Farah Khan's first post after mom Menaka Irani's demise: "No more mourning now, I want to celebrate her &...."

For the first time since her mother's demise, Farah took to Instagram this morning to share a series of nostalgic photos and a poignant message dedicated to her late mother.

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Source: Farah Khan Instagram

In a heartfelt social media post, filmmaker and choreographer Farah Khan broke her silence following her mother's recent passing, Menka Irani, on July 26. For the first time since her mother's demise, Farah took to Instagram this morning to share a series of nostalgic photos and a poignant message dedicated to her late mother.

Farah's touching tribute began by highlighting her mother's unique personality, describing Menka Irani as a person who shunned the limelight and avoided any unnecessary attention. Despite facing significant hardships in her early life, Menka was known for her absence of bitterness and envy. Farah fondly recalled how everyone who met her mother admired her and appreciated her sharp wit and humor, traits that Farah and her brother Sajid inherited, though she admitted that Menka was far wittier than both of them combined.

The emotional note revealed how Menka Irani had quietly extended help to many, including family friends and household staff, often providing financial assistance without expecting anything in return. Farah expressed gratitude for the overwhelming outpouring of love and condolences from friends, family, and even her mother's colleagues and those who had worked with them.


Farah also extended her thanks to the medical professionals at Nanavati Hospital who cared for her mother, as well as consulting doctors from Chandigarh PGI and Belle Vue Hospital, acknowledging their efforts to give the family more time with Menka.

In her message, Farah conveyed her intention to move forward by focusing on her work, something her mother always took pride in. She expressed a desire not to erase the pain of her loss but to cherish her mother's memory daily. Farah ended her post with a note of gratitude to the universe for giving her Menka as a mother and for allowing them to care for her. She also shared a personal touch, mentioning that the song playing in the background of her tribute was by her mother's favorite country singer, Don Williams, and humorously noted that Menka might have found it overly dramatic.

A special prayer meeting in honor of Menka Irani was held at Zoya Akhtar's residence on August 3, attended by numerous Bollywood celebrities, paying their respects to the beloved mother of Farah Khan.

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