FF: THAT THING CALLED LOVE Note on Page 153 - Page 34


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ChanandlerBong thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
take care dear 

take ur own time n come back with   a BANG 

till then we will be waiting 
preethia thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
get well soon..
update when u r comp fine..
take care
MyInfatuationz thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Ohhh sounds really sad but sweety Health First coz if ur healthy and happy u will rock wid ur updates but u have to compensate den ;) anyways Get Well Soon buddy. Take alot of rest, care. 

prayers for ur health.
maansee thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: aakritisri1111

hey gals! me here again but sorry to disappoint u all m not here for next update but wanna inform u all about something. Guys! i wont be able to give an update for next few days as m not well. from last 2 days i was suffering from high fever nd today morning Doctor has confirmed it to be as Pneumonia so m strictly allowed to take full rest... i knw u all must be thinking dat i use to give notes more rather den updates but m helpless guys...

just got bro's lappy so just asked him for 5 mins to log in to my Account to inform u all about it... i knw hw eagerly u have been waiting for next parts nd nw due to my illness u all have to wait... Really sorry guys hope u all understand...

But i promise i'll compensate for my delay wen i'll be totally fine... who knows may be i can update all 4 of my FF's... so once again pls co-operate wid me... Thanx Nd sorry for making u all wait for long

Luv Aakriti

take yr time... get well soon
harshdb thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Part 7:

6n6s6k6i6r6a6n6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

hey Aakriti take care of urself...
preethia thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
take care dear...
get well soon
aakritisri1111 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
hey gals me back wid another update... though i was supposed to update "Destinied To BE" but as usual i m suffering from writer's Block for dat story so thought of updating dis first nd den DTB... So get ready wid ur Comments as i m going to update next part in an hour...
aakritisri1111 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
hey every1 me back wid another update to torcher u all... nd thanx a ton for ur comments nd Support in ur previous part... it really motivates me so as a treat m going to update its next part nw... so here's d part 8 of my FF... hope u all like it too... Pls feel free to criticise if u all dnt like it

P.S. i m not able to reply each of ur comments individually as i hardly gets tym to spend on IF due to my illness so pls dnt think dat i havent acknwoledged dem... i really loved dem nd thanking u from all my heart... i'll reply to dem wenever i get enough tym to reply nd wen i get OL thru my PC... nd ya thanks for ur Get well Soon Wishes too... Luv u all

Part 8:

"yup Tasha I saw nd nw even I m waiting for MK's reaction, waise I dnt think dat I need to work hard in throwing dis behenji out of d office becoz she's hell bent in ditching her own grave. In morning she had an argument wid Mk nd now salty coffee. She has guts to answer me back na nw I'll see hw will she escape from MK's temper. Poor Geet mujhe uske liye bahut bura lag raha hai" she said while faking sympathy towards her wid a evil smirk on her face.


After that she too moves from dere along wid Tasha waiting eagerly for Maan's reaction




Dere's still 2 mins left wen Geet reached outside Maan's cabin. She had literally run from pantry to reach his cabin on tym. She looked at her watch nd sighed in relief to know dat still 2 mins are left. She takes a deep breath to calm her heavy breathing nd knocks at d door of his cabin.


Maan dnt have to guess who's at the door. Though he didn't expect her to be on tym but somewhere he was impressed by her punctuality.


"Come in" he said while working on his laptop. Geet came inside his cabin nd saw him engrossed in his laptop.


"Workaholic Robot" she muttered under her breath nd keeps d coffee mug at his table.


Geet: Ur coffee sir


"Hhmmm" he said while still working on his laptop. Geet shrugs her shoulders nd turns to leave only to be stopped by him


"Where u think u r going Ms. Geet Handa? Did I asked u to leave yet" Maan said while looking up from laptop


"No sir" Geet said while looking down


Maan: Den just stay here until I ask u to leave or do I need to teach u dis also.


"No need sir. I know it better" She retorted back dnt want to be d part of another round of his wrath.


"Good or else I thought dat I need to tell u dis also. Anyways I need to give u a dictation so get ready for that." Maan said while leaning back on his chair.


