Duttabhau's new and appealing look

Duttabhau tries new look, to woo Nakusha in Laagi Tujhse Lagan

If you are in love, it's only fair to do everything and anything that the person you love, likes and wants you to do. And this is exactly why Duttabhau (Mishal Raheja) is all set to impress his ladylove Nakusha (Mahhi Vij) with his new look in Colors TV, Laagi Tujhse Lagan.

All of you must have noticed a change in Duttabhau's attire recently. This change is all thanks to Nakusha, with whom Duttabhau is falling in love with. Once in the show, when Nakusha passed a casual comment about how few colors in his wardrobe look good on Duttabhau, he decides to woo her, since he likes her.
When asked about the idea of impressing his love interest, "Initially Dutta used to wear coats/blazers with jeans whenever he was outdoor but now he has started sporting the same indoors too. Keeping in mind the Maharashtrian look, Dutta wears a typical checkered shirt within the Blazer he wears. With his newly found love, Dutta doesn't want anything to go wrong this time," quips Mishal.  

So what does Mishal think personally about this new look of Dutta's, "I think it's great. The long kurtas have been replaced. While it could have been more classy, but keeping in mind Dutta's character the look he sports now is perfect!"

We are sure that Nakusha's already impressed with Dutta's new look.

Author: Nidhi Soparawala

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Mishal Raheja Thumbnail

Mishal Raheja

Mahhi Vij Thumbnail

Mahhi Vij

Laagi Tujhse Lagan poster

Laagi Tujhse Lagan

Colors thumbnail


Comments (200)

Wow, Mishal, u look so hawt whatever u wear, but really glad that u r having a new wardrobe . U n Mahi have great chemistry.

13 years ago

mishal is a rockstar..thnkx 4 back his kurtas n his earring backs ...thnx 4 d articl:) ltl n tasha rock

13 years ago

gr88888888888888888888888888u actor

13 years ago

mishal is a rockstar.....we didnt gt to see him wear these outfits for long, he's bk 2 his kurtas n
i want ihis earring backs ...thnx 4 d articl:)

13 years ago

yaar i love his old look more the blazer denim, earrings....so want them back

13 years ago

Bring back the sexy earrings!!! PLEASE!! :P x

13 years ago

we didnt gt to see him wear these outfits for long, he's bk 2 his kurtas lol

13 years ago

mishal is a rockstar.....i want ihis earring backs ...thnx 4 d articl:)

13 years ago

Thanks for the article....................
LTL ROCKS...............

13 years ago

Thanks for the article....................
LTL ROCKS...............

13 years ago

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