11 months ago

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Sonakshi's house

Sonakshi - "I feel like I was being used by the people and I don't like it."

Naina - "In what sense?"

Sonakshi - "I mean, people speak with only when they need me. Not speaking with me because I am their friend."

Naina - "Why do you feel so, Sona? They are all your friends, right?"

Sonakshi - "I felt and still feeling that they are my friends. But they are not feeling the same."

Naina - "Are you sure?"

Sonakshi - "Yeah mom. Last week, we had a webinar in our college by an foriegn professor. It was for limited people only. Working with that professor was my dream as it would enhance my career. Our professor asked Shubhadra to inform it to the students and the one who apply first would get the opportunity. She neither informed the students nor me. She just informed it to her friends and enrolled them. Am I not her friend? Didn't you see our bond in my birthday party, mom? You know I didn't even sleep for few nights to clear all her doubts during exam time. I thought we were really close."

Somnath - "Maybe she had more friends who are closer than you, Sona."

Sonakshi - "Dad, that's fine. I have seen her being close with two or more people than me. But she always tell me that I'm her closest friend. She never accepts that she is closer to others too."

Somnath - "That's sad

Somnath - "That's sad."

Sonakshi - "It's not only aboyt Shubhadra. I have problem with most of them. They just come to me when there was my need in exams to teach the concepts which was difficult to understand. Afterwards they disappear. But I didn't care much as I help helping people. But I never thought that it would backfire me."

Naina - "At least now you understood that you should prioritise yourself over others."

Sonakshi- "Sadly I understood. But what can I do? I feel like I am living among strangers. Even today, I asked my friends if we can go for a movie. Everyone refused saying that they're tired and go to home. But while coming to home, I saw the same gang coming out of cinema theatre as the movie gets over. Why are they lying to me?"

Somnath - "It's okay, Sona."

Sonakshi - "It's not okay, baba. Am I not a good friend?"

Naina  hugged Sonakshi, "Nothing like that, beta. You're the best. But not everyone could able to recognize the best quality of someone, right?"

Sonakshi nodded, "But I am tired of people changing their colours just like their dresses."

Somnath - "That's the reality of the world, Sona. Everyone is forced to wear a mask in the world. And the mask changes as per the person you meet."

Sonakshi - "But why am I the third person to them when I consider them as my own?"

Somnath - "All your frustrations and questions are right, Sonakshi. But it is not something under your control, right?"

Naina - "Sona, then detach yourself from them."

Sonakshi - "Mom...?"

Naina - "Have you seen movies where a couple breaks up?"

Sonakshi nodded.

Naina - "Why did the breakup happen?"

Sonakshi - "Few due to misunderstandings... few due to family and external pressure... Few due to the individual's red flag characteristics."

Naina - "Red flag charactertistics... It is not only problematic to the second person but also problematic to the first person himself."

Sonakshi - "So?"

Naina - "Detach yourself from the people whom you feel toxic slowly

Naina - "Detach yourself from the people whom you feel toxic slowly. Behave like a mirror. Be straightforward."

Sonakshi - "But..."

Naina - 'Yes, you'd feel bad for sometime. But it works in a long run. Also you need to rectify your mistakes. You should not trust anyone blindly, Sonakshi. Analyse them."

Sonakshi - "Haan maa."

Somnath - "Also Sona, it's important to remember

Somnath - "Also Sona, it's important to remember. They are just not good for you. It's not like they are not good. There's a lot of difference. Choose people who are good to you."

Sonakshi - "Yeah baba."

Sonakshi hugged Somnath and Naina.

Naina - "Come on Sona, let's eat dinner."

Sonakshi - "Okay maa."


3 days later,  College Cafeteria

Ritesh is drinking coffee and Sonakshi sits near him with a freshly bought chocobar and pancake. 

Ritesh - "Shall I take a small piece from your cake?"

Sonakshi - "Yeah sure. But only a small piece. Okay?"

Ritesh nods

Ritesh nods.

Sonakshi takes a small piece from her cake and fees Ritesh. 

Sonakshi - "Yummy?"

Ritesh - "Afterall it's your choice. How could it not be?"

Sonakshi has a kiddish frown in her face as Ritesh subtly flirted with her.

Sonakshi - "I won't get impressed with all your antics.."

Ritesh - "I know that. That's why I am friend with you."

Sonakshi - "And I'm friend with you because you're honest to me though you're a player."

Ritesh - "I accept that I'm a ladies man but I don't keep relationship with two woman at a same time."

Sonakshi - "But get into three relationships in week and two break ups... Flirting is infinity... What a policy..."

Ritesh - "That's called casual relationships."

Sonakshi - "You and your relationships."

Ritesh smiled.

Sonakshi ate her pancake and shifted to her icecream.

Ritesh - "Sonakshi... actually Laura and I had an ugly fight in the road."

Sonakshi - "In road... Seriously?"

Ritesh told her about his fight with Laura. 

Sonakshi - "Are you both kids?"

