Chapter 11

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My Gruhpravesh was later as the auspicious time was at 9:00 PM. Till then we were at one of their very close friend and Partner Mehara uncles house. After Gruhpravesh , mumma took me to his room. She said , they had changed the interiors so that they could accommodate extra cupboard , dressing table and chair , 4 post bed kind size bed etc. Room was decorated with Jasmine floor , Roses. The theme looked red and white. Typical like what one get to see in movies. One corner of the room had fruits , sweets and a glass of milk , kept on an elegantly decorated table.

"All credits go to Rohan and Preethi. They are the ones who did this. "


"Yes , she was here sometime this afternoon. Did you not notice, the two were missing after your wedding lunch. They were not there while you were signing those registration documents.

She then took the Dupatta , and covered my head. Perfect !! My son is very lucky.

"You sit here and I will send , Sameer...he will do the hounors of lifting ur wail and seeing his brides face. She winked at me and left the room.

With in 10 mins , Sameer was at the door. He looked at the room and then at me who was sitting at one corner of the bed .

"Lord , they have turned my room into some kind of a movie set!!

"You hadn't seen your room??


"Oh Ok

He locked the door and walked towards me. I could hear my heart beat and my hand was shivering. I had no idea what was going to happen. I hoped that he would stick with friendship but his statement in the car "SHE IS MINE was creating fears . He sat next to me looking at the heart that was made with rose petals on the bed.

"Tell me something Naina, who would sleep on this now. What if there are small ants or tiny insects. Whole night we will be itching . Now that we are two people , it will be easier to itch each others back. I have never understood why they use flowers to decorate the room. Don't look at me like this. I hate insects. I like my room mess free and clean.

"Ok...then lets clean it. We can remove this and put a new bedspread and change pillow covers.

"Sorry Naina, just got carried away with my OCD. This is your first night here in this house. I brought you here to give you happiness. Not to dump my responsibilities on you.

"I thought you said , we are friends. What happened, no partnership with me?? Change of mind ?

"Ok, then lets remove these flowers first. By the way , why are you covering your face. No one does that in this house. No gungats here.

"Well, its for you to lift the wail my dear friend cum husband. Just like movies.

"Is it ?? Then we go... Both of us laughed.

" Naina, I think you all watch too much movies. By the way , after this act of mine in movies wife gives milk...where is that part of the act wifey ??

I could see her blush , her cheeks had turned red. And then she looked at my face. I could sense her expression changing and getting tensed. I turned towards her , held her shoulders and said "Relax, I was joking. Naina , I know you are tensed thinking about first night. I know you don't share that comfort level with me to get intimate and I respect your feelings.

"You mean to say that ,you are comfortable with me ??

"Yes Naina, I am but you aren't . I feel there is something that is stopping you from coming close to me. I have seen many a times you stop yourself. That's ok . Relationship takes time to build and I can wait my entire life for you .


"Now , be my friend and help me clean my room pls. Smile Naina...

"Don't tickle me ...

"I will till you learn to laugh and come out of this sad face.

We were running around , and finally we sat on the twin seater at the corner of the room. I was laughing and he was happy.

"Naina , lets first change and then will remove these flowers from here. OK??


"Wait , I have something to give you.

He took out a pair of night cloths for him and me. Both pairs looked similar couple night suits, but one was blue and the other was pink. On blue T shirt "CUTE " was written and on Pink shirt "Couple. Together it read "CUTE COUPLE

"This is so nice..thank you Sameer !!

"When I saw this , it reminded me of us. Remember how you wore white and blue colour combination to match what I was wearing. You change here in the room and I will change in the bathroom.

We soon became cute couple , cleaning our room . It took nearly 2 hours for us to clean the whole place. By the time it was done we were really tired and hungry.

"Naina, are you not hungry?

"Yes, but I won't be able to enter the Kitchen to prepare something for us. There is a Puja in the morning and I need to prepare some sweet . Only after that I can enter the kitchen.

"I don't believe in any of these but if it's important for you, then fine. What about having ice cream in the dinning room. Don't worry all will be sleeping . Its 12:30 AM. In our house Ice cream is something that would always be there in the fridge. So ok to have ice cream.


Sameer got into the kitchen and got a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with nuts and hot chocolate sauce. We sat next to each other and started gobbling it.

