Chapter 10

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hii friends,

second saturday is my holiday so I am here with an early update.

this is an emotional one. plz dont throw andas and tamatar on me.smiley9

:Cure me with your Love:

Part  10

Mini was going to her room when she found him waiting for her with her coffee mug. Neil moved towards her but she turned her face other side, “Neil aaj mood nahi hai. I am very tired. I am going to sleep.” Said Mini disinterestedly and walked away leaving a heart broken and hurt Neil behind. Neil kept looking in her direction longingly.

Neil closed his eyes to control his emotions and sighed. May be she needs some time to become normal. After all, Arya’s failure is like a big blow to her. She is so tensed right now. She need to clam down and think rationally.

Next morning Neil got up early and was eagerly waiting for Mini on breakfast table. He wanted to talk to her about yesterday’s event. He thought may be after taking rest Mini will be in a mood to talk in the morning. He could felt that she badly needed someone to tell her that its ok to stumble sometimes in journey of life but that doesn’t mean that one should stop moving ahead. Mini came at the breakfast table with Arya. She had readied Arya herself today. She made her eat her breakfast and she herself quickly ate one apple and left from there to drop Arya to the school. She didn’t even looked at Neil. Neil thought that may be she is getting late and was in a hurry that’s why she didn’t even looked at him and left as quickly as possible. He thought about the whole day. Today was a busy day as the restaurant was pre booked for lunch and dinner parties. That means he will only be able to see her in the night. He once again pacified his heart giving it a hope to see Mini at night.

At night he was making coffee for her in the kitchen when he saw Mini going to her room, “Mini wait, coffee is ready.” He hurried behind her only to find her at the door of the room. “Don’t bother Neil. I don’t need coffee today. I am feeling sleepy. Good night.” She closed the door of her room on his face. Neil once again stood there heartbroken. By now he has understood that Mini not talking to him has nothing to do with Mini being busy or tired. The truth was that she has started avoiding him. So, all the progress that they have made in their relationship since past few months just blew away in one rainstorm. And they were back to square one where Mini was so closed up that she wouldn’t share any of her feelings to anyone and continue to wallow in self pity. But he somehow consoled his aching heart that so what if everything has to be started again as long as he get to come close to Mini all is fine. Now he understood what Naeem bi had told him that he had to be strong. He cannot give upon her like this. He had to fight for his love. He will always be there for Mini no matter how much she ignores him. He will wait for Mini everyday like this. He hoped she will come to him on her own once she get out of her overbearing responsible and caring attitude for Arya.


Mini had made a strict time table for herself. She got up early to teach Arya then she readied her for school and then left for restaurant. In restaurant also she kept herself confined to her cabin. She avoided Neil there also whenever she needed to talk to him regarding work she did it in the kitchen where all the other staff was present so that he cannot speak to her regarding any personal thing.  She tried to complete her work as soon as possible and left for home early. At home she spent all the time in Arya’s room teaching her and helping her in homework. After that she go would go to her room to sleep. She noticed how Neil was waiting for her with coffee daily but she kept ignoring him. She thought that after one or two days he will stop doing it. But it has been a month now. He always waits for her with her coffee and she very shamelessly breaks his heart every day. It pained her to do so. His eyes, the way they looked at her longingly, it kills her every time from inside but what she could do about it. She knew from the starting that this relationship has no future. One day problems will arise between them when she had to divide her time and focus on either Arya or Neil. She knew from the starting that she is always going to choose Arya over him. But she didn’t thought this will happen too soon. She felt like she was living a beautiful dream and when reality hit her it was shattered into thousand pieces. She knew her first and foremost responsibility is Arya and she didn’t want to indulge herself in any other strong emotional bonding but her heart had deceived her and fell for Neil. She kept fighting her love but ultimately gave in. She hoped against the hope that may be her fate would not be cruel to her and fears will not come true. She could love both Arya and Neil equally and she could have them both in her life. But how stupid she was to think like that. And because of her stupidity she had not only failed in her duties towards Arya but also broke Neil’s heart. She hurt the two most important people in her life.

