Arhi FF: Destiny Games #2: Updated new thread - Page 25


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shree10 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Hi it's more than a week. please update..
CornKhazana thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
is sameer talking about arnav as person who made him talk to sharad and in return asked to get property papers.but hope that this will lead to the closeness to arnav and khusi and also hope that payash also unit and ofcouse we get rid of sheetal-dadi jodi.just thier names r enough for spoiling lovestory.
anera thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
waiting yaar for update

PSharada thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 11 years ago
Abavi - when are you going to update Destiny Games ? Eagerly awaiting for your next update.
clarissajohn thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
vi ki bachi im coming with buajis belan right . u need a smack
aquagal thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
This is getting quite interesting... With another man in picture now lets see how things work for everyone - raizadas, Akash-Payal, Arnav-Khushi..
Has Mr. Roy got anything to do with it I wonder..
Won't Khushi talk to her father now? 
I am unable to understand the motive of that person - What if Arnav marries Khushi and what if he doesn't & loses property? I mean the property is with Shashi Gupta... 
Guess have to re-read & search for some clues..
Posted: 11 years ago
Where are u... Why no updates.. Children exam still.?
Arjuhisis thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
missing you abavi - is ur kids exams still going on? - if so, then its ok - u take ur time dear
abavi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
From the author's desk: Apologies for the late update people, As I told, the mother in me has been fighting against the writer in me... and this update has actually been done part by part each day, Finally I reached where I wanted to end it... I have done the proof reading and stuff.. But still you feel it is kind of discontinuous somewhere, let me know.
Happy reading and loads of hugs for the patient wait, persistent stalking and generous feedbacks!
Chapter 6: Feats of Assumptions
Part 4:  Schemes of Will

"I am sorry, I misjudged your father to be a gold digger- He is not only that- he is an opportunistic blackmailer too" Arnav told unsympathetically to a shocked Kushi

"I can't believe this" Kushi gasped "I don't believe this"

"Wasn't it his voice?" Arnav's tone was dripped with derision

"It was .. but but.. He can never ' He is not'" Kushi stammered as she tried to come to terms with her father's call. " how did he know your number?"

"I left my visiting card in his room" Arnav told her as a matter of fact'

Kushi stared at Arnav for a while as he raised his eyebrows mockingly at her.

"So he wants to use the property that he doesn't even own the right way to secure your marriage'" he told her "to anyone- that is'" Arnav told her with deliberate sarcasm "and he doesn't even mind your opinions in it'"How wise and kindly!"

"NO" Kushi told in almost whisper, "I refuse to believe this"

"Refuse to believe even after you have heard it all?"

She looked at him like a dear caught in headlights' then she turned and walked hastily towards the door. When her hand was on the door handle, Arnav's sly and cold voice reached her. For some reason the coldness in his voice gave her shivers.

"You promised me my property papers' and I would lay my hands on it anyway' When my opponent is rightful, I play it that way too' when my opponent is scheming, I wouldn't hesitate to play dirty- and that would be 10 times more conniving than his approaches' Don't expect me to show mercy to your father'"

Kushi didn't say anything, She turned and looked at him for a brief moment, he was eyeing her with a curious expression. She turned back, opened the door and then was gone.


When Kushi rushed back to the hospital, to have a one on one with her father, She was stopped by Happy at the hospital reception.


"Happy Ji' I need to talk to my father' "

"But how will you speak? They are not letting anyone in now"

"Why?" Kushi asked, her instincts alarmed.

"I don't know Kushiji, the doctor told you to meet him as soon as you came' where were you by the way?" Happy kept quipping as Kushi had already started walking towards the ICU.

"Mr.Raizada had come to meet Shashiji"

She abruptly stopped and turned to him

"Were you there? Why didn't you let me know immediately?"

"Kushiji, I had some personal emergency and had to rush, I was happy that Mr.Raizada would be there until I came, But he felt  before I came' also when I came, the nurse was not letting me in and all that' they were asking for some payment also' that's when you came in"

Kushi peeped into the view hole briefly; her father was in the aid of the oxygen mask. She was shocked to see this as he was absolutely normal when she left him this morning' Did Arnav lie to her? Did he get to speak to her father? Was it why her father was now undergoing these complications?