" cute couple eating ice cream all by themselves and Mumma . today your eldest son is getting trained in cooking too!! Nice..."

We had forgotten that there were others in the house. My heating chocolate sauce and our chit chat had woken them up...we also had forgotten that we were wearing cute couple night wear.

"Bhaiya sorry to disturb your private moment with ur wife but I have captured your cute moments in the kitchen so that when you both are old, you can remember how you spend your first night eating ice cream with your family..

Every one started laughing and the two of us blushed.!!

Next day morning 5:00AM

Alarm blared thru the calm of the room. I quickly got up and started searching for the alarm. It was next to Sameer. I stretched myself from my side over him to stop the alarm. As I was about to move away , he put a hand on around my waist , holding me still, giving his usual naughty smile.

"Good Morning Darling !! What were you trying to do??

"Good Morning Sameer, I was trying to stop the alarm.

"Really?? Are you sure?? I loved the way she blushed. Her hair was now a beautiful mess. It fell like curtains on either side of her face . I couldn't stop myself . I surprised both of us by pulling her closer to me. She lost her balance and fell right on my chest.

She lifted her head and looked at me. I was now scared thinking if I had scared her. But to my surprise she said , "Had to get up early for Puja. So kept the alarm. It was on my side of the bedside table, have no clue how it came to your side. She said slowly.

I felt I shouldn't rush her but was happy that she didn't protest when I held her. I slowly moved my hand.

"Sorry , I shouldn't have done that . I just couldn't help. You were looking so cute.

"Its ok Sameer, we are married now . I am yours and you have right know what I mean...

"Its not like that Naina, unless both of us feel the same , its not right.

She moved and was on her feet now, tying her hair into a bun. I got up from the bed and sat resting my back on the head rest. It was pleasant seeing her this way. I loved this morning and am going to love all the mornings in future if this is how its going to be.

"Do you want to use the bathroom first.

" go ahead Naina. I will laze here for some more time on the bed. By the way what time is the Puja?

"Mom said , its at 7:30 in the morning and Panditji will come by 7:00

"Then why did you get up so early??You could have got up by 6:00.

"I thought , I will help Mumma ...and I need to wear that heavy Saree. I am not that fast with it. I am still learning...

"Ok... I didn't know what else to say...

She brushed her teeth and came out to take her cloths from the cupboard.

"Naina, while you take out your things, I will quickly freshen up. I drink my morning tea only after I brush my teeth.

"Same here!!

When I came out of the toilet, I saw her holding a beautifully gift-wrapped box and a sealed envelope.

"I found it in my cupboard . Did you keep it?

"Nope!! Lets open it.

One look at the handwriting and I knew it was from Rohan. The note read "Welcome home Bhabhi, your loving brother Rohan.

It was a jewelry box , with lots of bangles of different types and along with it there was a make up kit. She was ecstatic seeing it. She carefully chose one set of bangles to wear for the day. It matched her red Saree that she was going to wear today.

"Actually Rohan had given me a watch yesterday.

"If you didn't notice Sameer , I was wearing a new watch too. Rohan had sent it thru Preethi .

"Wow , so he gave you two gifts and I got ONLY one. Wait till I ask him about this. All attention for his Bhabhi and none for his Bhaiya because of whom he got a Bhabhi..

"Sameer, why don't you search your cupboard. Probably he has left something for you just like how I got my gift.

Hearing this , I quickly walked to my cupboard and opened it. I saw one for me, but a comparatively smaller box.

"You are right. He has one for me too When I took it , it was very light. I kept wondering what was inside it . That's when my eyes landed on a piece of paper that was there near the box. It read "Open at your own risk but you will need it after you see her all decked up. Plan your life..;-)

I was too shocked to even open the box because I kind of guessed what it could be but had to be sure. I turned back to look at Naina. Thankfully she was busy admiring all the bangles and placing them back into the box. So I decided to open my gift . And I wasn't wrong. I kept looking at it

"So what did he give you ?? I looked at her and my colour drained from my face. I slowly hid , it behind my back.

"Sameer , you look pale . What happened??

"Nothing , I am fine. I think you need to go and take a bath. Else you will be late.

"Yeah , I will . But what did he give you .

"Oh nothing of importance. At least not at the moment. Saying so , I closed the cupboard with my left hand .

"What are you hiding and why won't you show me what he gave. You happily sat and saw the gift he gave me. I am your wife and I have all right to see it. So show it to me.

