Nab the militant leaders

dileepp89 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Terrorism in India cannot be seen as a pointed attack on its democracy as a result of a momentary outburst of emotions. It is a deliberate planned action that involve years of planning, training and intelligence. The Mumbai terror attack for instance was executed based on a plan plotted in 2002. The master minds behind these attacks take cover under the unstable governments like the one in Pakistan and spread their hatred to the masses by invoking fear and feeding on the religious irk by using terms such as Jihad. Hafiz Syed, the most wanted man to India is the darling of Pakistan and ISI. There is discrepancy in what Pakistan announces to the world and their real action. The Pakistani governments should be doing more to locate and punish the terrorist leaders responsible for planning the attack rather than turing a blind eye and hoping it is darkness all around.