Ranveer's unsaid feelings #9 Updated Episode 612 page 151 - Page 44


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sakshi5050 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: anaptiras

Very nice episode. Keep on writing!!!😊😛😉

Hi Anaptiras
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the episode 
ya let me update it dear
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Alisha306

Hey Sakshi!!!

Hope you are fine. Thanks for pm. Like the episode. Poor Ranveer. He still thinks about the past accident. Let's see what will happen further. Waiting for consummation. 😊👏

Hi Alisha
thanks for the comment
ya I am doing good
hope you are doing good 
glad you liked the episode and he still thinking about the past accident 
ya let us see what is going to happen further
hmm consummation
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Neha522

Hi Great update. The story is very interesting. Waiting for the next. Update soon.😊

Hi Neha
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the update and the store is interesting to you 
ya let me update it dear
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Lovemyself...

(Over rected)
Hey sakshi!
Howz u?
I know i m here...after so long...
I really miss reading ur story...
I guess i haven't read almost ur last 200 episodes.. 😲
I will try to read soon...
Keep it up...
& i really love ur effort of writing ur story daily... 😊

Hi Zuvi 
I think I said your name right dear
its okay dear no need to be sorry 
ya I am doing good
hope you are doing good
happy to see your comment after a long time 
missed you too dear 
hmm okay dear read when you get time 
happy that you liked my effort of writing the story
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Episode 565
Ranveer and Ishani turned to opposite side were Ishani was about to walk to the lift to go to their room were Ranveer was about to walk to the entrance of the hotel. Ishani keeping two steps thinking something immediately she turned and saw Ranveer were she was able to see Ranveer's back now and he was going towards the entrance of the hotel. 
Ishani(in a normal tone):Ranveer..
Ranveer(hearing Ishani calling him he stopped and then slowly turned and saw Ishani and seeing Ishani standing with Raagini in her one hand who was hugging her and then in her other hand she had the photo frame and then key guard over the frame were seeing Ishani he immediately started to walk to her and then he came and stood facing her and in a calm tone):haan Ishani..
Ishani(seeing Ranveer with a cute face and seeing him):See go for walk alone and then have your dinner and come back to room.don't drink today. 
Ranveer(hearing what Ishani said to him and in thoughts): hmm as you drank yesterday and you misbehaved with her only now Ishani is insisting you that you should not drink today.(thinking it and then took a deep breath and seeing Ishani):Ishani actually as I saw my collage mate yesterday only because of him I drank but I am sure I won't drink today. I swear.
Ishani(giving a smile to him): hmm tk to tell this only I called you. 
Ranveer shook his head as okay to her and gave a light smile and then he again turned and he stared to walk towards the entrance of the hotel were Ishani too seeing Ranveer's back having a cute smile in her lips and then she too turned and she started to walk towards the lift were walking few inches she came near the lift were she saw the lift indicator which showed that the lift is going up. Ishani holding the photo frame carefully and then adjusting her hand some how and then with her one finger she hit the lift button and waited for the lift to come. 
Ishani(to herself):Staff who took our trolley bag would have taken the bag to our room. (Seeing Raagini who was hugging her well):Raagini..
Raagini(hearing Ishani's voice slowly came out of Ishani's hug and seeing Ishani with a bit tiered face and in a cute tone): Mama..
Ishani(seeing Raagini's eyes and getting she is tiered):Oh my cute baby started to get tiered?. Tk tk no problem now Mama is not able to operate the lift by keeping you and photo frames in my both the hands. Let Mama leave you down and then hold your hands you walk with Mama okay?
Raagini(with a cute face): hmmm
Ishani giving a smile to Raagini and then she bent a little and with her one hand itself she made Raagini to be down in the floor were Raagini too stood well in the floor and immediately gave her hand to Ishani were Ishani too standing well and seeing her daughter's cuteness having a smile she too showed her hand to Raagini's hand were Raagini lovingly held her mother's hand were Ishani held Raagini well with her one hand and then the photo frame and the key guard over the photo with other and then again she saw the lift indicator were the lift was now in 5th floor of the hotel. 
Ishani(seeing the lift indicator with a bit waiting face as she started to wait for the lift were in that second itself some idea came in her thought):If I go up and then order for the things I need means surely it will take time and by that time If Ranveer come up means I can't give a surprise to him so now itself let me order for the things I need in the reception and go. (seeing Raagini who was silently holding her hand and standing seeing the lift door):Raagini..
