Ranveer's unsaid feelings #8 updated Episode 536 page 150 - Page 14


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sakshi5050 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Elvish_Hobbit

Awesome updates, Sakshi! Shimla trip sounds so much fun! <3 Carry on, sweetheart! :) :)

Hi Elvish
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the update and Shimla trip 
keep reading ðŸ˜‰
sakshi5050 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: adrita08

Hello sakshi
How r u
Fantastic update
Now waiting for next
Update soon dear 😛   
& congrats for Turing Rockerz dear 😛 keep rocking 😉

Hi Adrita
thanks for the comment
ya I am doing good
hope you are too doing good 
glad you liked the update and 
ya let me update it dear
thanks for the wishes 
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Neha522

Hello Sakshi!!!
I'm so happy you've finally updated the episode. It's fabulous. I was very happy when Ranveer asked Ishaani not to control her shyness.
Waiting for the next episode.
Congrats for becoming IF Rockers. I love you so much. All the best to you.
Keep writing darling

Hi Neha
thanks for the comment 
yes finally updated dear 
glad you liked the update and you were happy when Ranveer asked Ishani not 
to control her shyness 
ya let me update it dear
thanks for the wishes and love you too 
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Ishveer45

Hi Sakshi!!!
Awesome and fantastic episode. I like Ranveer taking care of Ishaani. She was tired and had a headache, so he started feeding her. So romantic and nice.
Raagini is also very funny and cute girl. I like the moment when she put her little hand on Ranveer;s stomache.
Ishveer have started their romance.
Waiting for the next.
Update soon

Hi Amritha
thanks for the comment
glad you liked the episode and Ranveer taking care of Ishani when she was tired 
and had headache and he started to feed her
glad you liked that care romance of them 
glad you liked Raagini cuteness and the way she put her little hand on Ranveer's 
yes now Ishveer started their romance
ya let me update it dear
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: tnzila

Congratulations Sakshi
On becoming IF-ROCKERZ 🥳
Keep rocking
Keep writing on IshVeer

Sorry for simply wishes due to busy schedule, hope you will understood me.

Hi Sana
thanks for the wishes 
thanks for reading my story daily 
its okay no need to be sorry thanks for posting itself in your busy schedule 
that is more than enough 
surely i will understand you darling 
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Sashu29

Hai Sakshiji congratulations for turning Rockerz and you are really superb.

Very nice update.  Ranveer's care for ishani and their romance scenes are beautiful.  Cutie pie raagini is very cute in all her moves.  Waiting for the next.

Thank you & keep smiling.

Hi Sashuji 
thanks for the wishes 
glad you liked the update and Ranveer's care for Ishani and their romance 
happy you liked all the cutie pie moves 
ya let me update it dear
keep smiling
keep reading 
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Ishveermyheart

Hi Sakshi
Congrats dear for becoming IF_rockerz.
Wonderful update.

You are about to complete 600 episodes dear.
You are doing good job.

