Chapter 16

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:Cure me with your Love:

Part  16

Neil laughed at Mini. He kept laughing hard at her while she just looked down in embarrassment. “Look at your face. Omg! I cant believe you did this” said Neil trying to control his laughter with difficulty. “What? How…this happened? And why the hell are you standing till now you were supposed to be passed out. ”Said Mini now angry on him for making fun of her like this. “Mini, I have to swallow the pill first for that” said Neil raising his eyebrow at her. “What you didn’t have that pill and wait a minute how you even know about it?” asked Mini not understanding how her plan failed. “Well I knew about the plan but not about the pill. But since I was alert I saw you mixing something in my drink and I threw it in the plant when you were busy feeling me up.” Neil explained feeling proud at his smartness. He had stressed last line much more than needed which made Mini more embarrassed. But she quickly bounced back, “You knew abou tthe plan…how come? She asked unable to stop her curious mind.


Neil sober up a little on her question and explained, “What you said last night…kept ringing in my mind and I couldn’t sleep. I gave it a thought and concluded that I cant keep fighting you like this when the truth is that I love you and want you by my side. First you made the mistake and didn’t trust me now I was making the same mistake by not trusting you. Life is too short to repeat the mistakes and hold the grudges. So in the morning I came to say sorry to you and patch up with you.”  “OMG! That means you had already forgave me and was coming back to me and there was absolutely no need of this circus directed by Preet.” Mini exclaimed.


“yes exactly”  said Neil again laughing at her. “But you still didn’t tell me how did you come to know about the plan?Asked Mini confused. “First thing in the morning I came to  apologize to you. Arya told me that you are in your room. I was about to enter when I heard Naeem bi and Preet’s voices. I thought you were busy now so was about to turn back when certain words like body, seduce Neil, plan etc caught my interest and couldn’t help but overhear what were you three talking about.” Said Neil sheepishly. “Oh that’s why I bumped into you when I came out of my room. You were there spying on me and listening my private conversation.” Said Mini shocked as she realized how he made an excuse to her then and left without telling her what he was doing. “Neil Oberoi, you knew…you knew from the starting and still you didn’t stop me and you let me make a joke out of myself like this. and now you have a nerve to laugh at my face. I am going to kill you.” Mini said and ran after him. Neil started laughing hard and he also ran away from her. Mini grabbed a small pillow from the sofa and threw at him. He dodged and saved himself. Mini threw another pillow this time she didn’t miss and it hit him in the face. Mini took advantage of this opportunity and caught him. She angrily pulled his collar, “Why the hell you didn’t stop me then?” “Oh come on now. I got a golden opportunity how could I miss that. I wanted to know how will you seduce me” said Neil winking at her. Mini close her eyes in embarrassment again. “I must say you did a very good job. 10/10 from my side.” Neil whispered in her ears and Mini blushed this time.


“stop embarrassing me further I already feel like digging a hole in to the earth and go hiding inside it.” said Mini a little disappointed. She still cant believed she did all this for nothing. He was already coming to her. had she kept some patience nothing of this would have happened but no she had to listen to her filmy and psycho friend Preet. “I knew that you will try something in the restaurant. But when you left from there crying I thought  I was being little harsh on you. You are trying to persuade me getting out of your comfort zone and I am throwing tantrums. I was about to call you to come back but then Preet called me and asked me to come here, I understood that your plan is not over yet. May be another round of entertainment is waiting for me.” Chuckled Neil. “Oh you think me as entertainment. Am I your time pass?” asked Mini hurt at his words. “Oh come on Mini, stop taking it literally. You know I didn’t mean it. and besides that I actually liked….no loved what you did for me today.” Said Neil as he cupped Mini’s face and made her look into his eyes. “Really, you liked it?”asked Mini again to hear it from him. “Of course Mini, I am a man after all and what kind of man doesn’t like it when his girl wears sexy clothes and put up a special dance cum seduction show to woo him” said Neil genuinely praising her. Mini blushed as her face become beetroot red. “still,  you should have told me directly” Mini pouted in fake anger. “Then you would also have missed the opportunity to see me presenting a personalized item number for you. As far as I know you too enjoyed it” said Neil teasing her further.