As fear gripped her, she walked towards the doctor's cabin.


"Your father had some breathing hitches this afternoon; this is a common symptom for a heart attack. But still we had to be cautious" the doctor told her in his serious tone.

"Would the breathing difficulty prolong?"

"We have done what we could to control it' But if it doesn't go, then, we might have to keep him in observation for a day or two"

"Is he alright doctor?" she asked him earnestly.

"His reports are clear, expect for a minor block, which I think wouldn't need an operation, if his health and food habits are in control.  Also if his BP is under control and not getting too excited positively or negatively- he should be fine. "

Then it struck her, she had just an hour back, listened to his voice.. didn't she?

"When did he develop this breathing difficulty doctor?"

"Early this afternoon'"

Kushi nodded and moved out of the doctor's cabin. This was getting more into a puzzle maze' She needs to talk to her father soon' She decided it was not the right moment to talk to her father. But sooner or later, she would talk to him. Soon her thoughts started to linger around paying his hospital bills. She peeped into the view hole again to have a look at her father's relaxed posture. She had a thought if the hospital was prolonging her father's stay just for her to pay the bills. It would be better if she was able to settle the bills sooner. With that determination, she walked out of the hospital.


A day later, Arnav got a call from Mr.Roy. He listened into the phone for sometime.

 "What?" Arnav spoke into his mobile with shock. "How do you know?"

"I have been stalking his visitors' right from the time you told me that he called you" Roy told him with importance "and he is already making his moves"

"What about the girl?" Arnav asked Roy, He thought the girl left the place with determination.

"The Girl has been in and out, but I don't know if she knows anything of her father's move. She has been trying to get money to settle her father's medical expenses."

"I see'"

"This is not all' I have more news. Unless we make our move fast- we are going to miss out on our opportunity to lay our hands on those papers."

"What do you mean?"

"One young man had visited Shashi last evening, and my sources say that he was there for some time. I had my contacts to do background verification on this person, my sources say that there were incidents in the past when this young man was interested in Kushi- and is quite well to do- I hear this man has got some political imfluences as well"

"Which means?"

"I infer that there are wedding talks going on."

Arnav remained unusually quiet. He was oddly very angry with Shashi's rash decisions than being concerned about his property papers. He felt angry for Kushi's sake, his anger directed towards Shashi

"Mr.Raizada, that's why I say, if we don't do anything, the property will slip through our fingers"

"What is this man's name?"

"Vikrant..Vikrant Desai- he is the son of the local counselor who was elected by the people in the locality where the Guptas live.- I am sure shashi is '"

"That's enough! I will take care of this' I want you to listen carefully to me now" Arnav growled into the phone.

Roy listened to Arnav for the next few minutes.

"Mr.Raizada, Do you think that Ms.Gupta will accept for this proposal?"

"That is my problem Roy- You do what is required of you'"

Arnav cut the call and stared into a far distance outside his window. This was the only way right now, he convinced himself. He needed to talk to Kushi soon-He knew there would be reluctance- but he hoped to get her to the edge of acceptance as soon as possible- for the time was closing in on him- both from Kher's side as well as Shashi's side...


That evening, Kushi walked towards the reception of the hospital. She had finally managed to arrange for enough money to settle her father's bills. As she mentioned Shashi's name and pushed the amount through the counter, the girl at the counter, looked at the screen and then at her with a baffled expression

"But mam, the payment is already done. It's been updated that Mr.Shashi Gupta will be discharged today"

Kushi was stumped to hear this.

"What? Who made it? " she asked the girl.

"I made it"

Kushi froze to hear that voice again, that too in near proximity. She turned to stare into the chocolate brown eyes of Arnav as he looked down at her

"you? who asked you to make my father's payment?"

"Mam, please move out of the queue, there are others waiting in the queue" the girl at the counter requested her.

"No, Take this amount, give him his amount back'" she told the girl at the counter.

