Chapter 7: Acceptence

1 years ago

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Geet, that Monday sat in her study. First half an hour, she was lost in her weirdo, now a professor. She could not decide which puzzle she is more interested in solving, Professor or The Author. Okay, so one thing is nice, both her mysteries are at the same location.

Professor, Hmmm… she smiled at his thought. Earlier when she was trying to run away from him, his thought irritated her but now she has started accepting, not by heart but physically and mentally she was getting pulled towards him. His thought brought a mischievous smile to her face.

“You are spoiling me Mr. Won’t let you.” She gave a small laugh. How could he always be smiling, not feel bad about anything she said. All her big lectures, he made them lite by teasing her. Maybe his life was easy, just giving lectures in college and finishing the job. Once in a while acting as signing authority to KE. She has tons to handle, big deals to crack, make them successful, and work hard to bring them to the top level. His life must be simple, thus he is always happy and smiling like a fool. She can’t leave her life’s responsibilities, but he lightened her worries by his ways. Being near him actually took her away to a different universe and she has started liking it. She knew she was eager to visit college the next day, to find the Author and to give a quick visit to the Professor. She was busy in her thoughts with a smile on her face when she got a call from Dev. She thought twice before picking it up. He was her would be and she must pick his call

“Hi Dev, How have you been?”

“Good, I was thinking if we can meet tomorrow”

“Tomorrow? No Dev. I have completely held up tomorrow. We are meeting on the weekend to get a date fixed. And also you must be busy”

“Yes I am busy as well, but i also wanted to know each other more before we get tied.”

“Why do you have any doubt?” Geet questioned back. From within she was looking for one hint, it will not take her seconds to get out of this alliance. This was not emotional stuff for her at all.

“Why will I have any doubt Geet. It’s just that i want to spend time with my future life partner”

Geet was actually getting confused, this personality is not at all what she had imagined for Dev Khurana. But as she wanted to take things in a positive light, she gave him benefit by thinking – How decent. 

“Dev, after our engagement, I promise I will give more time to our relationship. This month I am so held up” Dev felt he was showing to be too desperate and as if he has no work

“Actually I am busy this month too, just trying to squeeze some time for us. But you are right, let’s work on this front after our engagement.”

Geet felt relieved after their call disconnected. She again got busy enjoying her debate on Author MSK and her professor. Indecent Professor. How indecent, she laughed.


Geet had studied the courses in pamphlets well. She was very clear that one particular course belonged to the Author MSK. Thus from the office itself, she sent the request to register for that course.

After her busy day in the office, in the evening she went to meet the Principal. Of course, Geet Handa’s request, the Principal waited.

“Good Evening Mr. Roy.So, I already sent you my choice of course. Course No2”

Principal smiled “You really have understood the book. Your selection of course is correct” Geet was super excited. “So finally I can meet him”

Principal smiled “Actually, I was confident that you would select the correct course, so I already talked to the professor, I mean the Author for you.”

“Really. That’s great. What did he say?”

“Professor is well versed with your Name.”

“That is so obvious, I am The Geet Handa. He is not known, so I may not know him. Most people in this field will know me. I am so much on Business Page. So let’s do the enrollment process.”

“But Miss Geet Handa, he rejected your application. So I suggest you not to enroll in his course”

“Reject my application? Any explanation?”

“He has been following your work and he was not impressed by your recent business strategies. He said, few of your strategies completely defies some theory he has mentioned for going into a new venture. As per him, following the book or not is your business approach, which can be better. But if you don’t need in practicality what the book says then there is no serious point in enrolling in the course.”

Geet got up angry “This cannot be done. I will need a clear explanation from him.” Geet left the principal’s cabin. 

Her brain was all off. She follows the book like religion, yeah she went off a bit while making a deal with KE, but then a document from their Signing Authority, her weirdo captured them. Then it hit her, Okay, weirdo is a professor here. She can meet him and talk. Of course, meeting him was one of her agenda, she got an excuse.

When she reached his cabin, he was wrapping up and was about to move out.  She entered his cabin without knocking

“Leaving for home?” he looked up at her in surprise and a silly shameless smile formed on his face.

