there a dream role or a specific iconic personality that you wish to portray in the future?

Not really, as such. I think my dream role is something that I can understand to my best, and I can play it on screen is my dream role. I have been lucky with the kind of character I played because I have evolved as Mohit. The way my evolution is happening, I feel character should be given to me like that so that I can understand my character. A role becomes a dream role when you are going through a similar phase in life or when you have already experienced that phase and can relate to the character's feelings. Essentially, having personal experience with the character's situation makes it a dream role rather than just relying on imagination.

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