"You give it yourself mam" the girl told her with a sigh.

"Excuse me would you please move aside and have your quarrels' we need to pay too" one man at the queue told her off.

Kushi walked out of the queue, enraged with the situation.

"You can take your money back' I am able enough to look after my father's hospital bills' Also, I don't want to accept money from people who think that I or my father is a potential gold digger or blackmailer"

"If you have to return back my money, then you need to give me a 5000 more, I made the payment for the first day too' if you have forgotten" Arnav replied back to her outraged comments with a calm composure.

"You' how could someone be' What else can I expect from you' Give me some time I will give back that amount too" Kushi told him as she extended her money.

Arnav looked at her extended hand, controlled his smile and then brushed it off.

"that's.. Alright'keep it with you ' You can give me the whole amount later."

Kushi opened her mouth to protest against his denial to accept money

"there are more important things to discuss' I need to talk to you' Can you come out- to the parking lot? " Arnav asked her. She raised her eyebrows. "It's too crowded here' and we are already getting curious and unwanted audience" he insisted

"That should be done, if only I wanted to talk to you in the first place." Kushi told him. How she liked to see his smirk disappear' She started walking towards the ICU

Arnav rolled his eyes. He had expected this and he was prepared. He followed her, controlling his rage. Never did any girl walk away from him when he was talking to them'

"Don't you know it is indecent to walk away when one is conversing with you?" he asked her as he followed her.

"No.. it is not indecent if the girl thinks the man is not worthy enough" Kushi replied back to him

Arnav hated this behavior that she was dishing out on him. But before he could open his mouth and tell her anything, he heard her draw her breath quickly as she was about to turn around the corner to the ICU unit. She stopped on her tracks and withdrew herself towards the bend. She quickly opened a cupboard which happened to be a broom closet and without second thought, entered in pulling in a startled Arnav inside along with her.

"What the"

She put her finger to her lips, indicating him to keep quiet.

"What do you think you are doing"


She looked through the creak in the cupboard opening, Arnav leaned in to peep out too. As he inclined towards her, he could smell her, she didn't smell of anything expensive, like the other girls in his love life. But still her feminine smell was captivating enough for him, He thought he liked her perfume' or was it only a talcum powder or may be her shampoo' he was distracted enough until he heard her murmur

"There he goes"

Arnav saw a man passing the corridor and walk straight towards the exit.

"What is he doing here?" she asked more to herself.

"Who is he?"

Kushi looked at him, then noticed how close they were standing to each other, so close that she could get a whiff of his cologne which had surprisingly become so familiar to her after their encounter at the police station.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him

"What the' you pulled me in" He told her indignantly

She remembered pulling him back when she decided to hide herself. She immediately moved back and then noticed she was still clutching his hand.

"Sorry" she said as she let go of his hands.

Arnav was not bothered enough of her holding his arm. He was too curious about the man who passed them just now. He opened the door and stepped out.

"Why are you scared of him?"

"I am not scared of anyone'" Kushi retorted back as she stepped out of the cupboard too "He is .. he is just a nuisance'" she told him "just like you, and I like to avoid nuisances when I can" she added as an after thought

"How dare you call me a nuisance?" he stepped closer to her, making her move back against the closet door, not out of fear, but to escape the proximity again- once this evening was enough to fluster her. Also inside the cupboard they were standing in dark, he wouldn't have a chance to see how flustered she was with his proximity. But with broad day light, she didn't stand a chance.

"Acting like this to a girl is considered a nuisance'and indecent"she told him. He paused to look at her flushed face and then stepped back. He knew then she wasn't meaning it. Weirdly he liked the thought of her being nervous around him. He hadn't expected her to pull him in, nor did he mean to act offensively with her, but still he had to agree that he did live the moment.

 "Look, there is something very important that I need to talk to you' "he started, but Kushi was not even interested. She peeped at the direction where the man had walked away and sighed relieved.

"He is gone' Thank god, he didn't see me' I am in no mood to tolerate indecent flirts right now'"

"Is he Vikrant Desai?" Arnav asked all of a sudden as his conversation with Roy came back to him

To say Kushi was shocked would be an understatement.

