Chapter 1

wardahere Thumbnail



Helllo my FAMLIE..welll this is warda...=Dhow are you guys doiing..?!!?
ii am DoOin fablous..=D. well ii wrote a FF before and THANKS too guys it touched the SKY..!!Big smileBig smile T
HANKYOUEmbarrassed MOving on DMG is the only show i watch soo welll ii started riting this new FF..!!and ii PROMISE you guys to UPDATE it..EVERY WEEEEk..!!
GIVE meh everything you guys can
ii dedicate this story to my loves
Embarrassed*Fahima Ali*
my everything + GOD'z Angel brought down for me..=]]

*Anum Bukhari*
A precious gift GOD have gifted me with

my story name is:
[a regular love story]=D

He parked his black Ferrari in the empty parking lot...pulling the Gear in the park shift and taking the keys off..he put his head down on his hands which were resting on the steering wheel trying to forget and get over everything...but he himself knew forgetting and getting over something like that was not easy..being the most popular and hottest hunk at his college last year...being the best basket ball player who won the state champion ship not one or two but three times in a row..but instead he entered medical career cauz he love challenges and so today he was excited about his first ever training as an intern in Sanjeevani one of the biggest hospital in England which brought a lil smile on his face..But then thinking about this morning took his smile away gave him nothing but a deep pain inside his heart..

****FLASH BACK****
" Yes Sir!" he replied to his father without any expressions

"Mr.Armaan Malik i want you to Behave like a responsible doctor..I don't want you to b bringin any sh*t home like you did in college" Mr.malik said with his wide open eyes looking straight as his son
Mr.Saahil Malik a very proud business man..with broad shoulders..Green eyes..and just perfect body[which armaan got from his father] which did nothing but just made girls fall for him..after the death of his wife he have became really cruel and stirict over every single thing armaan do..and unfortunatly he balmes armaan for the death of his wife..

"Sir! you can't blame me for something i never was ur business partner Mr.Khanna'z son Summits fault.." armaan replied with a stern look and lowered eyes..

"DON"T YOU DARE ARGUE BACK TO ME LIKE THAT...I AM YOUR FATHER I KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG..GET IT..Fiirst Your mother died because of you and now you are trying to kill your father...Saahil Mallik son nothing but a Murderer is that what you want to bring out to this world.." Mr.Malik said with an Angry look he was giving to his son who stood like a statue

Hearing the word "Murderer" Armaan looked at his dad with a shock even when it was not the first time his father have said something like that..he ran up stairs to his room and close the door behind him..tear roll down his eye as soon as the door was closed..
he imeediatly wiped it away and grabed his car keys from the table...he rushed downstairs..he walked past his dad reached for the front door and before closing the door behind him he yelled

"i'll be home late..da..SIR!" and lowered his eyes

" Ammy your talking like i can leave and come home when ever you want.."Mr.Malik said reading the newspaper and taking a sip frm his coffee cup..

Armaan finally closed the door behind him..


Armaan's head still on top of his hands which were over steering wheeel..just then he felt a Knock on his window..but he was too lost in his thoughts so he ignored it he heard it again...and he lifted up hiss head  headed out of the car and greeted his buddy atul..
Atul who was the center half in the basket ball team with him at since high school...Atul and Armaan have been together ever since their first high school year and have never been in a fight...atul is a plant lover so he picked medical in order to tell peopel that polution and smoking is bad not only for the environment and people but also for plants..

"hey atul..whats up bud!??

"noOthin just excited about the first day..waht about you..?!?!

"I am cool too...just a bit too exhausted.."

"Why was NG over last night..?" atul said as he left a laugh but after looking at armaan's expressions he stoped

Atul was well awared of his friends feeeling he knew armaan hated talking about his personal life...

"ii am soorry" atul said placing hand over his friend's shoulder

"its okaay atleast you realized your mistake" armaan said as he folded his hand to his broad chest

"so excited..?!?!?" atul aksed with a cheezy smile

"yah very.."

Atul looked at his watch
"Ammy i think we should head in..its 8:30..Lets take a look inside.."

"sure..sounds liek a deal"

Armaan and atul headed inside..
"I like these lockers ammy" atul said putting his bag and lucky flower in there..

"yah they are better than the college one"

"tell me about it" Atul said taking a seat on the chair right next to his locker since his locker was the first one and looked toward the door.

"Hey Ammy your Girl is here...'' Atul said still looking at Ng...whom he is been having crush since he first saw her'being friends with her he realized she have feelings for armaan so he told armaan about it and next thing armaan did was ask Ng out just to make her feel better and they have been dating for now almost 2 years now

Armaan turned and open his arms to give a warm welcome to his gurll...Ng ran in his arms and they hugged passionately

"Oh my GOD! You don't even know how much i missed this baby" Ng whispered in armaan's ear with her eyes closed..

"me too doll" armaan said smiling
"Welcome doctors...I am doctor Keerti Shubhankar...your Head..I'll be assigning you duties'I have some rules since you guys will b working with me I really hope actually I want these rules to be followed no matter what'I am passing out this paper this is not just a paper but some expectations i have from you Interns...passing paper this may feel like high school to you but this was necessary' I give you exactly 10 minutes to go through this paper" keerti said with a strict tone..

"i hope all of you have read this and made commitment of following this...Anyways moving on...I will be breaking you up in pairs of two'Two interns in one group'which certainly means that both of you will be given one case...and you two will be responsible for anything that goes wrong in short words you will work out things together...So its eight of you Rite so its even your groups are
Group 1: Doctor Atul Joshi and Doctor Angalie Sharma
Group 2: Doctor Rahool Garewal and Doctor Muskaan Chadda
Group 3: Doctor armaan malik and Doctor Riddhima Gupta
Group 4: Doctor Nikita Prakash and Doctor Abhimanyu Modi
Doctor Nikita well Doctor Abhimanyu will be coming in late so you will be with me until he joins us...but the other groups I want you to go around the hospital in pairs and I want a combined report on what you think is going wrong..? What do we need to work on..? Which section do you prefer to take..? And more stuff like this' this report will be due this Friday'.this is no college no high won't be graded or anything...its an opinion project'its purpose is to reflect you and help you know the person you will be working with for the rest of the year'All the best and your may begin"

"Thank you Ma'M"
"My love is true'" he said taking hold of her waist and kissing her neck...

"Stop it! I said let me go'this is not the right place" she said feeling his warm breath on her neck..

"I love you muskaan and love don't' care about the word WHERE!" Before she could say anything she felt his lips on her and she was able to do nothing but go on with the flow'

And he kicked the bathroom door behind them..
Ok i think she really hates me'she gave me that "whatever" look...and now we are suppose to be walking together... giving each other our introduction which we don't have too... since we have known each other ever since highschool freshmen year...BUT I am walking way behind her'and she is ahead of me'admiring and looking at everything BUT ME!...Does she think I am DUM! A MORON! Or what...she is walking alone'not caring that she have a partner...what does she think of her self...?!?!
He gave himself these thoughts while walking behind There is no point of think about her when I know she was no where to be interested in talking to me...because since the time Keertii assigned us together she didn't showed me that breath taking smile...The smile! Did I  just said smiled! Because she didn't even look at me..!!

While he was lost in his thoughts she turned and looked at him..

"" riddhima said turning but he was no where close to her he was behind her lost in his own thoughts so she looked behind her and found armaan staring right at her

"Yes maM" armaan said as he mad ea fast walk to her and was now standing right by her
"Well I was thinking it would be great if we ask the patients they feel being at the sanjeevani..??!? Are they taken care of properly?!? and questions like that'so wee can quote them and it will help us make our report look more interesting.." she said without making an eye contact with armaan but with an excitement in it which armaan can easily feel...
Where is that smile.. =(!!! what about that smile I been wanting to c'which brings out the innocence in her...and the sweetness that appears on her lips'

coming out of his thoughts...he planned to bring out his ideas tooo..

 "well i was thinking..."armaan was just about to say something when riddhima cuted him off.

"Well I have to go this is my number'we can contact each other in order to do further more discussion.." riddhima said righting her number on a sticky note..

