~MishBir TS~ **Let's Sing The Pain Away** Final Chapter Page 9 Updated

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Hello guys!

I am back with yet another imagination. I really did want to work on one such concept. I am really unsure how this has turned out. But I would love if you guys can still read and leave your honest feedback about it. If anything, it will just help me improve.

Chapter 1: Their Perfect World (Next Post)

Teaser for Upcoming: Page 3

Chapter 2: Reminiscence Part 1 (Page 3)

Chapter 3: Reminiscence Part 2 (Page 5)

Chapter 4: Introspect (Page 7)

Chapter 5: Resonate (Page 9) 

Edited by .IamShonali. - 4 years ago


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BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Chapter 1: Their Perfect World!

An ambulance rushed to the general hospital. As the patient was being taken out on the stretcher, one of the first emergency responders started explaining the details of the patient to the doctors who had arrived. “Patient Name: Abir Rajvansh. Gunshot wound on the right shoulder. Lots of blood loss. Lost consciousness right after the injury. Pulse rate low” as Abir was being taken to the operation theater. Mishti, ran along with the stretcher calling out Abir multiple times to make sure he regained his consciousness. She stopped as they reached the surgical floor, where her entry was restricted. She held Abir’s hand really tight and told him how much she loved him and how he had to fight anyhow and come back to her.

Alpa, one of the NGO workers, who had tagged along with Mishti and Abir in the ambulance, came by Mishti. She noticed some blood around Mishti, which she assumed would be the stains of Abir’s blood. But she noticed that the blood was constantly dripping and didn't seem to stop. When she checked carefully, it appeared that Mishti was bleeding as well. Alpa panicked wondering if Mishti was shot too? Alpa’s panic brought Mishti out of her thoughts and she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdominal area. As the bleeding increased, the doctor and the nurses around there rushed to check on Mishti and took her to another room.

2 weeks later

With the sun rays entering their room, Mishti would be the first one to wake up always. Her light, feathery kisses on Abir’s forehead would wake him up. He loved to be woken up like that. With the bright, smiling face of his sunshine. As he struggled to sit on the bed comfortably, Mishti would lend a helping hand and take him in her embrace as his head lay comfortably on her shoulders. Abir still struggled to hug her back. He had a cast on his shoulders that he had to wear until his shoulder was completely healed. He hated it but he knew it was necessary. It made him uncomfortable but it also made sure him and Mishti got to spend as much time as possible, together. 

He cherished how Mishti would make sure everything was accessible and comfortable around him. From meditating together, to making sure of having all the meals with the family and spending time with them, arranging NGO meetings in the house for him to not get bored, taking him to physiotherapy sessions, to them reading, singing together at night, Mishti handled everything perfectly. To come to think of it, he noticed Mishti would randomly just start singing around him and made sure he joined in. He loved it. It did wonders to him. It definitely did help in uplifting his mood, especially when his mind wandered in the memories that weren't worth reliving. It worked as a therapy for him.  He loved the attention he got from her. He adored how protective she had got for him. She wouldnt spare anyone from being negligent to his requirements. She would also randomly get emotional and angry. The doctors were also getting scared of his angry chorni and that made Abir chuckle. He knew she was just overly scared of losing him after that incident. He felt the same fear too.

He still got flashes from that day. He had nightmares that made him really restless. The flashing image of Mishti running in between the shootings horrified him. What if something had happened to her? What if something really went wrong with him? What if someone else from the NGO was hurt? Those questions, those images still didn't let him sleep peacefully. Doctors suggested that he was suffering from a milder level of PTSD. And that made not only Abirs but even Mishti’s sleep really shallow. Even a sound of a drop of a pin was enough for Mishti to wake up. Hence, whenever she felt Abir was getting restless in his sleep, she would wake up instantly and would place his head on her lap and constantly caress his hair until he relaxed and slept peacefully. Sometimes they would just sleep like that and wouldn't realize until the next day. Abir noticed that she also did spend rather unusual time on the phone, talking to someone, which he assumed would be his doctor since she updated every little detail about Abir’s progress. Abir sometimes felt like she was just operating like a machine. He just hoped he didn't become a burden on her which he knew she wouldn't think. But he also wished that she was taking care of herself, while taking care of him. 