Raagini(raised her head and seeing Ishani):Mama.
Ishani(with a smile to her):Come with Mama now..
Raagini cutely shook her head as okay were Ishani too smiling to Raagini and she started to walk holding Raagini's hand were Raagini too cutely started to walk with Ishani were Ishani walking slowly according to Raagini's walk and then she coming with Raagini she came to the reception of the hotel. There was a young lady receptionist wearing the uniform of the hotel. 
Reception lady(Seeing Ishani with a smile): yes madam how can I help you?
Ishani(seeing her):We are staying in Room no.200. I need some items If I write it in a list means can you please sent it to our room?
Reception lady(immediately took a notepad that was in the granite table and then she kept it in front of Ishani and then she opened the draw and then she took a pen out of the draw and kept the pen over the notepad and seeing Ishani):Write what you want madam let us deliver it so soon to your room. 
Ishani:hmm okay(she kept the photo frame in her hand in the granite table and the key guard was over the frame were she immediately bent and took Raagini with her both the hands and then made Raagini to sit in the granite table next to the notepad and seeing Raagini):Few minutes baby once Mama is done with this list let us go up okay?
Raagini(with a cute silent face shook her head as okay): hmmm
Ishani(smiling to Raagini and with her one hand she held Raagini's hip to safeguard Raagini and then with her other hand she took the pen that was in the notepad and then she started to write the list of the things that she need in the notepad were in the few seconds writing what she needs in the notepad and then she kept the pen over the notepad and then she moved the notepad towards the reception lady and seeing her): hmm that is it. 
Reception lady(took the pen from the notepad and dropping it in the draw and then she closed the draw well and then she took the notepad in her hand and saw the list Ishani has given and then getting the way Ishani needed those things to be designed and then seeing Ishani): Many honeymoon couples will come here Madam so these things will be always available with us. We no need to go out and buy too everything is available with us and as we have restaurant too we have fresh bakery to with us so no problem madam. Let us deliver the items to your room within half an hour madam. 
Ishani:hmm okay thanks and payment for this..
Reception lady:All your foods and everything will be billed when you are checking out only madam so this also we will include in your bill. Room no.200 only know Madam?
Ishani:Haan yes. 
Reception lady:hmm(she gave a light smile to Ishani).
Ishani took giving a smile to the reception lady and then she saw Raagini who was sitting with a silent face and then she took Raagini with her both the hands from the granite table and then she made Raagini to stand in the floor and then she took the photo frame having key guard over it with her one hand and then showed her other hand to Raagini were Raagini too seeing Ishani's hand gave her hand to Ishani's hand cutely were Ishani too started to walk towards the lift were she walking for a few seconds and she came near the lift were now the lift was in the ground floor were Ishani with a smile slowly took her hand from Raagini's hand and then with that hand she hit the lift button and the lift immediately opened its door for them were Ishani again gave her hand for Raagini were Raagini who was still now in the confusion why Ishani left her hand seeing Ishani's hand again having a smile in that tiered face too gave her hand to Ishani's hand were Ishani holding Raagini's hand entered the lift were cutie pie too walking and came inside the lift were as soon as they entered Ishani again was about to take her hand from Raagini's hand to hit the floor button in the lift. 
Raagini(seeing Ishani is about to take her hand from her hand and seeing Ishani): Naa Mama..
Ishani(seeing Raagini not ready to leave her hand and seeing her):Raagini want to lit the lift button know? so only please..(she said it with a pleasing face).
Raagini(seeing Ishani's pleasing face cutely): hmm tk(she slowly took her hand from Ishani's hand).
Ishani seeing the way her daughter is so cute in all her way having a smile in her lips she took her hand to the floor button and then she hit their floor button and then the lift closed its door and then Ishani immediately gave her hand to Raagini were Raagini too immediately held Ishani's hand were the lift too started to raise were Raagini feeling the lift raising standing in the lift.
Raagini(turning to Ishani in excitement):Mama wo...
Ishani(seeing Raagini with a smile):We are going up cutie pie..
Raagini too smiled to Ishani and was enjoying the lift raise were the lift finally coming to their floor and stopped and opened its door for them were Ishani holding Raagini's hand stared to walk were Raagini too started to walk and they both came out of the lift were as soon as they came out of the lift Ishani bent and took Raagini with her one hand and held Raagini well with her and then she started to walk having Raagini in her one hand and then having the photo frame and key guard over it in her other hand and as Ishani was walking towards their room she was able to see the staff to whom Ranveer gave the trolley bag were the staff was waiting for them in front of their room and he has kept the trolley bag in front of the room. Ishani walking in the corridor and then she came near their room and saw the staff. 
