Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 THEM

Ayesha scanned the aisles searching for some for food. In a rush to leave the house after discovering Ashi with her boyfriend she had forgotten to have her breakfast and had to quell the rumbling from her stomach. 
'I know I know, soon enough' she spoke patting her stomach and receiving odd looks from the shopkeeper.
The only convenience store closest to home and no junk food in sight. She settled on some cereal bar, made her purchase and left the store after a fruitless attempt at engaging the bored shoplady in conversation.
She was about to head back home but swerved her head to the right catching a flash of movement in the woods. Perhaps an animal. The deep ominous woods stretching for miles into wilderness. She would not fancy being stranded on the wide road that ran parallel to it. The neighbourhood was deserted, dead, even the roads were devoid of any commotion, the only sign of life afforded by that one derelict looking convenience store amid the vast bleak and barren landscape and no telegraph pole in sight to reassure her that her mobile would get any signal in such a remote and isolated place. Such disconnect from modern life, how disquieting. She didnt know how she would get used to this after living in a bustling city. The pounding heat of the sun only enforced the lethargic atmosphere that she had felt ever since coming to this place. 
Ayesha walked away mournfully imagining people on the go at every corner. She missed that now, the company of others. Back home it was just her, Ashi and dad. The neighbours kept to themselves and were mostly recluses enjoying the peace and solitary life of the country. So it fascinated her that a young boy her age was living right next door to her. She was wondering where Ashis boyfriend came from while absently walking on the path again. She had only walked a few paces when she felt something dash pass her and she instinctively whipped around to follow its sound. She squinted against the glare of the sunlight streaming through the trees of the woods across the road spotting a rustling of leaves directly opposite, wondering if it were some kind of animal, a stray cat or fox maybe. She paced backwards a few steps and was about to turn away again but her attention fell directly opposite her on a spot in the woods where between 2 trees emerged a vague shape. Sudden dread rose in her chest making her heart beat as the shape revealed itself to be a dark mask. Its empty eyes were staring right at her. Ayeshas eyes widened in fear and she froze momentarily as those vacant set of eyes continued to lock with hers. She gulped and cautiously stepped backwards staggering against the rocky concrete and spun round to face the path homewards. She walked quickly and turned her head round once more. The mask had gone. She wasnt taking any chances and fell into a sprint all the way home not wanting to look back to whatever it was that she had seen.
She swivelled the key frantically into the keyhole and banged the door shut.
Ashi met her in the hallway with a confused expression.
'Ayesha?! Why are you panting?'
'Someone something was following me!'
'Is this another of your pranks? Look Im sorry for not telling you about Randeep. I was-'
'Ashi listen! Someone was following me. I saw something in the woods and then ran all the way back.'
'Ayesha thats absurd, the woods is so far away. Dont tell me you walked all that length?'
'I must have, I dont know, Im scared' she ended hugging her sister tightly. Ashi patted her head. 
'Ill go and fetch you a cold drink and then well talk.'
As she left Ayesha heard a knock at the door. She moved cautiously to the door and looked through the peephole to see Raghav standing there.
She chewed on her lip and stepped back with extreme caution trying not to make a sound.
'Who is it?' called Ashi from the kitchen while Ayesha slapped her forehead. 
'Ssshhh' Ayesha said with pleading eyes as Ashi came out with drinks.
'Stop being paranoid Ayesha and answer the door'.
Another knock.
'Uhhh, we are not home' said Ayesha. Ashi looked at her as if to say now whos being stupid.
'Ayesha, hi its Raghav. Sorry I wont bother you, just wanted to check if youre alright, I saw you running..' he called from the other side of the door.
Ashi raised her eyebrows at the sound of the young mans voice
'Well, well who is Raghav?'
Ayesha made a face and replied to Raghav
'Im fine, thanks for your concern. Just doing my daily jog.'
There was momentary silence before he spoke again. 'Jogging. In a dress.' He said a note of sarcasm in his tone.
'Yes is there a problem with that?' Ayesha replied annoyed.
'No course not. Not for me anyway... see you later.' He said cooly and although she couldn't see his expression Ayesha could sense his amusement from the tone of his voice.
Ashi nudged her sister. 
'What? Hes our next door neighbours son, I met him this morning.'
'And what? Thats it. Nothing more. Not nearly as exciting as your affair'
'Yeh um about Randeep, you know that dad isnt home for a couple of days, well we booked to go on a movie date later.'
'Super. Leave your sister all by herself while you go out having fun with your secret lover'
'Ayesha, I get it, give it a rest. Im sorry I didnt tell you before Kristina. I was going to say that I cancelled because I wanted to talk to you about everything. The least I can do for hiding it from you.'
'Ugh its fine. Im just still digesting this whole moving houses thing so youll forgive me for being stroppy with all these new changes and what not. You should go on your date, dont ruin your plans for me, besides you wont get a chance like this.'
'Aww my pyari behen, you are the cutest!'
'Well I guess Ill just sit here then, alone, minding my own business, while youll be eating popcorn and sweets..'Ayesha said with a sigh feigning dissapointment
'Of course I wont forget your popcorn pagli'. Ashi chuckled.
'And sweets, dont forget sweets' 
Ashi laughed and hugged her sister close. 

