Chapter 3

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Varsha Dixit


Hi All,

Thank you for all liking my earlier FFs LOL. Here's some more of the amazing duo Heart. I have tweaked and adapted some of my earlier writings.  Hopefully they can match to some degree the sweet sizzle and the fun  of our awesome show. Also with the Nanami' s demise and the sad separation track coming  I wanted to post something that will lighten our . Sincerely hope you all like it. Thank you for reading. And please keep those comments coming. Smile Happy Friday!!!!!


I can't do this . . . really.' Naina was experiencing genuine pain in the chest area. My stomach hurts merely at the thought.'

 No, no beta! You can do it. Imagine us sitting in front of you and then everything will go smoothly,' Vishakha advised, rubbing Naina's back.

Nah. It won't work!' Naina, in abject defeat, rested her head on her knees.

Just don't think of your Taiji,' Vishakha quipped trying to lighten the mood.

Aunty! This is serious. It seems like in the whole universe, I am the only one with this problem. Whoever I tell including my nerdy professor, either laughs at me or accuses me of making it up,' Naina grumbled, sitting up. 

Maybe he is right!' On seeing the younger girl's chagrined expression, Vishakha hurriedly clarified, You know all this could be just your brain working overtime. This phobia sounds silly.'

Even you, think my phobia of public speaking is silly!' Naina howled.  That's it! It is decided. I am not going to college tomorrow. Let the professor flunk me and my entire group, I don't care.'

Rude laughter distracted them. Sameer ambled closer, laughing hard and loud.

You said there was no one home,' Naina whined, mortified. 

Sameer was in the gym. Nandi, I had no idea he'd be back so soon,' Vishakha replied and then turned to her son. Sameer Maheshwari, leave at once!'

No way!' Still chuckling, Sameer flopped next to his mom. A person with verbal diarrhoea is scared of public speaking! This is just pure gold,' he said, nastily.

Naina sat up, her mouth puckered. I do not have verbal diarrhoea. Oh! Just go and jump off a building or something,' She muttered under her breath.

Sammy please leave us alone,' Vishakha ordered.

Mom, you're actually buying this nonsense? Full toss nautanki!'

Sameer, mind your words,' Vishakha half-heartedly rebuked.

No one understands!' Huffing, Naina walked away from mother and son. She sat heavily on a pool chaise, her back towards them. Resting her chin on a hand, she miserably gazed at the shimmering blue water of the pool with unseeing eyes. Just when I thought it could not get worse, it just did now even he knows, she worried.

            Sameer killed his laugh. Bhenji seems genuinely upset, he contemplated watching Naina's silhouette.

            Sam please! Don't make fun of her. Bela Chachi called me earlier today. Because of this fear, Naina is refusing to go for the presentation which is a part of her final exams,' Vishakha confided.

Raising an eyebrow, Sameer mouthed, Really?'

Once in school, Nandi actually passed out when she was forced to go on the stage, to address the assembly,' Vishakha added, her voice lowered. 

Wonders never cease. Over here she yaps nonstop, doesn't even bother breathing,' Sameer replied in an equally hushed voice.

You go inside. Let me handle this,' Vishakha asserted, getting up to go towards the quiet girl.

Mom stop! Please get some Arnold Palmer (lemonade and iced tea) made for me. I'll take care of this. Or at least I'll try,' Sameer said. 

No thank you! You will do more damage than good. We all know how wonderfully you two get along.'

Mom, I'm serious. I have given innumerable presentations, I'll teach her a few tricks to beat the nervousness.' Sameer flicked his hair back from his forehead.

You would do that?' Vishakha appeared surprised.

Yes Mom! Can I have the AP please?' Sameer requested. Vishakha headed inside, leaving the youngsters alone.

Sameer sauntered over to a sullen Naina. Leave me alone!' she muttered, feeling his shadow on her.

Ignoring the dismissal, Sameer took the chaise opposite her. What is this phobia you were talking about?'

Naina made a move to get up. Sameer caught her wrist, pulling her down. She glared at him.

 At least talk to me. What do you have to lose? It's not like it is going to get any worse,' he coaxed.