Neil’s patience was running thin. He couldn’t understand what should he do to make Mini talk to him. Its been a month he was waiting for her to come to him. Not a single day he missed any chance to communicate with Mini but seems like she has built a wall around herself. Every night he would wait for her with coffee, every night she turns him down. He was beginning to lose his hope. He missed their chatting, kisses, her touch which makes him feel complete. Above all he missed holding her in his arms. For him she was his world. Without her he felt like homeless man wandering all alone on street with out any goal in life. And he knew she missed him too. He could not ignore the look in her eyes whenever she turns down his advance to communicate. It felt like her lips and eyes has no synchronization. Her lips were asking him to go away while eyes were pleading to stay with her. He had had enough of her silent treatment. He decided to confront her tonight.

Mini was going to her room to sleep when she didn’t found Neil in the kitchen. She felt little bad as she had become habitual to see Neil waiting for her. she sighed and mentally scolded herself for being selfish. It’s a good thing that finally he stopped waiting for her there. She went to her room and was surprise to see Neil there. “Neil what are doing in my room? “We need to talk Mini. you are avoiding me since one month.Today I will not leave without having answers from you.” Said Neil determined to sort it all out. “There is nothing much to talk Neil. Arya is my sole responsibility and I failed her in that. It was all because of me.” Said Mini.“For God sake Mini stop blaming yourself for everything.” Neil replied angrily.“Arya failed Neil. She is just a kid she failed in 2nd class. Is that even a class to fail? And top of that she was facing difficulties in her studies and she didn’t even tell me. You know why? Because she thought her Veer Balika is working very hard at the restaurant that she shouldn’t be burdened with her small problems. And you know she got a note from her class teacher and she got it singed by Biji. Biji didn’t show it to me because she saw us together.” Replied Mini equally angry. “What Biji know about us?” asked Neil in surprise. “Yes she knows about us and she thought that as I have found someone so I should be left alone in my happy world” said Mini controlling her tears. “Everyone…everyone in this house loves me so much that they don’t want to trouble me by sharing their problems and what I have doing all these days? I was just being selfish.”Mini continued to sob. “Mini please try to understand. Sometimes it happens with the kids. There is nothing to worry about. Please don’t overthink Mini. I am there for you. Please share your worries with me. Don’t push me away like this. I love Arya as much as I love you. If her problems troubles you then it troubles me also. I am not different from you. But that does not mean that you should cut yourself from everybody else.” Neil tried to reason.

“I know you love Arya but I am responsible for her upbringing. Even her small failure is my fault. And its not the fact that she failed bothers me this much it’s the thing that she didn’t tell me anything. Biji didn’t tell me anything because they love me a lot and they want my happiness. Cant you see Neil….history is repeating itself. Arya has started making compromises for my sake. If she finds out that I am in love with you she will happily let me marry you and then….I will be lost in my dreamland. She will be alone.” Mini argued while sobbing. “Stop it Mini. enough of your self hate. That time was different those circumstances were different. What happened with you its not necessary that it will happen to Arya also. Don’t you trust me. I love Arya as much as you do. I knew from the starting that with you Arya will be a integral part of my life and I accepted that.” Neil explained Mini. “Its one thing to say that you accept her but another thing to actually live life like that Neil. If we get married, will you be able to love her as your daughter even after your own child is born?” questioned Mini. “You think so less of me Mini? You don’t believe that our love is strong enough to pass this test? You don’t trust me with Arya? Asked Neil hurt by her question. “I trust you Neil with my life but not with Arya. I have seen enough world to know these things better.” Replied Mini sternly and just like that she broke Neil’s heart yet again.

