Bandini's next twist..

Shashank expresses his love for Santo in NDTV Imagine's Bandini..

Balaji Telefilms' Bandini on NDTV Imagine will see yet another twist in the form of Shashank and Santo's past coming out in the open!!

According to our source, "Bharat Chawda aka Shashank will reveal in front of everyone that the girl he used to love before is Santo (Aasiya Kazi). He ends up expressing his love to Santo before everyone present there. If this is not enough, Dharamraj Mahiavanshi gets to know that Santo has hid from him the fact that his daughter Kadambari is in love with another guy. This will see a major twist when Dharamraj deciding to send Santo out of the house".

We tried getting more on the track from Bharat Chawda who said, "The track ahead will see Shashank disclosing to everyone that he was in love with Santo. You have to watch to know how the entire family reacts to this situation".

"Whatever happens, I will always be with Santo", adds Bharat.

Ask Bharat whether his character will turn negative, now that he has expressed his love for Santo, and he says, "I personally don't want Shashank to turn negative. I have done many grey shades in the past, and want to do something different now. I hope the creatives are listening to me (smiles)"

Bandini has grown in numbers and the entire unit is happy with the steady progress the show has shown. "Every character in the show has a track, and being a Gujju myself, it feels nice to be playing a Gujju character on screen", concludes Bharat.

Well, an interesting track to watch for!!

Reporter and Author: Ranjini Nair

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Ronit Roy

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Aasiya Kazi

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Comments (25)

dats gonna b soo interstng

14 years ago

The Marriage between Mr D and Santo was a salfish act of D and he has never aknowledge the marriage treat Santo like dirt let her live in a pit in his big house he is twice her age(old man) and Motiben treat her like a dog what good about this marriage...the nice twist will be when D tell Shashank to marry Santo ....or even if she is out of the misery house ..Shashank to support her....

14 years ago

oh woow! that's really exciting. i'm feeling bad for santo though! :-(

14 years ago

what ever Ekta decides to do the whole Dharmaraj and Santo has an uundertone of something distasteful ..its crazy to promote somehting like a 20 odd girl with an old man >>yuk !!!

14 years ago

wow i really hope santo and shhashank end up togther....plzz creatives :)

14 years ago

noooooo!!!.....i hate this track...i want dharamraj-santo love track...LOL...!!!

14 years ago

i guess nsminerva is right!!! Duggu maybe says that the girl he loved in the past was santu ...and therefore he cant marry kaddu ...due to conflict of interest

15 years ago

again the all round same thing........she's married though.......

15 years ago

even i hope shashank dun change in2 -... but it depend on creative team.
well it's a gr8 double twist

15 years ago

nsminerva, ofcourse we should wait to see what exactly happens. I still can't believe that Shashank would disclose this in front of the whole family. I don't think he will 'propose'. What is the point of proposing to a woman who is already married?

Yes, it is sad that TV serials in India have a strange view of what Indian culture is. They should not be taken too seriously.

15 years ago

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