Karan Veer Mehra Opens Up on Split From Wife & Current Relationship Status

The actor talked in length about his relationship status right now and how did his marriage fall apart.

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Actor Karan Veer Mehra has certainly had a tumultuous past few years -  be it his accident that led him to be bed-ridden for several months or his split from wife, Devika. The news about the latter did come as a surprise to many as the couple had been together for several years which included dating for ten and then being married for eight. In a long interview with Bombay Times, Mehra talked about what went wrong with his marriage and what is his current relationship status.

He said, "I hail from a middle-class family, and frugal spending and making ends meet come naturally to me. We were always taught to minimize our needs, so the struggle I faced in Mumbai was nothing new. But once I got to do a lot of shows and my career soared, I began to follow a very lavish lifestyle. The flipside of this early success was that I became reckless — reckless enough to take a serious step like marriage without any thought. I decided on marriage within a day and she also agreed, though we had fought just the previous evening! So, I believe that she was also equally reckless. Also, we had been dating for almost 10 years."

On being asked that after all these years of being together, at what point did the relationship collapse, he said, "The quintessential prerequisites for a happy marriage are that one’s emotional(love, respect, loyalty, and honesty), physical and financial needs should be taken care of. When two people tie the knot, all these things matter. After a couple of years, even if one aspect remains intact, they still stick around, but if all three are gone, it’s best to part ways. One can keep fighting about the hole being on your side, but eventually, the ship will sink... and it did. Honestly, in hindsight, maybe, I am more to blame."

Considering that chapter is now over, Mehra was asked about his current relationship status, to which he said, "Can I choose to say it’s complicated? (laughs!) As they say, once bitten, twice shy. On a serious note, that’s not the case with me. I am close to someone, but not close enough to call her mine. At the same time, I can’t call myself single and available either."

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Karan Veer Mehra

Comments (1)

I find this whole discussing something so personal in public quite sad. But then maybe in this line of work, you have to read about yourself to believe it. I thought I read somewhere they were dating for 10 years...after so long also you can’t make it work ...pata nahi kya keh sakte hai

4 years ago

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