Exclusive! Vrajesh Hirjee marries Rohini Bannerjee.

A small Bengali wedding for the couple!

Actor Vrajesh Hirjee got married to girlfriend, Rohini Bannerjee today! Only a few close friends of the couple and their families attended the wedding that was held at Rohini Bannerjee's house.

We spoke to Vrajesh and he confirmed, "we had a very nice little Bengali wedding at Rohini's place. A small circle of our friends and our families attended the wedding. The wedding was held on a very short notice but everything went on quite smoothly. I am really happy to have a partner like Rohini!"

We also asked him about what plans does the newly wed have in the near future, to which he replied, "We will be going to Jodhpur at the end of this month for the 'Rajhasthani International Folk Festival' as we have planned for this since long time back and in January we will be going to Ladakh for a trek. I am really excited for this journey and can't wait to travel to such a beautiful place!"

We congratulate Vrajesh and Rohini on their wedding and wish them all the best!

Atharva lobo      

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