And that had become their routine. Their perfect little routine in their perfect life.

Today was one such normal day for them. They woke up together. After meditating and having breakfast with the family, they both headed out for Abir’s physiotherapy session. As soon as they reached the doctors, the doctor gave them good news that both Abir and Mishti were dying to hear. As Abir was making remarkable progress, they could finally remove the cast from his shoulders. But the doctor also warned him to not get overconfident and pressure the shoulder by doing anything stupid. He also recommended some arm and shoulder exercises for Abir, for his shoulder to get in total shape. Mishti, like any other nerd, took proper notes of everything that the doctor was recommending. Abir, who was adoring her nerdiness, just couldn't wait to hold her in his embrace anymore. As they both walked out of the doctors cabin, Abir just pulled Mishti in his tight embrace. She was startled with the pull but loved to be in his embrace. She missed it. He missed it. They both missed it. Having that cast definitely made it difficult for Abir to hug her or do anything else. And now that it was finally gone, he wasn't going to stop. Their eyes had tears. Some could say, they were happy tears. Some could say, they were sad tears after the experience they both had.They both didn't realize how long they just stood that way, while the bystanders walked past them and stared. As Mishti realized, she tried pulling herself out of the hug but Abir wasn't in any mood to let her go. He held her tight and kissed her head in the process. Mishti didn't fight it because she craved for that as much. They both closed their eyes. Mishti reminded him that they both had to be home soon otherwise the family would panic. They decided to not inform the family just yet and rather surprise them after getting home. Mishti informed Maheshwari’s to come to Rajvansh house as well.

As they both entered the house, Kunal was the first one to notice that Abir wasn't wearing his cast anymore. He walked towards him and asked “Bhai, What happened to your cast?

It’s gone nanko” said Abir with a huge smile on his face. A relief spread through everyone’s mind. They all hated seeing Abir in that condition and had wished for his speedy recovery. Kunal was double happy with that and just jumped onto Abir for a hug. Abir felt a jolt with Kunal’s sudden action but hugged him back. While Mishti understood Kunals and everyone’s excitement, she still went ahead and warned everyone politely to not get over excited as it still needed some healing. Kunal understood that and apologized for his sudden excitement but Mishti asked him not to worry about it and just be careful about it. 

Everyone met Abir one after the other. Meenakshi was overjoyed and decided to perform a pooja to thank Ambe ma for making sure her son was safe and sound and recovering well. Rajshree also happily kissed Abir’s forehead and hugged him. She quietly then walked towards Mishti, who was standing at a distance, watching everyone pamper Abir. As Rajshree softly put her hand on Mishti’s head, it brought Mishti out of her chain of thoughts and looked towards her.

How are you Mishti?” asked Rajshree, with tears in her eyes.

I am ok Badi Ma” responded Misht. Abir noticed them from a distance. It felt like they both were having some conversation via their eyes. He smiled as he saw them hug. Abir sometimes felt jealous of the bond Mishti shared with her Badi ma. They were not bound by blood. But they were strongly bound by heart, to the level that sometimes they could just read each other's worries via their eyes. He missed having that bond with his mother. He wished he could go back to having the same bond with her but he knew it was close to impossible. He knew it wasn't possible until Meenu mend her ways. He closed his eyes with disappointment. As he looked towards Mishti Rajshri again, he thanked his partner for sending Mishti in his life. If it was not for her, he wouldn't have found his another set of parents in Rajshri and Vishambhar.

Everyone spent the entire day together, laughing, giggling and sharing stories. Meenakshi felt insecure when Mishti got the credit for Abir’s speedy recovery. She tried her best to divert the conversation to her efforts, much to Abir’s annoyance. But he didn't say much as Mishti signalled him to stay calm. As everyone was just talking to one another, Abir noticed Mishti was constantly getting distracted because of her phone. Her phone kept blinking with notifications which was rare. But he didn't pay attention as the family was finally spending some happy moments together.