Hi dear
thanks for the wishes 
glad you liked the update 

hmm its all your support that episodes 500 is to be reached
keep reading dear
sakshi5050 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Episode 490(UTTRAYAN TREAT EPISODES).Day:Tuesday
Ranveer taking his lips near Ishani's lips were Ishani was seeing Ranveer's lips and then saw his four days unshaven beard and mustache and she had a smile were Ranveer who was seeing Ishani's lips smiling without kissing her saw Ishani's face. 
Ranveer(in a low tone):you are so happy?
Ishani(holding his shoulders with one hand and then his back with other hand and seeing him):When you are with me I will be happy only. 
Ranveer:hmm I know that but now what is the reason to smile?
Ishani:Wo I saw your four days unshaven beard and mustache around your lips so immediately smile came in my lips. 
Ranveer(smiling to her):hmm okay(he again saw her lips and was about to kiss her were he was able to hear breathing sound of Ishani and he was able to feel the breath of her too)
Ishani(seeing Ranveer close to her and feeling his breath on her and in a low tone): Had your dinner yesterday night?
Ranveer(cutely taking his eyes from her lips and seeing her): Haan I had. (seeing her);Tk you remember vegetarian love rules right?
Ishani:hmm I do..
Ranveer:Anyway let me tell it again. Kisses in forehead, cheeks, and then a lip lock and then we should tell three magical words to each other but as we make out our vegetarian love itself without to our consciousness we will tell the magical words to each other.
Ishani:hmm fine but we didn't even brush too.
Ranveer: In this romantic moment don't to brush and all Ishani its okay. 
Ishani(smiling to him): Hmm even I am okay I am not ready to be away from you for sometime. 
Ranveer:Wow meri Sunny thanks for your romantic avatar.
Ishani(with a cute child like face):hmm you are welcomed But please cover us with blanket its too cold Ranveer..
Ranveer hearing what Ishani told and he gave a smile to her and he got up from her and he took the blanket that was laying below their feet and he covered both of them with the blanket were Ishani too pulled the blanket to her as much as she wants and Ranveer too pulled the blanket and covered him well and he came above her well now and now he was really not ready to talk to her about anything were he with a seductive face held Ishani's chin well and made her to see him were Ishani too seeing Ranveer's eyes that was having a lovable seduction now were Ishani too seeing his with a romantic face closed and opened her eyes indicating Ranveer to come near her were Ranveer too slowly moved himself to her and he lovingly kissed Ishani's forehead were Ishani closed her eyes feeling the kiss of Ranveer.It was a deep kiss were he planted the kiss in a very deep manner in her forehead. Outside Shimla that was having the drizzling of snow now was getting the sun lights in a very low manner slowly. No one surely can feel the hotness of the sun for sure. Ranveer took his lips from her forehead and saw Ishani were Ishani has closed her eyes and was breathing heavily were Ranveer seeing her with a seductive face itself took his lips near her fair cheek and then he lovingly kissed her fair cheek were Ishani feeling Ranveer's body almost over her felt the hotness of Ranveer and her hands were holding Ranveer so close to her. Ranveer gave deep kiss in her cheek too were it was surely a wet kiss were Ranveer took his lips from Ishani's cheek and saw Ishani were now Ishani was holding him so close to her holding his shoulders and back and pulling him close to her were Ishani too though was closed her eyes she was able to feel the deep kisses of Ranveer and she was able to get it was a seductive kiss of Ranveer were Ranveer held Ishani's chin slowly and turned to other side and lovingly kissed her other side cheek deeply and he was keeping his lips in her cheek and moving his lips in her cheek slowly and was nuzzling for few minutes were Ishani feeling it was breathing heavily and her heart beat was raised so much were Ranveer getting satisfied in the nuzzling took his lips from her cheek and saw Ishani with a seductive face were Ishani was breathing heavily and her face was too red. 
Ranveer(in a husky tone): Ishani..
Ishani(without opening her eyes): hmm
Ranveer(going near her lips): I love you Ishani I love you so much.
Ishani(slowly opened her eyes and seeing Ranveer): hmm
Ranveer(seeing her with a cute smile now): Looking so beautiful when your face is red and when you are having shyness.(he went close to her and seeing her with his eyes like eating).
Seeing Ranveer's closeness Ishani with more shyness took her both hands from Ranveer's shoulders and then back and she closed her face with both the hands were Ranveer had a smile seeing the way Ishani is always shy to him were he held her hand that was in her face and he tried to take her hand were Ishani without letting her hand shook her head as no. 
Ranveer(seeing Ishani not taking her hands went close to her ears and in a husky tone): Having this much shyness in you and you are trying to control it. Do you think will it happen anytime?
Ishani hearing it with a shy smile took her hands from her face slowly and held Ranveer well and hugged him putting her hand in his back and then shoulders were Ranveer too lied well above her and was hugging her.
Ishani(in Ranveer's ears in a husky tone):I love you Ranveer..when you see me itself I am not able to control my shyness. If I see your eyes itself I am feeling shy. 
Ranveer(hearing it with a smile came out of the hug and seeing her with a love face and pinching her cheek with his hand and smiling well to her): hmm this is my Ishani. See now you are too getting your love and our love is always natural in that you never need to try to pretend you are without shyness and all okay?
