Ishra FF ||A Contract Of Love|| Prologue ~ Chapter 24B - Page 35


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Prabh. thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Note: As usual not proofread, so ignore the typos and grammar errors. Enjoy!

Chapter 10

They both got up as they finished all the rituals. Mihika wasn't around, so he reached out to help her up, but her mother came in between and helped her up. They took blessing from both their parents and proceeded to walked together to the table set up for them. Mihika came to them with a plate full of lunch. He had hardly eaten anything since the morning and the delicacies in front of him made his mouth water. He grabbed a spoonful and was about to eat when Mihika stopped him.

"Jiju, totally unromantic! You're supposed to feed Akka and pose for the camera!"

"Mihika! Stop bothering him, and let him eat!" Ishita signalled him to eat. But their parents and Mihika looked at him asking him to feed her.

He brought the spoon to her mouth asked her to eat it. She told him it wasn't needed and he could eat himself. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear...

"Your sister will kill me if you don't eat. Please hurry up, I am starving." She laughed at him and opened her mouth as he fed her. Seeing he was actually hungry, she quickly took the spoon from him and fed him so he could continue eating freely. As they finished eating and Ruhi was also fed by his mother, many guests came to congratulate them. Many people came and talked & talked. He noticed she was becoming uncomfortable and tired, Ruhi had also fallen asleep, so he suggested it was time to head home now.

As they walked towards his car, her whole family was starting to get emotional including the ever smiling Mihika. As they reached the car, she was crying and didn't want to look back to face her parents. Finally she calmed down & turned around to see their sad face, and she hugged her parents crying. She realized everything was going to change; the house she lived in, the people she lived with, her routine, her bedroom, her lifestyle, everything big or small, it was all going to change. And it would happen without her parents and sister by her side. She would step into another house leaving one family for another. She felt a kid who wanted to stay in her Amma's lap all day and have Appa bring her sweets and candies secretly hiding them from Amma. She wanted to be with them, but she also wanted to go to in-laws. She cried at having to choose one over the other. She just cried for long as she wanted to. She sat in the car still crying and he looked at helplessly.

"They are only 20 minutes away and 10 if the traffic isn't bad." He attempted to make the mood lighter but in vain.

He knew anything he did wouldn't make a difference since being away from your parents is one of the toughest things to do. His eyes started filling with tears as he remembered his dad and wished for him to be here with him at this moment. He felt so unlucky since his dad wasn't present at his wedding, not his first one or this one. He looked out the window trying to imagine what he would have done and said if he were here. How excited he would be and how he would be boasting about his son to everyone and running around getting things done. A tear escaped his eye and he wiped it off quickly so no one would see. But she had...

"What happened? Why are you crying?" she said through her own tears.

"Nothing, just remembered Dad. I just wish he was here right now."

She realized she knew nothing about Raman. He had told her that his family only consisted of his mom and Ruhi, and she never bothered to ask about his dad.

"Where is he?"

"He passed away when I was 13."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. His memory just hit me when you cried with your parents right now. I just wonder if he was at my wedding, what would he would have done?"

"I don't know what he would have done, but I know right now he is watching you and seeing you cry."

He understood what she was trying to say and wiped off his tears and smiled at her. She also wiped off her tears and smiled at him. The rest of the car ride was quiet as they both looked out the window and occasionally turned around to check on Ruhi and the other person. One such time, she turned around and found him moving in his spot and turning from one side to the other, his face showing pain. She quietly asked him...

"What happened?"

He looked at her startled at the sudden question. She asked him again and he answered...

"Nothing, a little back pain."

"Does it hurt a lot?" she asked concerned.

"Not really, it's just the long car rides in the last few days with driving the guests around here and there. It will be fine in a while. Nothing serious."

She looked away but was worried at the back of her head. Another 5 minutes later, they arrived at his apartment building. He carefully got Ruhi out of her baby seat and held her as he helped Ishita out of the car making sure the knot that held them together would not be untied. He led her to the elevator, and luckily it was empty so she didn't need to be scared of anything. As they walked to the decorated door of his apartment, his mother and his aunts stood there waiting for them.

They stood together as his mother performed an aarti of the trio as Ruhi was cuddled into her father's arms. She entered the house with him by her side as she knocked down the pot filled with rice. As she entered, the place looked so different with the decorations and the many people in it. Mrs. Bhalla told them to go to their room and freshen up before some of her friends and neighbours arrived to see them.

They both went to their room and finally let go of the knot that held them together. He told her to wash and use the bathroom first. He lay down on the bed next to Ruhi patting her head gently as she moved in her sleep. Exhausted from the lack of sleep in the past few days, the wedding ceremony, and back pain he closed his eyes and fell asleep in no time. As she came out of the bathroom with untied hair and some of the jewelry taken off, she found him next to Ruhi all cuddled up like a baby himself. They are so alike she thought to herself as she looked at the posture of the father and daughter. They both pouted slightly in their sleep and had one arm stretched out while their other hand was near their mouth. She sat on the edge of the bed smiling and admiring the sleeping duo and covered him with a blanket and adjusted Ruhi's.