You'll just make fun of me,' Naina replied, trying to tug her hand free.

Sameer let go. No I won't! Almost every one of us is a bundle of nerves when addressing a bunch of strangers. There are very few born orators. Public speaking has to be practiced, cultivated and attempted several times, for it to come naturally. Nanu himself dreads the speech he has to give his employees at the annual company meeting. He gets his speech ready several days before, and keeps going over it in front of the mirror, till he gets it right.'

Nanaji really?' Naina eyes widened. You are not making this up, are you?' she asked.

Lie to make you feel better?  Never. Cross my heart and hope to die.' Sameer made a silly sign on his chest.

See! You are already making fun of me.' Naina's frown came back on.

Maybe you need to do the same. Treat this more lightly. Do you know the material you have to say?'

             By heart, I even know the other people's part.'

Sameer raised an eyebrow, as if questioning her sanity.

The other people, as in, in my group,' Naina clarified.

Well then the hard work is already done. Listen very seriously to what I am about to say. Chant it, till it gets stuck in your brain or whatever you have inside your head.'

Overlooking the insult, Naina prompted, Go on!'

When you are speaking to a group, avoid eye contact with anyone . . . absolutely  anyone!'

What do I look at? The ceiling?'

I am not finished. When speaking look somewhere in this area,' Sameer said, touching his forehead where the hairline began. Not in the eye, but here,' he repeated.

It's not that simple!' Naina croaked, clutching her stomach. The anxiety came back just thinking of it.

Naina, go home and practice your speech in front of the mirror a few times, avoiding your own eyes. You'll get the drift. Also, make sure you get a few hours of sleep.'

Naina's eyes shone with hope. Do you really think it will work?'


Of course and worse come to worse, when everything else fails just faint. I heard you are quite good at that,' Sameer drawled, breaking in a sneer.

Wonderful! So you know about that, too?' Peeved, Naina clucked her tongue.. Thanks for your help!' She said, haltingly. Showing gratitude to your nemesis is not easy.

            What time is your presentation?' Sameer asked

My group is second to go on. So probably around 11in the morning. Why?'

Just!' Sameer replied, shrugging his shoulders. All the best, now go home and quit whining.' He got to his feet.

Because of his recent and unexpected kindness, Naina meekly took the suggestion.


Next day

Naina, eat something,' Anand coaxed, offering her a piece of bread.

No  thank you chachaji! I'm not feeling too well. Maybe I should stay home.' Anand and his wife Bela exchanged a glance.

There is nothing to be scared of Naina. It is a small presentation.'

Ofcourse. This is just college. What will happen when you start working. Look at Pralay's father, he speaks in front of so many. Now you are acting silly.' Taiji said as she sat on the diwan fanning herself with a magazine.

            I don't think I can do this!' Naina whimpered, lips clenched, colour pale. Where are Arjun Bhaiya and Papa?'


Your Papa had some work in the bank. Arjun has taken him there and then he will drop Rakesh at the school and then go for his cricket practice.' Taiji replied.

Wah Bhabhiji, you always know where everyone is and what they are doing?' Bela winked at Naina.

Well someone has to. If I and your Pralay's Papa are not there, you all will run this house to the ground. Someone has make sure our traditions are always upheld. Haina Anand?'

Ji, Absolutely.'

The front door bell rang.

The maid opened the door.

            Good morning!' Sameer came in. He appeared full of high spirits and cheerfulness as he greeted the elders in the room.

Chavanprash ka dabba aa gaaya, Naina cursed.

Sameer Beta good morning,' Taiji greeted brightening up like she had found a pot of gold.

What are you doing here?' Naina blurted out. 

 Somebody's got to get this nervous wreck to college . . . right Taiji?' Sameer said,  taking a seat next to his biggest fan in the house - taiji

That effort will require the patience of a saint,' Bela Chachi replied, smiling.

In case you all haven't noticed, I am still here,' Naina murmured, even though she could not understand why some of the tension dissipated.

We just finished breakfast but can I make you something?' Bela Chachi inquired.

