
7 days ago

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Half of the rituals were done.. when....

Geet who has been just looking down for so long ....

Now at the time of wearing garlands looks up

Maan was in front ......

There was shocking look of happiness on her face.

It was as if both of them were trying to absorb each other through eyes.. reaching one other soul. Both of them kept staring at each other.

 Both of them kept staring at each other

"Oh, it's enough now.. are you going to just stand here only staring each other??

Both came to their senses.

Maan's life came alive as if he had got his lost treasure.

All the rituals of marriage took place. The main thing is that Maan's parents who used to be outside the city were also present there.

 The main thing is that Maan's parents who used to be outside the city were also present there

Maan was shocked to see them.

Geet's father stood with folded hands.

"I'm sorry ... we both troubled you but if we hadn't done that then maybe you both wouldn't have understood the value and sweetness of your relationship ......"

Maan "Dad, I'm sorry, I never hated Geet but what I did it was only an outcome of misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry ..."

"I am your son from today ..." Maan

Maan lovingly hugged her father. There was only happiness now. But when he looked at Geet, he saw a little anger in her eyes. He didn't understand.

After the wedding, Maan came home with Geet. Both of them were quiet in the car because Maan's parents were in the car and Maan was driving.


Now the moment that Maan was waiting for was near.

Geet was standing in the balcony quietly thinking about what had happened all day.

He came into the room. Maan lovingly called Geet.

Geet ..... ........ Geet, who was calm till now, instantly turn around .. rushing inside furiously and started throwing pillows on him and started blabbering.

"you didn't feel anything for me. You have left your own wife in the hands of another. Gave me divorce.. and didn't even consider to ask me, what is in my heart..

"Listen to me." Maan

"I will not listen ....." Geet

"Then who will listen? .......Maan

He came close to her to manofy her. She turned her face away in anger. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close, but she was still doing futile attempt of struggle.
But he very lovingly pulled her into his arms. With that Her anger subsided and tears welled up in her eyes.

She put her head on his chest and started crying.. sobbing hard. He also started crying with her.

"Does anyone do this? What If Sameer had got married to me

"Does anyone do this? What If Sameer had got married to me....? Then how  could I have live.."

He hugged her tightly.

Geet, "i love you so much" "You are mine and only mine." Maan

"I love you too. I can't live without you." Geet

Their innocent love would complete today

Maan picked her up softly.

Maan "Geet, never go away from me again

Maan "Geet, never go away from me again. It is impossible for me to live without you."

"I can't either live without you." Geet

"My prince ......., she added lovingly..

Maan locked her beautiful face in his eyes..

The two were united in the color of their love.

Thank you so much for your awesome response to this story friends....smiley31

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Comments (8)

Sad to see she turned out to be a doormat. I wanted him to grovel for what he did to her

a day ago

both are shock to see each other
geet shows her anger that how maan send her away but maan cool down her by confessing his love for her
geet also confess

6 days ago

Beautiful Conclusion

Loved the fact that Maan's parents were also present
at his and Geet's wedding
wow Geet was so furious with Maan but he confessing his love to her
finally melted her Geet

7 days ago

Amazing story dear, at last two are together forever.

7 days ago

Nice update. Both confessed their feelings for each other.

7 days ago

Finally they are together

7 days ago

Beautiful ❤️ epilogue dear 😍 finally Maan & Geet are one in all ways & now they are married again

7 days ago

Hope they live happily together all their life

7 days ago