"Umm 8"

"Sorry'?!?" she said as she gave him a quick look

"I'll call you at eight..!" armaan said smiling

"Sure eight sounds cool" she said handing him the sticky note...and walked toward the locker room while armaan stood there staring at the number in his hand'
"SHUT UP! nik said jumping on the bed next to ridz

"nik i am not joking...ARMAAN arghh..!! I rather be paired with no one than armaan ii mean a person'who don't Know anything." she said placing the pillow rite behind her back and putting the laptop on her lap

"Ridz you don't even no him'I mean may be he is smart...cause dummies can't really stand Medical" muskaan said laying in the bed on the other side of the ridz with her softy baby[her blanket] on top of her with closed eyes

"Muskz don't even go there you are really very lucky that you got paired up with your own fianc...btw how was your day?" riddhima asked raising her eyebrows'

"Ohhh'Ohh...Ohh'lemme do the pleasure...rahool must have been like I LOVE YOU kiss one kiss'no-one will look...and muskz would have been like Let me go...someone will come or see'RITE?!?!" nik said with a laugh and riddhima joined her giving high fives..

"You bi*ches* muskz said throwing the pillow at her best friends which was caught by nik before it could even touch her

RIddhima..muskaan and nikita have been together since eight grade...and now they are so close that sometimes their mom's get scared that what will happen if one of them get married and moved to somewhere else'they spend night at each others house on daily basis'mostly at riddhima's since her parents are doctors and she get scared at night'so they call themselves her body guard'

"Am ii right muskz baby?" niki said half laughing half smiling
shut up soo don't want me to get started on that checking out abhimanyu thing.." muskz said giving nik a evil grin

"ohhh'talking about checking out means hot guy I want to no...who is it muskz tell me...?!?!?!?"ridz asked she moved her eyes from laptop to muskz and shaked her..

"Checking out? what the hell in the world are you talking about muskz" nik asked with a lost! Expression..

"well since I am telling ridz you can hear the Dynamic story too...ridz our nik madam was paired up with some abhimanyu type dude.."

"Sounds champu..." ridz said giggling..

"He is so not a champuu ridzz...he have those sexy abs'spiked hair...PERFECT smell which drives me crazy*my shoes'and that dude now how to dress.." nik said with a cheesy smile on her face and looking the other side of the room...towards the window..

"ohhhhhhh...watt else nik..?!?! Does he hug good..?!?! Tell us something about his kissing..?!?! Is he a want more kisser..?!?! Or a Go away one..?! Or a Learn More one..?!?!" muskaan said laughing and giving high-five to riddhima..

"You assh*le'well I don't no about his hugs and kissing but I really hope he is good at them the want more ones"... nik said winking at them

"Looks like nik you have future plans with this Mr. perfect smell..." ridz said with an interest

"Well ridzz he was so polite...he asked me to come over to his place'but then he goes I am sorry that didn't sounded right....he asked me to meet him in Sanjeevani's cafe an hour before the work starts'every day this week so we can work on this report.." nik said with a smile she was giving to her girls.

"awwwwwwwwwwwww...that is so cute...i don't even know if me and rahool can take a round around the hospital'he wants a kiss every other minute.."muskaan said blushing

"awwwwww..that is actually cute nik good luck babes'"ridz said giving a simple smile to nik.

"yaar'tell that rahool to stop being a pervert and get mature.." nik said giving muskaan a serious look

"yup yup! but how can someone be so good  at kissing..."muskaan said with her eyes closed and smile on her lips..

"Personally I don't no cause I haven't kissed him yet.."ridz said giggle..

"you kutii one day miss RIddhima Shashank Gupta will get addicted to kissing.." muskaan said with close eyes an evil smile.

"Sounds like NEVER" ridz said staring at laptop screen

"Never always becomes EVER..." nik said now giving high fives to muskaan


"Not Ever Baby..RIDHIKMA..." nik and muskz said together

RIDHIKMA was only thing riddhima hated that's what her Indian cozins in India called her..thye added the "K" in her name for no reason..
"u KUTTIes" she said hitting them with her only pillow..
"alrite brother i am gonna go home.." armaan said getting up and droping couple $$bills on the table..

"your my ride you no that rite ammy" Ng said getting closer to ammy

"I no tht baby..alrite rahool..atul...we are gonna go home" armaan said getting up

"alrite you guys..byee.." atul and rahool said that and got back to their conversation

while armaan and Ng left the place..Ng never had to pay for anything when she was with armaan..He always pays for her ..which makes her nothin but proud of her armaan..

They sat in the car and headed toward Ng'z house..

"Baby can you believe dad braged about me wearing these shorts..he said that are too appealing.."

"hmmMmmmm..."armaan said not interested in this conversation

"baby do you like my shorts or do you think liek my dad too..??"Ng said as she placed her fingers in his hair
I like Ng but its soo annoying when  she brags about her parents..when i Myself is suffring from a parental problem...I hate that part about her that all she cares about is her REP! and having s*x! she never tried to understand me..

"Ammy where.." she said shaking him..armaan hit the break

"you passsed my house baby.."

"ohh..i..ii am soorry hun.." armaaan said glancing over NG

"its ok..ii have been desperatly waitingto spend this time with you.." she said as she palced her hands around his neck and they kissed..

"DAMN! you taste good girl..."

"so do you.." she said giving a peak again
she grabed her bag from the back seat..opened the door..waved and turned to  leave when armaan yelled..


"yaa"she said looking at him

"you look sexy in those shorts.." he said forcing a smile..

"awwwwwww..thankyou baby..i'll get more off these just for you" she said as she flew a flying kiss and left..

hmmmmmm...I hated them short..Ng..but i didn't wanted to hurt your feelings..your my girlfriend for almost two years and you still don't understand me..

He parked his ferrari in the garage and headed inside hopeing for no DRAMA!..he steped in and their was no one there...he could smell the delicious turkey waiting for him...Miss.lovely [their maid...who comes every day..kleans up the house and cook for the father and son..sweeet laddiee...armaan consider her as his Aunt] made for him..he walked around the house..and noone was there..he let go a breath of relief..

"he is gone again.." armaan whispered to himself..
Even though i am glad that he is not one to critcize me...but Again i am left with nothing but my own seclude..

he headed upstairs was entering straight to his rooom...just when he saw a note posted rite at his room doorr.

"I am leaving for 8 days...lovely will be coming home every day...this is not the first time i am leaving and so try to avoid and not bring home any kind of SH*T ..." on the bottom it said Mr.Malik..

Thats it..that is all he is going to say...Not asking or caring that how was my  first day being a doctor was...?! not asking me anything but telling me that he won't be here for me....

He took the note off and headed inside his room...he didn't bother to even take his shoes of..he collapased on the bed.. closed his eyes..his legs on the floor his body rested on the bed..he smiled and
said "RIdddhima.." he poped his eyes open

he sat straight up on his bed while taking off his shoes he thought

WhatTT..?!?!Did i jsut say RIdddhima...why shoudl I even bother caring about her... ?!?!!?...she was being a brat..ii mean its not that I can't expect a girl to be a bit*h to me...but still she was just way beyond my thinking...ohh well i have to call her in like almost [he glanced at the watch] WHAT THE HELL THREE HOURS...ii have to wait threee hours to talk to riddhima...but wait why m ii upset about it!

Anywazz getting tired of his confused thinking...he got up from the bed took a quick shower and changed in his shorts and a regular T...being alone was not the best thing ever..armaan have beeen living like this since he was 7 his dad would just leave a note and leave....Armaan'z friends thought it was amazing...and they envyied him about being alone...but noone yet understood his uninhabited..and the fear off being alone he had in his heart..

..he got comfortable on his bed with the playstation 2 video game reciever in his hand after getting donee with his regualr routine...he gave himself a thought

Oh my GOD.. he drop the reciever on the bed and laid down on his back..DARN IT! I still got and hour to kall riddhima...Her calm voice filled with sweetness and innocence...which makes me want to talk to her more nd more...well since i have time to kall riddhima  i'll kall Ng since i promised her that i'll call her...

he reached out his hand to the side table and grabed his cell phone...
"HAYYYE BHAGWAAANN" riddhima said puting both her hands in her hair..while her elbows rested on her crisscrossed legs..

"hahahahahahaha..ridz don't even don't even no how funny you sounded with that "haye bhagwaaan" hindi word with total british accent it was sweeet.." nik said laughing while laying down on the hot pink couch and watching tv infront of it...

"watever.. nik you don't even no how pissed i am right now...that armaan he is suppose to be kalling me right right now...and I really won't care if he calls me five or ten minutes early" she said jumping right next to nik on the couch..

