Chapter 5

--simmi-- Thumbnail



Thanks for all the lovely comments people! Really enjoy reading them! This update as promised I tried to make longer, depends what you think is long LOL I have exams this upcoming week so update may or not be able to update! Need the luck! LOL Okay so here it is! 



Part 4 -

Pragya looked at her, kind of terrified. Being centre of attention hadn't always been her thing, it was more of what Tanu always got and liked to have.

Pragya didn't say anything for a few moments but when Riya again whispered please Pragya had no choice but to accept.

"Okay fine I will do it" Pragya told her at last.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much Pragya you are the best!" Riya hugged her before grabbing Pragya's wrist gently, rushing out with her.

When they arrived to the green room where everyone was getting ready Pragya looked over to see Tanu still busy admiring her-self in the mirror. Pragya didn't get a chance to say much as Riya sat her down before her before getting all the clothes, accessories and make-up out. She began by clipping her hair back and starting on her face.

"Hmm" Riya looked at her, thinking intently.

"What?" Pragya asked her.

"You know what you're eyes are very pretty" She took off her glasses and began working on them, reaching out for different colours every now and them while Pragya waited impatiently.

"Keep your eyes shut!" Riya told her as she continued her work.

Pragya liked the feeling of the soft brush against her eye lids, she had never done it herself before, and neither had she felt the importance to do so. She felt the liquid eyeliner spread against her eyes, giving her a cool, slight relaxing feeling. After finishing her work, with all the accessories added, hair done, dress on. Pragya was allowed to open her eyes. At first she couldn't recognise herself. Who was she? The nerdy chashmish was gone and had been replaced with someone different, someone who seemed confident in herself.

Pragya stared at herself from bottom to top. She was wearing white heels, a white dress with lace around the stomach and arms. It was full sleeved but the lace made her feel conscious about herself. Riya truly was a good and competitive designer. She then looked at her face. The glasses were gone, her sharp eyes no longer hidden behind them with minimal make up. Instead Riya had outlined them in black along the top, bringing them out, in fact Pragya herself found it hard to look away from them. Her plump lips were coloured pink and her cheeks rosy. Pragya then admired her hair which was falling gently in loose curls off of her shoulders but the front had been braided towards the back keeping the hair out of her face as well as bringing it out more than it already was. Each part of her was now defined.

"Ahem ahem" Riya interrupted her with a gentle cough.

"Like what you see?" She asked to which Pragya nodded.

They then looked over to the backstage staff who was beckoning them all to stand in a line. It was crowded and a lot of hushing going around. The staff was arranging them in order of the list in their hands.

"Hey you, Pragya, here" The lady pointed behind a girl. Pragya who was standing at the back moved forwards nervously. Everyone turned to look at her and couldn't help but admire the beauty before them, some jealous, some utterly gobsmacked. Pragya reached the second position and took a deep breathe, she then realised it was none other than Tanu standing before her. She turned around and her mouth fell open.

"Pragya!" She squealed but hushed down when the organiser looked at her.

"What?" Pragya laughed gently.

"I mean, wow! You look so - so - err - different" She said at last. Pragya thanked her before turning around to look at Riya who gave her thumbs up before leaving to get the next dress ready for when she came back.

Outside the headmaster of the college had already started the announcement and the last of the voices died down as he continued.

"Thank you all for coming to the fashion show tonight, it is my pleasure to see such talented students at our college. I really hope you will enjoy it" A series of claps followed as he handed over to the show organiser.

"Before the show starts may I quickly clarify the rounds. There are two rounds with two sections. The first is western, in which the model carries two designs, there will be a winner for the model and the best design followed by the second round with eastern designs and again two winners, a model and a designer. We hope you will enjoy!" Again the sound of claps followed as the lights of the hall dimmed at the stage lights came on.

The gentle music started as Tanu stepped out onto the ramp, walking along elegantly. There were a series of loud claps. She smiled with confidence while Pragya moved on the spot nervously counting down her moment.




Pragya gently stepped out onto the platform as she watched Tanu turning and heading back, Pragya's eyes searched for Abhi for a few moments but failed as it was dark. For a moment she felt as if she had forgotten everything but then it all came back to her, she remembered all Tanu had been practising for the past few weeks.

Left leg first, hip out slightly, head up, shoulders back, continue walking.

