Celebrating World Tourism Day: Priya Thakur on the joy of travel and her next visit plans

Priya Thakur, known for her role as Vasudha in Zee TV’s Vasudha, shares her profound connection to travel and how it shapes her perspective on life.

Priya Thakur
Priya Thakur is known for her role as Vasudha in Zee TV’s Vasudha

As we mark World Tourism Day, the significance of travel and exploration comes to the forefront, reminding us of the joy and growth that comes with discovering new places. Priya Thakur, known for her role as Vasudha in Zee TV’s Vasudha, shares her profound connection to travel and how it shapes her perspective on life.

Priya reflects on her childhood in the picturesque landscapes of Himachal Pradesh, where nature’s beauty fostered her love for exploration. She states, “For me, travelling is all about finding joy in the journey. I grew up in Himachal Pradesh, surrounded by the beauty of nature, and I think that’s where my love for exploring different places began.” This intimate relationship with nature has not only inspired her but has also instilled a sense of adventure in her spirit.

For me, travelling is all about finding joy in the journey. I grew up in Himachal Pradesh, surrounded by the beauty of nature, and I think that’s where my love for exploring different places began. Whether it’s a spontaneous road trip or a well-planned vacation, travelling gives me the space to reflect, recharge, and experience life from a different lens.

- Priya Thakur:

For Priya, travel is more than just visiting new locations; it is a journey of self-discovery and reflection. “Whether it’s a spontaneous road trip or a well-planned vacation, travelling gives me the space to reflect, recharge, and experience life from a different lens,” she explains. Her recent trip to Udaipur, undertaken for her new show, allowed her to embrace tranquility amid the stunning backdrop of the lake. She describes the experience as “surreal,” emphasizing how moments of calmness in nature can be pivotal for reconnecting with oneself.

Priya’s perspective on travel highlights its multifaceted nature. “I believe every destination has something unique to offer, whether it’s breathtaking landscapes or fascinating traditions,” she shares. This belief encourages her to explore diverse cultures and experiences, broadening her understanding of the world.

Recently, I visited Udaipur for my new show Vasudha, and the calmness of the lake was just surreal, exactly what I needed to reconnect with myself. I believe every destination has something unique to offer, whether it’s breathtaking landscapes or fascinating traditions. I have plans to visit Italy soon, to experience its art, culture, and food. On World Tourism Day, I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and discover the world because every trip is a chance to grow and make unforgettable memories

- Priya Thakur:

Looking ahead, Priya is excited about her upcoming trip to Italy, where she hopes to immerse herself in its rich art, culture, and, of course, its renowned cuisine. “I have plans to visit Italy soon, to experience its art, culture, and food” she says with enthusiasm.

On this World Tourism Day, Priya encourages everyone to step out of their comfort zones and explore the world around them. “Every trip is a chance to grow and make unforgettable memories,” she asserts, inspiring her fans and fellow travellers to embark on their own adventures.

In a world that often feels fast-paced and overwhelming, Priya Thakur’s reflections serve as a gentle reminder of the beauty and growth that travel can bring. As we celebrate this day, let us take a page from her book and embrace the journey, discovering not just new places but also new facets of ourselves along the way.

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