Chapter 2

--simmi-- Thumbnail





Part 1 -

Pragya and Tanu watched from a distance as Tanu's parent and Pragya's moved forward greeting Abhi's Daadi. All they could see from the distance were Abhi's arms handing down the bags from the train.

"Do you think he's good looking?" Tanu asked.

"Does it matter? I mean, looks don't always count, it's about their personality" Pragya stated as a matter of fact.

"Urgh, you and your thoughts are so confusing! He better be hot!" Tanu rolled her eyes at her. "I mean it's been fifteen long years since we saw him! I hardly remember what he was like"

Abhi finally stepped down from the train as he greeted their parents. Tanu and Pragya still couldn't see his face properly. His body was quite muscular and he was tall. He wore a white polo shirt with the collars up and dark jeans with trainers. As he turned around looking at them his dark brown eyes came into focus, they were intense and deep; as if once one looked into them they would never leave them.

"Not bad" Tanu complimented him as he walked forward.

Pragya breathed in tightly watching him walk over to them. Would he recognise her? What would he say to her? What was he like for real? Pragya's mind began bursting with questions but he walked gently past her and smiled at Tanu.

"Tanu!" He said as he hugged Tanu and she hugged back. "I missed you so much!"

Pragya came out of her daydream a little disappointed that he had walked past but she smiled at them.

"How did you recognise me?" Tanu asked surprised.

"What did you think? After all these years of reading your mails I knew I would recognise you as soon as I saw you"

Abhi then smiled at Pragya who was looking at them both, but lost in other thoughts.

"And you chashmish, how are you?" Abhi asked her.

"I'm fine, you?" Pragya asked

"Good, you haven't changed even a little, the same old nerdy chashmish!" Abhi pinched her nose gently as she scrunched it up patting his hand away.

"Neither have you" She laughed back as their parents beckoned them over.


"Wow!" Abhi breathed in deeply as he walked into Tanu's bedroom along with Tanu herself and Pragya. "I love this place! You don't know how good it feels to be back after so many years!"

Tanu raised her eyebrows at him. "Really Abhi?"

"What? He's right, it must feel good to be back where one makes so many memories" Pragya replied without thinking.

"Exactly, chashmish is right" Abhi sat down on the bed.

"Hey Tanu, your favourite colour is blue na? Then why is your whole room purple?" Abhi asked.

"No, that's Pra-"She stopped mid-sentence looking at Pragya nodding her head vigorously at her. "I mean yeah, it was but I like purple now, in fact blue is also Pragya's favourite colour."

"Same!" Abhi high fived Pragya before getting up,"Come let's go down and have dinner"

Pragya smiled as she walked down behind them.


The trio sat down at the dinner table as the elders laughed at some joke they had made.

"So Abhi beta, you like it here so far?" Tanu's parents asked him to which Abhi replied that he was very glad to be back.

As they all ate they told them that they were all planning to go sailing the next day. The next day was all planned and no one seemed to have a problem with it.

Pragya left with her parents as she waved bye to Tanu and Abhi.

"See you tomorrow Pragya!" They called as she walked out.


Pragya sat lay down on her bed in thoughts. Abhi was a nice guy and she had enjoyed meeting him. Tanu's behaviour was careless and so she needed to make sure she spoke to her not say too much so that Abhi would find out who it had really been mailing him all these years. She was disappointed that after talking about so much over mail she couldn't say anything to him without revealing the truth but also that he had actually believed Tanu to be the girl her had been mailing. She was still happy for them.

She walked to the window staring at the night sky when she saw a shooting star and she wished for the happiness of all the family's and maybe a good friendship with Abhi before going to sleep.


Daadi and Abhi entered their own house which had been Tanu's parent's responsibility since they had moved to England. Abhi stared at each thing very carefully before wishing his Daadi goodnight and going to bed. He was happy to finally be back. He was bursting with happiness, he had finally met Tanu and Pragya was also nice to be around.

Walking to the window he saw a shooting star and he was amazed, he had never seen such things in England. He had heard a saying about wishes coming true and so he wished that he and the girl that was going to be his wife would be happy together soon. He went to sleep planning what he was going to do the next day.


Tanu was also staring out of the window. Abhi was a nice guy after all; she was excited for the next day to get to know him more. She looked out of the window and smiled seeing a shooting star. She wished that she would become the rich and successful model she had always wanted to be. She went to sleep smiling too.



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--simmi--2015-06-16 09:48:52

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