“Yeah leaving but can stay here whole night if you accompany me”

“Thanks for the offer but unlike you I have family” Geet suddenly felt bad about what she said but he got up and pulled her to him. Okay she was waiting to be pulled to him. Being in his arms as if took all her stress, worry and anger away.

“Toh tum banjaoo meri family” he teased her.

She held him with her hand around his neck and hit him on his shoulder

“Can you be serious for once. I need your help” and the moment she spoke she already knew what is coming next and it came as expected

“You know how my help comes.” She smiled and hit him on his temple “Stop. Listen, I really need your suggestion” he efficiently ignored her important talk and pulled her to him in jerk. She held him for support, her one hand around his neck and other on his shoulder.

“You know inspiration, when you are like this in my arm then…..”

“Then?” She so badly now wanted to know how she mattered to him. He was just a professor and she was business woman, why was it important for her, what he thought about her, but it somehow mattered now


He placed his lips on hers and nibbled the bottom one  “All I want is this” She hit his cheek “You” Geet was completely lost, in an entirely different world, apart from what she was known as Geet Handa. She just lost being only Geet at this moment.

He bent down and took her lips fully in hers and sucked it deep, she completely gave to his demand. There was something different as if he was pouring in something. He placed his hand inside her shirt, Geet struggled for the same. He separated and placed her hand near his belt, Geet smiled and pulled his shirt out of belt and slid her hand inside. Ohh the moment her hand touched his skin, she felt she would burn. She completely pushed her hand inside to feel his well muscled back and he did the same to her soft skin as their lips were glued and they were sucking and nibbling each other. He slowly moved along her to the wall. Geet felt something different but did not have power to stop him, as if she could never mind what he was doing with her. He separated slightly and looked at her restlessly, she smiled, moved up and took his lips, allowing him to pour himself. He madly sucked her lips and his hand moved up and he snapped open her bra, Geet pulled him towards her. He moved his hand to her front and pressed on her globe. It was then he realized and separated. He looked at her ,right into her eyes, reading her response. She smiled and raised her eyebrows

“What’s the matter, professor? Something troubling you?”

“I am fine now. Well thanks for taking my demand so positively”

“Hey, I didn’t do any social service, get that clear.” She then sat on the chair, calmed her ragging heart and then after a while

“Professor, need your help” 

“I know. isliye toh pehle he payment le lee”

“Shut Up. For once please listen.” She placed the course No2 pamphlet and the Book on table in front of her 

“Do you know this professor? He is also the author of this book. You teach here, you must be knowing”

He gave a smile and looked at her naughtily, raising his eyebrows. Geet shook her head 

“Okay, whatever you want. Will you help me?”

“What do you want?” 

“I want to meet him face to face. I wanted to enroll to his course. he denied”

“He must have a reason Inspiration” 

“I want to know from him. I really want to meet him, will you be able to”

“Trust me he is not that great. He is not that important either, why are you wasting time on him? You are keeping high hopes, once you meet him, trust me you will be disappointed.”

“Did I ask for your suggestion? Will you help me meet him or not” Geet said angrily

“It was my duty to warn you. Your wish. Tomorrow, come to his class on time, you can meet him and enroll in class as well. Still warning you, you will be disappointed.”

“No Thanks for your unwanted suggestions” she gave him fake smile

“But promising real thanks after you make me meet this man” she winked

“Really?” his eyes brightened. She smiled and shook her head “You are too much professor.”

At that time Geet's phone on table vibrated with Dev’s name. He disconnected it. She looked at him shocked “Really?”

He made a face “Don’t tell me you wanted to pick that call” she smiled, took a small rubber smiley and threw it at him and he caught it. Both laughed. 

After a while

“Coffee? Canteen is closed but there is a decent shop nearby. We can have some walk” 

“Sure” she said, somewhere wanting to stretch their time together

He locked his cabin and they walked out for coffee. As they were on their way, they encountered Mr. Roy

“Hi Miss Geet. You already found” and he looked at professor, they talked with eyes and then he changed the tone

“I mean you both know each other” 

“Yeah Kinda friend. Well ,you could not but I think i have someone who guarantee to make me meet the Author” Mr. Roy looked at professor and then at Geet

“Sure. I see you are in good hands. Have a nice Good Evening. Bye.”

