Stars relive their Independence Day memories...

“A sense of responsibility towards your country cannot be contained to just one day, it’s about consistently attempting to do your bit for society” say your favorite Zee TV actors

"A sense of responsibility towards your country cannot be contained to just one day, it's about consistently attempting to do your bit for society" say your favorite actors...

Shabbir Ahluwalia who plays Rockstar Abhi in Kumkum Bhagya says, "In school, Independence Day used to be like a celebration. The entire school was given goodies to eat on Independence Day. It was very colourful, and even though children may not completely understand the importance of the day when they're in school, it was definitely a happy affair. It was like a mini holiday, a festival with celebrations. So I guess everyone has fond memories of celebrating Independence Day during their childhood. Obviously, as you grow older you understand the meaning and significance of Independence Day but at the same time, you still cherish those childhood memories. In my society we have a flag-hoisting ceremony in the morning after which sweets are distributed. After that, I just usually head out to shoot. I believe India is still not independent in the truest sense. It is still not completely independent in terms of the mindsets of the people. As an independent nation, you need your sense of security, and I especially mean this on behalf of the women of the nation. I think independent India will really come into being when it is free of corruption, the day India can make its people feel safe and secure and the day poverty is eradicated, India will truly be independent."
Sriti Jha who plays Pragya in Kumkum Bhagya says, "I remember Independence Day during school days were always fun. We used to come to school in the morning for the flag hoisting ceremony and that day we used to be off studies. So after the ceremony I would go home and watch the Independence Day Rally on TV. The time I was in Delhi, I always had this wish to attend the rally live but somehow I never got a chance to do so. Nevertheless, even today I never miss watching the rally on TV every year on Independence Day. If we talk about India as an independent nation, I don't think that India is as independent or as free willed as our ancestors left it to be. Dr. Jawaharlal Nehru on the occasion of independence, in his speech, spoke about a free nation that he envisioned. I really think we are still quite far from that India, since there is still a huge chunk of the population that struggles for a basic living and a lot of people do not understand their responsibility towards a free nation. Just by saying things like I Love my Country' is not going to help anyone, what we need to do as citizens of this country is to ensure that we develop an independent thought, to be free willed and that we start to think and act as responsible and educated citizens. Every year, on the occasion of Independence Day, every person should take an oath towards what they're doing for the country. In my society, we celebrate Independence Day by felicitating the children that have achieved academic excellence during the year. So similarly, I believe that every year we should strive to do something for the country, bring about some change. Nowadays, with social media reaching out to millions, we should make use of it fruitfully to connect with the public and collectively take up an initiative towards the betterment of the country."
Karanvir Bohra who plays Aahil in Qubool Hai says, "For Independence Day, we used to go to school to hoist the flag and then the rest of the day would be an off. After coming back home, we would then run to the terrace of our building in Cuffe Parade and the flag-hoisting ceremony would happen again and then we used to all get together and have a lot of fun, with special goodies to eat and playing different games. These days since I usually get an off from my shooting schedule on Independence Day, I take this opportunity to go visit an NGO and attend the flag hoisting ceremony with them to lend my support. It's a day when I take the time out to do my bit for the society and that's how I like spending the day. If there's one thing I could change about us a country, I'll root for freedom of expression, free will and being less judgmental about each other. The world is moving fast, we need to catch up and for that we require a revolution in the kind of thinking and mindsets to begin with."
Ravi Dubey who plays Sid Khurana in Jamai Raja says, "During my school days, Independence Day used to be a huge celebration. It gave students an opportunity to work closely with each - not just as friends but team mates working on a project collectively. I clearly remember the flag hoisting ceremony, it used to unify the whole school and it was at moments like these that one closely felt the spirit of patriotism which over the years, got permanently etched in our lives. It inculcates a sense of belonging that stays with you for life. Every year around Independence Day, I try and do my bit for a cause I believe in. So whether it is connecting myself to a cleanliness drive or feeding the hungry at Juhu beach, it makes me feel good to contribute towards the nation in my own small way. Just to somehow add value to the nation, no matter how miniscule it may be. I haven't really thought about what I'll do this year, but I'll definitely be a part of some initiative. For any nation, even India, true Independence is when citizens can free their mind, can do away with fundamentalism and drive everything from the point of human rights. Over the years, we have slowly put fundamentalist views on the back-burner and have evolved as thinkers, as people. But then when you read the papers of the happenings around us, you realize that there is still a long way to go. I mean it has been a great leap in the past five-six decades with dramatic changes and India is truly becoming a Global nation. So yes, we are Independent in the true sense but we still have the scope to evolve into a better nation."
Roopal Tyagi who plays Gunjan in Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke says "Like every other creative child, even I used to love performing on stage for Independence day to all the desh bhakti' songs, so knowingly or unknowingly the spirit of being Indian would sink in. As a kid, it was fun but as we grew up we realized the importance of this day and why it should truly be celebrated. This year, my friends and I have planned to support a group of street kids who want to study but do not have proper facilities. We have chosen this day to help them study... In terms of India being truly independent, we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go. The mass mentality has evolved gradually but needs to further be liberated, especially the double standards displayed by men at times. I know modern educated young men who still have a narrow-minded view when it comes to modern girls, its exasperating! I think above all else, mindsets need to change as soon as possible, the rest will follow."

Your reaction

Karanvir Bohra Thumbnail

Karanvir Bohra

Shabbir Ahluwalia Thumbnail

Shabbir Ahluwalia

Sriti Jha Thumbnail

Sriti Jha

Roopal Tyagi Thumbnail

Roopal Tyagi

Ravi Dubey Thumbnail

Ravi Dubey

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke poster

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke

Qubool Hai poster

Qubool Hai

Jamai Raja poster

Jamai Raja

Kumkum Bhagya poster

Kumkum Bhagya

Zee TV thumbnail

Zee TV

Comments (45)

karanvir bohra u are great as ahil raza ibrahim in qubool hai

9 years ago

Karanvir Bohra you rock. you and surbhi look great together.
Qubool Hai rocks

9 years ago

Karanvir Bohra you look great in suit. Surbhi Jyoti is looking good in red. New spoiler pic is Gorgeous.

9 years ago

Karanvir bohra as ARI is amazing. Your style is killer.

9 years ago

I just love Roopal Tyagi you are the cutest ever. SSLK rocks

9 years ago

Karanvir Bohra you rock. you and surbhi look great together.
Qubool Hai rocks

9 years ago

love surbhi and karanvir bohra
qubool hai rocks

9 years ago

Karanvir bohra you rock. you and surbhi look great together.

9 years ago

Sriti Jha n Shabbir Ahluwalia rock.

KKB rocks...:)

9 years ago

commenting for dashing superstar karanvir bohra only. i m ur fan KV.

9 years ago

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