Chapter 1 The Dance Of Shadows

2 years ago

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                                                                                                    The Dance Of  Shadows.

The obsessive offender with her intellect acted as a feared chic in front of the young lover, and displayed her might while dealing with Rudra like a wounded tigress!! Different shades displayed by the shadow of human nature!

What happens when a gentle melody meets a stormy percussion??? That fusion of love brought down the skies and strewn the fragrant flowers on the floor! Rishi tried to touch the heart of Maya, but unable to see the abyss of her wound. His love meted with resistance! A child moved away with his illusory bliss! A gentle wave tried to touch the shore…. but the rocky shore rejected it with a jibe!

‘Rudra the rock’ sat there like an ember, trying to douse his burning heart with a drink which was paid by ‘Maya the might’ who has every capability to challenge, correct and insult that befuddled rocky heart! When the mirage started moving forward swiftly, left behind a parching desert destroyed itself in its own dust storm!! Like an imminent flow of Lava, she turned back and poured 'spirit' on his wound and said –some wounds should be treated through surgical incision… by inducing more pain!! He was left fuming there! Hatred paralyzes life, love releases it!  Anger confuses life, wisdom harmonizes it. Vengence darkens vision, love illuminates it! They are witnessing the dance of the shadows!





                                                      The Prey And The Pretty Woman! 

Maya as a swiftly moving mirage started writing that, she was getting into a dreamer's life as love, and entering into a fighting spirit's life as a challenge! With a wry smile, she said to herself -- 'won the challenge,  now let me see who will win and who will lose in love!!" 

Here started the enticing play of a  childish game in a classic way, the hide and seek! Her appearance was a phantasm for him...a lovable illusion to him, but she was watching him like a hungry tigress looking at her prey! Her every step is alluring that innocence called Rishi towards his pretty woman! The prey and the pretty woman! 

Ananya tries to seek Rudra's acceptance, but Rudra tried to hide the truth while pacifying her with a sugar candy! 

MJ tried to unravel the secret of Rishi's drowning, he realized that the truth was hidden somewhere, wanted to seek it through his secret search! Everyone is searching for truth amidst the dance of shadows! Isn't love entered there like candlelight amidst that hazy glarings??  

Maya tried to hide her face from the people at the restaurant for seeking Rishi's full attention so that she can put him under her control! Controlling love is not an easy task... it seems she forgot to recollect that!! Her past was pushing her towards darkness, while she was trying to seek the light, the justice.

Maya is hiding the truth that she was his dad's ex-- a touch from Rishi with that romantic feel will burn her, that is what she did to herself!! Inherent culture's some sort of instinctive distaste of conflict! The innocent dreamer realized that he is playing with the fireball!!

Like a sinner who washes her hands obsessively, Maya tried to wash it off a few thoughts from her mind by washing her hands with pumice! To hide her pain, she sought solace in a sloka which says -- 'to make truth win, one has to forget everything, only then bloodshed on the path of truth won’t smear their hands!!'

There is a sacredness in tears! She knows that they are not the mark of weakness, but of power! They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. I saw this in her eyes when she hugged her mother!      



                                                                                       Her Fear As Her Weapon!

There was a conflict between the culture and the crime! Buying the love and selling it for a fairer price !!! Rudra says the love which he has to buy is not love at all!! But Maya opines that she will be able to buy life and can sell it for a profit! 

Like a gentle wind blowing and swaying the grass, she always walks with grace but what about that eerie smile on her face??!

Maya continues writing her book and writes 'memories are weird, sometimes they give smiles and sometimes tears,' but her fear is her weapon now and with it, she will write such a story about Rishi and Rudra that world will remember it for long!!

He picked up the phone to call her! She was already there, grabbed the phone from him and dropped it in the water! Disconnected his worldly contacts to keep him under her control, ordered him to submit himself totally to her! A floral creeper asked the tall tree to yield to its might, the tree was perplexed, allowed the creeper to win over it for the time being!! A conflict of interest, no one knows who will yield to whom?! 

A fishy affair here and a costly gift there! Maya the damsel pretended as if she was in distress in front of that damn dreamer earlier, he was running behind that mirage to drown himself in that sweet love!!! Rishi is completely drowned now, not earlier when he was literally drowned by the same damsel for a purpose!

Rudra in his desperate moment transformed himself as a fish vendor to weave stories to sell his pride!! A fish played an important role in this economy, the worth of pride and its salable price!! Very interesting. 

While narrating about love, Rudra tried to mesmerize the world with his words, but his intention is to win a heart! But that heart appeared in front of him as a vendor of fish, he was nervous, she is not like a fish in his basket!! But she felt like she netted the needed fish for her self??!! Here expectation clashed with the desire, splashed the dirt on him!! 

She wanted to doom his future, he wanted to save his damsel, even ready to jump from the heights to catch her from a big fall! 




                                                                                                         Her Enigmatic Smile

Her enigmatic smile is worth ten pages of dialogue!! 

Rudra was thinking --- " Maya, my mysterious mermaid,  there is nothing I would not do for you. I would let you walk on my life with those wicked heels I would trail behind you on a leash or on my knees if that's what you want! Only one other woman ever smiled at me this way! A repressed smile. A prudent glare that wrecks me with guilt, for a crime I have yet to commit! And I am wondering why I have to sit at night and contemplate how to send her out from my heart! “Do this, do that”-- you neigh with that horrid half-smile that say’s, “get to work my dear domestic slave” I reflect intently on my lost freedom. Consider how to end this dilemma. Give up??  Accept the defeat before the actual competition starts? Or something more radical. Anything to remove that infuriating smirk from your face. Who am I kidding? I will still take your smile to my grave. At least want to live with it  when you push me down!" 