Ritesh - "No... but my anger has just blinded my eyes. And Laura was just instigating it."

Sonakshi - "Are you justifying yourself, Ritesh? Seriously?"

Ritesh - "No. Actually I am guilty of it. I think I have crossed my line too."

Sonakshi - "Okay..."

Ritesh - "I haven't fought with anyone like that.Like rolling on road and all... After all it's just a car. It wasn't Laura who did that too but I insulted Laura. It was very wrong."

Sonakshi - 'Interesting

Sonakshi - 'Interesting."

Ritesh - "Stop being sarcastic."

Sonakshi laughed.

Sonakshi - "So you accepted that you're at mistake

Sonakshi - "So you accepted that you're at mistake. Then, apologize to her and also to Vani and Akshata too. "

Ritesh - "No need to apologize to Vani and Akshata. They themselves are cheating their boyfriends. I revealed their true face as I was longing for enteratainment. So got angry with me and justified their act by saying that I am playing with girls."

Sonakshi - "You're just impossible, bro."

Ritesh - "But I must apologize to Laura. How?"

Sonakshi - "Ask sorry and accept whatever is her response. It's as simple as that."

Ritesh - "As simple as that... Seriously? How could I even face her after all this?"

Sonakshi - "The most complicated problems have the simplest of solutions, Ritesh. So why don't you try?"

Ritesh didn't speak anything and turned his face away.

Sonakshi - "Achha baba... I can help you."

Ritesh looks at Sonakshi with a glow in his face. They both laughed.

 They both laughed


College Playground, Evening

Dev is sitting in the gallery and encouraging his friends who are playing cricket. Something falls near him. He checks and notices that it is a rose rolled by paper and rose.

Dev opens the paper and reads, "You are my first love and taught me the meaning of love. I love you, Mr. Dev Dixit. By Ananya, [phone number]"

Dev smiles and writes, "Hi Ananya

Dev smiles and writes, "Hi Ananya. Thanks for loving me but I'm sorry that I am not feeling the same for you. Hope you don't feel bad and get someone who loves you selflessly. By Dev."

After writing, he keeps it there as it was.

He saw Sonakshi waiting at the corner of the gallery. He waves his hand to her and called her. Sonakshi comes and sit with him.

Sonakshi - 'Hi Dev, how is it going?"

Dev - "Yeah, it's going good. How are you?"

Sonakshi - "I'm good."

Dev - "Sonakshi, you called me for talking something. What is it?"

Sonakshi - "I'll tell you. I'm actually waiting for someone's arrival. Could you please wait for five minutes?"

Dev - "Yeah, no issues."

After 2 minutes, Ritesh comes running to Dev and Sonakshi with sweat and long breathes. Dev is surprised that Sonakshi is waiting for him.

Dev - "Ritesh, right? He is your..."

Sonakshi smiled, "He is my friend."

Dev has a sense of relief inside his heart, "Thankfully she is single. But why is she with this eccentric man?"

Ritesh drinks water and wiped his sweat with a towel that he takes from his bag.

Ritesh extended his hands to Dev for a handshake. Dev and he shaked their hands.

Ritesh - "I'm really sorry for coming late. The match was supposed to finish quite earlier but yeah it couldn't."

Dev - "It's okay."

Sonakshi - "Actually, Ritesh is guilty of speaking to Laura and you like that three days back. He regrets it and feels genuinely sorry for that."

Dev looks at Ritesh to check his sorry expression.

Ritesh - "I'm sorry Dev. I crossed my line that day and behaved like an eccentric."

Dev gets convinced with his apology.

Dev - "Okay, you feel really sorry about it. What can I do for that?"

Ritesh - "Could you please help me to apologize to Laura as well? I was pretty scared to face her. But I want to apologize."

Ritesh asked innocently which unknowingly brought a smile in Dev's face and Sonakshi starts laughing but controls it. Ritesh gives a glare at her.

 Ritesh gives a glare at her

Sonakshi - "I'm sorry. I won't laugh."

Dev admired her laugh

Dev admired her laugh.

Dev admired her laugh

Dev - "Then okay. But Laura is not in a condition that she'd come to college. She has fractured her leg and the doctor advised for bedrest."

Ritesh - "That's really sad. Hope she get well soon."

Dev - "But I can take you to her house and there you can apologize. Are you willing to do that?"

Ritesh initially felt awkward but Sonakshi motivated him.

Ritesh - "Yeah Dev. I'm ready."

Dev - "But you have to promise that you shouldn't create a drama once again. Otherwise it'd become a big problem there."

Ritesh - "Yeah sure, Dev. I won't create any drama and I'd remain silent even if Laura got angry and shout anything to me."

Dev - "That's good. Let's go."

Ritesh - "Yeah. Wait for five minutes, Dev and Sonakshi. I'll change my dress and come."

Sonakshi - "Okay. But only you two are going. Not me."

Ritesh - "Why? Please come with me."

Sonakshi - "No yaar. I have to meet the faculty coordinator and submit the report. So all the best."

