Ishra FF ||A Contract Of Love|| Prologue ~ Chapter 24B - Page 91


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Prabh. thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: 9900

It's beautiful. I think the way you show the development of ishra ' s relationship and also showing the building relationship between vandu and ishu and how comfortable she feels is really good. Your ability to convert these feelings to words in a touching way is highly appreciated and I'm a good fan of you already. Continue soon.😊 And yeah all the best for your exams.

Thank you so much! Glad you liked IshRa here and the Ishita-Vandita bonding! Really honored you liked my writing so much that you're a fan now! And will update as soon as I can! Thanks for the exam wishes!  
Prabh. thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Hey everyone! First of all thank you for all the exam wishes, they really mean a lot! And just 10 more days until all my exams will be over and I will start updating frequently again! But for now, finally updating this one after so long! Really missed writing updates for this, but then you have to do what's more important,so it took a while for this FF to be updated. But I took a break from studying since today's Sunday, so I'm here with the next update, and here it is...not proofread once again...

Chapter 22B

She smiled at him giving an assuring look. She took his hand placing the last spoon in it. She kept his hand in hers as she brought it to Ruhi's mouth. Ruhi looked up at her dad and excitedly held his free hand before opening her mouth. As she ate from his hands and finished swallowing the food, he picked her up bringing her closer to himself and hugged her tightly. Ishita watched with a huge smile as he gave Ruhi a tight kiss on her cheek and immediately moved away from Ruhi.

"Yuck!" he exclaimed.

"What?" she looked confused.

"I tasted baby food on her cheek."

Ishita couldn't help, but burst out laughing with Ruhi joining in. She held her stomach laughing as he continued on with a disgusted face...

"It's not funny, it's gross. How does anyone eat this stuff?!" He said as he grabbed a glass of water.

"Raman! It's can't be that bad!"

"Really eat that last little bit and tell me." He said irritated as he tried to get rid of the taste in his mouth.

"I'll kiss Ruhi and it will be all fine."

She leaned over as he pulled out his phone and angled it for a family picture. She looked at him confused when he saw her face on the screen...

"For proof that you will make a face when you kiss her."

She rolled her eyes and leaned over to kiss her when suddenly he pulled Ruhi back. She looked at him shocked when he sheepishly ruffled his hair making a small curve appear on her lips.

"You're going to feel nauseous if you get any of that food near your mouth. Trust me."

"Oh right! Thanks for watching out."

"That's what I'm here for."

"So it was that bad?"

"Yea, pretty bad."

"Aww poor you." She felt the urge to pull his cheeks as he pouted in mock anger and refilled his glass of water still disgusted by the nasty after taste of the food. He realized the jug of water was empty and she offered to go refill it when he stopped...

"Ishita, listen...can we take a picture together...of this?"

She walked back to the bed sitting down next to him. She herself wanted to capture this moment with Ruhi, but was hesitant to ask Raman to be in it not knowing if he would agree, so she knew he was probably feeling the same now that he asked her.

"Of course and one on my phone as well!"

He stretched out his arm and took a picture of their small family as Ishita kept on talking to Ruhi trying to get her to look at the camera and when she finally did Raman quickly snapped the picture. Next he took Ishita's phone and they did the same again. After that Ruhi started to fool around with her toys and Raman & Ishita continued to click her pictures as the 3 just laughed and played with each other. After Ruhi started getting tired, Ishita cleaned her up and tried to burp her as Raman cleaned up the mess made on the bed and washed the dishes for her. As he finished with the dishes, the doorbell rang and the maid Raman hired came an hour late much to Raman's displeasure.

Ishita who knew about Raman's anger when it came to issues like these considering the last incident she had witnessed which also happened to be the only time she had seen his anger, she came out and saved the poor maid from a lot of scolding. She had Ruhi to him making him forget his anger as his little princess grabbed his shirt happy to have her dad around for such a long time today. He tapped her nose gently making her giggle as he walked away in to the room.


She went into the room an hour later after properly explaining the chores to the maid and showing her around the kitchen and areas she needed to clean. As she entered the room quietly, she saw Raman sitting up on the bed as he held Ruhi up above him talking to her in an animated voice. The infant was squealing loudly trying to understand how high up she was and was busy trying to reach for her dad while he was just as happy playing with his daughter as he flashed his biggest smile showing his dimples. Ishita leaned against the door and just admired the sight in front of her, she wished he could be home every day and just be like with her and Ruhi. This had to be one of the best day recently with Ruhi and him.

After he lowered Ruhi and made her sit on her lap, Ishita knocked on the door letting them know about her presence. They stopped what they were doing and Ruhi looked at Ishita reaching out to her wanting to be with her mother as well.

"She doesn't like being with me all day."