Neil was at loss of words for some time as he didn’t know what more he could say to explain Mini that her fears are all baseless. His love didn’t trust him enough was a big blow to him. He was tired of proving his love again and again. He was already broken when Mini put the final nail on their relationship, “Neil…I think..we should…we should..bre…”Neil came closer to her and put his hand on her mouth preventing her from saying anything further. “No, please no Mini. don’t say anything further. I will not be able to bear it.” he pleaded. Mini removed his hand from her mouth and said while crying, “Its for the best Neil that we should end….” Neil kissed her shutting her up. He pour all his love in that kiss as a last resort to make her believe  him and give this relation a chance. He kissed her again and again as  tears of excruciating pain wet his eyes. He kept mumbling between the kisses, “Please don’t say anything Mini…I love you….I cant live without you….Everything will be fine…please trust our love…..Mini…please dont do this. Both were crying as their hearts were bleeding  at the thought of their separation. Mini parted herself from him with difficulty. He didn’t let her go but she rested her forehead on his and said while sobbing, “Please Neil don’t make it difficult for me….. I am already dying don’t make me suffer further….stop pleading me.” “Then don’t break up with me” said Neil like a stubborn kid. “I have to do it Neil…please understand … I am helpless…I wont be able to do justice to this relationship as my fear and my love for Arya is too strong…. I will always end up hurting you… and I don’t want to do it. we should end it here only.” Mini completed with difficulty as she was crying uncontrollably.

Neil completely broke down he couldn’t believe he lost his everything. He sat there motionless for few seconds as he couldn’t think right anymore. He felt as if someone took out heart from his chest and killed it mercilessly in front of him. He stood up after some time and hold Mini in his arms for the last time. He gave a chaste kiss on her lips, “ok if you want to be away from me, if your happiness lies in this then let it be.” Said Neil devoid of any emotions. He felt that all happiness drained out from him and only a void is left behind. A void which will never fill. “I will call Mrs.Sandhu and take up her offer. I will shift there tomorrow first thing in the morning.” Said Neil in a same robotic kinda voice. “wha…what…you are leaving…our home? Asked Mini perplexed. “This is not  our  home anymore. Please don’t ask me to stay. I agreed to your demand now its your turn. I wont be able to stay here anymore. I am not as great as you. I am a normal human being and it will hurt me to look at you everyday in the same house. Let me go, at least give me that much respect.”said Neil and Mini could just nod at his words. He went to his room and Mini stayed in her room slumped down on the floor as what has just happened between them sunk in. she touched her lips where he had kissed her last time and closed her eyes to savor the feeling and lock it forever inside her heart. In his room Neil fall on bed tired from what just happened. He felt totally drained of all energy and emotions. He wanted to cry his heart out but couldn’t even do that. He closed his eyes remembered their special moments.

I still remember the look on your face
Lit through the darkness at 1:58
The words that you whispered
For just us to know
You told me you loved me
So why did you go

I do recall now
The smell of the rain
Fresh on the pavement
I ran off the plane
That July ninth
The beat of your heart
It jumps through your shirt
I can still feel your arms

But now I'll go sit on the floor
Wearing your clothes
All that I know is
I don't know how to be something you missed
Never thought we'd have a last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips

I do remember
The swing in your step
The life of the party, you're showing off again
And I roll my eyes and then
You pull me in
I'm not much for dancing
But for you I did

Because I love your handshake
Meetin' my father
I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets
How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something
There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions

And I'll go sit on the floor
Wearing your clothes
All that I know is that
I don't know how to be something you miss
Never thought we'd have a last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips

So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe
And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are
Hope it's nice where you are

And I hope the sun shines
And it's a beautiful day
And something reminds you
You wish you had stayed
You can plan for a change in weather and time
But I never planned on you changing your mind

So I'll go sit on the floor
Wearing your clothes
All that I know is that
I don't know how to be something you miss
Never thought we'd have a last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips

Just like our last kiss
Forever the name on my lips
Forever the name on my lips
Just like our last

to be continued.....

P.S. its a beautiful song by Taylor Swift. plz do listento it if you havent listen  it before.

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Nice Nice
Awesome Awesome
Loved Loved
cry Cry
Continue Reading next part >

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