"Ridz i think you shoudl calm down...i bet he probably forgot about it...why don't you get started on you project" muskz said still procasinating and laying in the bed..

"muskz don't even goo there..she said crossing her legs on the couch..I am half way done with it I just want him to know that...and just meet him up in the library down below the bridge soo he can know where the project iz goin.." she said..watching the tv with nik..

"But he is hot ridz...lets not lie...there was no girl in highschool or in college who didn't wanted to be with AMMMy" nik said putting her legs in ridz lap..

"i totally agree...but like rahool said that armaan actually have some major family problem...and he is not a player...its in history that he DOESNOT cheat.." muskz added from bed..

"BuLLsh*t...i don't believe it...I mean muskz why would your guy tell you that his friend is a cheater...and every girl excluding me BTW.." ridz said raising her hands up as if she is arrested..

"no but its true ridz...i mean i heard he is preety good in bed not in cheating..." nik claimed giggling..

"hahahahaha...ii really wonder how low he can goo.." ridz said giggling

"are you saying how low he can Go in BED!...DAMN! ridz your thinking too much.."Muskz sid leaving a laugh

"shut the HELL up ii meant you loww baby low.." ridz said giggling..

"we noo it...what low were you saying...but my point was is that sex addicted person armaan never cheated...thats just amazing...he is not known as a wen he kick it with can hella tell he doesnot enjoy her company her and her soo called facncy stuff..but he is still with her which klears up that he is not  a men sl*t but a hot GUY with sweet heart.." nik said now looking at riddhima..

"ohhhhhhhhooo..!! armaan huh...why don't you make up your mind nik babay...wat yhu want abhimanyu or armaan.." ridz said moving nik feet out of her lap and getting on her feet..

"Hell noo.!! i am sticking with my hot abhi..hmmmmm...don't remind me off him..ii go in some other world.."nik said as she put her feeet back on the couch and closing her eyes..

"Wat-ever."muskzz said..
OMGGGG...ii am like suffereing here...this dude...not even wanting to mention his name well armaan...he hasn't kalled meh yet..its SEVEN FIFTY SIX...but hold the hell on...why mm ii concern..why why why..?!?!?!? anywaz..but ii mean he is suppose to kall my point iss why he hasn't kalll...??? how can someone bee sooo irreesponsible..unreliable, undependable and and and thoughtless

shee said as she was walking here and there...with tension driping falling down her face..
Ok three minutes...and then ii am kalling her...
he thought with a smile on his lips...her number infront of him and cellphone in his HAND...
(((((((((((RING GINR)))))))

" are you doing today..mam..?!?!" he asked trying to figure out who is it..

"i am doing good and you yoruself young man.." she said impressed with the voice..

"thats good to know..ii am doing great too thankyou for asking..."he replied with a casual smile...actaully enjoying the formal conversation..

"May I no who this is...?!?!" she asked with a concern

"Oh! I am soorryy..! I am Armaan...Armaan Malik...May I speak with Ridhhima?!?!" he asked with proper maner and attitude..

"Ohhhhh....your Armaan...yes yes..Ridhimma told me that she is expecting a call from you...well Armaan this is Riddhima'z mom...Mrs.Padma Gupta.." she said while gesturing riddhima who was drinking water..that its her kall..

"WOW! you really sound young and Beautiful...I mean really I haven't seen you but I bet your are one beautiful lady.."he said actually meaning the words

"hahaha..oH! thank you soo much r one nice boy..its was a pleasure meeting  and talking to you..i'll hand the phone over to riddhima" she said waiting for a reply

"I actually mean it Mrs.Gupta and thankyou for the lovely comments...same here...I am delighted to meet you...Alrite hope to c u soon.."he said nervous about talking to riddhima..

"haha your welcome...alrite young man....bye"


The soft voice with innocence and beauty in it...did nothin but made Armaan go in his own world...

"Hello...armaan you there..." she asked casually with a irrated face

"Yah I am riee here..." he responded coming back to reality

"OK armaan hold on K let me get my laptop.." she said putting the reciever down

"k" he replied
after five minutes she replied

"i am soorry" she said as she took a seat on the dinning table with her laptop pluged in and all seated..

"Ok...Here is what I think...tommorw morning...we interview the general ward...and then later on the cancer ward...since they are two different wards we can get different point of views...also i was thinking we should ask the nurses and the registar...the one special ward on the thirteenth floor we should consider that too..

What the hEll..?!?! ok...soo she didn't asked me how i am she is..?!?! nothing like that...she is not listening to my opinion but givving her ...she is not taking a breakk...and just goin on on on on n on...what does she wants..?!?!

"Riddhima" he said cutting her off

"yah" she asked shocked with his sudden movement

"umm...I was thinking..." he was about to begin when she said

"Okay Armaan get the special ward, i'll cover general and then both off us will manage the Cancer ward toghter...ummm also if you can come five minutes early i can hand you the questions you are suppose to ask...and after the questions and everything...after workk..which is 5:00 but at 5:30...can you meet me at the pacific university we can get done with the paper itself...and get it over with..?!?!"she said with a sweeet and convincing voice..

Ok If ii say something she will be pissed offf...and ii reallly don't want to start any kind of sh*t since we have to work armaan Bud! calm down..

"alrite koOl...i'll meet you in locker room five min before the duty and then we can kick it to the you want to go together...or prefer coming by ourselves..?!?!" he replied sarcasticly..

Was I too mean..?!?! was that an attitude?!?! did he took it offensivelyy..?!?!? OH MY GOD! why does hee sound like a different person a total different one...his tone iss full of anger...did ii did Something WRONG!?!did i say something wrong..?!?!

"helloo anyone there?!?!" he asked in a angry tone...

"i'll guess we'll go individually cauz i have some stuff to be taken care off after work.."she replied a bit scared

"sounds liek a plan to i'll cya..bye.." he was soo mad that he didn't wait for her rely and Hung up!

she looked at the reciever in her hand
OH my GOD! what did ii doo wrong..?!?! he sounded soo sweeet in the wen he said hello...OH MY GOD! i had to hear himm talking again...waht is up with him..!?!?! ii am trying too be away from his magnetic attraction...he can't attract me...ii m not some kinda girl..who'll just fall for some hottest guy watever...looks doesn't matter to ridz..

and she put the reciever back on the phone gathered her stuff and rushed back to her room..!!
"WAT THE HELL..?!?!" nik said looking across the room at ridz who was on the bed with a disbelief expression

"umm yahh telling you guys the truth'" ridz said laying down on her back now..

"okay'Ridddhima your being too mean ii mean you don't even no him...and how can you be mean to the person who yhu had feeelings for.." muskz said sitting on this bed and using laptop which was in her lap

"Guys guys'I told you guys that YES I have feelings for armaan'but also i mentioned that I ignored them and let them go..well that doesn't mean ii m gonnna let them OLD feeelings spoil my future..."she said almost with a low voice...

"and I  ignored them feelings long time ago'and moved on you two are well awared of that'since he already got a girl and I have no time for these things'" she said with a alert voice'

Before she could say anything muskz and nik had their arms around her and wrapped her in a bear hug'both on the other side of riddhima'

"We love you" they said toghter.

"ii love you LOoosers" she saidd..huging them backk

"For livez" muskzz said as her head rested in ridz lap..

"HELL yes" nik smiled..

tommorw will be a big day for me...
ridz thought as she gave herself the smile...
Tommorw is a special...all day with riddhima...but that girl don't even talk to me...too much attitude she got there...ohh well..!! ii just can't wait for tommorw for some reasonn...tomorw with riddhima sounds beautiful..!!

he thought as he laid on his his shorts with  a smile on his face..

to be Continued..=D

"It's been about a month and twenty days...
And we're going round and round jus playing silly games...
Now you're saying, slow it down, not right now...
Then ya wink at me and walk away..
let it be, let it be, let it be known...
hold on, don't go...
Touching and teasing me, telling me no...
But this time I need to feel you..."

"ohh myy gawddd'CAN SOMEONE PLEASE CLOSE THIS STUPID SONG!" nik said putting the pillow on her ear

"HaYe Rabba! RIDZZZZZZZ YOUR PHONE IS RINING.." muskzz yelled putting her softy baby on her face..