As the day ended, Maheshwari’s decided to head back home. Everyone retired to their room after wrapping up their share of the clean up. Abir was reading his book, while waiting for Mishti, who was freshening up in the restroom. Her phone binged again. It made him curious. He didn't feel like checking her phone without her being around. He didn't want to invade her privacy. The notification annoyed him and he thought to turn off the volume of her phone just so that it didn't disturb him. As he picked her phone to turn off the volume, he saw a message that blinked ‘Did you tell Abir?. It’s ok if you still need time. Don't push yourself…….’ The message was from Nihaal.

And that message got him curious. What does Mishti need to tell him? And who was Nihaal? He didn't want to pay attention to it that much. But he recalled how distracted she has been throughout the day. Even after being one of their happy days, she seemed rather confused and scared. He also recalled how she was constantly receiving messages on her phone. He didn't know what to do. He thought to himself whether he should check her phone for other messages to get clarity. What was she hiding? And why was someone else asking her to tell him? When she did someone else’s help to talk to him?

Mishti was still in the bathroom. She was taking longer than usual. It was making him anxious. He wanted to know what was going on. Her phone blinked again. It was a reminder to take medicine. As far as Abir could remember, he was done having his medicines. So what was this about? 

She received another message. It was from Alpa. ‘Didi, how are you?Did you talk to Bhaiya? 

Why would Alpa message Mishti at this hour? What was going on? What did Alpa and Nihaal know that he didn't?” thought Abir to himself. By then, Mishti came out of the bathroom and saw Abir briskly walking in their room. The sound of the bathroom door brought Abir out of his chain of thoughts and he looked towards Mishti. Mishti was about to tell Abir something but she noticed that he was holding her phone. He tried to calm himself down by taking a deep breath. He walked towards her and gave her the phone and calmly informed her about her phone constantly buzzing with messages. Mishti sensed the change in his aura. 

Without checking her phone, she kept it on the side and told Abir that she had something to talk to him. Abir asked her to check her phone again but Mishti nodded in disagreement. She told him that she had something really important to talk to him. Abir kept looking towards Mishti with confusion and curiousness. 

Ummmmm… Lets sit” Mishti directed Abir to sit on the bed. Abir followed her instructions clearly and sat besides her, waiting for her to speak.

Mishti straightened her back, cleared her throat, looked towards Abir, held his hands and said “Abir. I have something to tell you. Ummm… Ahhh.. I just don't know where to start?

Maybe I can help you?” Mishti looked towards Abir with confusion when he said that. “Who is Nihaal?” asked Abir.

Mishti got shocked with Abir’s question and released her hold on his hand. She couldn't understand why Abir would ask her about Nihaal. What did he know? Abir understood her confusion and cleared it by telling her how he came across Nihaal’s message when he was trying to turn off the sound of her phone.

Abir, do you think I am…...?” As Mishti was about to ask this to Abir, he abruptly stopped her and said “Shut up Mishti. You know I will never ever think like that about you. Don't you dare even say or think anything like that. Is that how much you know me?” Abir’s anger was slowly building as he continued talking.

Abir! The way you questioned me about Nihaal. I just” Mishti tried to justify

He tried calming himself again. “Mishti! You remember that morning when I accidentally said another name in sleep and you got jealous and angry and fought with me.” Mishti nodded in agreement.

I saw the name and the message on your phone and I got jealous too. I am not perfect, Mishti. Maybe he is no one. Maybe he is nothing. But it bothered me. It is bothering me that there is someone who knows something about you that I don't. That you need someone else's help to talk to me. And I don't even know who this guy is” said Abir honestly.

You know him Abir,” said Mishti.

Abir looked towards Mishti with confusion. “He is the doctor at Vapi general hospital.” continued Mishti. It was the hospital he was admitted in right after getting shot. He remembered the hospital. He also knew that Mishti was in touch with his doctors from Vapi general hospital and even the doctors in Rajkot hospital after his case was transferred. But he didn't remember Dr Nihaal being one of his doctors.

