Chapter 10

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N.B - Since I have made Prerna and Rishab cry so much in the previous few chapters I thought I will give them some relaxation in the next two chapters and then I can bring in the next madness. Also i might not able to more quick with updates as I have to start going to office I thought I will make you all smile. So enjoy!!!. But please if you think I went overboard do pass on the comments.

Chapter10 – Celebrations

It was our third anniversary celebration and life are going crazy. Yes, crazy between being a mother of two, a 8 year old going on 13 years and a 2 year old Sneha. Plus right now am working on my business – small event management company that I opened with my mother and sister. Mr Bajaj was happy with the idea and I was surprised that he didn’t say that he will help me if needed. He very nicely said Somethings we learn on our own. I go to the kids’ room and both my daughters are sound asleep. I still get scared sometimes looking at them thinking I could have lost them both. The liver transplant marks still scare me when I see them at Kukki’s and Sneha’s body. Scare me and also make me proud of our family.

Looking at what we went through we decided no big celebrations. We held a small puja at our house and did the naamkaran of Sneha. She takes that beautiful picture of both sisters on Kukki’s desk and smiles. My phone rings and I run out of the room to not wake them up

“So gayi hain dono, go to room and sleep” Mr Bajaj

“Rishab so gayi thi main awaaz aai thi room se to main” Prerna

“Right?”Mr Bajaj

“Aap kab pahuch rahin hain? It’s been a week”

“I am sorry but it will take 2-3 more days, merger is taking time”

“Rishab” but she also knew that he would not have delayed if there would have been no work. Especially on this day. Prerna looked at a packet kept in the cupboard,she was kind of sad and relieved to not having to open it today. Then she started picking out something to change and unknowingly she picked the one that she usually wore when Rishab came back from trips.

“Prerna are you listening to me?”

“Haan yahin hoon. Its ok it must be important” and she looked at it longingly

“See you soon”

“Bye and please take care and no”

“Yes,yes I know”

She took the gown in her hand and stood in front of the mirror and trying it on herself.

“What’s the point? I should just wear the comfortable night suit. Sneha and Kukki would be waking up now and then. The gown would have felt better though”

“So much better” she heard from her back and dropped the gown as she found her husband in front of her. Seeing him standing in front of him Prerna’s mind stopped. Prerna tried to run from there but Rishab ran after her and tried to get her to stop and after many hits and misses he finally caught her and caged her in her arms.

“Chodiye aur Aap kab aaye” Prerna

“You actually thought ki main aaj ka din miss karonga. I missed you and I am in mood for games tonight.” Her Rishab was usually not expressive but when he was it meant big trouble for her.

They were eating in the balcony and Mr Bajaj was listening to prerna talk about her business. He had to excise a lot amount of strength to show the mistakes that she might be making like the current project he knew that the client was disgusting when it comes to money. He had tried to give a hint that they should do a background check but she was so happy that she had let it go so she will have to learn on her own. He will be there when she fails but he cannot become her crutches.

Just then Prerna tapped him on his shoulder and woke him out of the thoughts. She went and sat on his lap. He still had trouble believing that he had this beautiful family now and was married to this amazing woman that he was not alone.

“MrBose kaise hain?” Menaka had passed away a year ago in a car accident and her father has been sick for some time. So Rishab had reached out to him and they usually visited him once and twice with Kukki.

“He is doing good now. Things could have been serious but he is doing better now. I was just thinking if you are ok should we invite him home for a few days. If you are comfortable. Maybe he will feel better with Kukki and Sneha around.”Rishab

Prerna didn’t know what to say. They also had trouble explaining to Kukki who Menaka was and who was Mr Bose. Kukki was ok with it but she didn’t like meeting or talking about them much. She had no answer.

“Hey its ok take your time. We won’t do anything unless you are ok”

“Ok”and Prerna was relieved for some time at least.

It was almost midnight and their anniversary will start in sometime. For reasons they have agreed on the day that they got married in Sharma house again as their anniversary. Prerna was looking at stars when he came from behind and hugged her and then one by one started taking of her earrings.


“Happy Anniversary” and gave her a beautiful pair of earings small subtle nothing big and then kissing each ear made her wear them and they looked beautiful.

“I love you”

“I love you too and these are beautiful. Thank you.”

“Mera gift?”