"Do you know him?" She asked Arnav

"Not personally, But I have heard about him.. he is the son of a local politician or something isn't it? "

"He is a creep' a skirt chaser'- the world's biggest and cheapest flirt- I hate him" She gave him additional info "But why is he coming out of my father's room?"

Arnav was surprised of the fact about how smoothly they both slipped in and out of alternating between casualness, seriousness, bickering and quarrelling'

"You would be surprised, but I had information that your father is in talks with him "

"Why would my father be in talks with him? He hates him"

"May be not anymore' Considering that he is more determined to marry you off to anyone who is wealthy enough"

"Stop it" She glared at him with fury "Do you even know what my father's intentions are? He would never even dream of getting me married to such a rat"

Arnav controlled his sudden eruption of laughter. Kushi calling that man rat, oddly reminded him of Payal calling her fianc a Pig. He suddenly realized that Kushi had been giving accounts of how much her father and she hated that 'rat'

"'..have been incidents of street brawls between my father and him.. I myself have gotten him arrested for eve teasing 2 times' and still managed to survive his kin's threats' and you think my father would get me married to him?"

"That's what I heard' if you don't want to believe me'fine'" Arnav turned back and started to leave

"Wait" Kushi called out "you said you wanted to talk to me"

"I have already told you what I wanted to tell you'" Arnav told her, his smirk back where it belonged' things were on track, so soon'

"You wanted to tell me this? You came all the way in spite of your contempt to pay my bills and then warn me against something that would never happen at all? I don't believe this- you are too selfish yourself to this charity work"

"Impressive- you have working brains" he told her scathing at her remark

"How dare you!"

"Alright listen, As you have already guessed, I did all that for my own selfishness" he told her coming directly to the point. "I have a plan to get my property papers back.. and I need your help for that"

"My help? All you need to do is turn around that corner, enter my father's room and talk to him"

"Isn't the phone call enough to know his intentions? I don't believe in wasting my time in useless talks."

"Look, I told you already, that could be a huge misunderstanding' My father is not like that'"

 "Even after all this, you still believe that nothing has happened and everything is fine?"

"No, I..I don't believe that my father could have any such thought' He is not like that" She trailed off'

"God bless you if you are still in that dream world' Didn't you hear him speak yourself? Or even now with Vikrant's involvement.. Do you think your eyes lied to you?"

Kushi looked disturbed.

Arnav went on to tell her his plan. As he told, her eyes widened

"How dare you ask me to help you to deceive my father?" she asked him incredulously.

"This is the only way out of the mess that I have landed in and you have landed in as well' if you are ready to believe that your father is already in talks with Vikrant.. that is"

"No I can't do this'"

"You have the whole evening to decide and let me know"

With that, he turned back and started walking towards the exit. Kushi stood there watching him go with disturbed and unsettled thoughts.


Hmm.. Long update' I know' Most of you would have guessed where I am taking this' If you are one amongst those who haven't guessed it right yet, don't worry, I will take you there in the next update'



Previous:  Fallacious Influences

Edited by abavi - 11 years ago
clarissajohn thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago



Vi tho buajis belan did the thing you  got scared and here I got my updating that too superb wala๐Ÿ˜ƒ


I think you're a fan of Sherlock homes stores and  James bond series or may be working with any intelligence agencies, law firm or corporates cause like checkmate I smell something here. Vikranth, roy, and all .  you know very much about them I always lov ed your skills in writing plans, schemes and they way you write it you should write for some shows.๐Ÿ‘


Im not flattering yar you are too good in that stuff.


Sorry and hugs to your angels for troubling their mom๐Ÿ˜›


But kya karu


I will start my troubling for next update from tomorrow kyonki as always you left us in cliff hanger . just push us along


So im loving this growing camaraderie between arnav and khsuhi.  i have a guess about his plan dunno whether its true not ready to share as I don't wanna be fool.๐Ÿ˜‰


So update soon ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Edited by clarissajohn - 11 years ago