OS Collection-That's What Friends are for! Thumbnail

OS Collection-That's What Friends are for!
Completed M

Sunday,Aug 02, 2020 01:35 AM GMT-06:00

oh_nakhrewaali Thumbnail

oh nakhrewaali


Summary: Just Ananya helping her friends out as they discover their crushes, sexualities and everything in between.
Author's Note: When Ananya was introduced in Beyhadh 2, I always saw a part of myself in her, goofy, star struck and who wouldn’t shut up. I always wanted Anaya to be portrayed as a feminist and an open-minded person, but thanks to CVs she is marrying off a man who doesn’t love her. Anywho, this 2-part OS series deals with Ananya helping people with their sexual orientations.

I will not tolerate any homophobic/rude comments. Please be nice,because even our Indian other mainstream pop cultures, such as web series and books are accepting the LGBTQAI+ groups in their stories and we want Indian TV to do so, even though we clearly know they won't.

If you do not like such a story, do not read it, but if you do, like and comment. Trigger Warning: Light swearing and vague reference to sex

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