After Nakuul-Jankee’s baby Sufi, Mohit Malik and Addite Malik’s son Ekbir contracts COVID 19

Mohit-Addite’s son Ekbir has been tested positive for COVID 19.

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Mohit, Addite and Ekbir Malik

With COVID-19 on the rise, news about multiple celebrities contracting the virus has now become a constant. So far, there has been an array of names already reported and now another name has been added to the list. We are currently facing the third wave of the novel coronavirus.

Well, recently actor Nakuul Mehta’s wife Jankee Parikh took to Instagram and posted a long message wherein she stated that her baby Sufi has contracted the virus.

Now, another power couple from Television actors Mohit Malik and Addite Malik went through a tough phase as their 9 months old baby Ekbir was COVID positive. The family went through their quarantine period and have tested negative. Addite took this time to express her thoughts on battling through the difficult time.

The actress wrote a long post that read: Motherhood Diaries, When Your NewBorn Tests Positive For Covid, Chapter 18. Battles happen from the moment a baby is inside a mother's womb and yes children are stronger than we can ever imagine!  My little Ekbir who has never had a fever till date, woke up one morning slightly warm.  We checked his temperature and it was 102 degrees.  The first thought that came to our mind was to test everyone and unfortunately Ekbir and one of my househelps tested positive.  Initially, I was shocked.  I was wondering how did this happen but then Mohit and I decided that we had to look at it positively.  Ekbir would fight it out and so would all of us as a family with increased immunity.  Ironically Mohit had Covid last year in January when I was 7 months pregnant and around the same time Ekbir too got it in the same week, same time.  Children catch on to their parents' anxiety and nervousness quickly.  It took us 2 to 3 hours but we decided that the house had to be playful for Ekbir and touchwood by God's Grace he is out of it.  We were all isolated in separate rooms and we all finished our quarantine were tested and are negative.  For me the learning was that yes Covid is dangerous and yes I was nervous but when it came down to it, we all fighters, including our children.  Stay safe, take all the precautions but if you still end up letting Covid enter your home, remember not to give up!  Fight it out and win the battle....

Have a look at the post:

More power to the Malik family!

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Mohit Malik Thumbnail

Mohit Malik

Addite Shirwakar Malik Thumbnail

Addite Shirwakar Malik

Nakuul Mehta Thumbnail

Nakuul Mehta

Jankee Thumbnail


Comments (3)

The 3rd wave had effected the small babies

2 years ago

No pls not the babies!! Get well soon Ekbir 🥺

2 years ago

heartbreaking to hear these babies getting this

2 years ago

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