Mohit Malhotra takes a trip down the memory lane on the occasion of Independence Day

Mohit Malhotra recalls Independence Day celebrations in his school as a child.

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Mohit Malhotra

Independence Day, celebrated on August 15th, holds immense historical and cultural significance. On this day in 1947, India gained freedom from British colonial rule after a long struggle for independence. The occasion is marked by the hoisting of the tricolor national flag, patriotic speeches, parades, and cultural performances across the country. It's a time for Indians to honor the sacrifices made by their forefathers and to reaffirm their commitment to the values of democracy, diversity, and unity. The day also serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to build a prosperous and inclusive nation.

Mohit Malhotra who essays the role of Vikrant in Zee TV’s Bhagya Lakshmi said, “Independence Day serves as a reminder that freedom is not just a mere word. Rather, it is a legacy that we must cherish, protect, and pass on to future generations. We must realize that it is not just a privilege, but a fundamental right that empowers us. As a child, I used to look forward to the big event planned in school for Independence Day. The flag would be hoisted, dance performances would take place, and patriotic songs would be sung by different houses of the school. We all enjoyed being a part of this small celebration. Being a proud Indian, I abide by all the fundamental rights that come with it. As we come together to celebrate this day, let us never forget the efforts of the people who died for the freedom they never got to experience.”

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