Ishani shook her head as okay with a smile were Ranveer saw her lips and then with all his love without even waiting for a second he went and kept his lips in her lips were Ishani closed her eyes well feeling his lips in her lips were her one hand went to his back and held him close to her and her other hand went to his hair and her hands started to caress his hair with love were Ranveer gave a deep kiss in her lips were after 2 minutes of kissing her he took his lips from her lips and he saw her with a grasping face. Ishani without seeing him grasping a little and had a cute smile in her lips were Ranveer like a cute boy got up from her and he laid in the bed beside her and he adjusted the blanket accordingly. Ishani turned to other side and was having a smile in her lips. 
Ranveer(seeing Ishani turning to other side and knowing she would be shy):going to see that side only or going to give me back the kisses I gave me.
Ishani(hearing it turned to Ranveer with a cute face):See its getting late and we need to get ready(she got up from the bed and was about to get out of the bed were Ranveer held her hand well and pulled her close to him were Ishani fell on his chest well and she smiled seeing him):What is this? why you pulled me towards you?
Ranveer(seeing her a cute naughty face):I am your husband and you are my wife. In bed we should not go away from each other without completing the romance. 
Ishani smiling seeing him with all her love lovingly rested her head in his chest were Ranveer too brought his hand behind her and lovingly held her close to him.Ishani adjusted her well and laid beside him and touched his chest with her hand well. 
Ishani(in a low tone):Sorry Ranveer..
Ranveer(hearing Sorry from Ishani with a not understanding face):Sorry but for what?
Ishani:For that Rohit hitting you in your leg and hand with the car. 
Ranveer:For that why are you telling sorry to me? Don't know what happen to that Rohit but after hitting me he went from us I think thank god he didn't come back as our another villain again. 
Ishani:Haan (taking her head from his chest and seeing him with a cute face):But because of me only know? He did like that to you. 
Ranveer(held Ishani close to him and seeing her a cute look):Who asked you to go and dance with Rohit?
Ishani:Haan you alone danced with Sweta know? So only in that feeling my possessiveness for you I did that(she had a cute child face).
Ranveer(seeing her cute face):Oh then you didn't like me being good with Sweta in Baroda?
Ishani(caressing his cheek with her hand): you are my husband and I never want any other girl to eye you or being close to you. Sweta liked you in first sight itself and you too were close to her. I know that Sweta was a good friend to us but also If I see her close to you I was feeling jealousy.
Ranveer(seeing Ishani):Actually to make you jealous only I got close to Sweta but she was a good friend and finally she too settled well in a job. Anyways Sweta and Rohit all came in our life as a character and finally we are together again. Now its not time to talk about them come on give all the kisses to your Ranveer..(he gave a cute smile to her).
Ishani(seeing his cute face):How you and Raagini are this much exact in everything? when she too do all the cute things in her face I am seeing your face only and you too will look like her only when you are naughty to me. 
Ranveer(seeing her a cute look):Haan I know Raagini is like me but for that thinking that I am Raagini don't stop with kisses in my cheek alone I want a lovely lip lock too. 
Ishani seeing Ranveer with a cute smile came near him and saw his eyes were he was seeing her lips and he was eating her beauty with his eyes were Ranveer adjusted himself and laid well in the bed were Ishani keeping her hand in his chest and laying beside him seeing Ranveer with all her love went close to him and lovingly kissed Ranveer's forehead and then she moved her lips to Ranveer's eyes were Ranveer getting Ishani wants to kiss his eyelids and he closed his eyes were Ishani seeing the way Ranveer is understanding her want without evening she telling it to him with a smile thinking it she lovingly kissed Ranveer's eyelid and then she moved her lips and she kissed the other eyelid too and she with a smile moved her lips to Ranveer's cheek and lovingly kissed his cheek were she rubbed her lips in his cheek feeling Ranveer's sharp beard in her lips were Ranveer was happily feeling Ishani's lips in his cheek and a smile came in his lips were Ishani took her lips from his cheek and then saw Ranveer were Ranveer was smiling to her seeing a cute look were Ranveer winked at her were Ishani with a lovable smile and she moved to the other side Cheek of Ranveer and she kissed his cheek well and then saw Ranveer with a smile were she got up from him and laid beside him. 
Ranveer(with a cute disappointed face turning to her):What about lip lock?
Ishani(seeing him shook her head as no): No I won't..
Ranveer(got up and laying above her):Why? I gave you know?So now you should give it back. 
Ishani(held his cheek well):cute boy I think we are getting late..
Ranveer:Sirf ek kiss only balance kiss me then let us get up and start to get ready. 
Ishani:you won't leave a chance to Romance?
Ranveer: Haan I will get all the possible chance to romance my Ishani come on give that kiss..
Ishani(with a smile held his cheek well and brought him close to her and seeing him with a cute anger face):When you wanted PA in your Baroda office why you didn't select me?
Ranveer(seeing her with a smile): oh then madam was expecting that I will select only you as my PA.
Ishani(with a cute look): Haan I was expecting you will select me only but you selected Sweta that much male ego..
Ranveer:Oh you don't have female ego?
Ishani:Haan I do have sometimes..
Ranveer(with a love smiling):But what ever ego we have surely we both will fall for each other.
Ishani(mesmerized in Ranveer's way of loving her holding his cheek still and pulled him close to her and keeping his lips near her lips and in a cute tone):Haan we both will fall for each other what ever problem comes in our life and then Ranveer..
