Chapter 6 What's happening to me?- Maya

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                                                        13. What Is Happening To Me?! Maya

"A hug here and a longing look there, a smile on his face and a questioning look from the other, different people, the purpose is also different. Intentions are varying, but why ... why my mind is revolting against me???" Maya was searching for answers from nowhere!

Love heals the aching hearts, you are a healer for me Maya when you provide patient care with a medicinal level of love for me !! So, be strong in who you are my pirate angel. Be soothed by the rivers, by the soft shades of nature's blooms, by sweet music that brings your soul to dance in the stream of creation. For you are a part of nature, as wonderful as a bird upon wing or the dolphin who swims. Let the bottle wobble in its own way, but let us search for truth, that is alluring us for long! 

Yes... Nature is so beautiful, but forceful/fearful at times, so cruel, but loves to be normal whenever there is a floral garden around!' Why ... why Rudra I always love to be in your arms?!!'

Tell me of what you see in the clouds, and you tell yourself what is in your heart. Tell me of your feelings for the love which asks your hug from both sides!!   You tell yourself of the wish of your soul. Tell me what thoughts come when you think of Rudra? and you tell yourself how your culture, your inner self feels when you deliver your justice. For all of these things are as window and mirror, and when you are healed, they will all speak of beauty and comfort, of gratitude and love, but now... questioning you without waiting for the answers!

'Show me those open and loving eyes, for they are the door of your own heart Maya. Touch me with those gentle hands and I am made anew, not as clay, but as if my body were reborn in its most perfect form. And so, in this love there is deep dependence, a sense that what is given is a flow of feelings and transient, passing in time into the eternal cycles of living.' Rudra is struggling to divert his thoughts from her!

In a world of endemic sickness, where cruelty is the cause and love the antidote, the patients declare themselves doctors and seal the fate of your entire world Maya! Now cruelty entangled you in the form of  Ankit, Mj ...are you celebrating your victory??? --by crushing her tender heart once again???

Edited by Viswasruti - 1 month ago


                                                           14. Four One Not One-- Maya's Flat No--4101

Struggles and sufferings are a part and parcel of life, but at times we have to bear more than we deserve, more than a human can imagine!

Love is the foundation of all humanity, and for these four friends Maya, Rudra Rishi, and Ananya Love is their moving force! 

Unfortunately, love is playing a vital role in the reverse direction here! At present all the Four lovers are trying to get that precious One in their life, i.e Love, but not even One is Not aware of their fate!

For Maya --  Love was the most tender feeling of her teenagehood.  Now Love is an efficient tool to dig into her enemy's fort. The power of love brings opportunity,  an opportunity to seek justice, to mete punishment! She knows that at times the steps towards love cause pain and disdain, roughness and hardship. Revenge made her a ruthless warrior, but she forgot that she too has a heart that longs for love, with subtle feelings, for those tender moments in his arms!  

 She was ready to test the surface of it once again, but alas, the circumstances are such that revenge grabbed her attention rather than the love and romance! 

For Rudra love is -- a long lost precious feeling, difficult to get, but a dream to own, at the same time he is hard to yield to love!

When Rudra visited her, he was in a clouded mindset. The fear of her denial made him take that hasty decision, sought for Ananya's support, but now the guilt is not allowing him to move into a peaceful transition! 

For Rishi-- Love is fanciful for this flamboyant whippersnapper boy! He feels it is his right to love, to be loved and to be accepted by one and all!-- ' Babe, listen to my words. I promise you I'll protect you from the cruelty of this world, these words come from my heart - a bridge to your own. I am you mighty man you can trust, my love; though I know it hasn't always appeared that way!! I am so sorry for the pain I caused, I think a part of you needed to test me with water, fire and now blood, to see how I'd respond, to make sure am I a safe person for you or not.'  Youthful zest's ornate statements! A clouded mind's hasty declaration in front of his father which triggered the cruel minds to act fast!

