"I would love to take Karishma Kapoor on a dinner date!"

Sya telly town actor Prasad Barve aka Randhir Fauzdaar of Colors show Mrs. Pammi Pyarelal who is a big time food lover.

It is said that a man is known by the company he keeps, and also the food he eats! Some of our Telly town favorite celebrities love to cook as much as they love to eat. One such food lover is Prasad Barve aka Randhir Fauzdaar of Colors popular show Mrs. Pammi Pyarelal, who has an eternal love affair with food.

Are you afoodie?

Off course, I'm a big time foodie. Isn't that easy to guess from my size? (Laughs)

Which is your most preferred cuisine?

My most preferred cuisine is Chinese and Thai food. I'm seriously very fond of Thai food.

Your favorite mouth-watering dish?

Since I just love food, I find all sorts of dishes as mouthwatering; however, my most favorite dish is Red Thai Curry with rice.

Which restaurant you prefer the most?

If it's a dinner with family and when there is no better place in Mumbai to eat then I like to go to The Orchid' Hotel. Otherwise, in general, I like 5-Spice as it offers some really tasty delicacies.

Do you like spending time in the kitchen?

I enjoy cooking but unfortunately I don't get ample of time to spend in the kitchen, as I am too caught up with my work. But otherwise, I'm indeed a good chef. In fact, I was a part of a Marathi cookery show too. My special dish which usually turns out to be heavenly delicious is Diet Dahi-Wada, which I prepare using potatoes and butter biscuits.

What is your most memorable kitchen moment, be it happy or a disastrous one?

I would like to share my best kitchen moment. Once I had made a Banana pie cake on Sanjeev Kapoor's show Secret Recipe. It was something like what we call a Malpua made from a fruit punch batter. The final dish turned out so good that Sanjeev Kapoor complimented me, saying, "Tumhe toh chef banna chahiye". So that has been my most happiest kitchen moment.

When you have to treat your loved ones, what do prefer to splurge on?

If it's something special, then I prefer 'The Orchid', undoubtedly. But with friends, we usually gorge upon any kind of food, like recently I had been to a Muslim restaurant named Yaadgaar' near Bandra Station and must say we had a good time there. So particularly, for me I can have anything from anywhere.

Which is your favorite quick cheap healthy meal?

My favorite quick cheap, yet healthy meal is Idli and Dosa.

If you have to take a celebrity on a dinner date, who would it be and where?

If given an opportunity to take a celebrity on a dinner date, then it would surely be actress Karishma Kapoor. Now-a-days, guys would prefer Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone or Kareena Kapoor but for me Karishma has been my favorite celebrity from the very beginning.

Monica Varma

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Kareena Kapoor Thumbnail

Kareena Kapoor

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Katrina Kaif

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Sanjeev Kapoor

Deepika Padukone Thumbnail

Deepika Padukone

Prasad Barve Thumbnail

Prasad Barve

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Mrs. Pammi Pyarelal

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Comments (1)

What's up with India-Forums and food? Anyways I love you a lot Deepika Padukone

10 years ago

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