"Dictation? Now?" she said while knotting her brows in confusion.


"Ya, y is dere any specific tym for giving a dictation" Maan said sarcastically


"No sir but wo records……." She can't complete her sentence wen Maan intervened in between


"Ms. Geet Handa if u r forgetting den let me remind u dat I m Ur Boss nd u have to follow my orders rather den telling me wat I have to do or not." Maan said while getting up from his chair nd raising his voice making Geet shudder.


Maan: Nd nw if ur interrogation is complete den can we proceed further

Geet: yes sir

Maan: Gud so take Ur writing pad nd start writing.


Geet didn't have any idea for dis so she doesn't have writing pad wid him. She looked around herself for some help but find none. Maan instantly understands her problem by her facial expressions. He rolled over his eyes nd pick up the writing pad nd pen from his table nd give it to her


"Here take it nd next tym wen u enter my cabin cum prepared wid everything becoz I wont be giving u my writing pad nd pen Everytym. Did u get dat" Maan said while placing it on her hand.


"Ab mujhe kya sapna aa raha tha dat he has to give me dictation dat I would have to cum prepare wid writing pad nd Pen. Dusht Daanav" she muttered under her breath [nw did i got dream dat he has to give me dictation dat I would have to cum prepare wid writing pad nd Pen. Dusht Daanav]


"Excuse me! Did you say something" Maan asked while knotting his brows.


"Huh…. No I just said dat I'll keep dis thing in mind from next tym" she said nervously to escape from d situation


"Hhmmm good, nw start writing" he said nd goes back to his seat while Geet sits on d chair nearby to write the dictation.


"Dis Letter will be for Singhania group of companies regarding d uncleared amount, ok" he said nd Geet nodded in approval nd he continued further


"Respected Sir, dis is for ur kind notice dat d payment due from Ur side has yet not been paid to our company.……." He paused nd took his Coffee mug nd takes a first sip of it.


As soon as he takes d first sip his eyes widened wen he realizes dat it tastes of salt. He immediately spit it out nd looked at Geet who was engrossed in writing the dictation


"Wat the Hell is dis" he said in anger while looking at Geet.


"Wat the hell is dis?" Geet muttered his words in confusion not able to understand y he wanted to use dese words in a business letter.

"nw wat kind of addressing is dis dat too wid ur client. Dusht Daanav" She thought nd raises her head up only to find him looking angrily at her.


"Hey Babaji! Ab Maine kya kar diya. Nw y is he angry on me" Geet thought as she saw his eyes getting red due to anger. [hey Babaji! nw wat i have done? nw y is he angry on me]


"Wat happen Sir?" She asked nervously


"Wat happen? U are asking me dis Ms. Geet Handa" he said frustratingly nd walked towards her dangerously.


Geet gulped down her saliva watching him moving towards her dangerously. It seems like a predator is approaching towards his prey. As a reflex action she instantly moves a step backward wid each of his step towards her. She continued to walk back until she fell on d couch behind her. She looked behind her only to find dat nw dere's no escape nd den back to him whose eyes were spitting fire.


She closed her eyes tight in fear wen she felt him coming closer to her. Though she dnt know wats her mistake is but after seeing his facial expressions for one thing she was sure dat he's definitely going to slap her.


"Wat the Hell do u think of urself Ms. Geet Handa nd above all wat d hell do u think of me. Are we both are fourth graders nd u r my classmate dat u r playing pranks on me" Maan said angrily nd Geet opens her eyes only to find him looking angrily at her


"Wat I have done sir?" she asked both nervously nd confusingly which makes Maan more angry. He clenched his fist tight nd moves towards his table nd picks up his coffee mug.


Maan: Dis is what u called a coffee Ms. Geet Handa


"Nw wats Wrong wid my Coffee. I had prepared it d way Pinky told me" she thought to herself nd den looked at him


Geet: Wats Wrong wid d coffee sir? I prepared it d way u like it.

Maan: O really! Den will u pls bother to tell me dat since wen I had started taking salt in my coffee rather den sugar


"Salt?" Geet muttered in confusion. Hw can dat be possible, she clearly remember dat she had put sugar only den hw come it became salty. She tried to remember wat happened at d pantry nd den it struck her. May be during arguing wid Pinky she had put slat instead of sugar.