"OH MY GOD! My phone! My phone!" She  ran out of her bath room in her sweats and a tank with her brush in her mouth and grabbed her phone from the table'

Who can call me at 7:00 hmmm'Ok next
 OH MI GOD..Bhabz..Text..coming..Right now..outside..NO-WAY..!!

She ran into her bathroom'washed her mouth and headed downstairs'Cursing herself under her breath for being a jerk and forgetting the most important day.'she raced to the door and finally made it'She opened the doorrrr..!!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH'" ridz said hugging..

"I missed you baby"

"ii missed you too bhabz" ridz said still hugging

"ahem ahem'May I come in ladies?!"

Riddz looked up and was shocked to see her brother still the same even after his wedding smiling at her'same looks as dadiiee she thought

She ran and hugged her brother whom she haven't seen for almost a year..

"hey BB[big brother] how have you been?" she said hugging him

"I am great LL[little looser] how you been..? he said winking to his wife..
Riddhima pushed his BB back..

"BB ii am a doctor so don't call me...." before she could complete'her brother gave her a WATEVER look

"okk fine may be just a intern...but hey we treat patients too.." she said supporting her self..

"Oh comeon you two...lets not fight right now..." bhabhz said..

"if you say soo bhabz..." ridz said hugging her brother again..

"so wats up ridz" finally bhabhz greeted ridz after all that conversation with nik muskz and her in-laws

"YOU! you came over Sappy thats the big thing ii mean Bhabhz...How have you and BB been?" ridz said as she sat up on the couch she was lying on

"Ya...we been great waiting for the lil guest to come and compelte our family" she said smiling...

"have you thought of names?"

"Nop! its just my second month...HELLO give us some time.." sappy replied giggling

"true that is bhabhz" ridz said as she giggled with her bhabhz

"so How was work? your first day being a doctor.." Bhabhz asked hoping right next to her

"Great--yhu no..i love WORK! and being a doctor was my dream" ridz informed..

"kool...any cute little boys?" Sappy asked a.k.a Sapna her bhabhi.

Since Sappy'd left for her wedding, all college boys were "little boys"

"Why--are you interested in little interns even after your wedding"

"noo..EW! hell no...but that still doesn't mean that some of them aren't good too look at, though anywayz, Asking you is perfectly safe since you never seem to notice boys."

"Actually, I did see one," Ridz said defensively

"What?" Bhabhz said Sarcastically."Sweet! ridz noticed a boy?"

Ridz immediately regretted saying anything. Her sister-in-law her best friend Sapna[sappy] loved to poke fun at the fact that ridz alwaz had her head in the books. The fact is, Ridz noticed boys as much as most girls her age, but they simply didn't seem to notice her at all. None of that was true for Sappy. She loved boys and they loved her right back. If she wanted a date or a boyfriend, she alwaz had one. She was preety, and she had a way about her that boys had alwaz liked. She didn't even try hard and they usually fell all over themselvves to get her attention, phone number or time. On top of all that, she was fairly popular with the girls, too. Sappy seemed to effortlessely select just the right clothes and for the latest dances, while at the same time making others feel comfortable. She wasn't phony, she was just naturally socialable. Niether was she a sl*t...during High school her and BB met...they dated ever till their wedding and finally are gonna have a baby...

Omg now when i notice its like Bb and bhabhz dated for 9 years....they started dating in junior year and all the way till their intern days and the second year of their internship they got married..WOW!

"forget it," Ridz said coming out of her thoughts and handeling the situation but once again the boy that came to mind was Armaan Malik.

What is up with me? Ridz asked herself with irritation

"No, I am jsut messing with you. I am curious, though. Who is he?" Sappy's tone was very serious now.

"A boy who is my partner right now."

"GOd! a fine nerd? Tell me more."

"He's not a nerd.he was on the Basket ball team, in fact."

"I am just teasing you Ridz." Sappy rose and began leaving the room.

"Where?" ridz questioned...

"ii better check on my pati-dev before he vanishes"

"don't worry amit Bjii won't leave you"

"i no love...but he texted me."

"oH! soo this is wats cooking."

"shut up will you"

"aiite iimma gonna go get ready too.."

"Aiite I'll check you later" sapna smiled at her sister-in-law as she left..

After Sapna left the room, Ridz asked herslef why Armaan Malik kept comming to mind. After a few moments of toying with the idea, she decided that it didn't deserve that much thought. She checked the clock on her wall and realized that she only had about fourty mintues to get ready. She got up from the couch and went to the bathroom, in the moments she was engrossed in her dressing, and Armaan and everything else was swept from her mind.
Armaan and his father lived alone. His mother had died of cancer when he was three, and he hardly remembered her. That didn't stop him from missing her, or the idea of her, some,times. They lived in a Three-bedroom house . Their gardner loved their lawn, since it was big and beautiful, so it was alwaz mowed in the spring and summer, the leaves raked in the fall, and the snow shoveled in the winter. Since they have Miss lovely, to clean the house and cook four dinners a weeek. She cooked  big meals that allowed for leftovers, which he ate on her nights off. Armaan had very few chores at home: the trash, his room and his laundry. But Miss.Lovely often did his laundry without asking,and she gave his room a thorough cleaning every other week. Armaan wasn't really all that messy anyway. The house often looked as if no one lived there, as though it were simply a model of a beautiful modern castel.

It was quiet wen he woke up, he knew Miss.Lovely would be here the next hour he leaves...

"Good morning" he greeted himself after rubbing his eyes..

He went to the bathroon got refreshen up and got dressed in a pair of beat-up black seats shorts,a black tank top and his Gym shoes for practicing.

He trooped over to the computer room and poped on the computer. he checked his E.mail.

"You've got email."
the Familiar female computer voice said he opened the one from his father

    I 've gone to boston for work. I'l be back in eight days now. There is blank check on its usual place. As alwaz i'll kall you 7:00 in the morning on wednesday. try to stay out of trouble and those STREETs!.
Mr. Malik

Most young people would be gald to find out that they had house t0 themselves for eight freaking days. Not Armaan. His father had been leaving him home alone for as much as six nights in a row since he got thirteen. What he would prefer Armaan thought, was a little more interest from his father.
Hell, a lot more, Armaan admitted to himself.

When ever his friends would say how excellent it must be to be home alone so often, Armaan played it cool, as though he agreed. He took advantage of it sometimes and had someone over, but for most part he didn't like it. It was lonely. And deep down inside Armaan worried that his father simply didn't care that much about him

Armaan signed off and shut down the computer. He went to his room and opened up his old toy chest. It was small and wooden and sat at the end of his bed. Slipped into the back of the chest was an envelop. Inside the envelop was signed blank check book.
He went downstairs and scooped his basketball up from the floor of the front-hall closet. A blackboard and hoop were secured above the garage doors and Armaan went out side to practice.

Frustrated, with the idea of being left home alone without warning, as usual, also the thought of riddhima bothered him he tried to ignore it and began his practice.

The practice was what it typically was for him, methodical and therapeutic. He shot a hundred free throws and did fifty layups from each side, a hundred total. Then he finished up with twenty-five jumps shots. He took each shot carefully and precisely. He then moved on to dribbling drills, which lasted for more than twenty mintues. It was this sort of daily practice that gave him a ninety-two percent rate at freee-throw line and precision and confidence on the floor. But today he was givving his worst..
TO the HELL...why the fu*k is this girl coming to my mind...ii am tired of it...why is she effecting me soo much....I ready got enough stress to trip about and here comes an other one. He thought throwing the call in the air

"Looking good Armaan" Mr. Weltom called from across the street. Middle-aged and pleaseat, Mr.Welton and his Wife were enjoying their empty nest. Their youngest child had graduated from college last year and was living on her own. Mr.Welton was just emerging from his garage. He used it as a small workshop and Armaan could just make out the porch bench that Mr.Welton had begun a couple of weeks ago.

"Thankz. Mr.Welton. How'z Mrs.Welton?"

"Oh, Fine,Fine. Internship starrted up today right?'

"Yes! sir"

"How did that go?" Armaan appreciated his asking

"just Fine sir. The first day is the easiest."
Mr.Welton chuckled at Jason's small joke.

"You take care. Be sure to let me know when you play a basketball game. I love to watch you son." Mr.Welton said smilling.

"I will. Tell Mrs.Welton that I said Hello. You take care, too."

"I'll tell her. See you later."

