Chapter 22

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Part 21 Concluding part


Next two days, had lots of work to be done at the factory. Packaging and shipping wasn't an easy job. I was there till late night but my mind was with my Naina's sobs. I kept thinking what was Naina and Preethi hiding from every one.

By Wednesday 12:00 noon everything was done. Everyone was happy that we had finished our task a week before the schedule. I was about to leave the office when Nanu called me and asked me to pick Mumma from NGO as he wanted to have lunch with all at the factory along with workers. I couldn't say no, but this also meant bringing Kamya along with Mumma. I didn't want any more stories to spread, so I took the bike instead of Car.

"Hi Kamala Chachi, how are you ?? "

"I am fine Sameer beta , how come you are here?"

"Came to pick Mumma."

"Your mother and Kamya just left few mins back."

"Oh ok... by the way Congrats on being a grandma. Mumma told me."

"Thank you . That is why I was not here for past 45 days. By the way how is Naina? People over here said she stopped her work at NGO."

"Yes , she got a job as a lecturer at University college. So, she is staying at the hostel."

"Alone ?? How is she now??"

"Yes , she is fine now.." The way she asked how she is now, said there was something wrong. I knew Kamala chachi from the time Mumma had started this NGO. She was one of the senior most employee and I also knew that Naina was close to her Daughter in law who also used to work here till few months back.

"Its ok Beta...when the time is right god will bless you again...but considering her health you shouldn't have left her alone. After such an incident girl need to be taken care of ...else the next time will be difficult. I have always thought Naina like my daughter hence saying this to you. See in such a stage you should be her support. I know she is living with your family but you know how it ...right??"

"Chachi...I don't understand what you are trying to say...what is that I didn't do right ..??"I was shocked with her statements...nothing was making sense.

"Its ok beta...I didn't mean to interfere...Convery my regards to her."

"NO!! Wait . I need to know...pleaseee..."

"What do you mean ?? You didn't know , she had fainted here twice??"

"NO!! "

"Sameer, two weeks before I left for my leave, she fainted while she was checking the cloth sample. At that time your mom told she had missed her breakfast. Then after that incident, she was fine for few days..couple of days we all have seen her throwing up . Then again she fainted , at that time we had rushed her to the hospital. Your mother was not present her, hence we called her and told her. She said , she will come to the hospital. So, Naina asked us to get back to work . We came back thinking your mother will be there soon. After that what happened we don't know. But we all felt she was pregnant. We didn't ask anything thinking that it's not right to do so , till the family tells us . Once she stopped coming everyone thought probably she is on bed rest. But looks like things didn't go well...take care of her...a woman needs her man the most at this time.."

All I could do was stand there, absolutely lost. I didn't even know when chachi left that place after talking with me. I was leaning on to my bike. Was she really pregnant or is there some other health issue?? I started rewinding the series of incidents that happened from the time of our marriage. Its been roughly 8 months since we got married. She was on how could she?? She had told me that the doctor had asked her to have it for 3 months. 3 MONTHS..Good lord!! Calculations totally messed up is all I could conclude.

The first time I had seen her throwing up was the day her exam results were out...and after which she hadn't even allowed me anywhere close to her till she left . Was she pregnant when all that scandalous news came out ?? I knew tears were rolling from my think that she was carrying our child and reading all those news for literally 2 months before she decided to walk out...was so unimaginable. But why did she hide from me?? I had the right to know ...the child belonged to both of us, it was our love that was in her womb. ... how could she be so cruel to me??!! I couldn't believe that she hid it from me ...that's when Kamala Chachi's words came into my mind...Lord.. did , she have miscarriage ?? Is that why she was crying or did she decide not to have the baby?? Why did mom hide it from me?? Why did she not tell me that Naina was unwell? A lot of whys were running through my mind for which I had no answers. I was feeling bad for us. As I kick started my bike, my sadness was slowly turning into anger towards my family..and myself. By the time I reached the office , I knew I was on the verge of a breakdown.