"Yes Ms. Handa Salt" Maan said while seething in anger bringing her back from her thoughts


"Sir Actually….." Geet tried to put her point only to be interrupted by him


"Not a word Ms. Geet Handa. I very well knew dat u did it intentionally. You are taking d revenge of d words I said u at d archive right? Seriously I haven't expect such an insensitive behaviour from you" he retorted back in anger


Geet: No sir it's not like dat. actually I was…..


"I said not a word Ms. Handa. Nd by the way wat u wanted to say dat by mistake u did it right. u knw wat Geet its better if u give ur lame excuses to someone else because m not going to believe on any one of dem nd if u think dat by doing all dis I'll sack u from dis job nd u'll escape from d hell which I'll create for u in dese 6 months den u are wrong so better dnt try all dis" he spat it out all in anger while Geet just looks at him confusingly


"Sir Atleast let me put my point in front of u. its not always necessary dat wat u think is correct nd for ur kind information I m not dis much weak dat I have to do all dis nonsense tricks to escape from ur hell. Nd as far as ur salty Coffee is concerned I didn't realize it over dere dat I had put salt in ur coffee rather den sugar nd I m extremely sorry for dat but dat doesn't mean dat u can say whatever u want without listening to me once. but nw i feel dat i m doing a big mistake by apologizing to u as u had made ur own assumptions regarding me" She said it all confidently before he cam interrupt her again


Maan: Dnt forget Geet dat m Ur boss

Geet: I haven't forgotten it Sir but being a boss doesn't give u right to say anything to anyone.

Maan: u knw wat first u commit mistakes nd rather den accepting it u retort back at me. Fine I knw very well hw to take out dis attitude from d employees like you.


He said nd moves back to his chair


"So Ms. Geet Handa get ready for ur Punishment now. Till nw u just have to maintain records of d deals we did wid Khanna's but nw u have to prepare d employee's performance report too nd not to forget u cant go until I leave from d office. Be it 7 pm or 12 of midnight. Got it" he said nd gets engrossed in his file while Geet just stood dere trying to register wat he just said


"Wat? Employee's performance report? But dats not my job nd he asked me to stay until he is here in d office. Wat kind of punishment is dis? It was just a mistake nd he's asking me to do d thing of which I dnt have even d slightest idea. How come I would be able to know about Employee's performance wen I joined today only." She thought feeling helpless. Maan looked up from his file nd found her still standing over dere perplexed which just added more fuel to his anger


"Now wat are u waiting for? Should I give u a notice to leave from my cabin? JUST LEAVE" he said while raising his voice nd Geet immediately came out from her thoughts


"Yes sir" she said nd immediately left from dere. Maan saw her retreating figure nd gave a lop sided smile while leaning back on his chair.


"Ms. Geet Handa dis is just the beginning just wait nd watch how I make Ur life a living hell" he smirks nd gets back to his work




Geet came into her cabin nd banged d dictation pad nd pen on d table hard. She just can't understand problem of dis Man. She admits dat she had done a mistake but that doesn't mean dat he can give him dis punishment. He knows it very well dat it's her first day in d office yet he asked her to dese difficult tasks.


"Wat the hell does he think of himself? He's my boss but that doesn't mean dat he can do whatever he wants. He was right he's not making any stone unturned in making my lyf hell. But one thing u don't know Mr. Maan Singh Khurana dat my name is Geet Handa. Nd I had never backed out from any challenge. If you think dat u can break me like dis den u r utterly wrong. I'll show you wat challenge is Mr. Maan Singh Khurana" she thought as she looked at Maan's cabin only to find him engrossed in some files.


She takes a deep breath nd looks at her watch. Its 11 am nd she still had lots of tym to complete both of her tasks. Determining dis she takes d files of Khanna's dat she had collected from archive nd started working on it. She made sure in her mind dat she don't forget to do the parallel tasks given by her boss i.e. giving his coffee in every 2 hrs nd informing him about his calls.