Armaan went inside and locked the door behind him. He stripped off his shirt [OlAlallala.=D...SexIeeness Aiite here LOL] as he went up the stairs and headed for the bathroom. Once there he took off the rest of his clothes [HAILA! hum tou Mar hii gayeyy LMAOOOO] and took a shower. As he showered he addmitted to himself that he was glad his father was gone today.

"Nik...muskzz.Hurry the hell up...OMG ii have to meet up with armaan too.." ridz said shouting while she galnced at her watched wich clearly told her that she was five minutes late.

" oHhhhhhhh...soo noo wonder madam is all Hurring us up today" nik teased...

"SHUT Up! I have to give him this paper... cauz i am sure he would have done nothing but watched basketball game or played some"

"looks like you no a lot about this guy" muskz said while fixing her hair..

"Well no DUH! high school remeber..."

" ummmm... HELLO we went Highschool with him too but that much details on his doing during spare time.. ii realiie never cared about that.." nik questioned with her elbow resting on ridz shoulder..

"nik...i am in no Mood of all this right now...I am five min late already..." ridz replied irritated

"is okay...patience is the leading key to love.."


"i no but thankz..Muskz lets CHALO.."

as soon as nik said that riddhima tired but still poped out a crazy laughter..
"hahahahahahahahahaha baby you soo totally no how to make me laugh don't cha" ridz said

" DUh! Sisters from another MISTAH..." muskz and nik said toghter...

"if you guys are done can we proceed.." ridz asked still giggling

" Yes Ma'm" they answered
Okay wow this is the limit TWENTY minutes i have been waiting for her...ok YooO if she didn't showed up in like 30 sec ii am leaving...ii look like an idiot waiting f0r some chik at the door for last freaking 20 minutes...ok Amy start counting...1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..OMG..twenty more seconds why isin she here...WHAT THE HELLL IS UP WITH ME..?? ii want her here but at the same time ii am willing to leave...ii want to stay but these strange looks...ok she is like driving me NUTS! I miss her... wanna meet her...hear her voice...want to see her move that hair from her face and put it behind her ear....STOP! STOP! STOP! your her partner whom she doesn't even like to talk to soo...just put her thought aside if Ng c you here she gonna create a EFFIN mess..

he was about to leave just then he had a pat on his shoulder..

"I am soo soorrry.. acutally it wasn't my [thinking of a lie] my car.." ridz said actaully meaning her apology

"Is kOoo I guess...I am glad you realized your mistake" armaan said turning around.

"ummm..ok here." handing him two papers .."This one is the questions for cancer and that one is general...i'll do the staff and special ward and this is my cell number. I'll be leaving the job at 2:00 Pm...and if i am not wrong thats the same time as you...well i'll be at the library exactly at me if anything comes up and you can't make it."

"sure. Thanks." Armaan said. she Finally smiled at him again and he despite himself, warmeed just a little bit inside..

"Hello" Armaan said looking at NG in the locker room

"I thought you said you'll pick me up and we'll come here together," Ng complained

"Hey Ng.." Armaan said concentrating more to riddhima who was standing couple feet away from him by her locker and putting her lab coat on'

"What have you been up to?" she yelled a bit..

"I am soorrry ii had some to catch up on sum.."

"Important than meh" she said placing her hands around his neck

OKAYYYYYYYYY'ridz thought to herself while sneaking on Armaan and NG from corner of her eyes..
why am ii getting jealous'??!?! Hold on and why is he not telling her that he was with me'will she get mad at that lil thing'OMG wat a attention getter Trying to kiss her boyfriend in public'he looks Disturbed with her actions'why do I care..i neeed to focus on the project more than armaan and NG...

she thought as she "pretented" to fix her locker

"babes' we are getting late'I'll meet you at lunch" armaan said taking her hands off his neck

"Are you OK ammy?" Ng questioned a bit concerned..

"Yahh its all kool..." armaan replied

"Is your father home?" Ng asked

"No he is gone straight up for eight days" Armaan looked at riddhima from the corner of his eyes who was busy organizing her locker..

"Do you want me to come over today?"

Armaan thought a moment. If Ng comes over today they would probably have sex. But he didn't feel like it today and plus he was looking forward to see riddhima

"No, not today." he said hugging her

"but you can you come over tommorw after work" he whispered in her ear while hugging

"Sure i'll be there baby" she whispered back with a smile on her face..

OH MY GOD! are you kidding this couple infront of me are having their SEX talking HELLLOO people I am rite here....and I bet anything that he whispered something about me in her ear...something like BABY i'll tlak to yhu later since a bit*h is standing WAT THE HELL..??!? i don't care about their SEX! ...they can have it wen ever they want...she wanted to have it today...ok woahh they seeem desperate...but armaan looked soo cute while hugging her...SHUT UP! RIddhima your going crazy why don't you leave before they make this locker room into their bed room..

Having this thought she left closing her locker...not even giving them one last look....making them feeel as if they are invisible...atleast to her...
"Hello" Nik greeted abhimanyu who was waiting for her in the canteen..

"Hey sup?"

"nothing" she replied taking a seat right next to him..

" is your morning soo far...??" he asked..

"itss amazing beacuse i MET you...and then i woke up saying your name.." this was all she wanted to say but all she said was

"great...ridz bhabhz came we were just busy with her...soorry for being late BTW" she said..

"RidzZ??!?! alrite infact i cam 30 sec before you.." he asked confused and smiling..

"OH! i meant ridddhima...hahahha...Good then.."

"hmmmmm....seeems like you guys are really close.."

"Sisters from another MISTAH...we kall it" she said giggling

"hahahahahahahaha...that was a good one...sounded too cute.." he replied..

"thankyou...yes her me and muskaan are toghter since highschool days and will be toghter till eternity.."


"yup yup! you got someone close..?!?!?" she asked interested

"actuallly i do...My best friend anny...she lives here but right now on a smalll visit to INDIA" he said laughing

" wats soo funny??!?!" she asked a bit concerned..

"ohh noo no no its not you its AN! her real name is anikshma...and MY GOD she is hating it there...she calls me
and tells me her story all ii do is really...beacause its her first time going there...soo she is actually HATING it.." he said laughing
and nik Joined him

"wow! sounds like a disaster..." she said..

"Oh! she is...i'll introduce you to her...once she come back.."

"sounds like a deal..."

"ummmm...abhi...oh BTW is it ok if ii call you abhi"

"yah its fine...koOl..."

"okkk...then...BTW abhii if yah don't mind wanna start on the project"

"! your easy person to will be fun working with you..."

"totaliiiee" she smiled..

"Ng you look preety" atul complimented as soon as she joined him at duty

" Thank you atul.." she smiled..

"Hey have you thought about our project" he asked walking right next to her.

"PROJECT and me?!? atul are you kidding have known me forever...since wen did i started doing all this

" I agree...but still i Need your opinion in order to complete the project.."

"Oh! about we meet up today..?!?!?"

"sounds liek a deal..."

"my place..." Ng replied..

"sweet i'll be there 5:00 PM sharp..

"kool i'll goo shopping with lisa after work..."

"sound fun..."

"hell yah" she said lookin at him..
Riddhima backed into a parking space two blocks from the university library and stowed her keys in her Bag. At the end of day, today wen she glanced back to the locker room, she'd seen armaan talking to rahool. Armaan was turned in profile to her.

His features and his smile struck Riddhima as he listened to something rahool said. She took in the smooth, Rich fair of his skin against his blue check shirt. She felt, then, an undeinable attraction to Jason, and that alarmed her. Because she knew that boys like armaan did not even  see girls like her. But even more important, she couldn't see herself spending mroe than  fifteen minutes with someone soo... shallow.

She had made up her mind to have things perfectly organized so that they could complete their paper as efficiently and quickly as poosible. She had drawn up an outline, purchased one hundred large color index cards, and written out preliminary ideas. She was not going to make the mistake of waiting until they got there to do everything.