Thanks Aunty, I just ate!' Sameer replied.

Chachiji touched Naina's shoulder and pointed at the glass of milk untouched in front of her. Drink your Bournvita!'

No chachiji, please-'

 You still drink Bournvita?' Sameer snickered.

Cheerfully, Bela Chachi enlightened, Since class fifth Naina insisted on making her own milk. Only recently, I found out, that all those years, slyly, she had been adding coffee instead.'

No wonder! So many years of caffeine have done obvious damage.' Sameer quipped.

Shut up! Mind your own beeswax!' Naina hissed.

Naina!'  Taiji like all elders turned her name into a verbal smack. Say sorry to Sameer.'

Naina glared at him even as Sameer smiled at her raising his eyebrow wickedly.


Its okay. Hazam nahi hoga.'  Sameer got up. Mom asked me to drop you to college as I'm going that way. She is concerned for you.'

That is so nice of Vishakhaji. Otherwise in these times who cares for your neighbours and a girl with no mother.' Taiji said.

Sameer noticed the hurt on Naina's face. It bothered him.

So what Naina has more than one of everything. Two mothers, her father, chachaji and Taiji, Preeti and Pooja we all love her as our daughter. In fact she is our daughter only.' Anand said even as he grabbed his leather briefcase.

Naina nodded and her face lightened.

You both should leave now,' he then added, glancing at his watch.

Naina bobbed her head several times in the puja room.

1000 rupees she won't be able to speak,' Taiji, softly, remarked to Sameer.

5000 she will!' Sameer responded, quietly.

 Naina hugged her Chachi tightly.

You are not going for war!' Sameer scoffed. Naina glared at him.

Naina's and Sameer's drive to her college was made listening, to Def Leppard, Tim Mcgraw, Maroon 5 to name a few. One of them listened to music, and the other promised, impeccable behaviour and innumerable good deeds, to every god of all religions.

Sameer's presence in Naina's college created quite a ruckus. Almost every girl and a few boys just for an introduction claimed to be Naina's longtiya yaar'.

            This is as far as you go?' Naina croaked, pausing in front of the examination hall. Her bones were conducting a symphony orchestra, with the heart providing crude twangs.

I am coming inside,' Sameer responded.

You are not a student. How can you come inside?'

At the ardent invitation of your principal,' Sameer smiled, wickedly. Yesterday after you left, I called your principal and gave him a cock and bull story about wanting to observe the dynamics of the India study system for a thesis, I am allegedly writing. I am a very persuasive man, he couldn't say no.'

In spite of what she was about to face, Naina blurted, You do realise how that last part sounded?'

Shut up and get inside, guinea pig!' Sameer ordered, giving her a gentle push.  Everyone took assigned seats.

Sometime later, Naina's group member said, Please welcome the next speaker from our group, Naina Sharma. She will share with you the quantum research conducted for this project.'

Naina dipped even further in the chair, her hair covering her face. Get up move! Everyone is waiting!' The girl sitting next to her urgently whispered, repeatedly jabbing Naina, hard, in the thighs.

Sameer loudly coughed, Naina instantly looked up. He gave her a slow, confident smile. Naina managed to get up and hobble over to the podium. Sameer furtively raised his hand. Her eyes blindly followed it. He touched his hairline.

Gluing her eyes to the spot, Naina commenced speaking . . . stiltedly. She was almost at the end of her monologue when somewhere in the audience a cell rang.

In the back of the crowd, a boy stood up, his eyes met Naina's.

Sameer, mouthing an expletive, turned around to glare at the perpetrator.

The damage was done. Ughh . . . the . . .' Naina moaned, sweat appearing on her forehead.  Some students rudely heckled and the panic attack slammed into her. Naina hopelessly looked at Sameer. A second later, in an untidy heap, she crumpled to the floor.

Sprinting up the few stairs, Sameer was the first to reach her.  Naina get up!' His hand, gently caressed, her sticky forehead and cheeks.

Slyly, Naina opened her eyes slightly and winked at him. When everything else fails, just faint,' she whispered. Sameer caught on. A few others including her professor had joined them. 

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