“Thanks to Preet and her plan” said Neil laughing again and continued, “You were a nervous wreck there on the bed a few minutes ago.” Neil laughed at her. “Tell me what were you thinking Mini?  Neil asked as he teased her again. Mini became angry and started hitting him on his chest, “You idiot, you moron, I will kill you.” Said Mini and she again run to catch him. They were laughing hard running in around the room when Neil hit his knee on the edge of the bed and fell on it with Mini on top of him. As their bodies touch each other like that soon the laughter was replaced by the passion. “Neil Oberoi, How dare you to say that you wont come back to me” asked Mini suddenly getting emotional as the truth that he has forgiven her followed by their closeness was overwhelming her. She expected to hear Neil’s apology but Neil retorted back, “And how dare you to not trust me? How dare you to break my heart? How dare you to let me go away from you? Do you have slightest idea, how difficult it was for me to see you but couldn’t hold you, to love you but couldn’t express it. I yearned for you Mini. Spent countless night waking up. Fight with each and every ounce of my will power to not enter in your room and kiss you senseless to make you understand how much I love you.” “Then whats stopping you now….I am here with you…for you…kiss me senseless and show much you love me” said Mini as her voice broke crying. Neil turned her upside down and came on top of her as he started kissing her passionately. “I love you so much Mini….please don’t do that to me ever again…..I wont be able to bear it……I will die…” he said between the kisses. Mini made her grip on him tighter as she felt the pain he had gone through. She opened her mouth to say something but he didn’t let her complete as he entered his tongue in her mouth indulging her into the French kiss and instantly all thoughts left Mini’s mind. She clutched his hairs and pulled him more towards her reveling in their love.


Much much later after their soul shaking kissing marathon when both of them felt contented they were sitting with each other on the sofa. Neil was lying on the sofa with his back on the hand rest and Mini was lying with her back on him. “So now when everything is sorted out. When you will move in again in haveli” asked Mini as she played with his fingers. “Whenever you say love” said Neil while caressing her hair lovingly. Mini was about to say something when her phone rang. She saw it was Preet’s call. “Oh how can I forget Preet and mickey are here in the adjacent house. She must be calling to know what happened to her full proof plan.” Said Mini rolling her eyes. Neil chuckled at her antics, “Call them here. Its also getting late we have to go back also” Mini became sad listening to him. After all these days they are back together and she wanted to enjoy some more time with him alone. They can sit and talk in their home also but then other peoples are also present there. For some time she just want him to be around her. she sighed in disappointment, “I am not calling them inside. I will feel more embarrassed in front of them. I just go out and talk to her.” Mini said and dialed Preet’s number and called her outside the bunglow.


“Mini,why you were not taking my calls? What happened there? Did everything happen as per our plan? Preet asked all the questions in one breath. Mini told her everything from the starting and how her stupid plan failed as Neil already knew about it. But Preet was ecstatic to know that finally Mini and Neil were back together. “Since all is well now. Lets go back” Preet said happily.“Preet…actually I was thinking….that you and Mickey can go if you want to but…I want to spend some more time here with Neil” Mini said hesitantly. “Oye hoye, toh Mini aaj ki raat apne pyar ki baahon mein gujarna chahti hai” Preet teased her. Mini hit her playfully and said, “You already told everyone at home that I am staying at your house for night so nobody will worry about me.”  “Its ok Mini don’t be embarrassed and no need to give explanation to me. Don’t worry tonight you stay here with Neil. Nobody will disturb you.” Said Preet feeling genuinely happy for her friend.


“Are we ready to go?” asked Neil as he picked his jacket which was lying discarded on the floor during their seduction game. Mini took the jacket from him and threw it again carelessly, “No, we are not going anywhere. You will spent whole night with me Neil Oberoi” said Mini smiling at him as she put her hands around his neck. “Preet already told everyone at home that I am crashing at her house for night so there is no problem” Mini said further seeing the  questioning look in his eyes. “So Preet and mickey decided to go without us?” asked Neil. “No, just like she told I will be staying at her house she said same thing that she will be staying at my house for night. She also liked my suggestion of spending night here so they also decided to stay back now all of us will be going in the morning only.” Said Mini “Your friend is really something and Mickey…that lucky guy is going to get laid tonight. I am telling you they are going to have their pre wedding suhagraat tonight” said Neil as he laughed looking at her Mini who was gapin gat him. She couldn’t believe he said that but now as she saw Preet in the new light Neil was probably guessing right. She blushed at her thoughts. The sudden mention of suhag raat and the fact that she is going to be alone with Neil for whole night filled her mind with wild images. Her face become beetroot red thinking that.


