Let's not compare Kyunki with any single instant success -Smriti Irani

As we bid adieu to Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, Smriti Irani expresses her thoughts on the show's closure, and on the platform that this bench mark show has given to many...

Smriti Irani is obviously heartbroken with Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi having wound up, but is more concerned for the crew. “It’s sad to see the entire technical crew going jobless all of a sudden. The spot boys, unit hands are at the bottommost rung of any creative ladder. We actors will survive and Ekta Kapoor too will come out of this, but for all those who have been given the pink slips, it's a sad time”, says Smriti.

The on screen Tulsi reminisces the last day of her shoot. “There was no farewell party or any such thing because we all took that opportunity to thank our crew, our technical staff for standing by us and lending their support silently over eight years. Our work is appreciated, and applauded; people see us and become our fans, but for those who toil behind the camera, it's a thankless job. They have to carry on day in and day out and after eight years, if they are suddenly stranded, it hurts”, adds she.

Ask her if she's going to feel a void, now that an important chapter of her career has ended and she says, “I have already been through that empty feeling when I was away from the show last year. I know what it feels like, so may be I am more or less prepared for it now. I'm not sure of the other actors though who gave a lot to Kyunki and may find it a bit difficult to move on”.

The actress has no complaints against Star TV for pulling the plug off their show. “It's a business decision. You can't question that. We are creative, emotional people and we feel we have been shortchanged, but it's not that. Being a producer myself, I know we are just service providers and in this game, it's all about numbers. Having said that, I do believe Kyunki has a lot of potential. And no body can take away from Ekta for putting up and sustaining the show over eight years, enjoying the top position for so long. Let's not forget, a lot of people owe their careers to her and several hundred job opportunities were created by Balaji. Let's also not compare Kyunki with any single, instant successes. Be fair in your comparisons. If you want to compare Kyunki with something, get an eight year old show and let's talk then”, reasons out Smriti.

She has her final word. “Till date, producers think 10 times before launching any show in the 10.30 pm slot, though yes, there is a lot more varied programming now, and given a chance, we would have once again proved our mettle”.

Reporter and Author: Kshama Rao

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Ekta Kapoor Thumbnail

Ekta Kapoor

Smriti Zubin Irani Thumbnail

Smriti Zubin Irani

Comments (39)

i am not sure whether i will miss khunki or no but yh ... she gave all correct answers. Ekta has done a great job maintaining this show for 8 years but now i think she should get together and show us something new ... hopefully :)

15 years ago

i watched the show for around 5 yrs without missing a single episode....so its very special....it did become monotonous latter but it still rocked..........its a show that changed the face of indian t.v

15 years ago

thanks alot for this article realy sad but its good

15 years ago

Well said Smirti:D
i agree with her
Thxs for the article=)

15 years ago

very sad really...i hope this show is continued on 9x and then star plus will regret it......i relly hope that harshad plays parth and aditi plays his love interest and again we get to see better things than kdmhmd.....yes ekta u have to show star plus their place...all the best..

15 years ago

have to agree with whatever smirti said.you cant compare a show with any instant success right now.let a particular show maintain the kind of position kyunki held for eight years then we can compare.hopefully they tie all loose ends before wrapping the show.

15 years ago

Let''s also not compare Kyunki with any single, instant successes. Be fair in your comparisons. If you want to compare Kyunki with something, get an eight year old show and let''s talk then”, reasons out Smriti.

Love wat she has said yeah no show could be competition to this show kyunki was the best and still is the best it is very heartbreakin that the show ended.

15 years ago

omg when the show first came it was so popular and now ending is double the sadness i wish they had kept till tulsi was where baa is/was.....

15 years ago

ill miss smriri irani only..........sad that kyunki had to go off air admist so many contravesies!!

15 years ago

agree with nowee10.
is this show really end????

15 years ago

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