As she looked around the room carefully, she noticed a change. The pictures...the pictures of his wife were...gone! Why? Why did he do this? She had never ask him to do something like this, then what made him do this? She would have to talk to him as he woke up. As she looked around the place trying to see how things were, there was a knock on the door. His cousin had brought her luggage and asked her where she wanted it placed. She let him in and asked him to leave it in a corner not knowing where Raman wanted her things to be put. As he entered the room, he looked at the sleeping Raman and shook his head while placing her suitcases.

"What is he doing? His newly wedded wife is in a new place and he is sound asleep. Idiot! Let me wake him up now!"

He went over to the bed and was about to wake him up when she stopped him...

"No please. Let him sleep, he is really tired. I will wake him myself in a while, just let him be for some time."

"Are you sure?"

She smiled and nodded and he left the room closing the door behind him. She was called by his mother and went outside letting the two sleep in peace. Outside his many relatives were sitting around the place and they all looked at her as she entered. She slowly walked over to his mother, the only person in the room she knew as she looked down hoping he was here to make her comfortable. She wanted him to be here, so it wouldn't seem like such an unfamiliar place and she would have someone to be with. As if God had heard her, he came walking out of the room at that moment. She smiled a huge smile at him and followed him wherever he went and talked to whoever he talked to. The reminder of the day went into meeting with his relatives, playing with Ruhi, and enjoying with his cousins who reminded her so much of Mihika.

As everyone started to leave after dinner, they all started to retire to their rooms. As they walked into their room, he noticed her luggage sitting in the corner.

"Ms. Iyer your-"

"Mrs.Bhalla, I'm Mrs. Bhalla now." She corrected him with a glint in her eyes.

"You know, I think it's time we stop being so formal and calling each other by name."

"You're right, no more Ms. Iyer or Mr.Bhalla." she agreed with him.

"So Ishita, just keep your clothes in the suitcase for today and tomorrow I will have the room set for sure. For now just place everything else wherever you would like."

"Sure Ramanji...I-"

"Raman...ji?!" he looked baffled and confused. In return she also gave him a confused look.

"Ishita what are you saying?"

"You said to call you by your name."

"My name isn't Ramanji Bhalla, its Raman. The "ji" makes me sound old."

She giggled at him and he adored the smile on her face. She stop laughing and looked at him and said...

"Okay Raman. Fine now?"

"Much better."

They both decided to put away her basic things after they changed out of the heavy clothes they had been wearing since the morning. She changed into her pyjamas in the bathroom while he changed in the room itself. After they changed, he helped her put her things away by placing whatever she wanted where she wanted it.

In less than half an hour, their vanity was filled with brushes, make up, and perfumes rather than just a small comb and a bottle of perfume. Her shoes were placed next to his and her jewelry found place in the drawer where he kept his electronics. He took out his things and adjusted them into another drawer, so she had the space she needed. They both sat down on the bed tired from the day's events as he brought himself a separate blanket. They both sat there quietly just resting until she decided to ask him.

"Raman...can I ask you something?"

"Hmmm" he replied with his eyes closed.

"Why did you take her pictures down? Was it because of me?" she asked scared of the answer she would get. His eyes open right away and he turned to her. He took a moment before telling her...

"I did it for myself."

"What do you mean?"

"There are a lot of things you don't know Ishita. I had to remove those pictures because they remind me of something I did in the past that I regret. It has nothing to do with you, so please don't feel I am forced myself to do all this because of you."

"What did you do Raman that it made you do this?"

"It's something I want to forget and erase out of my mind completely. I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe one day I will tell you, but not today."

"It's alright. I won't push you, but if you ever want to say something, I am here."

They both sat in complete silence until he spoke up a few long minutes later...

"But you know if you had asked me to remove them, I would have for you..."

She looked up at him shocked...


That's all for now! Please like and leave your feedback in your comments!

Chapter 11- Page 52

Edited by smilesforever98 - 8 years ago
DilMereSuntaNhi thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Removing his first wife's pictures is something really unexpected !
Though I was expecting him to remove them , I didn't thought that he himself would do that , Surely there is something Untold About his Past , #Tragically Ended !