That was it!

Pragya took the first few steps and the confidence automatically came to her as the audience burst into loud claps, considerably louder than had been before.


Abhi finished clapping as Tanu turned but stopped when he saw the next girl in line was none other than chashmish. His mouth fell open as he watched her stop, place her hand on her hip, turn one way, pause in the position for a few moments before beginning to slowly walk back. He couldn't help noticing her eyes, which began to glow as they met his. He continued clapping loudly along with the rest; this was one entertaining fashion show. He smiled as she turned to walk back.


Pragya came off of the stage and met Riya who hugged her.

"Wow you are awesome! Did you hear the crowd?" She hugged her again before sitting her down. She had a few minutes before she was on again. This time as she changed her hair and accessories Pragya smiled, she had seen him, his expression still flashed before her, the way he had been looking so mesmerised, had she managed to impress him? That too effortlessly?

Before she knew it she was ready once again, in a tight reasonably sized black skirt with a white top, this time her hair had been braided to the side. She walked to Tanu who had too got ready and they both got into their position. This time it had gained Pragya even more confidence. She quickly rushed back to Riya who had gotten out a blue anarkali suit with silver bordering, very simple yet so catchy. Pragya loved it as she put it on; she once again smiled as she got into position yet again. Each time was better than the first; the noise of the claps was unnoticeably loud.

It was now time for the final round, her last walk. Pragya watched Riya with wonder as she got out the last piece out, and it certainly had been the best yet. It was a silver lahenga choli, glistening in the light, shimmering as she put it on. She sat down before Riya who tied her up into a loose bun with small curls still hanging from them, she gave her heavy earrings but now necklace as the neckline went with the shape of the way the blouse was cut from the front. She coloured her lips red and then Pragya stood waiting for her turn.


Abhi smiled as Tanu walked back but all the time he had only been waiting for chashmish, he restlessly arched his neck to see her when he saw a shimmer so bright that he squinted his eyes for a minute. He opened his eyes properly as the image became clear before him.

Wow! Abhi thought.

He could not believe the sight before him, was this chashmish really? It was unbelievable; the silver embroidery was so bright that all eyes were on her and her only. Abhi clapped loudly with everyone as he saw a small smile creep onto the corner of her face and her eyes twinkled.


Pragya's eyes met Abhi's as she saw his face grin at her and gesture her as if to say she looked awesome. Pragya continued her walk and when she came back she was bursting with happiness.

"Pragya! Wow! You rocked it!" Riya exclaimed as Pragya grabbed a drink, the nervousness had once again crept back to her.

Now was the wait for the results. Tanu walked to Pragya, she didn't utter a word as she sat down, clearly nervous too about the results. The last model walked back in and after a few minutes the judges finally had the results.

The runner up for the western style had been a girl from their class, the winner was none other than Tanu, and she smiled as she went to receive her award. Abhi smiled as he waited eagerly for the next.

The runner up for the western designs had been Pragya and the winner for the design was a senior. Abhi began twiddling his thumbs in anger and frustration. Chashmish had deserved to be the winner.

After the claps died down the results for the eastern rounds came.

Backstage Pragya came back with her runner up award; it was minor but it mean a lot to her. Riya congratulated as they again glanced nervously at each other.

The runner up model for the Indian dresses was Tanu and she walked onto stage with a half-hearted smile, Abhi clapped but nothing made her feel better, this was absolute humiliation. A pause followed before they announced the winner but this time the judges had something to say.

"The awards I announce now are those that have impressed me to the extent, the winner for the best model for a pure beautiful look is-"

Abhi closed his eyes wishing it would be chashmish.

Backstage Pragya too closed her eyes.

"The winner is Pragya Arora!"

Pragya's eyes shot up in shock as Riya hugged her.

Pragya walked onto stage nervously, the silver lahenga trailing behind her elegantly. Pragya smiled as she took the award and then saw Abhi in the crowd cheering his head off, her smile brightened further but Tanu scowled at her.

"Now, may I say Miss. Arora, you look like a true diva tonight, and that leads me to the winning designer of this round which is undoubtedly Riya Mehta."

Pragya watched Riya walking on stage with a smile that looked as if she would explode. She took the award and held her head proudly as the judges congratulated on her talented piece of work, with that the fashion show had ended.

