Anupamaa: Mahi's comforting gesture finally melts Vanraj's heart

Anupamaa written update, 20 June 2024: Vanraj retreats to his room in tears, where Mahi comforts him, easing his sorrow with a heartfelt gesture.

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Anupamaa: Mahi's comforting gesture finally melts Vanraj's heart
Vanraj and Mahi from Anupamaa. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

In tonight's episode of Anupamaa, Devika confronts Anuj (Gaurav Khanna), asking if he has been following them. Anuj responds that he was out for a walk and decided to gather some lemon grass and ginger for his sore throat. Anupama (Rupali Ganguly) offers him tea, explaining that she had prepared it for Bhavesh, but since he left, she stored it in a flask. Anuj accepts the tea, remarking that it must be fate. He drinks it quickly, commenting on its temperature before downplaying its heat. Anupama jokes with Devika, suggesting she should hit Anuj with a bottle gourd for startling them, but Devika quips back that a coconut would be better. Devika then asks Anuj to drive them and hands over their bags, making Anupama smile. Anuj helps Anupama when her slipper slips off, putting it back on her foot. Devika secretly hopes that Anuj and Anupama will soon be together.

Meanwhile, Pakhi questions Adhik about his presence. Adhik insists he doesn't need an invitation to see his daughter. Pakhi demands he leave and tries to take Ishani, but she trips and falls, with Vanraj catching her. Pakhi accuses Adhik of making her fall, but Adhik retorts that he wouldn't stoop to her level. Vanraj glares at Adhik, who defends his right to protect his daughter and claims she isn't safe at Pakhi's place. He blames Pakhi for prioritising her beauty sleep over their daughter's well-being, adding that he has evidence and plans to secure court orders to take Ishani after Dimpy and Titu's wedding.

Adhik vows to take Ishani's custody:

Devika, Anupama, and Anuj arrive and witness the confrontation. Vanraj grabs Adhik by the collar, but Adhik insists Vanraj is mistaken and warns him to wait and see. Anupama intervenes, explaining that the incident was accidental and doesn't reflect their care for Ishani. Babu ji takes responsibility, but Adhik asserts it's not Babu ji's fault but Pakhi's for neglecting Ishani. Anupama urges him to listen, but Adhik remains adamant. Pakhi accuses Anupama of informing Adhik, but Anupama clarifies that Adhik has a right to know as Ishani's father. Pakhi threatens to hate Anupama, while Adhik berates Pakhi for being a failed wife, mother, and daughter, vowing to ensure Ishani doesn't turn out like her. He reveals he learned about the incident from a doctor friend, not Anupama.

Toshu confronts Adhik, arguing over their sisters and daughters. As tensions escalate, Anuj and Vanraj try to separate them. The children cry, praying for Ishani's parents to reunite. Adhik tells Toshu to stay out of it and apologises to Dimple for the disturbance. He expresses frustration over having responsibilities without rights and empathises with the pain of being separated from his daughter. Adhik embraces Anuj and expresses his wish to see Choti, Anuj, and Mummy. He insists he will take Ishani and won't be swayed.

Aadhya ignores Shruti's call:

Aadhya searches for Anuj in the early morning while receiving a call from Shruti, unsure of what to say. Adhik advises Anuj to cherish true love, noting that only the fortunate experience it. He believes Anuj and Anupama's love is unique and should not be left incomplete. As he leaves, Anuj and Anupama reflect on their past and contemplate giving their relationship another chance.

Pakhi urges Vanraj to contact a lawyer and build a strong case against Adhik, but Vanraj confronts her about provoking Adhik's behaviour. He forbids Pakhi from blaming Babu ji and recalls overhearing her misbehaviour the previous day. He retreats to his room in tears, where Mahi consoles him and removes any negative energy, touching his heart and deeply moving him. Aadhya calls Anuj to ask about his whereabouts. Anuj explains that he went to the market to buy lemon grass and bumped into Devika and Anupama there. Since they had a lot to carry, he decided to help them home. Aadhya comments on how often he seems to run into Anupama. Anuj laughs it off, saying it must be destiny. He then asks Aadhya to get ready as he is on his way to pick her up. As Aadhya contemplates the situation, she tries calling Shruti, wishing things were different, but Shruti doesn't answer.

Later, in the kitchen, Anuj is putting away the groceries when Anupama walks in. She catches a coconut that is about to fall. Her hair gets caught in Anuj's shirt, and she carefully frees it.

Precap for the next episode:

In the precap, Anuj presents a Gajra to Anupama, expressing that he would be pleased if she wore it, but leaves the choice to her. During the sangeet, Titu entertains with a dance. Anuj and Anupama accidentally apply haldi to each other. Shruti arrives and is visibly angry.

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