For Ananya, love is --the power of love bestows responsibilities, but not rights.' I have no right to your heart Rudra, I am very much aware of that but I am blessed to love you with my own!! I have no right to your time, but I am honored to share moments with you Rudra. It is for me to do what is best for you, and not seek fulfillment of my own desires at an expense to your well being. It is for me to seek what would make you happy, what would be best for your heart. Just know that when you tell me of your hurt, I hurt too, how can I not? Anyone who abuses you is no friend of mine!' She is a compassionate friend for Rudra and a longing lover too! She is enjoying the illusory bliss for a moment, knowing fully well that it is only momentary!!

For four of them love is the one alluring thing! All are involved with intense feelings of love, but no one is not sure about the assurance of the other!!  Love bestows the urge to nurture; should a loved one be threatened in mind, body or soul, the defensive nature will be activated, that's what happened now! No one is happy in this love triangle which is going on between these four!! 

Only a few hours back, she has gone through a monstrous demonstration of deceit and cruelty, an enemy's attack on her senses from an unexpected side/ person – the selfish devil Ankit. Saved by Devi Maa, aided by a grateful soul, escorted by eunuchs, recuperated herself from the physical assault, but again faced another assault in the form of crumbling her dreams in front of her eyes—RuAn love declaration!  

The right and wrong, the hunter and the prey prayed to God for their success!!  While MJ prayed for the safety of his sons, Maya hopes to gain more courage and not fall in peril over love!  

Maya is not cruel, not a killer, though she wants to kill many of them in some defining moments, but never entertained cruel feelings for long! Being a strong believer of God, being a compassionate person towards needy, who loves her family esp her mother more than herself and taking every care of her safety, which presents her sweet nature, but the other side of her is, she wants to punish her past offenders, for that, she is moving forward with a particular plan. She wanted to use brothers as her powerful weapons to paralyze MJ's empire from all sides. Love was her curse once, now love is her strength, using it as a powerful weapon to make MJ defenseless! 

When we saw Maya's stoic silence towards Rudra, and her monosyllable answers to him, which shows her inner turmoil, how she struggled to conceal it! I think she must have felt like --

 "Rudra, the power of love doesn't give me the right to meddle with your life, but should you ever need a "wonder woman" I'll be right there!! You must know that you are good, that you have everything you need to be the man you were born to be. You are more than you know, less than you will become, perfect in my eyes. To be in your company is a little slice of heaven for me as if your love's aura were an elixir. Emotions swim in your eyes, in your body language, in the inflections of your voice - and all that is masculine to me, the emotions aren't just for girls, realize this, my Prince charming!  You are a genuinely nice guy, and nice guys deserve to win. So my wish for you is that you win whatever you truly need to be happy in this life,  is it not this Maya the one you need Rudra??"

Edited by Viswasruti - 1 month ago

  Special Note..... 

I feel Maya didn't kill Rishi! He will be there for future incidents!  

There is so much hidden behind yesterday's epi scenes. And I am sure, Rishi is not going to die! Maya is only a justice seeker.... poetic justice, she is not a criminal !!! She is not a psychopath, though at times looks like one, she got many opportunities to kill many in this serial but never did that crime, she wants to soothe her aching heart through searching for ways to mete punishment to her culprit/ culprits. 

I think now we entered into the actual serial, till now the ground was prepared to dispense the actual story! 

She collected that devilish Ankit's cell in which MJ's calls were registered! She will use it for the success of her further plans, by showing it to Rishi that what a deceitful friend he is, and by showing how his father instigated this Ankit to do harm to her for which she suffered a fatal attack from him, was unconscious when he was ringing her doorbell last night. That way she will try to close all the ways for Ankit and she will emotionally instigate Rishi to commit suicide, and will call Rudra to that terrace! Ankit's cell has to play a large role now! Through this, she will make MJ realize how the death, that thought itself, that harming to your offspring ruin the world of a parent. I feel, she herself called Rudra to that place. 

Ankit's presence will make Maya vulnerable to the world from which she wants to conceal herself! His elimination is very much needed for her now because he knows more about her personal life now, her house, involvement with Rudra and Rishi, etc. I think by projecting Rishi's suicide/ murder attempt because of Ankit's involvement, she will instigate MJ to kill him! 

Edited by Viswasruti - 1 month ago

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Another amazing one Madhu di, loved it ❤️

2 years ago

Great OS Madhu. Your unique style of writing attracts me always to read.

4 years ago