"Ah , here comes our hero..Sameer is here!!" Said Nanu with a smile.

"What took you so long ??"Questioned dad.

"Sorry Sameer , we didn't know you were coming there to pick us up. "Spoke Kamya with concern.

"We were waiting for you , so that we all can have lunch at the factory. We asked the staff to leave ,told them that we will meet them at the factory" Said mumma.

"I am glad you did Mumma because before we go to the factory, I do have a question for you "

"Couple of months back , did Naina faint at the factory??"

"Yes she did and then she was fine ."

"Really ?? When she fainted second time and rushed to hospital why did you not tell me about it ??"

"Sameer , that time you were in an important meeting with your clients. We thought it was best to let you know after that ."

"Vishaka , she fainted ?? You never told me anything about this !!"Voiced Nanu with concern.

"Then why the hell did you not tell me after the meeting ??"

"We forgot , later we thought Naina would have told you ."pitched in dad.

The last statement spoken by father did hit the spot. He was right Naina should have told me but she didn't because she had lost trust. Why would she say , when no one actually cared to even pick her up from the hospital. I was not going to let go this conversation just like that .


"So Mumma, I understand I was busy said you will be there with her , right ?? Did you go and pick her up ??"

"No ...because I thought it wasn't that serious. I mean she had missed her breakfast that day also probably ...acidity.."

"OK...did you send a car to pick her up ...??"

"Sameer...I ...didn't think it was..."


"No, I didn't .""

"OK..." I didn't think there was any need to stay there any further. I walked towards my cabin , locked it and started typing my resignation letter. I could hear people banging my cabin door , even threatening to break it. I didn't bother , I continued to type. Once I finished with the letter, I opened the door, with the letter in my hand , walked to Nanu's cabin , placed it on the desk and walked out of the cabin."

"Sameer , what's in the letter??"

"I am sorry Nanu , I have to say this to you. That's my resignation letter. "

"You cant resign, remember we have signed contract with our clients and you are heading this project ."Said my dad in an authoritative voice.

"You and Nanu signed the contract with the clients. I am a worker here. So, I can resign and I am sure Nanu will understand."

"Its ok Sameer , Naina needs you. We will manage this one."

"What do you mean by that Papa?"Asked mumma and then looked at me and said , "Sameer, for a girl you don't have to spoil your life like this."

"You left your 8 yr son with your father , so that you could settle down with your new husband and family. Not even once did you fight for that boy of yours. You did that to be with your husband whom you had met just few days before the marriage. Was it ok then ??

If that was right , then what I am doing is absolutely right. Here I am not leaving my child , I just leaving my job to be with a woman who left everything in her life to be my life partner. And this woman , I have known her from our teenage years and ...TRUST ME , SHE HAS ONLY GOT PAIN FROM ALL OF US!!"

"OH so now she is more important to you than all of us?? You want to break away from all of us for her This statement of hers did the job. I just took a metal flower vase that was kept on the table and threw it on to my dad's cabin door. I heard the shattering sound of the glass door

"YES!! ."

Everyone stood there absolutely shocked. Nanu , came forward gave the car keys and kept a hand on my head and said ,"take this and go to your Naina. Need any help , then I want you to come to me. Till you are back , I will take care of this empire for you."

"Thank you Nanu." I hugged him and walked away from there.

I went straight home , informed Rohan and my two friends of what had happened. Rohan assured me that he will be with me the moment he could get a flight . On the other hand, Munna said he will stand with Nanu to manage the business and Pandit promised none of these will appear anywhere in the media. I felt nice that I at least had few people that I could rely on , even if the one who gave birth to me could ONLY dance according to the tunes of her man. I took my essentials for my stay with her, then walked out of my house and got into the car to begin a new journey.