3 hrs has been passed nd Geet was still working on her files. She doesn't want to do any other mistake which gives Maan a chance to yell at her unnecessarily again. But even in her work she had made sure dat she gives him his coffee at tym making sure dat dis tym she wont do any mistake. But Maan is Maan hw can he leave any chance to humiliate Geet. Everytym he finds one or another loop hole in her coffee. Sometym he say dat Sugar is more nd sometym he say dat she had made Coffee too strong etc etc.


Geet was literally seething in anger seeing his tantrums but she controlled it as she don't want to give him another chance to give her unnecessary work. So she just ignored his all tantrums nd continues her work. Maan was literally enjoying her plight. Dis is much more interesting rather he thought it to be. He smirks nd continues his work.


Geet had skipped her lunch also due to her work. Pinky had come to call her twice but Everytym she just sends her away nd concentrate on her work. Maan watched her from his cabin only find her engrossed in her work. Unknowingly he smiles at her. One thing he can't ignore about her dat she's extremely focused towards her work just like him. No matter hw much clumsy she is but wen it comes to work she is as passionate as him nd dis he can say by the way she was working in her cabin forgetting world around her.


Unknown to himself he started staring at her noticing her each nd every antics. D way she was twisting her pen between her fingers, nd den started writing to make some notes, hw she puts d pen between her lips wen she's confused at any point, hw she removes her locks away from her face as they disturbs her, hw she hits herself on d head if she makes any mistake. Unknowingly he started smiling at her cute antics but den realization hits her nd he realized wat he was doing. He was checking d girl of whom he hated just mere sight. He whacked himself mentally for losing control like dis.


"Wat d hell is wrong wid u Maan? Don't forget who she is? She is d same annoying girl of whom lyf u had decided to make hell. She is d same girl who had always answered u back nd here u r staring at her. Dis girl is really something but if she thinks dat she can affect Maan Singh Khurana den she's wrong. I wont let her to affect me" he thought as he looked at her one last tym nd den gets back to his work.




Oblivious of all dese Geet was doing her work wid full dedication. She looks at her watch by every now nd den nd realizes dat office hours will be over in 2 hrs nd before dat she has to collect the data also regarding employee's performance. She cursed Maan mentally for making her stuck up in dis situation. She was so much angry dat right now if he comes in front of her den she will not hesitate in killing him. She crushed a paper ruthlessly thinking it to be Maan's neck taking out all her anger on it. After sometym she calms herself nd started thinking of d way to escape from dis situation. She smiled widely as one name popped in her mind "Adi Sir"


Without wasting tym she quickly goes to Adi's cabin nd had literally blackmailed him emotionally to help her in getting the data. Adi was reluctant to help her due to Maan but den seeing her pleading like dis he agrees to help her nd after some tym he gives all d necessary data for d report to Geet. Geet thanked him umpteenth tym for helping him in dis situation nd headed towards her cabin doing a victory bhangra mentally.




It's been 7 pm nd whole office was empty except Maan nd Geet who are still completing dere respective tasks. For Maan it was normal as he always stays late in d office but for Geet it was getting difficult by every passing minute especially wen she didn't had anything after her breakfast except for d coffees dat she had taken while preparing d one for Maan. But she didn't let her distract even for a minute nd concentrate doing her work. Pinky asked her umpteenth tym to leave all work nd come home wid her but Geet didn't get agreed to it nd asked her to go home while she'll come after completing all work.


She lost d track of tym while completing her work nd finally wen her work is complete she looked at the clock nd her eyes widens wen she notices dat its 9.30 PM of nite. She looked at Maan's cabin nd saw him working on his laptop. She takes a deep breath nd collects all d file nd headed towards Maan's cabin. She knocked at d door nd peeked inside


"May I come in Sir?" she asked softly. Maan looked up at her nd asked her to come in. she came nd stood at d opposite end of the table


"So Ms. Geet Handa wat brings u here. Ah! Let me guess u are here to ask some extension of tym regarding the completion of work right? I just knew it, Afterall u r not capable to complete it all in one day. its easy to accept challenge but its hard wen it comes to performing it" he said with a smirk knowing very well dat she was not able to complete her work nd dat means he had another chance to make her lyf miserable.


