"I switch on and switch off with action & cut" - Parineeta Borthakur of 'Shiv Shakti'

Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti is garnering good response from the audience. Parineeta Borthakur, who plays the role of Mandira Kashyap in it, sounds elated talking about the feedback.

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Parineeta Borthakur

Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti is garnering good response from the audience. Parineeta Borthakur, who plays the role of Mandira Kashyap in it, sounds elated talking about the feedback. Shiv Shakti is produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD.

“I realised the show is doing well because, off late, people started coming up to me and complimenting me for Mandira’s role. I'm really enjoying my time here. The whole cast and crew get along quite well. The biggest learning is that a good director makes a lot of difference, in terms of work environment,” smiles the actor, who is close to Jhumma Mitra (Padma Kashyap) and Nikki Sharma (Shakti).

Doing a daily soap means a lot of hard work. “Daily shows are really tiring, not only for actors but everyone on set. I never take my character home. I'm a spontaneous actor, I switch on and switch off with Action and Cut,” adds Parineeta, who is a shiv bhakt herself.

About the changes she has seen in the entertainment industry over the years, she says, “A lot of things have changed, some for the better and some the opposite. But we need to walk with time. As they say, change is the only constant. And as far as the changes that need to be brought in the industry, I think the payment terms for actors should be changed. Our payment starts after completing 60-90 days, post telecast. It should be on a monthly basis, how the rest of the crew gets.”

Daily soaps have a permanent audience base. However, Parineeta does not think that is true these days. “I have met a lot of people who recognise me from my previous works, and ask me if I'm doing any OTT because they used to watch my shows but don't watch much TV anymore,” she says.

So what’s the secret of a good performance? “No secret, but once you are thorough with your lines, you can perform smoothly because you don't need to think about your lines. As an actor, I believe that no matter what role I do, I will do my best. You never know who's watching,” she ends.

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