All the way , I was trying to concentrate hard on the road. I had to be careful, so that I reach there safe. But at the back of my head , I was thinking about Naina and the fact that she hid from me . She could tell her sister but not me ...when I was the one who had the right to know about it in the first place..and how dare she put her life in danger?? Did she even think how I would feel about it when I got to know the truth. One thing I knew for sure , she would never abort the child. She might hide from all of us but she will do everything that she could to keep that tiny heart beating ...and that was my other worry. She will play with her life so that the child survives, which I didn't want. Her safety was important to me. I know the world would consider it be selfish of me , If I had to choose between Naina and my unborn child I would choose her..I knew it sounds cruel ...but that's how it is!! Naina is everything for me.PERIOD!! Wait till I see her , I am going to give a piece of my mind to her...and to Preethi too!!.

I parked the car at the college hostel parking lot and walked towards the reception thinking that , finally the wait was over...but how can it be so easy when I had messed up her life so much. I had more to learn.

"Sir , Naina teacher moved into the staff quarters after staying here for a week. It's just few blocks away from here. Its more closer to college. "

"Oh. Ok , is there a house number?"

"Yes one moment , let me check.

"Its III/321

"Thank you !!

I took the car and reached the place , guess what its locked!! I was sure there was no arts fest. She had lied. So where did they go?? Who can tell me?? That's when I saw an old lady in the nearby quarters.

"Do you know when Naina will be back.

"Naina bitiya?? She is in the hospital. That poor girl , is going thru such a mess. Thank god at least her sister turned up. I mean imagine which family would have allowed a girl who is in the initial stage of her pregnancy to stay away like this. This is what happens when a middle class girls get married to such rich boys. They will have no value for her!!

Are you her brother??

I didn't know what to answer. Her words pierced my heart. I was so ashamed of even telling her that I was her husband. I decided the best was to make her think that I was her brother.

"Well...aunty do you know which hospital she is admitted? When was she taken to the hospital?

"She was taken to Medi plus Care. Its not very far, you ask anyone they will show you the way.

"Thank you Aunty.

I had no clue of what was happening , nothing was in my control . I was loosing it...yes I was loosing hope. I reached the hospital and the receptionist gave the direction to the Gynec section. It was in the second floor. As I reached the room, I saw Preethi standing in the corridor looking out at the sky which was getting ready to welcome the night. I knew she was angry with us because I saw the name registered as Naina. There was no surname given to her name. Not her families or ours.

" is she?? The look that she gave me said that it wasn't going to be easy for me to even have a glimpse of my wife.

"Who are you talking about ?? Was the response I got from her.

"My wife Naina. I knew she had the right to be angry but she also had to think from my point of view. I was not aware. Her sister had hidden it from me. This is my first time too. I didn't recognize the symptoms.

"Your Wife?? I don't know your wife. I am here with my sister.

"Preethi...please don't do this. She didn't tell anyone about the fact that she was pregnant.

"So ??

"How do you expect us to know??

"US??Who is this US?? Did US marry her or YOU DID??

"PREETHI!! Know what you are talking.

"I have only talked . I haven't started doing anything. Be glad , I am keeping quiet because this stupid sister of mine is blindly in love a her husband Mr. Spineless Sameer. I knew me getting angry wasn't going to help. I had to show patience and maturity because mistake was from my side.

"Preethi, I am sorry dear. I didn't know. The moment I realized , I left everything to be here with her. I resigned and I am not going back.

"That's your problem . Not mine Jiju. But you will not meet her. Not till I think I can trust you again. Your attitude put hers and kids' lives in danger...not again!! No one cares for her NO ONE...not her side nor you or your side of the family...selfish people!! I knew she was cooling down, at least she called me Jiju.

"Fine , I wont see her ...but at least tell me where she is and how is she now..

"They took her for some tests. It will take time. She is in the ICU..Please jiju don't ask me anything.. I don't even want to talk to you.

I didn't say anything , I sat on the bench that was there in the corridor . Next two days , I was literally living in the corridors of that hospital. Preethi didn't allow me to do anything , even buying medicines or paying for tests was done by her. When I tried paying , she scolded the person in the counter for taking money from me. I knew I had to give her time , felt once Naina was back at home , things would calm down. Doctors had said , she is stable now and is on observation, but I was yet to see her properly. No one was allowed in as it was sterile room , primarily done to keep infections away from the to be mothers.