"Sir here are d reports of both the task dat u had given me. Pls check it nd let me knw if dere's any mistake in it" she replied calmly while handling him the files. Maan looked at her in a way like she's an alien.


It took him few mins. To register that Geet had actually completed her work. Dis is not what he had expected. He had expected her to plead in front of him to give her some more tym, to apologize to him for misbehaving wid him but here she had came to tell him dat all her work is completed nd dat too wid her head high in pride. He came out from his thoughts wen Geet calls him again.


"Sir Files" she said as she saw him lost in his thoughts. Maan instantly came out from his thoughts nd took d files from her nd started going through it. No doubt she has done her work efficiently as he was not able to find a single flaw in it no matter hw hard he tried to find any minor mistake. It seems dat she had done her work wid full perfection.


"Hhmmm Ok" he said after proof reading of whole 25 mins. Geet smiled inwardly knowing dat he was some frustrated of not finding any fault in it but she maintained a straight face in front of him. Maan looked at d watch nd notices dat it's been 10 PM.


"Its 10 of nite nd she's still here. How will she go to home moreover she's new to dis city too. But dats not my concern she's my secretary nd derefore she has to be here until I m here. But to see all her work is completed nd moreover I too had to go to home before Dadimaa calls me again. I think I should ask her to leave nw. nd m doing dis becoz m also leaving, I don't care how she will manage to go home" he thought nd after lots of fight wid his heart nd mind he looks at her


Maan: ok Ms. Geet Handa Ur work for today is finished. U may go to home nw.


He said nd turned his back towards her nd started collecting his things


"Wow! Thank u so much for showing so much courtesy" she muttered sarcastically under her breath which didn't go unnoticed by Maan. he instantly turned nd looked at her


Maan: wat did u just said?


"Huh… wo I just said Good night sir" she said nd immediately leaves his cabin before he can blast at her.


She started packing her things as soon as she reached her cabin but was continuously bothered about hw will she go home nw. its really late nd moreover she hardly knows about dis city nd she cant expect any help from Maan too.


"Dnt worry Geet. If u can come alone from Jalandhar to Delhi den u can go to home alone too. Dere's no need to worry for anything." She thought nd moves out from her cabin.


Maan looks at her retreating figure as she passed through his cabin. He knows dat she's new to this city nd it's not safe for her too to go alone at dis tym. But den his ego again overpowered him.


"Its none of Ur concern Maan. If dere was any other secretary also in her place den she would have also go home alone dis tym. So just stop worrying about her. its her concern hw will she manage to go home" he thought shrugging off all his concern nd packs his things.




It's been 20 mins. Since Geet is standing at d Road but she's not getting any cab. She looks at her watch nd realizes dat she was getting really late. She waited for 5 more mins. Nd den started walking hoping dat she'll get any cab in d way. She just walked few steps wen 3 bikers passed by her. Dey stopped at a distance nd den again turned her bike towards her.


It took Geet no tym to register to understand dere intentions. But she maintained her calm nd continues walking fast.


"Hey Honey! Wanna Lift?" one of dem commented but Geet didn't replied as she knows dat it'll make situation more complicated


"Hey don't worry we'll take gud care of u right boys?" another one commented nd den dey laughed at unison. Geet again didn't replied nd continued walking fast until dey all stopped her way nd stared taking rounds of her passing some vulgar comments.


"Yaar aaj to kismet hi khul gayi. Look at her she's so tempting" one of dem said.


"Ya but I'll take her first as I saw her first" another one said making Geet shiver in fear.


She clearly understands d intentions of dese persons nd dere's no denying in d fact dat she's getting scared by every passing minute thinking of dere next move. But she maintained a brave face nd calculated everything in her mind hw will she tackle wid all of dem.


She was thinking of a way to escape wen she noticed one of dose rowdy boy getting down from bike nd moving towards her.