"I don't think you should see it. You may not like it...its more of a boy thing..

"Bangles and make up kit are used by saw it. So there is no harm in seeing boy things!!

Her hands were on her hips and she was ready for a fight now. I told myself that this girl is going to make my life very interesting.

"Are you going to show it to me or not??


"OK , I will see it myself Saying so she came closer to me and tried to snatch it from me. I didn't give in , it lead to a cat and the mouse chase and finally we were on the bed , she on top of me...literally pinning me to the bed and guess what , she managed to snatch the box from me!!

Now , madam was sitting on me , with "THE BOX in her hand. In few seconds , I could see different expressions on her face. First was the one of victory as she got it in her hand, then there was eagerness to find out what it was ...when she read what was written on top of the box, she was shocked, then she blushed...then looked at me then she was reddish pink like beetroot...and...

Yiiikes !! is all heard ...there goes the box from hand...but eyes were fixed on it now.

"What's this??

"Darling wife , that's what married people use to its used as contraceptive ...commonly called Co.. Even before I could word it out , she said "I KNOW!!

"OK, then why don't you lift yourself from here and take your eyes away from it That's when she realized that she was sitting on me and looking at it. She quickly got up and stood next to the bed, still eyes fixed on it.

"Naina , why are you staring at it?

"It's the first time , I am seeing it. So was just a lil curious. But found it very weird holding it in my hand. I loved her honesty. She has always been very open and honest about her thoughts and feelings. I couldn't stop myself from giving her an affectionate smile .

I got up and sat on the bed and asked her to sit next to me.

"Want to see it ?? I can open it for you...if you want to see it. There was a confused look on her face.

"I don't know if I should. Is this the first time you are seeing it??

"Well...promise me you won't tell this to anyone.


"Naina, I am going to trust you. No one knows about this...I don't want to lie to you. I have seen it before but a different brand and have tried using it too.

"Oh ok!! Alright I will go and get ready That's when I realized what she would have thought.

As she got up , I held her hand and confronted her "What did you think?? TELL ME !!??

"Nothing Sameer, why are you shouting at me?

I realized that there was no point in scholding her . I couldn't imagine she thought that I had gotten intimate with someonelse. The look on her face melted my heart.

I couldn't do this to her. God !! help me control my temper.

"Sorry Naina, its just that I felt bad when you walked away from me . I can guess what you might have concluded.

"No Sameer, its ok...after all you were engaged and in love with her. And I know its your past. Thought I shouldn't intrude into your private life.

"My private life?? Intrude ?? Really Naina?? Girl, wake up. You are my wife. There is no private life without you. Let me make this very clear Naina, so that there is no misunderstanding in future. There is one thing that I was sure from my teenage days. The person, that I get physically close with and make love would ONLY be with my wife. No one else. So its going to be with you whenever you are ready.

Her eyes were brimming with tears and this is not what I wanted for her on the first day at our house. I wanted her to be happy and not think about me and Kamya , and get worried. I wanted her to enjoy our married life, but her insecurities were stopping her from getting close to me. I understood her feelings and I knew it's going to take time. I needed patience to bring her close to me.

I got up , wiped her tears and hugged her . I slowly wrapped my hands around her and placed her head on my chest.

"Sorry Sameer!!

"Its ok...don't assume Naina. Assumptions leads to to complete my story...dont you want to know when I tried ?? when I was in 11th !!

"What ??!!

"Yep , during one of our vacations , had gone to Nainital to meet my friends. There, one of them had brought this. I was so curious, I took one and tried without anyone's knowledge..I know I am a bad boy!!

"No Sameer , I guess it's the age. Everyone is curious of something or the other during that age. We girls were very curious about Napkins. I remember when we were in 7th class, Preethi and I had checked Puja Dhidhi's cupboard to see how it looks.

"Yep, all about growing up , I guess... I slowly realized that Naina and I were opening up to each other. We were comfortable to talk about anything, even tabooed topics. We were getting emotionally close and comfortable with each other and I was loving this closeness!!

"By the way , do you want to open the packet and see it ??

"Hmm...not now...will see it when we decide to use it!! With that she rushed to the bathroom , leaving me all amused with her statement.

PS: Thank you all for wonderful comments. I hope you will like this update. Happy Reading !!

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