Thankfully late in the evening Rohan landed at the hospital . He couldn't believe that Preethi had not allowed me anywhere near to Naina. We both walked towards the room as Naina was still at the ICU. As usual , we saw Preethi sitting in the corridor bench with a blank expression. I signaled Rohan stating not to fight with her. I was faced with two people who loved their siblings and would do anything for them.

"Hi Preethi." Said Rohan while he sat next to her and I decided to stand leaning on the balustrade of the corridor waiting for the next part of the drama to unfold. She looked at him and then at my face.

"Brought him for support?? You think my love for him will weaken my stand towards you and give in. YOU ARE WRONG JIJU!! NOTHING ...will change..

"Preethi , we know , we havnt been right but understand Bhaiya's situation. He is also going thru a lot and at the moment no matter what we all say , Bhabhi needs him. Any woman would want her child's father to be next her. It's his support that will help her health too!!"

"True, we had given that chance to your brother and the family. She is nearly 18 weeks pregnant . So you know what that means?? When all that those talks of their divorce and your brothers affair with Kamya was spreading like wild fire, she was carrying his child and no one was bothered about her health. No one even cared if she had a breakfast or not . Everyone thought she was angry because of the news of her husband and Kamya being reported in the media."

"You know Rohan , I just have one question ...why did Jiju not understand that she was carrying ?? Why was he not there next to her when she was taken to the hospital?? Why did Jiju not check with her why she was skipping her breakfast?? Why did he not take her to the hospital. One look at her people knew she was not well. Her own students understood she was carrying within two weeks at college. How come the man who slept with her and got her pregnant did not understand this??

Both of us didn't have an answer to this. Rohan gave me a look as if asking me how could you have missed it ? I wished I had the answer. I knew she was looking a lil low and was skipping her breakfast . But I thought it was all because the news that was spreading about my affair with Kamya. To top it all , I kept thinking she was on pills. How can I tell them all this.

"All I could say was , I am sorry Preethi!!

"You don't have to tell Sorry to me jiju. You have hurt my sister.

"Preethi , what happened has happened. Let us forget that and see what we need to do , to keep her healthy and happy.

The moment these words were out from Rohan , I knew he shouldn't have told this and true to my sister in law got up from there angrily.

"FORGET ?? Forget what Rohan?? Huh forget what ?? Forget the fact that she had to go through so much of mental tension because of your family !! Forget the fact that your brother got her pregnant and the family decided to play ignorant so that they could get him married to the rich business partner of his!! Forget the fact that when she fainted no one even bothered to check if she was alright!! Forget the fact that all your brother wanted was her warmth on the bed and nothing else !! "

"PREETHI !! how could you become so cheap."

"Yes I am cheap but way better than you and your family. You know what we are cheap , so now that you understood , rich brothers leave this place or I will see to that you get kicked out!! Somani or Maheshwari names are not going to scare me !! Got it Mr. Rohan Selfish Ruthless Somani!!"

With that she removed her engagement ring , gave it to Rohan, got into the room and slammed the door on our face.

"How dare she !! You wait I will get this sorted out. All we need is your marriage certificate , I will see to that this sister of hers will not see Bhabhi again...god I cant believe , I fell in love with her."

I held Rohan's hand firmly and said , "Rohan , don't forget you are talking to your to be wife."

"To be wife?? The ring is in my hand."

"Exactly , you haven't removed the ring from your hand , so she is your to be wife. AND ROHAN YOU ARE NOT GOING TO REMOVE IT!! GOT IT!! Wear her's also in your lil finger."

"NOPE!! Its over , if she doesn't want even I don't want. What the hell she thinks of herself."

"ROHAN!! Just calm down and think for a moment instead of Naina , it was Deepika how would we have reacted to her husband??"