"Let me Go!" she said with as much courage as she can bring in her voice but she knows dat her voice is literally shaking in fear


"Ofcourse we'll let u go sweet heart but first let us take good care of u. u knw it's not safe to go alone at dis hour of nite" he said sarcastically as he raises her hand to stroke her upper arm. She immediately steps back as she felt disgusted wid his touch


"Don't u dare touch me nd let me go" she said angrily as she started moving from other side only to be blocked by other boys. She tries to slap dat boy but s other two boys held her hands from either side. She knows dat nw dere's no escape. She as been trapped nw. she silently prayed to God for any miracle to happen


"Dnt be so difficult honey! Trust me u'll have fun." He said as he extended his hand to remove her duppatta while others were just holding her hands tightly on d either side as she was wriggling to be escaped. She closed her eyes wishing death to arrive her before he touches her. He was about to remove her duppatta wen he felt a tug on his hand.


Geet opens her eyes wen she felt him not approaching her only to find his hand in a strong grip of d man whom she had least expected to be here. It was none other den MAAN!!!!




Maan was going to his home wen he saw Geet waiting for d cab nd den walking alone. He dnt know y but he felt of going near her nd ask her to come wid him. Though it was not his nature yet he dnt want her to be in any kind of trouble nd reasoned himself by saying dat she was dere in d office so late because of him derefore he should make sure dat she reaches home safely.


Thinking dis he drove towards her only to find her surrounded by dose rowdy boys. His blood boiled wen he saw dem trapping her while she was wriggling to be escaped nd wen he saw one of dem approaching her. He clenched his jaw nd immediately gets down from his car nd holds his hand before he can touch her.




Geet still can't believe dat he was actually dere to save her. D last person she has expected to be dere for her rescue was him nd yet he was dere. Maan twisted his hand harshly nd jerks him away nd he fell on d ground. He then looks at the other two boys who were holding Geet's hands.


Maan gave a deadly glare to them nd it was enough for dem to understand dat it's not safe to be here. Dey immediately leaves her hand nd all three of dem runs away from dere saving dere lives from dis devil.


After dey all goes far away Maan comes towards Geet who was sobbing while looking at ground. Maan dnt know whether he should comfort her or not. His ego was not letting him to comfort her but seeing her condition he can't resist himself to sooth her.


"Tum theek ho?" [r u okay?] he said wid enough coldness in his voice but deep inside his heart he knows dat it was all due to concern which he wanted to ignore. Geet nodded in yes while still sobbing


Maan: Chalo main tumhe Ghar drop kar deta hoon [come i'll drop u home]


"Main Chali jayungi" [i'll go by myself] she said while calming herself which makes Maan irritated


"Geet will u ever listen to me without arguing. Nw just stop arguing nd come wid me" he said it again.


"U dnt have to bother for an employee Maan Sir. It's not in d etiquettes followed in office." She said sarcastically nd started moving ahead wen Maan stops her by holding her wrist.


Before she could understand she saw him dragging her towards his car nd before she could say anything he shoves her inside d car get himself seated at the driver's seat.


Maan: where's Ur home?

Geet: i m saying again dat u don't have to bother for me Maan Sir. I can go by my own.


"Firstly never ever dare to avoid my question nd secondly I m not doing it for u. I m doing it because if u'll not reach home safely den tomorrow u'll get an excuse to escape from Ur work nd moreover I dnt want anyone pointing fingers towards d security system of KC reagrding female employees. So now stop arguing nd tell me where's ur home" he spat it out while looking angrily at her nd Geet decides to not to argue further seeing d situation.


Geet: I live at Pinky's place. It's at xyz road.


"Hhmmm" he said nd den drove towards d place told by her.

ok so dis is it guys! hope u all r going to like it... Pls Feel free to criticise if u all dnt like it... hit d like button if u all like it nd do Leave ur COmment/criticism its necessary

P.S. i knw all of u r having feeling of seeing Geet again wid my FF but wat to do wen i had started writing dis FF my Mind was just full of GHSP so many of my tracks are very much similar to it but i tried my best to not make it same as it... as of nw i cant change d tracks so enjoy watching GHSP again thru my FF... nd consider it as GHSP season 2 until d channel starts it😆

Luv Aakriti

Remya_Pillai thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
true dear...ghsp ki bahut yaad aagayi...
luvd the part a lot...
maan s so arrogant...he  s acting as the king of egos..!