"She wants the best of both world, wants mommy and daddy right?" Ishita took her nuzzling her stomach. Raman stretched as he got up and was tired of sitting at home all day since it wasn't something he did often and wanted to head out to walk around a bit. He thought about how Ishita must feel being at home all day and thought of doing something about that later on, but for now he could only invite her to come with him...

"Want to go out, just walk around. And not where we went last time. A quieter place?"

She thought for a moment about what happened last time they went out, but then remembered whatever took place after that so then...

"Sure, let me get a blanket for Ruhi, looks chilly outside."


They walked down a couple of blocks slowly as she took a little while to meet his speed and they didn't hurry as they spent their time with Ruhi who was fascinated by the cars driving by and the bicycles kids were riding.  They ended up in a small garden a few blocks from their house and walked around. After walking around the garden showing Ruhi the colorful flowers that she tried to reach out and pluck, Ishita was now tired and Raman was also tired from carrying around Ruhi this whole time.

The two spotted a tree away from the crowd and a place where they could sit for a few minutes before heading back home. They walked over and Raman held Ishita's hand tightly as she carefully sat down on the lush grass followed by Raman who was still holding Ruhi as Ishita held out her hands in case he needed help getting down because of the small child.

As they sat in quiet peace admiring the sight in front of them, a gust of wind blew by gently breaking their trances. Raman brought Ruhi closer to him protectively covering her from the wind as Ishita handed him the blanket to wrap her in. As Ruhi was all wrapped up in the warm purple blanket, he looked over to find her lost in her own thoughts looking at the sight in front of them. He noticed she was getting goosebumps on her arms...

"Should have brought a shawl or sweater along with the blanket." He brought her out of her trance.

"I like this wind, it's not rough instead calming and peaceful. And the cold weather is nice to have once in a while. So I love this weather."

She hugged herself embracing the chilliness and put her head down on her knees just having a moment to herself as he watched her and the small infant that was cuddled up in the blanket in his arms with a content and peaceful feeling on the inside. He was quiet and laid back against the tree feeling the wind rush by them and listened to the ruffling of the leaves on the tree as he thought how much things have changed.

Until a few weeks back, his life was a complete mess. He didn't know what to do, he spent his time working without feelings and only ever changed his facial expressions and smiled when Ruhi was around. And then she came into their lives. Her mere presence had brought such a change to his life. The day she had first met him and she rejected, he was moved by someone after so long. Then when she came to his office, it was the first time he felt concerned for someone after his daughter. And then whenever he saw her with Ruhi, it gave him a sense of peace and happiness. And then now she cared for his needs and did all this for him today made his heart jump a little in was as if she had started to bring back the real Raman he was back to life.

He looked over at her just resting her head with her eyes closed. He really owed a lot to this woman. He knew she would be there for him and their daughter when he needed her. She was one of those people who truly care for others from deep inside their hearts. This was a woman he would love spending his life with. Her simplicity, her kindness, her attitude and just her was all that he needed to bring stability and happiness in his life. He would never let her go...

As he watched her quietly, a small petal of a blossom from the tree they were sitting under fell down and landed in her hair. Without thinking, he reached over and gently took out the flower petal trying hard not to pull her hair. She happened to feel something on her head and opened her eyes to find him right next to her and as he backed off since the petal was now in his hands, she just looked at him surprised wondering what he was just doing.

"The petal fell in your hair."



"Don't say it Raman!" she giggled at little pointing her finger at him. He chuckled, but then didn't feel it was right to do what he did. She didn't know what he was doing and he shouldn't have touched her without her knowing.

"Alright, but I shouldn't have done that. I don't why I did."

"You just touched my hair, its fine."

"You don't mind me doing that?"

"Come on Raman, it's not like you tried to cut off my beautiful hair.

"I wouldn't ever do that! Your hair is really pretty."

"You think so?"

"Yea, it's really nice. But that doesn't change the fact I shouldn't be touching it."

"I've dealt with much worse things than someone touching my hair."


"Like real problems."

"What are real problems to you?" he asked a bit curiously.

"Example, getting left by your fiance with his child growing in you. That's what I call a real problem." She said in an impulse and then regretted bringing this up on a day that was meant for him to enjoy, not listen to her life problems.

"And you dealt with that well..." he said.

"I guess so." She said quietly.

He looked at her as she looked away and couldn't help himself today...

"Umm... can I ask you something?"

"Ask away unless you want ask me about him because that's one thing I won't do."

"No it's not about him, it's about you. I just want to ask you this for a while now...why...I mean we have so many options nowadays, then why did you keep this baby..., why...why not an... abortion?" he asked hesitantly worried about offending her, but still asked because he wondered why she is choosing to keep a child who will stay with her as a constant reminder of the man she is trying to forget.

She other the hand was surprised at his question. She tried not to be offended and think what the reason behind him saying this. She didn't know what to interpret out of his words and just said whatever came to her mind hearing him...

"Are you trying to say I should have aborted my baby?!"