"You really want to know Bhaiya??"

"Now tell me , doesn't Preethi have the right to shout at us??"

Rohan's silence said it all . I then slowly moved towards the window of the room and called Rohan.

"Look at her , the way she is crying looking at her empty ring finger. Do you still want to break up with her. Rohan you both are doing the same thing , trying to stand up for your elder sibling. But what you both don't understand is after marriage you cant take your sibling away from their spouse. So if Naina is hurt then I am bound to get hurt , her pain is mine too."

Rohan slowly put her ring in his lil finger. Tears rolled from his eyes as he knew , the messed up situation just got even worse. Emotionally and physically it was affecting all of us.

"So what do we do Bhaiya?? I don't think we can solve this."

"Rohan , every problem comes with a solution . At least 95% of times we can solve it..all we need to do is think calm and show maturity in handling it.

Do something , you go back home and rest. While I will stay here and please don't tell anyone that Naina is in the hospital."

"I am not going back , I am going to be here with you . PERIOD."

"Listen , I have been sleeping on these benches or in the car for the past two days. You wont be able to do it."

"Hello , you are forgetting . I am going to be a doctor . I am used to hospitals and late nights."

"OK , do as you please..can I give you one more name??"

"What ??"

"Mr. Rohan Adamant Somani!!"

"Common Bhaiyaa!! Tell me something , did she give you a name like the way she did to me."

"Yes!! Want to guess ??"

"Mr. Spineless Sameer??"

"Wow ...SPOT ON !!"

All we could do is look at each others face and laugh at the names Preethi had given us. In a way I was glad she was this strong , if not handling my brother would have been so difficult for her.
"How is Bhabhi?? Why did she get admitted??"

"She is fine now but under observation. She got fever and then her BP had dipped a lil . She also had severe bouts of vomiting because of which she was getting dehydrated. She also developed slight cramps ..and during the initial examination , they felt that there was a drop in the baby's position in her womb."

"So , is there a drop?? Did they check."

"Thankfully , there isn't , and her BP is fine now. They have few more tests pending. Doctor told me , she will brought to the room tomorrow and if she is fine , she could get discharged by day after tomorrow ."

"OK Good!!"

On Sunday morning, she was discharged. Both Rohan and I decided that we will not come in front of Naina till they reach the quarters as we felt Preethi also needed some time to calm her nerves else we knew she would make a big issue at the hospital. She paid all the bills and got the discharge papers. Rohan and I suggested that we will drop them but she refused saying there are no shortage of taxis in Ahmedabad. From one end of the corridor, I saw my Naina slowly limping from the wheel chair to the car. I understood she was in pain. Tears rolled from my eyes and I leaned on the pillar.

"Rohan , why is she walking slowly . Does pregnancy cause difficulty in walking?"

"Not always and not like this, at least not at this stage Bhaiya. I guess they would have had to do some medical procedures for checking the baby position, like a pelvic scan which can make a woman uncomfortable while walking ...again this is Bhabhi's first pregnancy such procedures are not going easy..should be fine in few hours."

Finally, that late in the night around 8:00 pm we decided that we will meet Naina . We thought Preethi would give in and call us but nothing of that sort happened. Rohan and I rang the calling bell and as expected Preethi opened the door.

"You guys again."

"Look Preethi , I need to meet her . I will not go without meeting her even it means sleeping her on the verandah till you say YES."

"Preethi , who is it ??" I could hear Naina. And then she appeared behind Preethi. Our eyes met after so many days. I looked at Preethi to see what she was planning to do next. To my surprise , her eyes filled with tears and a solitary tear rolled down her cheek. For the first time she cried in front of us , else it was always in the confines of the hospital room.

"Sameer !!..."

"Hi Naina.."

Preethi closed her eyes , gulped her pain and moved aside , opening the door for us to get in. Before I got in I kept my hand on Preethi's cheek and said , "I am sorry that I hurt your sister so much with my spineless attitude and Thank you for being such a wonderful sister."

