COLORS’ ‘Doree’: Amar Upadhyay reveals why he’s proud of his real and reel daughter

Here's what Amar Upadhyay has to say about his real and reel daughter.

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Amar Upadhyay with his reel and real life daughter

Shedding light on girl child abandonment, COLORS’ 'Doree' has grabbed viewers' attention with the story of a six-year-old girl Doree (played by Mahi Bhanushali), who challenges patriarchy and fights with the regressive thinking of Kailashi Devi (played by Sudhaa Chandran). In the current storyline, Ganga Prasad, portrayed by Amar Upadhyay rescues Doree from getting burned in a dumping yard. He prays to Sankata Maiya to save an unconscious Doree, fearing that he might lose her. 

Serendipitously, Amar prays for the well-being of his real-life daughter, Chenab, who is making great strides with her entrepreneurial streak. Proudly donning the hat of a father both on screen and offscreen, he celebrates Doree's bravery and Chenab's accomplishments. Amar’s daughter is not only a certified baker but also manages a bakery business. He is certain that both the girls will be an inspiration to a generation. 

Amar Upadhyay playing the role of Ganga Prasad says in COLORS’ ‘Doree’, “I’m grateful for the love that has come for our show Doree and the conversation it has created around girl child abandonment. Being a real-life father to a beautiful daughter named Chenab, I deeply resonate with the character of Doree, my on-screen daughter. Much like Doree, Chenab is fearless and stands up for herself. Whether on or off screen, I take immense pride in being a father to these two inspiring daughters.”\

Are you watching Doree? Let us know in the comments below. 

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Amar Upadhyay

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Comments (1)

I am sure viewers love to watch progressivness in the lives of their little girls.

9 months ago

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