“Aapka gift” Prerna had completely forgot about it and now that he asked, she was scared.

“What?Nothing. Better I can take the gift I want” and bent down to kiss her.

“Nahin laayi hoon na layi hoon, 1 min ok I will just” she was going when she bumped into the table but handled herself and went. Rishab was confused as usually her gifts included - cooking his fav food or organizing a small evening or picnic with kids but she had done no such thing this time maybe she has planned something with Kukki and Sneha but they were asleep. What is going on?

Prerna went to the washroom and tried to wear the thigh high lingerie that she had bought.Her dressing style had changed in last 2 years with a mix of western and Indian.She was just as comfortable in jeans as in saree. But still she always wore what was more comfortable taking care of Sneha and Kukki. And at night when she was with Rishab she would wear gowns and she was comfortable in them at least in front of Rishab but this was just too revolting. Damn her sister she had dared her into buying calling her boring in front of the enigma that Rishab Bajaj is now and again and challenged her to wear it. Also, since she had spent so much on that she thought she would try. She wanted to do something special something different.

“Prerna are you okay?”

“Haan aayi abhi aayi. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” I should have just cooked his favorite food.

“Boring”she could hear her sister shouting.

“No,You can do this. You can you are not boring. You are Prerna Rishab Bajaj” and she covered herself with the huge robe and was about to come out when she heard a cry from kid’s room. She changed again and ran to the kid’s room.

MrBajaj was already there.

“Kukki Kya hua? Kukki”

“Papa?Aap aa gaye” and she hugged him very tightly.

“Yes.Bad dream. Its ok, its ok”


“Soi hain nahin jagi” it still amazed him how much Kukki took care of Sneha.


“Yahin hoon” and Prerna snuggled beside her and the little girl hugged her in her sleep. She and Mr Bajaj had a moment looking at each other with longing but then Kukki moved in her sleep and Prerna gave her complete attention to her.Once they were asleep Rishab covered them with blanket and left from there.

Around 5 am Prerna woke up. She very quietly got out of bed made sure both the girls were asleep and ran to her room. She found Mr Bajaj at the bed asleep. She was about to quietly lie down beside him when she found a hand pulling her.

“Aap soye nahin. Kukki ke pass aankh kab lag gayi.”

“Shhh”putting a finger on her lips and he went on to taking his gift as he wanted without asking anything.

They were lying next to each other when Rishab engulfed her hands in Prerna’s and said – “Dinner tonight? Just you and me “


“Sure?Kukki and Sneha?”

“The nanny can watch them for some hours. They will be fine”

“OK.Waise I found my gift in the washroom but you can give it to me properly after dinner” and looked straight at her. Prerna surprised turned around, took a pillow and hid her face. Rishab started laughing

“I just who Shivani was doing her wedding shopping and she cajoled me into buying calling me boring I mean I boring and I wanted to do something special but I just” and they both started laughing Just then both the girls barged into their room shouting. Rishab jumped from the bed and snuggled Sneha in her arms and the little girl jumped on him.

“She woke up and just ran to your room, I tried to stop her but” when she got hit by a pillow “what?” and she found her father and Sneha ready with another one and they went on with their morning ritual fighting and shouting and snuggling with each other.

Rishab stayed at home and they enjoyed themselves with games and running around Sneha trying to get her to speak words. Since it was Kukki’s holiday and Rishab was home after so long both the girls were on livewire and they demanded his complete attention. But it was all ok as they kept looking at each other smiling thinking about their plans until afternoon when they found out that the nanny had fever and she cannot come. Prerna was not able to find another one at such short notice. So, at the end of the day they were sitting on the floor in kid’s room. Prerna was wearing her home legging and t-shirt hair tied in bun and Rishab in his tracks with baby food all over it and glitters on his face. Sneha did his make up.

“So,dinner date?” Prerna

“oh,we are in the middle of it isn’t it and I must say you look beautiful” Rishab moving a hair strand from her face and tucking behind her ear.

“and you look so cute”

“Cute?? I dont look cute” and Prerna started to laugh. Rishab Angrily scrubbed his cheeks to Prerna making them just as sparkly as his.

“Happy Anniversary”

“Happy Anniversary” and they kissed each other’s forehead.

chapter 11 -

Tvfanatic852020-06-01 17:11:00

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