The fact was, she didn't want to have to spend too much time with Armaan Malik. He was the part of the most popular group in school and college, which wasn't a crime. But they had an irritating habit to not seeing anybody that didn't look, dress, and act just like them. They rarely made eye contact with most students  in the hall

It was as if no one existed, or mattered, except them  and the chosen few that they deemed worthy of recognition. Riddhima, for one, had never had an interest in being part of their group, but simply courtesy only reflected good upbringing.So with her mind made up, riddhima headed to meet Armaan

Armaan was already in the lobby of the library. He had made up his mind that Miss.Motor mouth was not going to dominate the project. She would either share the load or he'd go off and do his own thing. He didn't knew what her problem was, but he was determined that he was not going to allow it to become his.
When he saw her come in, he wasn't sure what it was- - the different venue, the stretch of her long legs in stride, the bright red top that she had on againist her warm skin...but his heart did a smalll double thud, and he knew that he wanted to kiss her or hold her, or have her look at him and really see him. Where's your reslove? he Thought taunting himself silently

"Hi Riddhima"

"Hey Armaan." They walked toghter and found a group study room they liked. They took seats beside a window.

"How long can you stay?" she asked. She was already emptying the contents of her bag

"As long as I like," Armaan said

"Me too, Preety much," Ridz said. If she was studying in a public place like this her parents didn't tend to worry.
Armaan watched as she set out her english sprial notebook, a thinpurple folder (which he later learned held small stack of lined loosed paper and some typed work) every color 2 pens..soo in total 10 pens...DAMN! 4 pencils and couple highlighters.

He had been done once he pulled out his sprial notebook, and couple of pens.

"you believe in coming prepared, don't you?" Armaan asked as he gazed on her mass of supplies with a bemused look on his face.

A slow smile stretched across Riddhimma'z face as she realized how this must look to him.

"yes i do and believe me in the end, you'll thank me."

"i probably will." he smiled back at her feeling the warmth again
She then pulled out her outline and typed notes

"okay," riddhima began in her pleaseant, "Lets-get-down-to business voice, "here's where I am." She plunged into a description of what was before them.
The smile left Jason's face. He looked from her outline and notes to her face, and saw that she wasn't looking at him; she was that intent upon the papers that she'd jsut pulled out.

"Whats this?!?!?" The displeasure was evident in his voice.
I couldn't believe that she'd gone ahead and done all of this without any input from Me. was this her project or OUR?!?

"An outline and some notes to get us started." her voice automatically took on a defensive tone when she picked up on his.
To get US started, or you?" he had folded his arms and sat back in his chair.

"US. what 's the problem?" Ridz couldn't believe this.
I'd gone to the trouble of working late last night to pull this toghter, and he was complaining? It'z beyond comprehension.

"The problem," Armaan started,  "is that I have some Ideas----"

"Ofcourse you do," ridz said cutting him off. "We'll get them in."

"They're not reflected in that outline because you didn't work with me on anything before you made it," Armaan shot back. He could feel himself getting angry at her condescending tone of voice.

"No but i thought it would be best if I got Us started"

"Would you have done an outline without your's partner's input if you were working with nikkita..muskaan..atul ?"

"Well,No,...." ridz said before she thought to stop herself.

"Why not?" Armaan was angry now. Suddenly she say exactly where she was going
Riddhima had the decency to look ashamed. she felt her neck and face heat up with her embarrassment.

"Why not?" he asked again. When she refused to answer, he spoke.

"I am not an idiot," Armaan said quietly

"I didn't say that you were an idiot!" ridz said with unjustified indignation.

"No, but you think it," arman responded.

"Look i saw you in college English Ap classes you had with me. Everyone got their essays back. You wouldn't show anyone your paper, and everyone else use to pass theirz around. You use to sit soo quietly,I.....I didn't wnat you to feel uncomfortable here. I've done opioniontice essays before. I just thought i was helping." she floundered to stop

Armaan gave her a hard look. He took a folder out of his backpack and placed it infront of riddhima. Silenty riddhima opened the folder and her eyes poped out.

"you were that anonaymouse who toped in the english final in the last year of college with a 5 thousand dollar scholarship" her voice was Incredulous.

[ii had alot off comments sayin that my parts are preeety long...soo ii planned to make this one even..hope yhu guys like it enjoyyy..=)

"You were that anonymous who toped in the English final...last year with a 5 thousand dollar scholarship" her voice was Incredulous.

"I am sorry, I don't mean to say it like that, it's just that..."

"You thought I was some degree of an Idiot," he finished for her

Riddhima stared across the table at Armaan.
OH MY GAWD'this is so humiliating that'I don't know what to say? What will he think about me know'HAYE RABBA!.. I have insulted Armaan's intelligence ...But since the moment I had noticed him in my AP[advance placement: classes are higher than a regular classes :D] classes'ii have been  behaving  like an intellectual snob, and he knew it, and that made it all worse.

"I'm sorry," she said simply.

Armaan looked at her and smiled,
Awwwwww'!! She is soo cute'  I really need to accept her apology before she end up killing herself'she looks so self-mad'and I can tell she meant the two small words, and I can completely  tell that she felt bad about the way she's behaved.

"forget it," he said easily. "You's a snob though. You know that?" he teased, giving her one of his grins.

She nodded. "I'll do better, though okay?" she promised

"forget it."

"Start again?" Ridz extended her hand for a shake.

Armaan took her warm, slender hand in his, looked directly into her eyes, and shook hands.

"start again," he said.

From that point on they worked well together. Armaan looked over Ridz outline and liked a lot of what he saw. He flipped to some notes and the questions that he'd written in his spiral, and Ridz had to admit that she was impressed. They revised the outline, rather than throw it entirely, and incorporated Armaan'z ideas plus some ideas that they came up with together. They sat side by side at computer terminals looking at Sanjeevani history on the Library system and then the internet. Two and a half hours after they'd arrived Armaan wrote a sign that said "THIS TABLE IS IN USE, THANK YOU", placed it on their table, and they went off separately to find information that they'd located on the computer, They skimmed and read what material they could find and used the copiers to copy the things that looked useful.
At 6:30 Riddhima looked across the table at Armaan'
who was industriously highlighting passages while reading through another page of copied material.

 I have to give it to him. Not only wasn't he a mental lightweight, when he got going he could work just as hard as me. And his attitude and the way he looks is like make me come down on my knees'ii can just look at this guy the whole DAY!...ii mean why does his magnetic  attraction attracts ME!....remember your not one of those "ANY" girls who can fall for guys that easily'Its enough I can't take it anymore I have to stop now'

"Armaan I am hungry. Do you want to stop and get something to eat?" she asked..

"Yeah, that sounds good."

GOOD! Did ii just say good'that sounds freaking GREAT!...I been hungry for an hour, but I was determined not to mention it, in case she would think that I wasn't focusing enough. I guess I am completely stuck with her SUPERVISION'but the way she said sorry'and her touches while we were using the computer'its just I want to touch her hold her and tell her that she is the most beautiful girl in this world.

"ARMAAN! Where?!?!?" riddhima asked

"Nah! Nothing lets go"

They gathered up their things and headed into the September afternoon. It was still warm, and the trees were lush with green leaves. The sky was a brilliant blue, decked with the occasional full white cloud. The university was a commuter school, the semester just beginning, and for those reasons this afternoon found campus relatively empty. They walked side by side, pleasantly quiet. The sound of traffic was muted, for no roads passed through this portion of this campus.

"we're making preety good progress," Armaan said

"yes." They walked on

I want her to say more'why isin she talking'I want to hear her talk more, but I don't want to press to initiate or drive a conversation'I don't know but I feel'[he paused in his thinking and said] COMFORTABLE.

"we'll probably get the research completed today if we stay a few more hours," she added

"Yeah. Maybe we can figure out a schedule over lunch for getting the paper done by the due date. What is it a little less than 3 days right'its Tuesday and the paper is due Friday'?!?!

"that's right'Friday it is..!"

They arrived at a popular tiny burger joint on campus and took a booth beside a window. They both grabbed menus and got right to the business of deciding what they wanted to order..

"What are you having?" Riddhima asked glancing up at Armaan from her  Menu

OH MY GAWD'he IS HOT! Nik was so right'Very confidently I declined to nik and muskz that I am not that kind of girl who would fall for someone like armaan  that easily and WHAT NOW! What am I doing'just loosing my self in HIM! he is...iss a good person with GOOD physical appearance' SHUT UP RIDDHIMA..FOOOD..!! focussLOLLOL[thats sooo me...A HOT Guy AND II AM ALL GONE...LOLEmbarrassedLOL]

"Hello listening?!?!" armaan looked at her suspicious as she stared at him..


"Oh! Well I was thinking I'll have a mushroom-and-swiss burger and fries. How bout you?"