"No! Not at all! I would never suggest that.  I just wanted to know that many women do this when they have children accidently, so I just wanted to know why you chose to keep yours despite being left alone by that moth-...him I mean. I know a lot of women who would do that and continue living their lives."

"Oh that's what you meant...well I don't know. I thought about many things when he left, it seemed unbelievable at first. It took me a few days to understand that he had left, that he had not only left me but his own child as well...I mean like I knew he was gone, but I would have like moments of realization that he is gone, that I will never see him again. I mean...I can't explain it."

"I understand. You know there are gone subconsciously, but at times you just realize that it's over. That the person is gone forever and you can't do anything about it. Just have to deal with life and what it throws at you. "

"Raman..." she held his shoulder gently.

"Yea, you were saying something before. Go on." He faintly smiled as she continued still worried about him.

"Right... well, then I knew I had to make a choice; keep this baby or abortion. I just couldn't choose the second option. It would hurt too much. I couldn't handle losing another person close to me. This baby is part of me, it is me...I couldn't let go of a child that is living in me, that breathes with me, that depends on me to support its life. How could I go and kill it...I was sure I would keep this baby. But then Mihika asked him to think rationally and I did. But I still had the same decision. I knew people will judge, but my parents wouldn't and I knew my sister had my back if everyone else left. And then I could easily find a job with the education I had considering you gave me a job without even finishing the interview. I could support myself and my child, and I know I was keeping it."

"But Ishita, don't you find it hard to forget him when his child is inside you?"

"Raman, weren't you the one who said this is our baby?"

"I did and for sure this baby is no longer his, it's mine. But I meant before I came...didn't it cross your mind how it would be like to live with a reminder of him?"

"It did. And you know what? I was mad and very upset. Whenever this came into my head I would get angry and take my anger on anyone near. I couldn't understand why he kept on crossing my mind. I didn't like him having any connection my child. And then slowly I realized if he didn't want to give this child his love, name, and presence, I wouldn't let him be related to my baby either. This is only my child, I am the one who decided to keep it, to give birth to it, and to raise it with you, so now only the two of us have a right on this child. Not anyone else. So this baby isn't a reminder of him, it just my baby...and yours as well. I don't think of anyone else when I put my hand on my stomach and feel our child...I honestly don't."

She looked up at him for the first time during their conversation and he looked at her with a serious look that reflected a sense of pride almost along with an unusual gratefulness she had just seen.

"And this is the reason I'm proud to have a wife like you. You amaze me each time because not everyone has the courage to be positive and forget people they once loved. You do such difficult things so easily."

"It's not courage. It's how you think. Once you're determined to forget someone and remove them from your life, it will all work out eventually."

"That's the problem though. Sometimes you don't know what you want so there is no determination."

He looked down at the ground and played with the grass as he looked up and away from her. She shifted to sit in front of him to see his watery eyes.

"Raman... are you crying?" she looked at him with helpless face.

"No. I was just thinking about something." He looked up holding back his tears and brushing everything off.

"About her right?"

He knew there was no point in trying to hide his tears from her, so he nodded and looked back down at the ground. She held his hand tightly...

"You can talk if you would like. I don't mind." She hoped he would tell someone all that he held in. She was willingly to listen about his first wife if it made him alright. He looked up and she assured him she was okay listening to him talk...


That was all for now! Please like and leave your feedback, will look forward to reading it! And will reply as soon as I get time! Thank you all and will hopefully see with an update next weekend as well. 

Chapter 23A- Page 129

Edited by smilesforever98 - 8 years ago
janani_divan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Outstanding update...brilliantly written prabh:-)

raman asked right question to ishita..
This update clear the readers doubt about ishita child

ishita decribed her situation and y she want this child? is for herself:-)

emotional kar diya tum ne..;-(

yaar give some space to ishra...they are still hanging with the past...

I love family pic and ruhi antics:-)

thanks for pm:-)Edited by janani_divan - 8 years ago
ishracool thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
As usual awesome yar...👏👏 Loved d way ishita shared her past...😊 Now waiting for Raman's turn...
Lavi_961 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
thanks for updating... was very eagerly waiting for it... 😊

that was really good to read...  luv the way the story is progressing... .😊 😊
 slowly steadily they are getting into a bond... happy to see them sharing their thoughts with each other,,,,, really luking forward to the coming updates... 😃❤️

Edited by Lavi_961 - 8 years ago
super_cutie thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Lovely update and amazingly written about their emotions
Waiting for the next update
rk654 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
awesome update...very beautifully written..👍🏼

Abhinaiscool thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Beautifull prabh ;) loved it...
SushSathisha thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
amazing update prabh
the feeding scene .. the selfie scene..
ishita's situation the way she explained y she wanted that kid
now waiting for raman to open up
..abha.. thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
amazing update prabh...

ishita opened her heart out...

now raman's fear...

waiting for next

update soon...