Mishti, I don't seem to remember him.” said Abir

You won't. Because he isnt your doctor. He is my doctor” said Mishti. “And you briefly met him when we were checking out of that hospital.

Abir vaguely recollected it but was still confused. Why was he Mishti’s doctor? Why did she need a doctor? Was she hurt? Was she shot too? Was his worst nightmare coming true? Millions of questions again clouded Abir’s mind. He again recalled the horrific flashes of that day. Especially the one, where Mishti was aimlessly running in between the shootings to reach him. Abir ran towards Mishti, held her by her shoulders and anxiously asked her “Mishti! Were you shot? Were you injured? Did something happen to you? God dammit! Please tell me! What happened?

Mishti cupped Abir’s face and requested him to relax. Abir did calm down a bit but was anxiously waiting for Mishti to tell him what happened to her. Mishti closed her eyes, took a deep breath. She slowly opened her eyes, looked straight into his eyes and said

I had a miscarriage….


Edited by .IamShonali. - 4 years ago
Melodic_angel thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

This is wonderful concept yaar..it's so intriguing... waiting for the next part...I totally loved this....❤️❤️

AnkitaPritu thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Shonali  aisa kyun karte ho aap 🤧😩you have made me emotional due to your writing and the last line was like a knife in my gut

Please update the next part soon🙏🙏

Mii5 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

My God! Miscarriage?? Hope Mishti is fine now and she can conceive in future.... Hope everything goes well.... Tragedy story math likho aap....

Nikki_love thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Ok..! Rollercoaster of emotions...I was guessing what's happening...had that bit of dread in my heart n it came true when I read the last line....🤧🤧😭.

Mishti being protective of Abir ....😍😍😍😍💕💕💕takes my heart...

The writing is soothing..peaceful and Shona your MishBir are Perfect. The way you describe their emotions n feelings is bliss...

Jealous Abir...I love !

Mishti's miscarriage...won't be easy on anyone especially MishBir 😭😭😭 and come to think of it, she's putting up such a brave front for Abir.

Awaiting the next update with love

Love n hugs


tumhiho thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

So happy to see you are back with another piece of beautiful work❤️ -

This was very well-written. It was s a bit heart-breaking too😒 Poor MishBir. I admire Mishti's strength to not fall into depression and stick by Abir the entire time. She was his pillar when even she needed one badly. Probably stress from him getting shot and the sudden panic caused her miscarriage. I hope he doesn't start blaming himself. Excited to see how you will take this forward.🤗

I really liked how he didn't snoop on her phone, instead, he asked her directly. That was really nice, it showed their trust in each other. 

All the best for the next one, I'm sure it will be as lovely❤️

Edited by tumhiho - 4 years ago
iykyk_3 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 4 years ago


You're back with another brilliant work. ❤️ What an irony! Here I'm penning down an OS on a happily pregnant MishBir in the MishBir House and you wriote about her miscarriage. It's so painfully beautiful..💔

Abir is in trauma thinking of what could have happened to Mishti and Mishti is trying to handle both Abir's & her pain. She don't want to hurt him by informing him about their loss. So she's keeping it all to herself and gulping away her tears by putting on a cheerful facade. How difficult would those two weeks have been for her? Sadly, no one seems to notice her state of mind except for her Badi Maa. 💔 What kind of a woman is Meenakshi Rajvansh? All she is worried about is that Mishti is receiving the praises??

Abir is going to be so heartbroken! He will be drowned in pain and guilt. Pain for their loss and guilt of not being there for her when she needed him the most. It's going to be a terrible time for both of them. They don't deserve this. 💔 Mishti has bottled up her pain. It is not going to do any good.

This chapter is awesome, Shona. It left me with a dull ache. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Please update soon dear...🤗

angelfire78 thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Heartbreaking storyline, but emotions have been expressed so well. 

screen22 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 years ago

Nice and heartfelt, the whole story highlights questions 

1. Who shot Abir?

2. What caused the miscarriage 

How both of them need each other’s support to get pass this🥺

Badi ma is the sole support of Mishit at this present time because it tell that nothing is hidden from Badi ma and it tell that mother knows everything.

Brilliant  please continue soon🥳