Ritesh nodded and he goes to change the dress. Sonakshi bids Dev and goes.


Laura's house

After buying bouqets for Laura, Ritesh and Dev landed in Laura's house. It is a bungalow and designed aesthetically.

Ritesh - "It's quite unexpected that Laura is rich."

Dev - "Yes, her mother is nation's reputed lawyer. Laura doesn't have a dad but her mom never let her feel that."

Ritesh - "Oh."

Ritesh and Dev entered the house. Laura's mom Tanushree greeted both of them and took them to Laura's room.

Laura adjusts herself and sits in the bed. She smiled at Dev but stares at Ritesh. 

Tanushree - "You guys continue. I have to go."

Tanushree goes.

Before Laura could shout at Ritesh knelt down and pulled his ears.

Ritesh - "I am sorry, Laura."

Laura is surprised by his gesture.

Ritesh - "I felt bad as I accussed you of something you didn't do and insulted you. Also sorry for the ugly cat fight too in the road. Please forgive me, Laura."

Laura - "Ritesh, stand up."

Ritesh - 'Tell me that you forgave me

Ritesh - 'Tell me that you forgave me. Only then I'd stand."

Laura - "Oh please... don't embarrass me."

Ritesh stands up.

Laura - "Take your hands from your ears."

Ritesh does that as well.

Laura - "Don't think that these kiddish acts would impress me. Okay?"

Ritesh feels sad.

Ritesh - "It's okay if you didn't forgive me

Ritesh - "It's okay if you didn't forgive me. Maybe what I did was difficult to forgive. Take care."

He kept the bouquet near her. It had a 'Get well soon' card in it. He is about to leave.

Laura - "I didn't tell that I didn't forgive you, right?"

Ritesh looks on.

Laura - "Tell yes or no

Laura - "Tell yes or no. Don't blink."

Ritesh - "Yes."

Laura - "So I am forgiving you. Also, I am sorry. I too over-reacted on that day which might have instigated you."

Ritesh - "Thanks for forgiving. Also for apology."

Laura smiled and takes his boquet.

Laura - "I am not much interested in flowers but this one is really nice. Good taste, man."

Ritesh smiled

Ritesh smiled.

Ritesh - "We shall have great time after your recovery."

Laura - "Interesting... But why not now? Is it because I am bedridden?"

Ritesh - "No no.. We shall have before your recovery too. It'd be better but the best would come only when you come to the college."

Laura - "Gladly. If you say something else, I'd surely initiated a fight with you."

Laura, Ritesh and Dev laughed. 

Ritesh gets a call. He excused himself and comes out.

Dev sits near her.

Dev - "I hope you're feeling well, Laura."

Laura - "Haan yeah."

Laura said with a embarrassing smile. Dev noticed it.

Dev gives her a pancake.

Dev - "Tadaa! Here is your favorite pancake..."

He opens it and is about to feed her. But Laura gets it from him and eats by herself. Dev felt bad about it.

Dev - "How is it?"

Laura - "Good."

Then, there is an awkward pause between them. Dev breaks it.

Dev - "Are you still thinking about the same incident?"

Laura remains silent.

Dev - "Please understand, Laura."

Laura - "You're not understanding me, Dev."

Dev - "What do you mean?"

Laura - "Not now, Dev. Please."

Dev - "No Laura. Tell me what I didn't understand." 

Laura - "Almost everyone in dance class and the people who know and me in the college is aware that I'm in love with you for the past 8 months. Except you."

Dev stammers, "If you give any such hints and I fail to recognize, I'm really sorry, Laura

Dev stammers, "If you give any such hints and I fail to recognize, I'm really sorry, Laura. I didn't do it intentionally. I really love spending time with you..."

Laura - "But I love you Dev and want to be your life partner."

There was again silence surfaced between them.

Laura - "I know I am wrong... But what can I do, Dev? Are my feelings wrong?"

Dev - "No, Laura. But I've never thought of you like that, Laura."

Laura - "Then, think now, Dev

Laura - "Then, think now, Dev. You're single, right? Then what is the issue? It won't cause any damage to our friendship. We even have the same friends network. So no arguments and even if it happens, I'll apologize. You know me and I know you..."

Dev - "I don't how to say but you're really special to me..."

Laura - "For me too... We'd be perfect together. Don't you think so?"

Dev keeps his voice low - "No.... Not in that sense..."

Laura - "Leave it, Dev."

Laura sits keeping her hands on her head. She is crying.

Dev silently calls her name.

Laura - "Dev please... please stay away from me for few days... It'd be better for you and me."

Dev's face turns gloomy

Dev's face turns gloomy. 

Dev - "Okay Laura."

Dev stands up and goes out of her room wiping his tears.

Ritesh, who is standing at the door's corner, looks at them sadly as he had heard their conversation.

To be continued...

A man challenges Dev and Ritesh to play football with him. Dev and Ritesh tries to defeat him. But the man is dominating. Dev and Ritesh wonders who is he.

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