I Loved it , Finally they are getting familiar with eachother , His presence made her feel comfortable and her feeling of alienated all vanished with his presence  ! ๐Ÿ˜ณ

So no more Ms.Iyer or Mr.Bhalla ! Its just Raman and Ishita , That scene was good whr She corrects him saying its Mrs.Bhalla and not anymore Ms.Iyer ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

The changes you explained about his room that were made after her entry were genuine , Almost all Men go through this , electronics replaced by jewellery , Her shoes besides His' s , A simple comb was now accompanied by many Other things now ! This changes were perfectly explained in order to show the changes in a Widower's room ( now he is married though)

Those feelings of a newly wedded bride , Yeah no one wants to chose over her in laws and her own family but one has to , every girl has to ! Perfectly Explained๐Ÿ‘

As always , As usual You were fab , Impressed me !
but dil hai ki maanta nhi ! Want more , #GreedyMe ๐Ÿ˜†

Waiting for the next update! 

Edited by DilMereSuntaNhi - 9 years ago
janani_divan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Lovely update.thanks for pm prabh.ishita want raman all time around with her.ruhi and raman pout is so cute.pls yaar disclose about shagun .Edited by janani_divan - 9 years ago
Albeli26 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
haaye!!! that was so beautiful prabh. finally the wedding is done. Raman is truly so cute na. always helpful and caring for his wifey. loved their little and small gestures. ishita wanted him to take rest but in other mind she also wanted him to with her. this small gestures make wedding more beautiful. I am happy that Raman agreed to open his past with ishita. we all are also waiting for that day when he will reveal his past with her. plz update soon
PinkRose95 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Ahhh the last line. .. ๐Ÿคข
I love this man now.. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Y do i feel like his past has a different story altogether.. .
shravsss thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
They feeding each other...Wow.. That was a cute one... and i just realized... that they weren't hiding behind the bush... They were comfortable with such things... As i Said earlier they have become comfortable but they aren't able to accept the same fact...

ohhh how beautifully you have explained the bidai ceremony...This is every girl's plight at that time... It is that time the truth drowns upon you that you will no more be called the same which till now people addressed you as...
Their car scene was again good...She crying...and he doesnt know what to do... It happens that way... Even my jiju had same problem,...he didnt know how to convince my sis after bidai... haha...

I do wondered why Ishita didnt ask him about his dad...But Im very Happy you included that part here in this scene...

ohhh hooo Puttar slept off...Leaving the newly wedded Lady... I liked that scene were she sees the two sleeping alike... I wonder if she would want her bump kid to resemble raman or Subbu... of course/ obviously it's Raman's kid now... but then... I want you to add something on that note... 

I liked his entry when she wanted him near her... This showed... Whenever She needs him he will be there for her...

I liked that scene very much where She corrects him... Saying Mrs.Bhalla and not Ms.Iyer... Haha Ramanji was cute...haha... Raman corrected her... as he got shocked... This scene a lil bit cracked me up... But It showed how much respect she has for him...

Ohhh So he does regret something he did to Shagun... This would be the factor which will bring close Ishita and Raman i suppose... Im looking forward to the same... as In what he regrets...

But you know if you had asked me to remove them, I would have for you..."

She looked up at him shocked...

I wanted this scene...Now waiting for the next update...

P.S : That Back Pain still giving me a small hope that She would apply balm on his back... Is there anything in that note...

P.S.S I Love your Writing Prabh...
143rhb thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks for pm

Wow superb update.
Whole bidai scene was heart touching

Specially these lines were very touchy. 
She would step into another house leaving one family for another. She felt a kid who wanted to stay in her Amma's lap all day and have Appa bring her sweets and candies secretly hiding them from Amma. She wanted to be with them, but she also wanted to go to in-laws. She cried at having to choose one over the other.

I once asked my mom why we girls has to leave our house not boys my mom said.

Men's r stronger by body but we women r stronger by heart. It requires huge heart and courage to go somebody's house whom you merely know and claim to yours with full right. We can adapt any situation and conditions easily.


Javeria3991 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
awesome update
Ramanji LOLZ ๐Ÿคฃ
usaonly thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Another lovely update small gesture and caring made their relationship growing. There are so many nice moment today feeding teasing for Raman hungry the bidding farewell for her family Appa still treat Ishu like small kid hide and give candy so cut.Raman reminding of his dad at that time too and had tear so emotional for him.back to his home he tired and went off sleep.๐Ÿคฃ But he wake up to save her again. I hope you will not keep one of them sleep in the couch๐Ÿ˜‰ and did Ruhi had her own bed there so she will not sleep with them in the middle so we can get some cute scence when they wake up the next morning.๐Ÿ˜ณ You kept the last part that if Ishu ask him to remove his wife photo he will do it too. ( wow) what he thinking?i think so far you did not open up Raman past yet hope you will reveal one day like he talk to Ishu. I can't believe you are such young girl and write the story so well and intersting too  love you dear.๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—
avni_19 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Wowww! I read all the parts in one shot! Awesum superb concept. Totally different from other stories. Cont soon..

Beautifully and brilliantly written!

Im loving ishu ruhi bond n ishra obvious. Waiting for their love to start up!

Pls pm me whn u update! Thanks in advance!