It was evening and Ashi was pestering Ayesha for her opinion on her outfit. She was wearing her standard short black dress and yet appeared to find fault in it.
Ayesha heard knocking at the door and seeing Randeep standing gingerly on the doorstep, opened it. He offered her a smile while she looked at him blankly.
'Ashi theres a weasel on our doorstep for you' Ayesha said turning her head to her sister.
'Ayesha!' Ashi said feeling a bit embarassed by Ayeshas evident dislike of her boyfriend.
Randeep made a face at Ayesha and stepped in while she stuck her tongue at him from behind.
'I hope you behave when the babysitter arrives' Randeep joked.
'What? What babysitter?'
'Hes just teasing you Ayesha.' 
Randeep eyed Ashi from head to toe
'Hey beautiful' he said walking up to her and slowly winding his arm round her waist pulling her near to him.
Ayesha put her hand to her face to block the view and tried not to cringe as Randeep kissed Ashi on one cheek then the other. 
'Yuck' Ayesha voiced out loudly. Ashi rolled her eyes and held Randeeps hand gesturing to him in their own special boyfriend/girlfriend language. 
'Alright Ayesha, keep your mobile on Ill be contacting you.' Ashi said following him outside.
'Yeh ok. Enjoy.. but not too much' Ayesha said at which Randeep smirked
'Right we will definitely consider it boss' Rndeep said cockily while Ashi slapped him on the arm. Ashi gave a quick hug to her sister before leaving and closed the door quietly behind her. Ayesha curled up on the sofa and flicked through the channels boredly. She switched off the Tv after coming to the decision that nightime tv sucked and instead resorted to her mobile checking her FB and uploading her new status, missing my old college buddies. Of coursey it sucked, she wouldve been out at this time with her friends, going to a gig or having a drink or two. Instead she was stuck in this god forsaken place being pathetic and checking out her friends profiles when a new message popped up from an unknown person. She opened it up and saw a photo that looked familar. Dread formed in the back of her throat as she recognised what the picture was of. Her curled up on the sofa and with the caption, 'feeling comfy?' underneath. She looked behind her and ran to the windows pulling the curtains as quickly as she could not even wishing to look outside. She put the tv on again to drive away the quiet that was beginning to unsettle her to the core. Her mobile vibrated with another message from the unknown number. The caption read 'Guess where I am?' another message with a picture. Her living room at the far end. She needed to get out. She took sharp intake of breath and dashed out of the front door without a moments thinking landing on the doorstep next door. 
She thudded on the door with increasing panic.
'Koi hai!! Open the door!!Pleaaase!'
The door flung open and she fell into rhe arms of Raghav clutching his shirt tightly. He looked at her in alarm.
'Ayesha?! What happened?!' he enquired with deep concern in his voice.
She shrunk to the floor still clinging on to him. He knelt down to her and shook her by her shoulders in attempt to snap her into consciousness as she was looking distant.
He beheld fear in her eyes as she looked at him.
'I ..theres someone in my house.'
'What? Did you call the police?' 
'No. Please call them.' He studied her curiously before standing up to do her bidding and returned. 'Theyre on their way.'
They stood before one another ackwardly in silence. Ayesha fumbled nervously with her hands while he combed his hair back and watched her.
'Come inside, I can get you a drink.'
Ayesha followed him in and glanced around the living room not really attentive to anything in particular. She cursed herself as she realised she must have dropped her mobile as she was running but dared not venture out.
Raghav returned with a can of coke and held it for her. 
'Thanks. Thanks for letting me in, I cant even tell you how scared Im feeling right now.' she said as best as she could without shivering.
raghav grabbed his denim hoodie that was hanging from the hook and gave it to her
'Wear this. Itll keep you warm'
She accepted it gratefully and wore it on top of her dress looking down at her feet. She felt uncomfortable now that the initial shock had passed being in a different house alone with a stranger.
'How are you feeling?' He enquired tilting his head as he surveyed her face.
'Better' she replied for her own reassurance. He sipped on his coke and eyed her with interest before starting to circle her.
'Youve had some day. Running in a dress, getting stalked by someone from inside your house, then landing up at your neighbours who for all you know may be just as untrustworthy as the stranger in your house. Yet you decided to go there, in the spur of the moment. And ill bet my wages that you werent going for a simple morning jog.' He said leaning close to her from behind.
'If youre trying to reassure me youre doing a great job of it' Ayesha remarked sarcastically. Raghav ran his tongue inside his cheek looking at her through narrowed eyes and flopped down onto the sofa with outstretched arms. Ayesha turned to face him and he nodded to the space beside him gesturing for her to join him.
'Id rather not thanks.' Ayesha said folding her arms. 
'Well why dont you tell me what happened? Youre here now and maybe in the time the police will come we can get to learn about each other a bit'
'Why would I do that. Look I came to yours as any other normal person would when they discover that a stranger is in their house.' Ayesha said exasperatedly
'The difference between us is I invite you, a stranger to my house, whereas you would not even open the door to a stranger. But forget all that, we are neighbours and hence my obligation to help you out has more incentive.'
'Helping is as far as Id like to go.' Ayesha said bluntly.
'Not me'  Raghav  said eyes glinting with mischief.
'Stop bothering me.'
'Says the one in my house'. Ayesha looked away annoyedly while  Raghav  smirked.
Of all places and people she had to wind up here. Though maybe it was best to seek the known over the unknown.
An increasing flash of lights permeated through the flimsy draperies causing  Raghav  to leap up from the sofa. He peered through the drapes and turned to look at her.
'Theyre here.'
Thank God, Ayesha thought.

daenerysnow2018-06-13 17:28:46

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