Ishani(Seeing the staff):Sorry Bhaiya as I was talking with my husband it took time to come up. 
Staff(giving a pleasant smile to Ishani): Its okay madam as soon as I got the trolley bag from sir getting the room number I came up.
Ishani:Tk tk(showing the photo frame to the staff and seeing him):Key guard is over the photo please take it and open the door and keep the trolley bag in the main room. 
Staff shook his head as okay and then he took the key guard over the photo and then he bend to unlock the door were Ishani waited for him to open the door were the staff unlocked the door and he opened the door and he went inside the room were he immediately inserted the key guard in the electric socket were the complete room got the electricity back and all the appliances started to do its work from where they left their work. Staff standing inside the room and brought his hand out of the room and he held the trolley bag handle and then he pulled it inside the room and then he started to walk inside the room were Ishani too holding Raagini well in her hand and she entered the room and then she came behind the staff were the staff came to the living room cum bedroom and he kept the trolley bag in the middle and then he turned were Ishani was standing in front of him now. 
staff:Okay madam let me leave..
Ishani:Bhaiya we need dinner can I order it to you or..(before she would tell).
Staff:Tell it to me madam let me inform to the restaurant they will serve it to you. 
Ishani:Haan tk Bhaiya One plate Masala rice khichdi and then Dal Khichdi one bowl. 
Staff:okay madam let me order it they will deliver it. 
Ishani shook her head as okay were the staff started to walk towards the entrance of the room were Ishani bent and then made Raagini to stand on the floor were cutie pie too stood well in the floor were Ishani as soon as Raagini stood well in the floor she turned to the table and then she went near the table and then she kept the photo frame in it and then she put her hand inside her pant pocket and then took her phone out and then holding the phone in her hand and then she saw the plug point near the table and that plug point having the charger were she took the charger point and then inserted in the phone and then she switched on the switch were she saw the display of the phone were it showed that the phone is getting charge were Ishani kept the phone in the table and then turned and saw the entrance of the room were now the staff has gone and she immediately walked towards the entrance of the room and then she closed the door well and then she locked the door were she again turned and walked and came to the corner of the room were she removed her shoes with her legs itself and then she started to walk inside the room were she again came to the living room cum bedroom and then seeing the trolley bag of their purchase item and then she held the handle of the trolley bag and then walked pulling it with her and then going to one side of the room and then she kept the trolley bag in one corner of the room and then she turned and saw Raagini now were she saw Raagini who was standing in the floor till now was now going and standing near the bed and she was putting her head in the bed standing in the floor itself. 
Ishani(Seeing it with a smile walked and went near Raagini):Raagini..
Raagini (took her head from the bed and seeing Ishani with a sleepy eyes):Mama
Ishani(seeing Raagini):sleep has come so well to you and come let Mama change your dress and diaper and in that time our dinner will come let Mama feed you your dinner so that you can sleep well okay?
Raagini cutely shook her head as okay were Ishani immediately kneel down in the floor to Raagini's height and then she took her hands to Raagini's legs and then she removed Raagini's shoes from her both the legs one by one and then she took both the shoes with her one hand and then Ishani got up from the floor and then she walked to the corner of the room and then she bent and kept the shoes of Raagini there and then she walked and came to Raagini and then she kneel down to Raagini's height and then she removed the jacket from Raagini were cutie pie too removed the jacket well were then Ishani she stood well and turned and walked in the room and going to the cupboard she opened the cupboard and then she kept the jacket of Raagini in the cupboard and then took a baby towel and then night dresses for Raagini and then having everything in her one hand and then closing the cupboard well and then she saw Raagini standing near the bed silently and then she walked and went near Raagini and then she bent herself and took Raagini in her one hand and then held Raagini close to her and then having Raagini in her one hand and then having towel and night dresses of Raagini in her other hand and she started to walk towards the washroom were Ishani went to the washroom and pushed the door were the door opened and gave way for them were Ishani entered the washroom to fresh up Raagini. 