As they walked further “Friends. Not bad. When did we become that” he teased her

She hit a punch on his hard muscled arm “It was a mistake. I missed mentioning to Mr.Roy that we are kissing partners.” They laughed at that.

They reached the small cafe and settled there. Professor ordered two cups of restaurant’s special home style filter coffee.

Till the coffee arrived, they kept looking into each other’s eyes intermittently and smiling at each other. Later as they sipped the coffee, Geet broke the silence

“What do you think? i mean the way we are going on”

“Working good for me” he winked “Not sure about you”

“Do you think I am going wrong anywhere, like planning to get engaged with Dev and then here, I am fine with the way we are going. Anyways after my engagement with Dev, you will keep your hands off me, so I think ethically I am not wrong”

“What is wrong or what is right depends on how you see things. Your getting engaged to Dev is wrong or your being with me till engagement is wrong or there is nothing wrong, it is all for you to decide. All I can try for myself is keep alluring you to be with me till your engagement. If you decide it’s wrong, I will still keep trying to get your attention till you are engaged. But won’t force you out of will”

She made a face “Your long sentence was really not helpful. Let it go as it is. I have already decided to get married to Dev, that’s not changing and the fact that you are not going to stop till my engagement and eventually my bad, I am unable to stop you. Let’s have fun till then.”

he moved his hand forward to her face and moved her flocks of hair behind her ears, surprising her “You have flawless skin. You know i have bad urge to taste it”

she hit his hand to remove it it “You are not helping at all” he smiled 

“What? you already decided, we are moving forward this way. So that’s what i am focusing on” he said making stupid face

But then she held his hand and rubbed it, she gave him a genuine look “Professor, i am a very straightforward person so won’t hit around the bush, so wanted to confess.” she was holding his hand between both her palms and squeezing his hand between hers. 

“Okay, only for today, we can talk or else i believe in doing between us” she laughed, shameless unbelievable man he was

“How far will we go like this?” she knew, it was not in her capacity to stop his any touch on her. She was mature woman and wanted to know where the things were heading as it was not in her control anymore

He came closer to her and said in a low voice “I promise I won’t break your virginity” Geet smiled. “How shameless. And how can you tell I am virgin yet” He has his ways to calm her nervousness

He smirked and looked deep into her eyes “I am confident, no man touched you this way before me.Breaking virginity is way too far.” She smiled at him “Nature really must have made a good effort to create a unique shameless piece like you.”

“Anything you say” and they got up. He walked with her to her car. Geet was about to sit down and he was about to turn away when she pulled him to her and placed a hard kiss on his lips. They went deep and for a while long, before separating. Geet was not accepting but even a day of separation form him was getting tough for her.

“Bye Good night” she smiled as she said “Sweet dreams” he winked and left. 

“Idiot” she shook her head and sat inside the car.She smiled all through her drive back home, absorbing the feel of being wrapped in his strong embrace, the feel of his body, his masculine fragrance.

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-Anu smiley31

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Comments (24)

Geet and her professor spending lovely moments together
so she will be surprised seeing him as her professor when she takes his class

4 days ago

Oh God she is missing all the cues. It’s him everywhere

6 months ago

Geet thing her professor and she want meet author she choose course geet denied dev want spend time with her Geet reached meet me Roy discuss her course but she get angry author disqualified her she was very insult meet maan his cabin nice maaneet romance and conversation nice update

1 years ago

He wants fun, she wants fun. For now.

1 years ago

She keeps missing all the clues.

1 years ago

He is telling her about the bad decision of merging with Dev. Will she figure it out?

1 years ago

He rejected her application for the course. Why?

1 years ago

The indecent professor has her smiling ear to ear.

1 years ago

Loved the update. Maan knows her so well. He is total shameless in front of her and now geet is also same. Can't wait for next part. Please update soon

1 years ago

Loved it so much
Geet is totally attracted to maan
Cant wait for geet to meet maan as author
Hope geet and dev engagement will not happen
Pls update soon

1 years ago