She had mastered her delphic smile, writing down the wandering thoughts around her eyes. No one ever questioned her except one person! He saw in her eyes, the windows to her soul, and held her as the facade crumbled into a real grimace of pain! He was trying to define her smile! 

"Am I awfully greedy, is it a sin to win a heart to get everything from life. I want to be a normal woman, to have many friends and to have loneliness, to work much and write good books, to be happy and enjoy myself, to be selfish and to be unselfish… it seems it is difficult to get all that I want. Is it a grave mistake to smile at my own self?”  Maya murmured to herself!

 Rishi's lies baffled Maya!  He played the honesty card to make her believe his love! She kept letting him lie. The first time she saw the image of his father on Rishi's face and traits in his words! He didn't pay attention to what might be going through her mind. Inside is pain and hurt from all that has gone before returned like a lightning, hit her hard and shook her from the core! Which blinded him for a moment!  Then something amazing happened, she smiled back like an innocent chic! 

Scrupulous was her heart, dexterous was her art of work and strong was her indignant will! 

Usually, when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about change. 


                                                                 Surviving The Siege

‘If you feel like you don't fit in the world you inherited, it is because you were born to create a new world!’ --That is Maya’s belief.

Love, fear, and pain are inherent feelings of mankind, these basic emotions which kept the humans under the siege since the creation!! 

To be Maya means an unsolved mystery roaming around, to live with a permanent wound, forever susceptible to either the shade of the sky or the pain of her past. ---You cannot forever hide your true face in the shade, it will eventually be caught by the light one day!!

Every decision she makes in life will stem from one of two options: love or fear. This time her inherent fear chooses her to explore itself for the time being!

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the deadliest one is the fear of the unknown, the consequences!! Fear was her powerful weapon in the past while drawing Rishi towards her clutches, but now she is a chic feared for the presence of a vulture there!

Even the darkest cloud had a silver lining; you can either miss it as you run away to a hiding place or you can go seeking it!

Fear's greatest weapon is its ability to blind one from anything. When it engulfed her, at that tense moment, Maya thought that her heart will explode, her body wanted to either run fast for the safety or to the crate of weaponry, but instead, she remained where she was!  She heard him nearing, the same footsteps of her ghastly past.  It is just a sound that encapsulated her and she jammed her fist into her mouth to stifle the scream.  She shivered, clutched her fingers as if trying to draw courage from those, she realized the beads of sweat trickling down from her brow. Her jaw dropped in a silent scream of horror!! She struck the ground and lay there convulsing and twitching.

With every step forward, she got more and more terrified. Her breath quickens as she heard the creaking sound of the door. Suddenly everything is silent and behind the door, it is just darkness for her! 

This fear is her challenge and her strength to slay, a well-planned ploy on the previous occasion. But today,  it engulfed her unannounced and gnarly. The only way out is to order her brain to function, but she opted to remain still, to be quiet enough to choose how to fight! How to fight with her fear, and also how to fight with the ‘cause of that fear!’

Distressed hearts have similar vibrations. A true well-wisher follows you like a shadow!

If his damsel is in fear, he is there, ready to fight a hundred battles.

 When he saw Maya panicked under the desk and crying, he offered himself to her... to hug her, to keep her close to his heart!  

His touch sent fire through her, she was astonished for this feeling, a tender expression from a rock-solid self-pride!!--

‘ What is this? Though I try to control myself, this feel is unstoppable!! The false facades are tumbling in front of my yielding heart!!  One thing is for sure. My heart is not in my control now. It's telling me that love is not a crime ever!! Its nothing but another name of the blossoming of friendship!’ She was trying to convince herself!

Being in the safe hug of Rudra it was like resting in a floral nest,  while a gale raged outside, being in his presence assured her safety, exactly like a rock hugged the shadow!

 All the best romances bloom in the midst of a good siege. A justified yielding.

“ Ohh pretty heart …why I feel the way a cloud may feel when touched by the warmth of a morning ray? Why this feel is cheating me so much that this is inevitable and I can't escape from this ?? Trusting someone…. it's like walking with your eyes closed.  If I must choose someone in this world to trust, I will choose you as my driving force!"

Every heart has a pain. Only the way of expression is different. Ordinary people hide it in eyes. While extraordinary people hide it in their smile!! They both tried to smile at each other, but that expression was so pale like the shadow of a cloud!

It's easy to tell the difference between right and wrong. What's hard is choosing the wrong that's more right!!

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than the outright exposure-- that's what she decided to explore now!! 


Ongoing ..... 

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Comments (8)

Wow Madhu di this is amazing, i love ur writing style.

2 years ago

Madz!! Ur writing style is so unique and very eloquent. writing on point ❤️3 Will continue reading :D

4 years ago

Great writing Madhuri, love to read your stories for your style of writing.

4 years ago

Hey! Finally I found the story by my fav writer on BH2 forum. *hugs* Added to my library. :) This new feature by IF is a great initiative. It would be even better if it could be integrated with the main forum also, it could reach more people that way.

4 years ago

I am not regular watcher of beyhadh but I have watched few episode of beyhadh hardly, 6,7 episode so I have very little idea about story but I will slowly slowly read ur story

4 years ago