She didn't say anything , she moved back and once we got in, she closed the door.

"Rohan , you can keep all your things in the second bedroom. " Saying so she walked into the kitchen.

Now we were alone in her room. In the past few days , I had thought that when I meet Naina , I will give her piece of my mind for risking her life. I had clearly told her to inform me if she was not well . She also had broken the promise by hiding pregnancy from me. We had decided we would let each other know everything that happens in our life especially if it has anything to do with US.

Even before , I could say anything , she walked towards me and hugged me tightly. While she did that she took my right hand and kept on her stomach. I could feel the swell of her stomach. Her tears were wetting my shirt and her sobs were getting heavy.

"Naina , don't ...please don't cry. I am not leaving you . I am here to stay. I resigned from Maheshwari industries. Pandith and I are starting a new business. Come , don't stand for long. "

I made her sit on the bed and sat next to her. Pulled her close to me by putting my hand around her shoulder allowing her to lean on to my chest. She strained her neck to look into my eyes . I couldn't help , I peppered kisses on her face and gave a slight peck on her lips.

"LOVE YOU !! "

"Why did you move in here from the hostel ??"

"I knew you would come and then we will have to search for a house . So, when one of the teachers resigned, I requested for it and got the keys. I transferred her cooking gas connection to my name. It's a two bedroom with a study. In case Rohan and Preethi wants to stay with us then we will have enough of space to accommodate them."

"If you were so confident of me , then why did you not tell me about your pregnancy?? Did you not trust me ??"

"There was never lack of trust or love. But you always viewed my problems through other eyes. If you had looked at me through your eyes , you would have understood that something was wrong with me and eventually you would have understood I was carrying your children in my womb. But you always listened to your parents and then looked at my problems through their eyes.

Sameer , anyone can fight injustice when your enemy is a stranger, but you need to be a man to stand up and fight your loved ones to fight injustice done by them. You had no issues to stand up for me when my father and Karan was on the other side. But when injustice was done by your parents then you wavered, you didn't stand up and fight for me Sameer.

And I didn't want our children to think that their father couldn't standup for their mother. The greatest gift that a father can give his kids is to love and respect their mother.

To make you realise this hard truth , I had to move away from you. I knew you wouldn't be able to live without me. One or the other you would come to me."

"Sorry Naina !! "

"Its ok Sameer, we all are new in this , we are all learning. I could have made it easy for us . All I needed to do was to tell you but I didn't know how to tell you that your parents are not who they seemed to be, at least not with me. I felt you would not like it, so I left it for you to discover it yourself."

"When did you know you were pregnant??"

"The day , I fainted in the factory, I had a doubt ,but mumma said , it could be because of acidity since I skipped my breakfast. Then after few days it happened again, that's when people rushed me to the hospital and doctor suggested pregnancy test. I was 9 weeks pregnant."

"Your stomach looks a lil bigger than normal."

"Well , its because we have twins."

"Really ??"


"Does , Preethi know about it ??"


"When do you plan to tell everyone??"

"Well , this is not something that we can hide. They have already started making their presence felt. I was waiting for you to come. I wanted you to tell the world . After all its your effort that is showing up.
"Thank you topper Naina!! "

"Did you have dinner Sameer?"

"Yes , Rohan and I had before we knocked on the door. We feared that Preethi might kick us out again."

"What ?? Preethi kicked you guys out of the house."

"Not here, but at the hospital... Well...that's another story for another day dear...You need to sleep, else it will affect all three of you. Doctor did say that you should get proper rest."

"I didn't speak to Rohan. Not sure what he might think of me."

"Its ok , He is going to be here for two weeks. So you can talk to him in the morning. I wanted to tell her about Rohan and Preethi's fight but felt that she might get tensed and considering the current state she is in , I decided not to utter a word about it.

"Come lets sleep."

"I need to change into something more comfortable at night. And are you not going to change into your night cloths."

"Well , Its in that bag , in the other bedroom. At the moment I am not going to leave this room and I won't allow you to go as well."

