Bharat Kapoor in REAL's Vicky Ki Taxi..

The veteran actor will be seen in a special appearance in an interesting episode which will be aired on March 27th...

This Friday, catch an interesting episode titled Khuddar, in REAL TV's Vicky Ki Taxi, which is a story about preserving one's integrity. And making a special appearance in the show will be veteran Bollywood actor, Bharat Kapoor.

"He is coming after a long time on television. This is a special episode and Bharatji is playing Nasser Muni, ex-lawyer," says our source.

Elaborating on the story line, our source adds, "Vicky (Pawan Shanker) witnesses a killing and despite the police's suggestion to stay away from the case, he decides to present a testimony in court. As the mafia killers are on the hunt for Vicky, he is on the run, trying to save his life so he can fight for truth in court."

"While escaping from them, he seeks refuge in a restaurant, where a party is going on. He bumps into the host of the party; Nasser Muni (played by veteran actor Bharat Kapoor), a dapper flamboyant ex-lawyer aged about 50."

What follows is a story of an unlikely, yet warm bond between two people from different stratas of society. "Nasser is quite bitter with his life because he has failed in his fight to prosecute the wrong doers and unknown to Vicky, he has decided to commit suicide. Nasser learns about Vicky's dilemma and helps him shake off his pursuers. Through the course of the episode, Nasser opens up to Vicky."

The episode will air on March 27 at 9:00 pm on REAL. So its meter down and story chalu…

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Bharat Kapoor

Comments (2)

i remember seeing him in Amanath
after that hardly i remember seeing him

anyways all the best to him

15 years ago

Oh he is a very good actor & a good -ve actor & a very natural actor !!! Best Of Luck To Him !!!!!!!!

15 years ago

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