Ranveer was walking in the mist full Shimla climate in the pathway of the hotel were he was walking so slowly thinking about the way he misbehaved with Ishani yesterday night. The slideshow of he getting up today morning bare body and the shirt and vest laying in the bed and then the way Ishani told surely she will become pregnant as she too was not able to control him yesterday night came in front of him. Ranveer feeling the cold over his body he rubbed his hands with each other so well were he rubbing his hands walked in the pathway of the hotel were he was now getting the thoughts of He trying to explain to Raagini that he will take care of her when another baby comes to the word and the baby will be with Ishani were the way Raagini expressed her possessiveness by telling Mama Mera to him and the way Raagini was kissing Ishani so well too came to his mind were that made his face a guilty face were he walking slowly itself he came to the swimming pool area were as it was so chill there was no one in that area were he walked crossing the swimming pool too thinking about the another child and thinking about how Raagini will accept it and then crossing the swimming pool area he came to the open restaurant were the whole restaurant was completely full of mist were the whole Shimla was so chill were Ranveer took a deep breath and then blow through his mouth were the smoke came out of his mouth were he was kept on rubbing his both the hands with each other. Ranveer feeling the cold of Shimla and then he came to a table were he went and sat in a table's chair well. The restaurant was having only few people were only three tables were having people having their food so quickly to go back to their rooms to have a good sleep. Bearer from the serving hall seeing Ranveer in the chair came walking towards Ranveer and then he came and stood near Ranveer's table and seeing Ranveer..
Bearer:What would you like to have sir?
Ranveer(seeing him):Three Masala Poori with Aloo curry. 
Bearer:Okay sir room no..
Ranveer:200 as usual bill that with room's bill.
Bearer:Okay sir let me bring it. 
Ranveer feeling the cold kept his elbow of his right hand in the table and then he supported his inner hand to his chin and was thinking everything about their night yesterday and Raagini and second child. 
To be continued 😉
Edited by sakshi5050 - 7 years ago
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Episode 566
Ishani holding Raagini in her hand were cutie pie too was sitting well in Ishani's hip were Ishani putting the towel in the holder and then she opened the washroom door and then she came out of the washroom. Raagini was fresh up and then she was now in her night t-shirt and trousers till her kneels were Ishani holding Raagini close to her started to walk in the room and then she took Raagini to the bed and then she held Raagini with her both the hands and then made Raagini to sit in the bed near the head rest were Raagini too cutely rested her head in the head rest and sat well in the bed. 
Ishani(seeing Raagini):Mama didn't make you wear your diaper baby okay? If you wet the bed also no problem but should over come this diaper habit soon. 
Raagini(cutely without understanding too): hmm
Ishani smiled to Raagini were that was the time there was a knock in the main door were Ishani took a deep breath and then started to walk to the main door were she walking to the main door and then coming to the main door she unlocked the door and then she opened the door were she saw the Bearer having their dinner food plates in the tray with the vaccum jug and then empty glasses over the tray. 
Ishani(seeing him): yes come in.
Bearer shook his head as okay and then he entered the room and then he walking and he came to the living room were Ishani too walked and came behind him were as the bearer stood in the center of the room thinking where to keep the food were Ishani too coming and standing beside him. 
Ishani(showing the morning breakfast empty plates yet in the tea poi and seeing the Bearer):Take the empty plates from the tea poi and keep our dinner plates in the tea poi. 
Bearer hearing what Ishani said turned and seeing Ishani shook his head as okay and then he turned to the tea poi and walking and going to the tea poi were he bend and kept the tray with dinner on one side of the tea poi and then he took the plates of the dinner one by one from the tray and kept it on the one side of the tea poi and then he took the vaccum jug with hot water and then the empty silver glasses and kept it in the tea poi and then took the tray in his one hand and then holding the tray well in his one hand and then he started to take the empty plates and bowls one by one and started to keep it in the tray and then he took the empty vaccum jug and the silver glasses and then keeping it in the tray and then he stood well holding the tray with his both the hands and he turned and saw Ishani who was standing some distance behind him were seeing her he gave a light head shake as leaving were Ishani too shook her head as okay to him and then he holding the tray with empty plates, bowls and jugs and glasses started to walk towards the main door were Ishani saw him and she waited for him to go were the bearer went out of the room were once he vanished from Ishani's sight she started to walk to the main door and then going near the main door she closed the door and then