"Alright , I will give you something to wear. She had this naughty smile on her face when she said it, but I decided not to ask about it. I was extra careful when I was talking to her . I didn't want any more fights which would result in us staying away from each other.

Finally she gave me a light blue T shirt and dark blue shorts. She herself chose to wear a knee length night T shirt. That's when I saw something written on it . It read "Sameer did it !!". This writing came exactly on her tummy.

"Naina , is this the way of telling the world that Sameer is the dad?? Girl , world doesn't know who Sameer no point."

"Why don't you look at what is written on your T shirt"

My eyes, quickly glanced on my T shirt and I started laughing loud. It was written "I AM SAMEER!!"

"Now it makes Sense. Smart girl!! Come lets sleep."

I didn't have to pacify her much to sleep. She just had to hit the bed and with half an hour , she was sleeping like a baby. I slowly got up from the bed as I realized there was one more pending task . To get Rohan to talk to Preethi. I knew both were stubborn and because of us , they broke up. So somewhere deep in my heart , I felt we were responsible for their pain.

I walked towards his room , the door was slightly jarred and light from the bedroom lamp could be seen. I wasn't sure if he was awake, but thought to check . As I slowly opened the door, in the dim light I saw two people , probably hugging. Suddenly my eyes fell on the ring which was glittering as the light from lamp fell on it. I understood they had patched up and I knew there was no need for me to do anything now. I rushed back to the warmth of life.

"Came back so soon?? "

"Naina , I thought you were sleeping."

"I told you early as well , don't bother about Preethi and Rohan. They know how to handle their relationship. I was shocked that my wife could read me like the back of her hands.

"Yeah , you are right. Is all I could say. No wonder people say "Your wife is always right!!"

"So what did you see.."

"What do you mean?? I went there , I understood they had patched up, so came back.."

"How did you understand that they patched up without talking to them." Knowing that Naina was slightly on to more of a conservative side of the world. I didn't want to say , that I saw my brother getting a lil cozy with her sister.

"Well , I noticed that the ring was back in her hand...hmm...yeah so...I thought..they patched up..."

"And ...nothing else...??"


"Lier!! Sameer , I know my sister ...ok !!" There we go again. She caught me lying to her. I really need to learn to handle her. This girl is getting too smart.

"OK leave it does it matter. Now , hug me and sleep Naina."I could hear her chuckle , but she didn't turn towards my side.

"Naina, turn this side"

"Sameer, I cant turn that side. If I do then I feel very uncomfortable . So , its going to be this way. Mr.Sameer Forgetful Maheshwari , I am pregnant !! So you will need to adjust while sharing the bed with me."

"Is it a family thing that you girls give middle names to people."

"So , let me guess..Preethi in a fit of anger would have given you a middle name."

"Yes, and can you guess what it could be ??"


"OUCH!! Naina , am I that bad??"

"Sameer, no matter what the world thinks about you , I will always love you ...and as I said no one is perfect , we are all learning. So sleep now."

"Naina, you know what I learnt from this separation , but was there something that you learnt from this challenging phase of our life??"


My heart swelled with happiness and pride. I couldn't have asked for more from god . It was my turn to show her how much I loved and cared for her. I lifted her head slightly and snaked my hand underneath her head so that she can rest her head on my hand. I then , turned towards her , hugged her from back by placing my other hand slightly on her bulging tummy and gave a soft lingering kiss on her neck. I could sense her smile as she pushed herself towards me for my warmth. The night had a charm of its own. After a long time , I knew what peace actually meant and how it felt. All I could say is THANK YOU GOD FOR ALL YOUR BLESSINGS!!

Dear All ,

Finally all is well :-) Thank you so much for all the love and support you have given me as I penned down this story. More than writing it enjoyed reading each every comment of yours. I am yet to respond to all your comments of the previous chapter , which I will do soon.

Thanks and Regards
Ashwathy.WeRockTheWorld2018-07-01 23:27:54

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