"I am having a strawberry milk shake. My favorite," she flashed him a smile, "and a mushroom-and-swiss burger too."

THAT smile'she is just so SWEET'

"A strawberry milk shake huh?" he spoke as if giving the idea his deepest consideration. He twisted his gorgeous lips for added effect. "now that sounds like something worth having."

HAYE RABBA'.don't doo that'.armaaan if yhu keep on doing that SEXY lip movement I am not really sure what I will end up doing'LOL RIDDHIMA! What are you doing..?!?! his LIP! How LOW ARE YHU GOING..?!?  STOP'concentrate project'FOOD..think about anything anyone BUT him!
[ okk ridzz baby...anyone would have reacted thaway you did...ARMAAAAAAAAN hayee RABBBA..LOLLOL]

"It is!" she said, coming back to her word'with her voice throaty and dramatic. "Its sweet, creamy, and delicious."

The effect of Armaan was thoroughly sexy. The best part for him was that Riddhima had not realized how she sounded until after she'd spoken. She obviously flustered now. His smile stretched, knowing and seductive across his handsome face, and to his delight, that only seemed to maker her more nervous.

"Sweet, creamy, and delicious?" he kept his eyes pinned on hers as he spoke. "You're right, that is something I should have."

OH MY GOD..!!!! What is up with me'?? What was I thinking..?? sweet creamy and delicious...RIDDHIMA are those some appropriate words to use in front of a guy'a GUY ii mean a HOT guy..!! What are you thinking? NIkk muskkzz ii need you guys here right now'.!!!RIDDHIMA handel the STUPID situation now..
[ that was TOOOOO sEXY riddhima.. LOL]LOLLOLLOL

Riddhima found her-self unable to look away from his dark eyes until her eyes fell to his lips. Without thinking, he licked his lips quickly just at that moment, and involuntarily, her breath quickened slightly.
What would it be like to kiss those lips? She wondered

WHAT!! Am I thinking today okk really riddhima calm down'its nothing but the stupid attraction and on top of everything yhu had a crush on him'so it's ok it's just the ATTRACTION nothing else

"ready to order?" the waitress asked, breaking some of the developing tension at the table.

"yes" riddhima said hurriedly

"Fire away" the waitress joked dryly

Riddhima placed her order for the mushroom-and-Swiss burger with a strawberry milkshake, and Armaan ordered the same. Riddhima used the time to catch herself and find her bearings again.

He is'a FLIRT'everyone no that and so DO ii'he just getting in a little practice with me..

"So"Armaan began as he stretched and settled back


"What does a baby genius talk about in between bustin' all A's?"

"Is that supposed to be a cute  way of calling me a nerd?"

Riddhima back literally stiffened in preparations for some wise-crak.

Armaan looked at her surprise. "Do you think you're a nerd?" he asked her seriously

"No, of course not. But I know that some people do."

"I don't, So what do you talk about in between bustin' all A's? he asked again with a smile.

"I don't know. Whatever."

Their milk shake arrieved and riddhima took a long drink  from her straw..

"Good?" Armaan asked

OH MY GAWd..that flirtatious again'this boy needs to calm down on his flirting..

"Try it an dsee," Riddhima answered, doing a little flirting herself. She blushed and lowered her eyes as she drank form her own straw.

"It is good" Riddhima just smiled at him. They relaxed and talked about Sanjeevani'

"so how are you likeing Sanjeevani??" riddhima asked

"Its good'I mean we just started to I don't really wanna come to a conclusions soo soon'"

"True'but ii think you'll'.

It's been about a month and twenty days...
And we're going round and round jus playing silly games...
Now you're saying, slow it down, not right now...
Then ya wink at me and walk away..

"hold on k"

Riddhima picks up her phone call..

"OMGGG have you LOST it'ridz its 7:30 and your out with a GUY! Hold on not a GUY..a HOTTT GUY!!! AHHH'what are you guys doing..??

"SHUP up nik'oye are you on top of you or he is on top of you.."


"will you kindly shut up.."ridz said with a smile...while armaan looked at her with a shock

"Muskz ii think he is on top of her noo wonder madam iss replying soo politely'"

"OH mii GG riddhima ur first date and yhu went crazy.." musks said giggling

"uMmmm...guys guysss...nik muskz..."

"WHAT..?!?!?" thye yelled toghter on the speaker which was on the bed surrounded by them

"ii am with armaan in the Pacific fastfood restaurant...i'll be home in an hour..."

"EW! riddz date and soo far away...Is it hot..?!?!"

"Wat kinnda hot ar eyhu talking about NIk EXPLAIN!!...remeber our ridZ madam is a lil slow.."

"awwww..thankyou for being soo caring i love you...i'll be home in an hour..."

"ok..lisin...iff he do something don't let him...let him noo that yhur not the first date girll.."

"haha byee.."

she hungupp...

"who was it..?!?!?" armaan asked

"Oh nik and muskz.."

"nik and who.."

"Oh! ii mean nikita and muskaan my best friends"

"seems like you guys are true sisterss...."

"yahhh....we have beeen together since 8th grade..."

"WOW! long time"


"So do you have a boyfriend?" Armaan asked

Although his voice sounded entirely relaxed and casual, he was hoping that her answer would be no. He wasn't sure why, since he couldn't really imagine anything happenening between them. After all, he was with Ng and Riddhima wasn't really his style, abnd he probably wasn't hers. ANybody could tell that, couldn't thye?


"Why not?"

"You're getting kinda personal, aren't you? why do you care?"

"I was just curious, thats all. I mean you've got a lot going on, with Sanjeevani ur work, you know. I just wondered if u made time for romance."

"just because someone doesn't have a boyfriend doesn't mean that they don't have time for romance." Ridz was begining to feel a little uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation.

"Well, do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Have time for romance?"

OH MY GOSH! i amd turning warm...this moron needs to stop right face is turning warm...Had been able to read my thoughts about him on my face..? Why was he asking me those kinna questions?

"why do you ask?" she ask suspiciously.

"just making conversation," Armaan answered, not entirely honest.

THis All day my mind had been on our research and the other half on teh delicate smell of vanilla on her hair, or how soft the skin on her neck looked, or the way that she looked when she smiled or laughed.

"ii Have time for romance, its just i don't have a romance."

"oh" he wanted to ask why she didn't had a romance, but he felt that might be pushing it a bit.

"how long have you and Ng been together?"

"almost two years."

"I have never been with anybody that long. how is that?"

"its cool" Riddhima nodded at armaan'z answer
"Hey wats up?"

" right now...?"

"soorrrry niki but ii had some ideas about the project...ii wanted to get it over it alrite with you?"

"ohhhh...yahh its cool...ABHIMANYU" nik pressed on last words..

muskz turned..and gestured niki to turn on the speaker and niki did sooo..

"yahh soo wat do you want to discus.."

" you think we should add that their should be a television in children ward...i mean ii asked and they said that their would be a lot of conflicts btw kids...what do you think..??

"wat shud ii sayy..??" nik whispered to muskz..

"AGREE! with himm..."

"yahh ii agreeee with you abhi" nik said..

muskz showed a thumbs up..=D

"okayyyyy....and the second thing...where do you wantoo work..?!?!

"ummm ii think i'll prefer generalll...i mean thats my opinion waht about you..?!?!

"yahh tight...its goood with me.."

"alright...if the paper is can give it too me and i can type it up..."

"noo ii got it...let me do the pleasure of severing the ladiee.."

"hahahahahah...thankyou abhii"

"soooo...whats upp..??"

"nothing just planning to go to sleeep"

"oh i m sorrry"

"nononon...your fine...what were you planning to do?"

"well..imma type this up and go take a quick Shower"

Nik laid down on hearing the word SHOWER

"Oye how often do you shower..?!?!" muskz asked in a baby voice.. adn started laughin hahaahahahLOLLOL

"sooory that was my lil ...umm cozin...she is over sorry.."

"its koOOl..tell her ii said Hi..!! and tell her ii shower everyday..!!"EmbarrassedEmbarrassed

"haha yahh okiie abhi imma talk to you later..K.."

"alrite then imma type this up and we are done.."

"kool.."nik said grabbing the pillow to HIT muskz

"takecare good night.."

"you to bye"


she hung up..

"You assh*le come here immma show you  a real shower...a CHAPPAL shower..nik yelled at muskz who was in the bathroom...


