Review: 'An Action Hero' is a hilarious action thriller while being Ayushmann's most unconventional choice yet

Ayushmann Khurrana is knowingly the flag-bearer of unconventional concepts and while he might have tried everything from erectile dysfunction to same sex love but An Action Hero might just be his most unconventional choice ever.

An Action Hero

An Action Hero

Ayushmann Khurrana is knowingly the flag-bearer of unconventional concepts and while he might have tried everything from erectile dysfunction to same sex love but An Action Hero might just be his most unconventional choice ever.

Having had the chance to see An Action Hero beforehand, here's what I thought of it-

From Reel To Real & it's Representation on Reel

From Reel To Real & it's Representation on Reel

There is meta in meta in meta and that pretty much suffices what An Action Hero intends to do from the get go. A reel life action superstar gets indulged in an unwanted real life case where he goes on the run from an avenging politician gangster, an actual gangster and mostly, media. The representation of this is done in an extremely sleek and stylish manner especially in the second half where things unravel. But the fact that story-man and director Anirudh Iyer dares to go unabashed with its unconventional treatment is applaudable.

Great Humor & Intelligent Sequences

Great Humor & Intelligent Sequences

The film has such intelligent sequences especially when it comes to humor and pre-known action tropes. The dialogue exchange on multiple exchanges between Ayushmann Khurrana's Manav and Jaideep Ahlawat's Bhoora is hilarious and even more because of the straight face treatment. A recurring joke about 'tu kaun hai', an action hero not being able to break the glass as we see so easily happen in films, and especially the exaggerated yet apt media coverage of a superstar and how quickly things change is done immaculately. My hat tip especially to Iyer's choice of repeated media coverage and how it was the indicator that indeed everything becomes juicy when it comes to an entertainment superstar.

Plotholes & Jumbled

Plotholes & Jumbled

The parts where An Action Hero falters the most is the very same thing it is applauded for. In an attempt to be unconventional and unique, the film becomes so indulgent and a lot of scenes make you then chuckle but for the wrong reasons. And the biggest plothole that it basically intends to make fun of itself is how with ease, a reel life action hero pulls off real life action fights hindered almost the entire time. Add to that, the screenplay is so jumbled that on plenty of instances, it seems like the story is trying to mark off bullet points.

The Performances & Action

The Performances & Action

It would have been a major downer if the action of An Action Hero was not upto the mark, right? This is another department that it does only a satisfactory job. The action neither wows not disappoints.

Coming to the performances, Ayushmann Khurrana is charming and just as usual has a great screen presence but when it comes to his action prowess, it is earnest at best. There are obvious rough spots for him almost seeming too stiff. Coming to the brilliant Jaideep Ahlawat, the man tries his absolute level best to do with whatever is given to him and he delivers. But there isn't much for him to do and it seems more like a rehash of his earlier characters.

The Verdict

An Action Hero picks up exponentially in the second half which leads to the film becoming a fun watch. The first half and it's jumbled treatment does hinder but the film is an impressive debut for director Anirudh Iyer.

Rating - *** (3/5)

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Ayushmann Khurrana Thumbnail

Ayushmann Khurrana

Jaideep Ahlawat Thumbnail

Jaideep Ahlawat

An Action Hero poster

An Action Hero

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