Ranveer(seeing Ishani's lips and then seeing her eyes); hmm
Ishani:(took her one hand from his cheek and then caressing his hair):you are only handsome more and more handsome than that Chiraag and all. Please don't compare yourself with him and don't reduce your cuteness okay?My Ranveer is only more and more handsome than any other man in this world. 
Ranveer(going close to her and hitting his forehead with her forehead): What am I to do?That time I was a servant and he was a man who came from US all girls will like that kind of guy only so I was scared that you will like him only so much but no my Ishani is not a girl to see faces and looks she only saw my heart in that Chiraag. 
Ishani:hmm but my husband is only more handsome than that Chiraag other than my cute husband there is no one more handsome than him in my eyes. 
Ishani too smiling to him and held his cheek with her hand and with all her love she lovingly kissed Ranveer's lips and she was about to take her lips were Ranveer didn't leave her and he started to give a deep kiss again in her lips were Ishani too was kissing him back in the lip lock were Ranveer getting satisfied in the kiss took his lips from her lips and saw her with a cute smile were Ishani too seeing him.
Ishani: I should thank Maa and Baba. 
Ranveer(with a questioning face):For what?
Ishani(lovingly kissing Ranveer's forehead and seeing him):For giving me such a handsome and romantic husband. 
Ranveer(smiled to her):okay fine go to Mumbai and then thank them now shall we move?
Ishani(shook her head as yes): hmmm of course now time.
Ranveer(turned to the clock in the wall and seeing the time is 8 o clock):Ishani its 8 o clock till this time we have romanced?
Ishani:If we romance means who will see time and all in that moment. Fine Ranveer get up your vegetarian love is over know?
Ranveer(shook his head as yes): hmm done(he got up from her and moving the blanket and he sat in the bed were he started to rub his hands well as he was able to feel the cold more now as they didn't turn on the heater).
Ishani(too moving the blanket got up and sat next to him and rubbing her hands well feeling the cold):Ranveer its too cold we are not able to be without heater know? And even outside too if we don't wear Jacket its really hard to bear the coldness. 
Ranveer: Haan as we were close to each other we were able to bear the coldness till now. 
Ishani(with a smile went close to him and rested her head in his shoulders and seeing him):Really know? Maa has selected a good place only for us to romance.
Ranveer(putting his hand over her shoulders): Haan really this coldness is bringing us more close to each other. And Sharman too have booked a nice room with two beds and all. So its easy for us to make Raagini sleep in a room and its easy to romance too. 
Ishani:Haaan(she took her head from Ranveer's shoulders and got up from the bed and seeing Ranveer):Get ready Ranveer let me too go and get ready before Raagini wakes up or else If she wakes up before it let me make her ready and give her to you and then let me get ready.Today Raagini will wake up soon as she slept early yesterday. 
Ranveer:(shook his head as okay): hmm fine let me too get ready.
Both of them smiled to each other were Ishani feeling the coldness in the floor of that room started to walk fast and she went to the room door and she opened the door and she came out of the bedroom and came to the living room cum bedroom were she saw Raagini who was sleeping in the bed but also Raagini was moving this side and that side in between the pillow were Ishani was sure she is going to wake up.
Ishani(to herself):I think Raagini will wake up now itself fine let me make her ready first and in that time Ranveer will get ready so that leaving Raagini with him I too can get ready. (she went and sat next to Raagini in the bed and thought about their romance now were a smile came and made her face more and more beautiful).
Ranveer as soon as Ishani went from the room thought about their kisses had a happy smile in his face were he got up with a shy smile in his face and he started to walk to the cupboard and he opened the cupboard and he took the dresses he need to wear that day and taking other dresses he need to wear and then taking the towel for him and closed the cupboard well and then he walked and he went to the washroom and he entered the washroom to take bath. 
Raagini moving cutely and then slowly opened her eyes and she searched for Ishani were Ishani seeing Raagini opened her eyes gave a smile to Raagini. 
Ishani:Cutie pie get up..
Raagini(smiling to Ishani got up and sat in the bed): Mama(she got up and stood in the bed and she lovingly hugged Ishani well).
Ishani(too hugging her well): love you baby.Shall we get ready to go for sight seeing?
Raagini(with a smile came out of the hug and seeing Ishani with a cute face held Ishani's cheek with her tiny hand in both the side and with a cute smile went close to Ishani and lovingly hit her forehead with Ishani's forehead): mama..
Ishani(hitting her nose too with Raagini's tiny nose with a smile and taking her forehead from Raagini's forehead and seeing her with a smile):you and Papa are very cute.(she took Raagini in her hand):come on let Mama take you to bath..(she got up from the bed and holding Raagini well in her hand and she walked to the cupboard and opened the cupboard and took the dress and towel for Raagini and she smiled to Raagini and closed the cupboard and then walked to the washroom and took Raagini inside the washroom to make Raagini ready for the day).
To be continued ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰
Mayashelly thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Hy dr
Cute romantic update 😛
Ranveer and ragini are same to same and so cute. Lovely ishani... 😉
Loved the epi dr. Waiting for next.
Keep smiling and take care 😳
Mayashelly thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Congratulations for becoming IF-Rockers dr... Keep rocking the forum with your amazing story.. 😃