Chapter 11

-Nive- Thumbnail




She got up from her bed with so much difficulty. She tried calling someone for help but her irregular breathing made it difficult for her, so walked out. Rachana saw someone walking near the stairs and wondered who was it being awake at late night.

From the way she was walking, it could be seen that she was under a great pain.

"Diii", shouted Rachana as she saw Pragya holding the railing up the stairs. They immediately took her to hospital and Abhi was to board his flight to Delhi was informed about it through phone.

Abhi was just about to give his boarding pass to the officer when he got the phone call. He ran to his car immediately leaving everything behind. To say that he was tensed was an understatement. Didn't he tell Pragya that he wouldn't go Delhi as he didn't feel like leaving her behind? But she never listened to him, did she? He was scolding her in his thoughts that he would punish her if something happened to her. She convinced him that there were others in house who could take care of her but he is the only one to take care of his career. He thought that he shouldn't have listened to her.

The pain was unimaginable for her. Her screams were getting louder and intense by each time. When he reached the ward, he could her scream "ABHI"

He was pacing around outside the ward for so long that he didn't know when he sat on the chair tiredly until his Daadi woke him up to tell that his daughter was born. He was happy beyond limits but he wanted to ask something before losing him to the happiness.

"Both of them are safe?", he asked anxiously and Daadi's affirmation made his day. He hugged her before entering the room where Pragya was. Her eyes were closed and he didn't want to disturb her so he made his way to his baby in the cradle nearby silently.

The baby was so small and delicate. So small that he was afraid to even touch it thinking it would harm her.

His daughter. The thought filled his heart with full of love and warmth. Unlike her mother, she was fully awake with her shining eyes wide open. He smiled at her and to his surprise, his daughter looked at him with an expression of what looked like a smile.

"Bring her to me", said Pragya with a smile as she opened her eyes.

"I will call the nurse", he said.

"Why nurse? You give her to me"

"Me?", he said with his mouth wide open in shock.

"Haan. You? Stop playing. Give her to me na"

"But she is so small", he expressed his worry.

"Babies are supposed to be small", she said annoyed.

She understood that her husband wouldn't be of any help and tried to get up from the bed.

"Why are you getting up?", he said quickly stopping her. Even though she didn't reply, he understood that she was annoyed at him.

After listening to instructions to her on how to hold the baby, he carefully lifted his delicate daughter and that moment of their daughter in his hands felt so perfect for him.

"You look so tired", he said after sitting on the chair near the bed as she took the baby in her hands.

She giggled.

"Why are you laughing?", he scowled.

"If I look tired, then you look like you gave birth to both of us", she laughed.

They could hear another laughter from behind and it was Bulbul who was entering the room along with Purab and Daadi.

Life was bliss.

Extra (optional):

Their daughter's naming ceremony. Abhi was very careful in making sure that all the arrangements were no less than perfect and the function went great until he saw an uninvited guest after all other guests left the place.

"You? What are you doing here? You escaped from jail?", asked Abhi furiously as he saw his sister. She didn't want to reply. He reacted the way any normal human being who have been betrayed by his own sister would behave. She brutally hurt the brother who loved her so much and she deserved some sort of punishment.

"I bailed her out", said Purab and he couldn't believe that Bulbul was also with him in this decision.

"Are you guys mad?", he asked and looked at Pragya who had her eyes downcast as soon he saw her and he understood that it was their plan.

"Purab, why did you do this? Did you forget what all she did? We would have lost Bulbul permanently if someone hadn't found her in the valley and saved her. She tried to kill Bulbul and Pragya several times.", his talk went in vain as he came to realize that they had forgiven Aliya.

"So, you guys are good and I am the villain now", he said and sat on the sofa with holding his inn his hands.

"It's not like that. She has really changed. She is your sister...", Pragya tried to reason him but was interrupted by my sister.

"She is not my sister. My sister wouldn't have wanted to destroy me. Don't call her my sister", said Abhi.

"I already lost my sister. But I still have some good memories with her. Don't snatch it too", he said turning to Aliya.

"Jiju, everybody deserves a second chance", said Bulbul.

"How many second chances?", Abhi asked sarcastically.

"Stop this drama", Aliya said loudly.

"Aliya Mehra never begs"

Everyone looked at her shocked. Pragya, Bulbul and Purab couldn't understand why Aliya was talking like that. Abhi just needed some time to accept that Aliya had really changed given that she has already cheated him more than once. They wanted to tell Aliya to calm down but she started talking before anyone could open their mouth.

"Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra! What do you think? That only you can rise from a chawl boy to a Rockstar. I am also my parents' daughter and the same bloods runs inside my body. I don't need your help to live. I can live on my own. One day, you will regret this decision of yours", saying this she left.

Pragya followed Abhi who went to their room while Purab and Bulbul decided that Aliya would never change.

As she stepped out of the Mehra Mansion, she wiped the lonely tear that escaped her eye.

She knew that they didn't deserve her.

After all what she did, they didn't deserve to be with her.

And she didn't deserve their love.

-Nive-2016-11-16 04:27:16

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