Ved apologises to Suraj

9 years ago


What did Ved do to upset his dad Suraj and what is he apologising for? To know the reason, watch the video.

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Ranjeeta_ @Ranjeeta_ 9 years ago Ved, feeling ashamed of your father's job is not fair for sure, but now can see that you want your father to move further in life, but son, his life was not easy at all, you are so young, and at this tender age, one want all what is the best, but your high level school kids taunts about your fancy dress competition is still raising questions in your mind, your mother also is trying her best to make you understand the greatness of your dad, which you do understand and at your school, all your classmates did enjoy his presentation, claps for that at least there was nothing like an embarrassment, thank God, but now guess you will have to motivate your father to rise higher in his profession, in a good manner, where he does not feel heartbroken, hoping for the best for SoorajSandhyaVed "Anas Rashid, Deepika Singh Goyal and Devyansh Tapuriah", Diya Aur Baati Hum rocks :)
ranil. @ranil. 9 years ago Anas n DeepikaSingh rockz as SurYa..
Love Dabh ..waiting for epi
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