she locked the door well and then she turned back to the room and then she came back to the room and then saw Raagini who was sitting so silently in the bed were Ishani getting that Raagini is getting sleep she immediately walked and went near the tea poi and then she took the silver glass in her one hand and then she took the vaccum jug in her other and then she poured the hot water in the glass and then she kept the vaccum jug in the tea poi and then having the water glass in one hand and with other hand she took the dal Khichdi bowl having spoon in it and then holding both glass and bowl in both the hands she turned and started to walk to the bed were she walking and came to the bed and then she sat in the bed and then she kept the glass with water in the lamp table and then holding the Dal Khichdi bowl well in her one hand and saw Raagini. 
Raagini(turned and seeing Ishani with a silent face): Mama..
Ishani:Come on have the dinner and then sleep well okay?(she took a spoon of Dal khichdi and then showed it to the mouth of Raagini).
Raagini seeing the Dal Khichdi cutely opened her mouth and got the food from the spoon and started to chew it cutely were Ishani started to feed Raagini her dinner were cutie pie too had it cutely from her mother. 
Bearer with the tray in his hand that was having the food plate and then vaccum jug and then empty silver glass walked and then he came to Ranveer's table were still now Ranveer was supporting his chin with his hand and his hand elbow was in the table were the bearer came near the table and then he held the tray well in his one hand and then he took the plate having masala poori with Aloor curry in the bowl with other hand and then he kept the plate in front of Ranveer and then took the vaccum jug and then silver empty tumbler and kept it in front of Ranveer were this only brought Ranveer out of the thought were he saw around himself and seeing the Poori in front of him and then he raised his head and saw the bearer were the bearer holding the empty tray in his hand gave a pleasant smile to Ranveer and then he started to walk from there were Ranveer with a silent face took his hand to the poori and then took a bit of Poori and then he dipped it in the Aloo curry and then he took that piece to his mouth and then he ate the poori and he started to chew it slowly. He was having his dinner so slowly with the thoughts of misbehaving with Ishani yesterday night. 
As it was only Bowl food Raagini quickly finished the Dal Khichdi were Ishani saw the empty bowl with a surprise look and then turned and saw Raagini who was swallowing the last mouth of food cutely. 
Ishani(Seeing Raagini): so sweet you finished your dinner so quickly today Raagini. 
Raagini cutely smiled to Ishani were Ishani too smiled to her and then she turned and kept the empty bowl in the lamp table and then she took the glass with warm water and making sure the water is warm only by touching the outside side of the glass and then she took the glass near Raagini's mouth were Raagini brought her both the hands to the glass and holding it both the sides of the glass and then keeping her lips in the glass and she started to drink the water well. Ishani took her hand slowly from the glass and saw Raagini who was drinking the water were Raagini finished the water in the glass were Ishani immediately took her hand to the glass and then got the glass from Raagini's hand and then she kept the glass in the lamp table and then turned to Raagini. 
Ishani:baby sit for sometime in the bed then only the food will get settled in your stomach let Mama too finish my dinner and come okay?
Raagini shook her head as okay were Ishani smiling to her got up from the bed and then she took the empty bowl and the glass from the lamp table and then she stared to walk to the tea poi were she went to the tea poi and then she kept the empty bowl and glass in the tea poi and then she went to the sofa and sat in the sofa and took her dinner plate near her in the tea poi and then she took the Masala Khichdi in the spoon and then she started to have her dinner quickly. 
Ranveer finished his dinner and then he got up from the chair and then he started to walk to the washing area were walking and then he went to the washing area and then he opened the tap and showed his hand to the water were the chill water of Shimla was touching his hand and that made his hand to feel the chillness were washing his hand and immediately he took his hand out of the water and then he stopped the tap and then he started to walk to his table were he walking and then came to his table were standing near the table he took the silver glass in his one hand and with other hand he took the vaccum jug and then he poured the hot water in the vaccum jug in the glass and then he kept the vaccum jug back in the table and then he took the water glass to his lips and then he started to drink the hot water were he felt so much relaxed in that chill weather drinking the hot water were finishing the complete water in the glass and then keeping the glass back in the table and then he started to walk to the entrance of the restaurant were walking itself he came near the swimming pool area were seeing no one there and wanting some loneliness he went to the resting bench of the swimming pool and then he sat well in the resting bench and then he rested his head in the head rest of the resting bench and then he laid him well in the bench and seeing the sky that was so much cloudy and he again started to think himself so much guilty. 