"Okk enought enough haaapppy poorr riddhima's pillow she takes out new ones every week.." muskz said

"seriouslie we need HANDS we don't deserve Pillowe"

"true we deserve HOT hand of a HOT receive a peaceful sleep"

"anywaz wat about ABHIIMANYU" nik asked

muskaan nik looked at each other and


"OMGGGGGGGg he sounded soo HOTTTTTTTTTTTTt..!!!!!!!!!" muskz claimedddd..

"tell me about it...soo you shouldn't be blaming for droooolingg over hiM..iii have full right too DROLLLL over him."

"I agree with you TOTALIIE.."

"well PRANK kall him.." muskz evil blub lightened up..

"umm NOO"

"umm yessss.."

"nooo.." nik grabed a pillow behind her..

"yes" muskz grabed her pillow..

and they started hitting eachother..LOL
They arrived at riddhima's car first

"Is tommorw alrite for you?"

"Yah! that sounds good." they seted a time for armaan to arrive over at her house

"cool i'll cu at work then."

"okay, i'll see you," ridz said..

Armaan waited for her to get safely into her car and start it up. As she pulled away from the curb she waved to him and he waved back. he headed off to his own car, just up the same block. as he walked he thought to himself. she is all right.


"don't shhshhhhshh us especially wen no one is home...your parents have late night duties..."

"Ohh ANYWAZ guys...he was looking SUPER today ii had to stop my self...and omg ii told you about the creamy thing that was just soo embarrasing..."

"ridz OMGGG.that is soo ii mean a hot guy sexy gurlll nd CONTROL emotions...wasn't it hard.." muskz asked giggling..

"okk lisin...ii was onlyy CHECKING him out...and accordin to me checking out doesn't mmean that your in love with that person...checking out is  wen you agree with the statement that YES THIS GUY IS CUTE.."

"But stilll...ii mean watch after couple days armaan and riddhima will be every corner of sanjeevani.."

"by the way...wen we SAID low we was just jokeing and u took us seriouslie and went down to his LIPs..damn gurll CONTROL their.."

"Shut the hell up...ii mean it all happpened...ii said those se*y words...adn exacltty at the same time he licked his lips"

"you no wat that mean ridz"

"what muskz?"

"that he wanted a KISS!"

"EWWW!....too bad he ain't gettting one FROM MEh!"

"ohh welll pooor armaan BTW..heyy muskzz rahool call he said you guys got into a fight" nik asked messing with her phone while she was laying on the left side of riddhima

"don't even go there some random guy come up to him adn tells him your gurl is cheating on youand Rahool believes it...ii mean we have beeen dating for years now....and he believed a stranger over his GURl! is this was he kall love...BULLSH*T...he said soo much crap to me ii was like WTF he in his senses...he was just goin on and on...and at the end he goes iii didn't expected this from yu...ii was like you didn't expected wat...he goes that you would cheat on me.." muskz said with tears in her eyes...

"awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...muskz don't cry we'll talk to rahool" ridz said huggin muskz

"no ridz you don't have too...i'll..

"baby you you no that ii miss you
ii wanna get with you tonite
but ii can't and baby gurl and thats th issue
gurl you no i miss you"

"its rahool babes..thats his 200th times to him musskaan figure out things.."

"alrite....gimme the phone..actually turn on the speaker..."


"you sure you wanna do this infront of us"

"its not like im not gonna tell you anything after talking to him ridz."


"hello.." muskz said with a shakiy voice

"hello muskaan."

"yah its me rahool"

"listen muskaan ii am extremlyy soooryy...ii should n't have believed him...ii thoughhtt...ii thoughtt..."

"that ii was a sl*t who likes to go around and sleep with random guys.."

"WHAT?!?! MUSKAAN! thats how muc you no me?!?! what made you think i would take you as a sl*t"


"beacuse beucase..."

"becuase wat reahooll...leeme answer it for you cauz you don't trust me...and you think ii m a some low girll who likes to mess around with random guys righ?!?!

"YES! exactly MUSKAAN...that is EXACTLIE why i callled...You no me so well looks like you read my stating all the facts running in my mind since ii talked to that guy..."

"then goo ur free now gooo make new gf...ii m sure...they'll be ready to give you everything.."

"muskaan i NEVER even THOUGHT that our realationship would take this dirty turn.."

"BYE" she said with tears rollign down her eyes..

riddhiam cut the kall..

Nik and ridz grab muskz in their hug..

"ii lost him you guys ii lost himm.."

"no you didn't" ridz assured her

"we won't let you IMMATURE kids destroy your life like this..."

"you are a KUTTTI...muskz you noo that right.."nik said

"and soo are you..." muskz said..

"I LOVE YHU GUYS" ridz added

"riddhima WHO?!?!?" Ng asked her gurl lisa

"umm Gupta ii think myboyfriend saw them at the pacific university"

"hahahahahah...ohh...Armaan told me about it..So..?!?!?!"

"umm aren't you worrried.." lisa asked concerned lookin at Ng who was calmlyy puttin make up on..

"UMM hekkkzz noo...cauz ridhhima watever is not ARMAAN kinna GURL..!!!

"ummm true but you still might wannna keep and eye on her.."

"nahhh...ARMAAN is mine..only NG'z"

" you sayy.."
Armaan and Rahool have been really close friends since their college freshmen year..they played basket ball together...and Rahool loves Armaan's advices because they alwaz worked out for himm..and so now wen Rahool was in the biggest pain..he needed his FRIEND..soo rahool plan to stay over at armaan'z today...and armaan had no problem since he have the entire house to himself..

They were in armaan'z room..wher armaan was playing his game and rahool was on his couch and cell phone in his hand

"CAll her again..text her...saying "baby kiss me through the phone..."

"umm her replyy will be baby i'll kICK you out of my phone.."

"hahahah..LOL sut up kall her.." armaan insited

"armaan we are over their is no point in going over things which are useles.."

"excuse mee did you just kalled your THREE year LONG no conflicts realtionship useless...are you in your BLOODY senses.."

"armaan she doesn't wanna tlak to me..she is making up her own stufff....ii can't help her with that..."

"DUDE Rahool she is a gurl she is believed someon else oVER HER!"

"i accped my mistake and asked for apology...isisn she supooose to accpet that apology"

"phone is not the only wat rahool...try sending her flowers me do that she will be fine.."

"ii have to doo something to make her up cauz certainly I can't LIVE WITHOUT her!!!"

"LOVE LVOELVOE..!!!" armaan said laughing

"i'll be laughing wen you'll be dieing to talk to a person who your in a fight with.."

and out of no where riddhima'z named appeared in his mIND! RIDdDHIMA! whats up with me..

too bee continued..<3
Stay Tuned too KNOW! What will happen to all the love stories..?? will armaan break up with Ng..?? does he like riddhima..?? will riddhima understand her feeling...abhi and niki wat about their love?!?! will rahool muskaan be fine..Big smile
Heyyyyy guyssss..!!!=D
ii HOPE... you like it..=P
leave ur comments..suggestions..ideas..critizism..
everything will be accepted with love..<3
hopeing for a goood replie..


wardahere2009-05-09 19:57:54

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Comments (109)

OMG!!! i just read all three of ur long parts and I loved it!!! Excellent job!!! :D do continue soon!! and please PM when u continue :)

15 years ago


interesting ff. nice part.

continue soon.[/QUOTE]



GLAD you likedd it..!!!

ii will Continue soon..

paka promise..


15 years ago




ii am soo glad that your lIKd it..

thankyou jii

ii paka will PM you

love yhu


15 years ago


maha ( L )



will CONTINUE soOOn..

PAKA promise..

love yhu


15 years ago





ii will keeep it up baby..


love yah


15 years ago




ii paka will CONTINUE soOon..!!

ur welcome

the pleasure was all mineeeeee..

love yha


15 years ago



ii amm GLAD that you LIKED it..


the pleasure was all mine

luv yahh toooo..


15 years ago







ii amm soo TOUCHED with your comments..

realiiiee sweeeeet of you hunnie..


love yhu


15 years ago

[QUOTE=karans_angel]its sooooo cute.....m eagerly waiting....
plz pm me.....[/QUOTE]



LOVE you Hunnie..


ii pAkkA will PM you asap..!!



15 years ago




Will PM you first PAKA..

love yah


15 years ago