Television Celebs Share Strong Messages On International Women's Day!

Celebs like Mukti Mohan, Ekta Kapoor, Mansi Srivastava and Sargun Mehta shared some strong messages on celebrating womanhood...

"I am strong, I am Invincible, I am Woman" - Helen Reddy
We women, have the amazing power of bringing a new life on Earth. Every month we bleed and we struggle but that doesn't stop us from achieving our dreams. No matter what comes our way, we still run after our dreams every single day. To all the ladies out there, we are strong, we are invincible because we are a woman.

Today, on 8 March, women around the world are celebrating womanhood and so our favourite Television celebrities. Here is a list of posts on women's day by celebs from TV who have shared some strong and beautiful message.

Ekta Kapoor:

"To all those item girls, besharams, unwed mothers, drama queens ,aggressive boss lady's, boring bahus, thanku for breaking norm !u paved way for us!"

Sumona Chakravarti:

"I'am a 30 yr old Single Independent girl. I'am alone but not lonely. Have had my heart broken n shattered. I have seen failure more often than not. Accepted rejection time n again. Been labelled head strong, girl who is "moofat" ,who speaks her mind. 
Made huge mistakes knowingly & unknowingly. I have been crushed to powder, BUT i have risen from the ashes time & again. To all the young girls n women out there- all that glitters is not gold. Don't judge a book by its cover. It's true. Trust your instincts. Love yourself more. Be your No.1. Learn to say No. Fight. Learn. Get up. Grow. Ask. Take help if needed. U don't have to always run, just walk instead. To my family, friends & well wishers -Thank you for the infinite love & support to me.But the Biggest Thank you to all my naysayers, to those who tried to put me down personally/ professionally.. Thank you for without ur doing i would not have found my strength. I wouldn't be Me. HAPPY WOMENS DAY!"

Mansi Srivastava :

"God is a woman. Thanks to all the crazy ladies around me who inspire me , care for me , make me be positive when am negative, help me see my worth when I can't see it , help me get through life a day at a time strongly, crazily and positively . You all know who all am talking about. May u all keep smiling always , and I love u all to the moon and back and to all my Insta females - women are the best creation of god ! So believe in that , believe in you and your dreams and your life . make it better and make it worth it."

Rithvik Dhanjani:

"She creates, She nurtures, She sustains. A girl, A women is so much more than what we perceive of her to be, their power is limitless. Imagine someone who has the ability to nurture life and have the gift of creation how strong would a woman truly be? A girl child is nothing but a blessing for ones family she brings with her the power that strengthens our being. Accept her, love her, respect her and moreover educate her she could just be the next Kalpana Chawla for all you know."

Saumya Tandon:

"This #womansday2019 I look at you and can't believe I could create something as beautiful and precious like you. Women can create miracles and do impossible. To all the wonderful women a shout out to you all - just believe in yourself and do wonders"

Sargun Mehta:

"Dear women,  We actually don't need a day to celebrate how amazing we are but since there is one let me take this opportunity to wish you "happy women's day".
We are infinite power, love and light. Lets celebrate our being and promise to love ourselves for who we are."

Asha Negi :

To all the strong and beautiful women. May we know them, May we be them, May we raise them! Also ladies, it's nobody's job to like you, it's yours.. it's so important to love yourself! Know your worth and kick some ass. Happy women's day to you all!"

Mukti Mohan : Mukti understands Women's day from her dad, have a look at her video:
More power to us. Happy Women's day!

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Ekta Kapoor Thumbnail

Ekta Kapoor

Saumya Tandon Thumbnail

Saumya Tandon

Sumona Chakravarti Thumbnail

Sumona Chakravarti

Sargun Mehta Thumbnail

Sargun Mehta

Mukti Mohan Thumbnail

Mukti Mohan

Rithvik Dhanjani Thumbnail

Rithvik Dhanjani

Mansi Srivastava Thumbnail

Mansi Srivastava

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