~Epilogue~ Matured

11 months ago

TianaWrites Thumbnail



Take my hand

Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you


The slanting rays of the morning sun fell on her face making her scrunch her eyes. Unwilling to open her eyes just yet, she laid on the bed smiling contently stroking the strong hand holding her protectively even in deep slumber. The hand that had never left hers throughout the few hard weeks they had just crossed. She shuddered a little as she remembered the anxious nights they had spent in the very same room wondering if their son would be taken away. If it hadn't been for Khushi's interference, her ex mother in law would have definitely dragged her son to court not worrying in the least about the trauma she would inflict on him in the process. Khushi had sat her down and showed her the loopholes in the case and told her plainly how she would never win in court if she actually dared to continue fighting. Yet, the woman hadn't relented and had gone on a rant about money, flesh and blood which had made her want to scream. Had it not been for her husband, she would have definitely been thrown in jail for violence. Throughout the painful series of interviews between both parties, he had held her hand tight and everytime she felt like throwing everything and giving up, he had whispered words of assurance. Finally, after a long miserable battle of wits and words, Khushi had successfully convinced the woman that she can never claim custody as they had proof of neglect and abuse - both physical and mental against her during the course of pregnancy. Of course, the woman had had the audacity to deny it but her ex husband accepted the fact and for the sake of Ruhi's future asked his mother to shut up and let go. That was the last they had seen of them and she hoped she would never have to face them again. Just the thought of having to meet her ex mother in law made her tremble with anger.

"Still thinking about Abhir's case?"

His gruff voice shook her out of her thoughts and she turned to see her husband looking keenly at her.


"It's over now, Akshara. Abhir is home... Remember what Mrs. Raizada said... They won't ever try claiming custody... You don't have to worry anymore..."

She nodded a little and snuggled closer to him.

"What is it, Akshara?"

She buried her head in his chest and held him close. He wrapped his hand around her instinctively.

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing... I just want you..."

He pulled back a little and tipped her chin up making her look at him. He raised his eyebrow. She sighed softly.

"So many times over the days we fought for Abhir, I was scared... Scared that I will lose everything... My son, you... I was scared I would become all alone again with nowhere to go... Now that I have everything... I sometimes fear I will wake up to find its all a dream..."

He planted a kiss on her forehead.

"It's not... it's real, every breath of ours is as real as the sun that's reflecting through the dew out there... You just have to believe... I promise our life is going to get better. We won't have to go back ever again..."

"Mmmm... Abhinav?"


"You know why I love you?"


She placed her lips on his and whispered

"Because... you are my only home..."

His heart full and eyes misty, he gave a small smile.

"And you... are mine..."

Placing soft kisses on his face, she whispered 

"Take me now, Abhinav... Make me yours... again... I want to feel the blissful contentment... of being yours... of being home... again..."

And he fulfilled her wish as the fresh roses bloomed in their garden, filling their home with sweet fragrance. A little blackbird burst out singing by their window as if to commemorate their union. The lovers drowning themselves in each other neither heard nor felt nature celebrating them... All that mattered was that they were finally in the place they had longed for so long... They were finally... Home.


~la fin~

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Comments (2)

One more fanfic on them pretty please

9 months ago

They are home indeed. A home full of life and love.

11 months ago