The backstage students had crowded around Pragya as she walked out all congratulating her on her lucky night. Pragya however felt the happiness was incomplete, what was it with Tanu now?

As they had all got changed back into normal clothes Pragya had waved bye to Riya who thanked Pragya for helping her out that night. Pragya looked around for Tanu and spotted her waiting near the door.

She wasn't alone, Abhi was with her. Pragya slowly walked over to them.

"Congratulations Pragya!" Abhi hugged Pragya.

Too Pragya it felt weird to have such a tall and muscular body frame so close to her, she had never hugged a boy before. She then realised he had called her Pragya not chashmish.

"Pragya? What happened to chashmish?" Pragya asked.

"Well, nerdy chashmish is gone, I mean you rocked the show tonight, you looked gorgeous!" Abhi complemented her as Tanu waited impatiently.

"Thanks!" Pragya turned to Tanu.

"Hey Tanu, congrat-" Pragya wasn't able to finish as she stormed away on her own.

"What's up with her?" Pragya asked Abhi who explained.

"I don't know, she's been like that since the show ended. I congratulated her but she didn't say anything."

Pragya realised this had to do all with her coming second, that too against her. Pragya knew all too well that being beaten was something Tanu had never liked or more so, learnt.

Pragya rushed after her and Abhi followed slowly.

"Tanu, Tanu!" Pragya walked behind her.

She was heading for the car where their parents waited.

"Tanu what is it?" Pragya grabbed her by the arm and turned her around.

"Leave me alone Pragya!" Tanu shouted at her.

"What happened?" Pragya asked.

"Nothing" Tanu quietened down instantly as she saw her parents looking over.

"I know your angry, listen take this award I don't want it if it upsets you in any way" Pragya pushed it towards her.

"No Pragya, it's not that. I, I'm sorry, I over reacted it's just that you know I hate being beaten"

"Tanu, it doesn't matter what people think, you are always a winner! Look you won in one of the categories so be happy"

Tanu hugged Pragya as Abhi reached them.

"Wow such a quick make up!" Abhi teased them, Tanu nudged him.

"Stop it Abhi"

They walked to the cars, Abhi's Daadi hadn't been able to come. Tanu's parents offered a lift but Sarla intervened.

"We will drop him off, it will be easier and after all I didn't really get a chance to meet Daljeet properly."

Tanu's parents and she reluctantly agreed and left as Abhi and Pragya got into the back of the car.


As they arrived at Abhi's house, Daadi greeted them all and congratulated Pragya. Sarla and she got into deep conversation and Abhi led Pragya to his room.

"Wow! I love your room!" Pragya told him as she sat on the bed gently.

"Really? Tanu had a completely different reaction" Abhi told her.

"Well, she's lost it, hey what's that?" Pragya pointed to a shiny small box.

"Oh umm well that's something my parents gave to me for someone special." Abhi told her.

"Can I see it?" Pragya asked.

"Sure why not," Abhi came with the box and opened it to reveal and anklet.

"Aww, this is very pretty who is it for?" Pragya asked and he told her that it was something her was meant to give to his wife when they got married.

"It's very nice!" Pragya admired it while Abhi thought over things. He remembered showing it to Tanu even when she hadn't asked, she had shown very little interest and here sat Pragya questioning and showing interest in even the littlest things. Abhi smiled at her as she walked around the room clearly impressed.

They then heard their elders calling them downstairs and so they followed, Pragya was about to trip but Abhi held her firmly hanging onto her waist tightly. The sound of the main door opening made them come out of their trance and Pragya moved away from him before waving them good bye, she could feel Abhi's eyes on her as she left but she dared not to look back until they reached the car. When she did she saw him still looking at her and their eyes only moved away when the car moved forwards.


Abhi walked to his room and became restless and decided to go to meet his Daadi.

"What happened, anything worrying you?" She instantly asked him.

"Arre budiya, how are you so smart?" Abhi laid his head on her lap.

"Just tell me what is it worrying you?"

"Nothing I don't know, I just feel restless. I - I don't know!" Abhi moaned hiding his head in her lap.

"Beta, I don't know what it is just remember always follow what your heart says" She patted his head and soon Abhi fell asleep, what did his heart want?



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--simmi--2015-06-16 10:11:20

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