Chapter 10

--simmi-- Thumbnail



Hello guys! New update! Second from the end! Hope you enjoy and I will continue soon, please comment and leave you precious comments and likes behind! Embarrassed



Part 8-

The next morning everyone in the house awoke early to get packed for the flight at noon, but while helping Daadi, Pragya's mind refused to concentrate on what she was doing. Her mind kept on wandering back to the evening before, part of her heart was full of delight, he loved her, her feelings were returned in a way she never thought would be possible but that happiness was outweighed by the thought of what Tanu would say to all this. On one side she had Abhi, whom she had loved since she had met, but then on the other was Tanu, her best friend, someone who she shared each memory of her child hood with.

Pragya sighed as she saw Daadi beckoning her to get in the taxi when she realised that Abhi was missing. After asking her why she replied that he would meet them at the air-port, after finishing something he needed to do.


Pragya looked out for Abhi as they arrived at the airport with their flight ready to take off. She became restless, why was he late? Where had he gone without telling her? Pragya was lost in deep thought when the voice brought her back.

He was here. Finally.

She watched him hug his Daadi before checking them in. Pragya watched him slip a little box into his bag. Wasn't it the one he had shown him a few months back, something his parents had left him?

Without dwelling on the idea too much Abhi led them through and they sat waiting to confront everyone back home about a truth, a truth that may well change their lives forever.


"Abhi!" Tanu called loudly as she saw them arrive. She hugged him and Abhi had no choice but to hold her back but all the time his eyes were only on Pragya who smiled awkwardly.

Tanu greeted his Daadi before coming to Pragya. Their journey home was full of gossip and news that both had to tell each other about and it somewhat made both Abhi and Pragya home, a relief from what they needed to tell everyone in some moments.

As they arrived at Tanu's house where everyone had gathered, Abhi began to speak to Tanu.

"Tanu, I need to talk to you about something" Abhi cleared his throat but there was an interruption,

"Abhi, you can wait, I have something that is way more important." She made everyone sit down and this time Tanu's parent spoke to Abhi's Daadi.

"As you know both Tanu and Abhi have been mailing each other for countless years, and though I felt it was all a silly game at first, I have to say things have turned out to be a lot different."

There was a pause as Tanu smiled at Abhi next to her, but Abhi was glancing at Pragya standing by the door.

"So as after thinking things through with Tanu, I thought it was about time they both tied the knot and got married?"

Both Abhi and Pragya looked up in shock. Abhi watched Pragya's eyes which had been shining in hope earlier dim as she saw all dreams break before her. Abhi made contact with her eyes and Pragya could sense the frustration in him and shook her head vigorously to stop him from saying anything. Abhi watched her longing face mime the word please and no matter what Abhi wanted he was not able to say anything, not even when his Daadi accepted the marriage proposal, not even when everyone congratulated each other, not even when Tanu hugged him, not even when they exchanged rings for a small engagement, not even when Tanu's parent and his Daadi began to organise the date of the marriage which was in a weeks' time. He had questioned why the rush, and Tanu said she wanted things to happen soon without too much time. He stood looking after Pragya who walked out, faking a smile. And for once, Abhi was hit by another question. How many times had he seen this happen in the past, when she had always walked away without saying much?


That evening when Pragya was leaving for home with Sarla he managed to get her on her own outside.

"Pragya? How - what - I mean I can't"

Abhi was lost for words because no matter what he said, it was too late to change anything now. He could have spoken up before things were being finalised but he hadn't.

"What?" Pragya asked him.

"Pragya don't joke around, this is serious, and you know exactly what I am talking about."

"Abhi, do you not realise, it is too late and this is the end. I told you we could never be together, do you now understand why? You gave me and yourself false hope. You are engaged to her now we can't-"

"You stopped me, I would have told them everything-"

"No Abhi" Pragya shouted at him. "Abhi no matter what you would have said I can't break Tanu's heart in this way I'm sorry" Pragya turned and left letting the tears roll down her face which she had been fighting back so long.

"Pragya" Abhi whispered after her but she was gone, gone away. Abhi felt his heart crushing inside him as he watched her get in the car and leave. He walked to his own car with his Daadi with an emptiness within him, and the restlessness which had gone since Pragya had confessed everything was now back again, haunting him.


Tanu sighed as she lay on her bed. She was getting married to Abhi, finally it was all happening but she felt as if her happiness was missing. Both Abhi and Pragya had been behaving so different since coming back. They had changed, but she couldn't find out what it was that had changed. Things were just not the same anymore nevertheless she fell asleep anyways, ignoring her worries.



Please comment and hit 'Like' TongueEmbarrassed And hope you didn't hate it, twists to come! And next part will be final chapter! 
--simmi--2015-06-26 10:17:44

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