Chapter 4

-mina- Thumbnail



Dear readers, thank you SO much for your comments and likes!!! You are all wonderful and it makes me smile every time I see a new comment. Big smile I hope to write some replies to you soon.

Part three is about half written and will not be ready for several days. I am actually going for wisdom tooth surgery in a few hours so I will probably be too tired/in pain/sedated to write for a few days Ouch. Therefore there is not likely to be an update until Sunday, September 7th, and probably it will be later than that.

So here is a teaser from my current draft, let me know what you think and I'm very sorry for the wait!

Also by the way is anyone interested in being my Hindi checker? Basically I would PM you my attempts at Hindi dialogue and you would correct them for me, or I might give you an English line and ask you to translate.

And on that topic, is there anyone who would prefer to have English translations of Hindi dialogue? I can include them in the endnotes but I try not to repeat lines within the story.

OK here's the teaser for part 3!

The Divorce
part 3 teaser
[edit: actually it's going to be in part 4, sorry Embarrassed]

"Look, Chashmish - Pragya. All the time we've known each other has been full of misunderstandings. Today I want us to clear all the lies and secrets between us."

Pragya's eyes widened as she looked at him in surprise. "Lies and secrets?" she repeated slowly.

Abhi met her eyes and held her gaze. "Why didn't you tell Daadi the truth about us?"

Pragya looked away, her cheeks reddening as she began to answer, "I did, I told her we were too different --"

Abhi was amazed that she was still trying to avoid the truth. He interrupted impatiently, "You didn't tell her I thought you were a scheming gold digger. You didn't tell her I'd been cheating on you with Tanu the whole time we were married. You didn't tell her that you sacrificed your life's happiness and your sister's love all because Aaliya made one wrong assumption."

Pragya looked at him again, with shock and dismay evident on her face. "You know?"

"Yes, I know. Purab finally told me everything." He saw that her whole body tensed at this statement, and she was biting her lip in distracted worry. He continued, "I had to twist him like a corkscrew, but he finally told me. And you know what I don't understand? Why are you trying to leave me believing all these lies about you?" he demanded. He felt a wave of nervous energy begin to thrum through him; he was relieved to be facing the truth at last, but until she answered, there remained a tension hanging between them...

Yes I know it's too short. Sorry!! Would write faster if I could Tongue

Hugs to all, thanks for your likes and comments! Please keep commenting Big smile
-mina-2014-09-22 17:14:51

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