“So if we going to stay here whole night I need to eat something as I am hungry. Is there anything to eat here? Asked Neil. “I am hungry too. But since we didn’t plan on staying here I don’t think there will be much in the kitchen.” Replied Mini.They checked the kitchen and fridge and found some eggs and vegetables. “Great lets have some omelets then. You sit I will make for you” said Mini grinning. “No thanks, today only I reconciled with my love I don’t want to die this early” said Neil and took the egg away from her hands and begin preparation. “I am not that bad cook. I can make coffee, magi and definitely an omelet” Mini defended herself. “I know love but please give rest to you limited cooking abilities and let me work for you” he said sarcastically but Mini was stuck at the point when he called her love so she didn’t react to his sarcasm. She always liked it whenever he calls her love. She blushed at the thought. She is acting silly in his love.


They had their dinner and talked about each and everything they missed out when they were not together. Neil also made coffee for both of them. After a long time they were having heart to heart conversation. They discussed about Arya and Mini told him all about Naeem bi and Preet planning and scheming mind. She laughed whole heartedly and he watched her as her wind chimes like laughter again filled his heart with warmth and love. Soon their conversation came on relationships and Mini told him about how Preet and Mickey fell in love. Thinking about Preet Mini remembered her words. She blushed immediately and hesitantly said, “Neil, earlier when I was nervous about tonight …Preet…she asked me whether we have..done..done things…I mean when I told her that we were only kissing she said that she is shocked that we are still on kissing…she said something like…stuck on the first base or like that.” Mini closed her eyes as she finished the sentence. Neil’s interest was on its peak now, “So…what about that? Tell me clearly Mini” Neil said in teasing tone. “Mini blushed and shook her head in no, “Nothing…just leave it..forget it.” she tried to avoid the topic but it was too late as Neil was not in a mood to let it go so easily, “Oh come on Mini, just tell me…ok I promise I wont laugh.” He said trying to act normal all the while controlling his smile.


“Actually,I never gave it a thought…you know…like we should take it a step ahead…and I don’t understand this lingo…these bases and all…what does it mean anyway? Mini asked hesitantly.  Neil tried to hard not to laugh but couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t believe Mini was so stupid and innocent at the same time. Mini pouted like a small child and turned away from him seeing him laughing at her. Neil turned her towards him, “Ok sorry love, I wont laugh again” Mini melted immediately when he called her love again. “And I don’t know about you but I was wondering from some time how to bring this topic with you. I wanted to do a lot more than kissing but then you threw me out of your house.” Said Neil honestly. Mini gasped listening that, “I threw you out or you yourself walk out” said Mini.


“Well thats not important…the thing is that I wanted to talk about it to you” said Neil bringing her back to the topic. “You did” asked Mini as she blushed looking down. “A man has his needs. To whom will he go for it if not to his girlfriend and besides that I thought our relationship was mature enough to take that step but then again you were not giving any kind of signal for it so I thought you were not comfortable yet.” Neil explained honestly. First time they were talking about physical proximity in their relationship and he didn’t want to hide his desires from Mini. “Then you should have told me, you know that I know nothing on this matter. My first kiss was with you Don’t expect me to take any initiatives when I know nothing about it. You know I felt like gawar when Preet talked about first bases…I was like…what does that mean…I have heard girls talking about it all the time but I didn’t have any interest in knowing about it then.”Mini completed with difficulty still not able to look him in the eyes.”


“Hmm..So my girl wants to know about all the bases” Neil teased her. Then he very sexily whispered in her ears, “Do you want me to tell you about it or show you for better understanding”

to be contiued...

precap- sab samajh hi gaye hongesmiley9smiley37

anjali01112020-03-12 04:18:49

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