Ishani finished her dinner and then she kept the spoon back in the empty plate and then she took a glass in her one hand and then she took the vaccum jug in her other hand and then poured the hot water in the glass and then keeping the vaccum jug in the tea poi and then she took the water glass to her lips and then she drank the water well and then keeping the empty glass in the tea poi and then she got up and she stared to walk to the bed and then walking she came to the bed and she saw Raagini now closing and opening her eyes resting her head in the head rest of the bed.
Ishani(seeing Raagini):Raagini.
Raagini(hearing Ishani calling her turned and saw Ishani with a sleepy face): Mama..
Ishani:Tk come to Mama you can sleep..
Raagini immedately with a sleepy face moved in the bed and then she came near Ishani and then she laid in the bed and rested her head in Ishani's lap were Ishani too made Raagini comfortable in her lap were she took her hand to Raagini's head and then she started to caress Raagini's hair with affection were as already Raagini was in tiredness and was feeling sleepy within next 10 minutes Raagini closed her eyes so well and was sleeping so well were her lips too were open were that said Raagini has slept so well to Ishani were Ishani stopping caressing Raagini's hair and then she held Raagini both the side shoulders with her both the hands and then she took Raagini slowly and then she made Raagini to lay well in the bed were she made Raagini to rest her head well in the pillow. Ishani made sure Raagini will be fine and then she took the other two pillows and then kept it on the both the sides of Raagini and then Ishani got up from the bed and then she took the blanket on the bottom of the bed and then she covered Raagini with the blanket till her stomach and then Ishani stood well and saw the heater temperature were it was doing its job well as soon as the key guard was inserted in the electric socket. 
Ishani(to herself):Finally Raagini slept well and I am sure she will wake up in the morning only and our dinner are too done. Ranveer said he will have the dinner and then come to room. (with a tensed face):But where are the things I ordered? (when she finished this sentence this was the time she heard the knock in the main door were Ishani with a tensed face to herself):Is this Ranveer or the people came to deliver the items I ordered?If its Ranveer means I can't give a surprise to him. (seeing up):God please help me(telling it she started to walk in the room and then she came to the main door were she kept her eyes in the door view were she saw three people standing wearing the hotel uniform and then having the boxes in their hands were she took a deep breath):Hotel staffs only..(she immediately took her hand to the lock of the door and she unlocked the door and then she opened the door and saw three of them).
Staff 1:Sorry madam as the bakery person went to dinner we waited for him to come back so only it took some time. 
Ishani:(with a smile): Its okay give the items.
Staff 1 gave a rectangle shaped paper box in her hand were Ishani got it with her one hand carefully and held it with care were the next staff 2 gave a cotton bag to Ishani were Ishani got it with her other hand from him were the staff 3 seeing both the hands of Ishani busy he immediately kept the small rectangle shaped paper box carefully over the big rectangle paper box that was in Ishani's hand already. Three of them giving the items seeing Ishani gave a pleasant smile were Ishani too gave a smile to them were three of them started to move from there were Ishani with her leg closed the door and then she holding everything carefully in her hand started to walk inside the room were walking in the room she came to the living room cum bedroom and then she carefully walked to the bedroom were she going near the bedroom and as the room door was already open were she entered the bedroom carefully and then going near the bed she kept the cotton bag in the bed first and then she took the small rectangle paper box from the big rectangle paper box and then she kept the box in the table and with her same hand she kept the big rectangle box on the bed and then she stood well and then took a deep breath.She then walked and came out of the bedroom and then walking in the living room cum bedroom she came to the main door were as the main door was simple closed she now locked the door well and then she turned and again walked in the living room cum bedroom and then she came to the bedroom and then saw the items she has kept in the bed and with a smile she came near the bed and seeing the things in the bed.  
Ishani(to herself):Wish that before I make the arrangement Ranveer should not come. (seeing the items in the bed and to herself):Hardly it will take 15 minutes to make this simple arrangement. (with a smile to herself):Simple only but my Ranveer loves simplicity a lot. (she took a deep breath and then she bent and took the cotton bag in her hand and then she now started to decorate the room)
Ranveer(seeing the sky with a silent face and in thoughts):I am the man who used to tell Ishani that only I need love in love making and I have made love only to her to the level I know myself but also what I have done yesterday I have done love in unconscious state. Stupid man I am?(he was cutely scolding himself).
Ranveer thought about the way he used to love Ishani just seeing her from distance from his 9 years and then way he will be just staring at her lips and eyes with complete love in his heart. He then thought about their marriage and the way he was always waiting for Ishani to accept their relationship and before that he never crossed his limits with Ishani. 
Ranveer(moving and laying well in the resting bench and in thoughts):When you were married to Ishani in that day night too you didn't cross your limit. Even till Ishani accept you as her husband you never crossed your limit with her but what have you done Ranveer? why you were not able to control yourself yesterday night?
Ranveer thought about Raagini and the way she used to be close to only Ishani other than anybody and her possessiveness on Ishani and he was so much worried again. 
Ranveer(in thoughts):As a father to Raagini what I have done now? I should be taking care of her so well but in this small age itself I am giving her a brother or sister. How can that choti cutie pie can accept this?(he was kept on feeling guilty and was scolding himself).
It was exactly 20 minutes when Ishani finished the complete arrangements of the room were the complete room looked like a cute place for them to romance were Ishani seeing it had a smile in her face were she saw the heater were the heater was running in that bedroom too well were Ishani then saw the two rectangle paper boxes and the cotton bag that she dropped it in the floor below the bed after using the items inside those boxes and bags were she saw the whiskey stainless steel bottle that was laying below the lamp table were she took it in her hand then kept it in the lamp table and then she again bent and took the rectangle paper boxes and then cotton bag and holding it with her both the hands and she started to walk to the waste bin that was in the corner of the room were she went near the waste bin and then she dropped the empty rectangle paper boxes and the cotton bag in the waste bin and then she turned and saw the whole room and she had a happy smile. Ishani started to walk in the bedroom and she came to the cupboard of Ranveer were she opened the cupboard with her both the hands and saw inside were there was now only one towel and one set of night dress and one set of casual shirt and jean pant. 
Ishani(seeing it to herself):All the dresses are giving for washing.Fine..
she took a night dress set of Ranveer in her hand and then holding it in her one hand and with other hand she closed the cupboard well and then she started to walk in the bedroom were walking in the bedroom she came out of the bedroom and she came to the living room cum bedroom were she saw Raagini sleeping well in the bed were she having a smile in her lips and then she went to the bed and kept Ranveer's night dress in the bottom of the bed and then she started to walk to the cupboard of living room cum bedroom and then she going to the cupboard she opened the cupboard and then she saw for her dresses were she too had only few dresses now. She saw the modern outfit of her and then she saw the Saree in the cupboard and then she seeing the Saree. 
Ishani(in thoughts): hmm you will like me so much in Saree only know Ranveer? And more of everything If I wear any other dresses some how our love making is getting disturbed so technically saree is only working out so let me wear Saree for you today. (she took her hand to the Saree and then she took the Saree in her hand and then she took the blouse for it from the cupboard and then other undergarments needed and then she kept it on the one shelf of the cupboard and then she removed her jacket from her body and then she kept the jacket inside the cupboard and then she took her Saree with other dresses in her one hand and then she closed the cupboard with her other hand and then having the Saree and other dresses in her hand she walked to the washroom and then going near the washroom were she entered the washroom to fresh up and change herself).
To be continued 😉
Neha522 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Hey Sakshi

Two updates. It's so nice of you. Ishaani asked Ranveer not to drink tonight. She made wonderful preparations to surprise Ranveer. Ranveer is still very distressed. Hope everything will be OK this night and nothing will spoil their romantic consummation. Please give us very romantic and passionatev Ishaani. 😊👏😆
AksharaRosid thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
First thanks for the pm.
I read all the parts it was awesome .Beautiful updates.Sorry for not commenting in the previous parts.
anaptiras thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Amazing update. Waiting for the next.😊

Alisha306 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Hi Sakshi!!!

How are you? Hope you are fine. Thanks for pm. Both episodes are wonderful. Let's see what will happen next. I want to see the most romantic Ishaani ever. Hope no disturbances this time. Update soon.👏